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Entries and Past Performances TIJUANA ■ SUNDAY, APRIL 8 WEATHER CLEAR: TRACK FAST. The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of esrli horse at the distance since January 1, 1921, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track cenditions. Racing smarts at 1:5T p. m. Chicago time 3:.15. ® Superior mud runner. X Good mud runner. -I- Fair mud runner. M Maidens. *Apprentice allowance, b Blinkers. First Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse i0O. 3 year-old* and upward. Claiming. Track record: March 10, 1923-1:42—6—118. Todays Ind. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 69095" •Bills Luck 101 1:46V, 4 MMX12S 690953 Orleans Girl Ill 1 :4fi-f, • 108x720 69093- Yorkshire Maid ... 99 l:4S*r. 4 104. .71.". 69025 Gen. Byng Ill lstMl I llSXTIS 690S6 •Meerless One 10*1:44--, S 110X715 68823 Gadling 112 1:48-, • llftXTM 69095 • Dal wood 107 1:48/5 S 110x710 69054 Regular Girl M.. 3 9O..70.. 69065 Work 109 1:46 % S110x70."i 67097 »Le Dinosaure 9 113x70r. 69065 •bSilcx II 11.1 1:48 Vf. • 110x700 69064 Gold Flush 109 1:48S» 7 110.700 69079 *Tag Day M 1031:49s 4110x700 68973 Dora 98 1:40%* 5 113X700 Second Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Furse 00. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: March 10, 1923 l:42-£— 6— 118. 69085 •bClip 112 1:43 7 110X725 69079 Mae Retli M 3 94.. 720 69065-*h.John Arbor 102 1:45% 5 110x715 69026- *Fizer 112 1:44 9 113X715 69064 Sir John Vergne...H3 1:46% 7 114. .711 69081 Mr. Kruter 105 1:47 7 110. .710 69065 bLorena Moss 7 113X710 68973 Seven Seas 93 1:48% 5 1M..TO3 69026 Kmelda 100 1:471and 11113X705 69049 Tempy Duncan ... 12 108X700 69081 Charlott.i SmithM 4 109x700 68585 •Hanovers Topaz... 115 1:47% 8 110X700 69065 bCobrita 110 1:46% 8 113X700 Third Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 0O. 3-year-olds and upward. CI. liming. Track record: March 10, 1923-1:42% — 0-118. 69065 Modiste MB 1:47% 6 106X725 69066 •hCamaano 110 1:45% 8 108. .720 69110 *Lariat 112 1:47% 7 108x715 69113 Lavaga 97 I 111x715 68628 Monlona 117 1:46% 6 113x715 69110 Little Gink 108 1:45-. 10 113x715 69055» I.Midian Ill 1:4715 ■ 113*710 69917 •SUvcr Maid I 87x705 68988 Iretender 110U:47% 10 113X705 68754 Ithymer KB 1:45 9 113x700 69064 blom Roach 5 113x700 Fourth Race — 1 Mile. Purse 00. 3 -year-olds and upward. Claiming. Trick record: June 17, 1910—1:38—3—95. 690511 liTwronce Manning. 4 111.. 725 69024J Annettes Sister ..1111:43% 5 109. .720 69C79- Dissolute M 108 1:41% 4 107. .715 69099- Peace Flag 89 1:43 3 104x715 69024 Mrs. Pat 80 1:45% 4 100.. 715 69051- Woolday 96 1:43% SMB. .718 69080 Forest M 5 104X710 68972 Contriot M 113 1:43% 5 114.. 705 69061 Santhia MS 1:43% 5 108.. 705 69C4S .Marii.n Fluke 104 1:45 5 104. .705 68929 *!y Sailor 98 1:48 3 99x705 69007 Lichen 3 89x700 Fifth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Turse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. T.ack record: March 10, 1923 -1 :42%— 6—118. 69031-l Walter Dant 115 1:45% R 108. .725 G9026 York Lassie 106 1:45% S 106X720 C5084 bllackamore 115 1:45% 6 108x715 69113 I.Goorge Muehlebaeh.lOS 1 :4!% 7 113X715 68918 Teo Breckenridge. .110 1:45% 7 111.. 715 69050- Jerry MB 147% M 113x715 69018" Olympiad 103 1:54m 4 104x710 69031 IXharley Boy 112 1 45 5 B 108x710 68979 bTom Broaks 1111:44% 7 113x710 69066 Miss Jane M 1:47% 3 92. .705 69111- Car 113 1:47% 6 108x700 Sixth Race — 2 Miles. Third Running Tijuana Cup. ,000 Added. All Ages. Track record: April 17, 1921— 3:28%— 5— 107. G8931 bSunnyland 112 3:30% S 103X750 6SO30 bBuckhorn II 6 107X745 69114 Be Frank 7 1 20X "15 6S020 Mvrewer S 105X 745 GS068 bOld Faithful 5 103X745 690273 Louis 6 95.. 745 6903C3 bPrince Direct 7 99x740 C3114 bllalu 5 104X740 68931 Lighter 4 102.. 740 690683 John Paul Jones... 5 107. .740 69085 bltonen 1013:30% 7 99X735 69068 bReotland Yet 5 90. .730 69030 Wedding Prince ... 4 90X725 Seventh Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Iurse .000. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Track record: Ftb 25, 1923-1:05—8—122. 68948 Abadane 122 1:05 8 12S 750 68948 Dolores 1061:05% 4 112x745 69028 Doctor Corbet t ...105 1:06% l 105x745 69019 Harry D 101 1 :01 % 9 100x740 68931 bSunnvland MS 1:06% 8 105x740 690523 Wild Heather 116 1:08% 5 103.. 735 Eighth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: March 11, 1923— 1:44%— 3— 116. 690533 Scraps M 3 94 . . 725 68978» Pen well 106 1:44% 5 103.720 69070 Sample 97 1:45% 4 101x715 69117 Nancy Winet 3 89. .710 69035 Kalhcriue Rankin. SB 1:46% 7 103.710 690933 Flea 109 1:48% 5 103x705 69030 Wedding Prince ..110 1:49% 4 101x700 Ninth Race — 1 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Handicap. Track record: June 17, 1916—1:38—3—95. 69052 JACK BAI ER 106.. 725 68712 Beverwyck 96 1:44% 96.715 68990 Doubtful 98 1:40% 114X715 69114 Van Patrick 110 1:41% 106X715 69117 Pud 90X710 69114 Reap 108x710 68649 Yirginius M 105 1:42% SB.. 705 63989 Tule 110 1:42% 96. .700 Tenth Race — 1 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track lecord: June 17, 1916 — 1:38 — 3-95. CS0843 bit 100 1 43% 4 109 71.5 69066- bMay Maulshy 8 107. 720 6E036 bHarrigans Heir. . .1ST 1:41% S 113x715 G9097 Tah.oid 4 107X715 6906S bTutt 100 1:42% 5 107X715 69084 Kirkwood 107 1:42% 5 107.. 715 69064 liMistake 110 1:42% 7 113x710 69082 Missouri Boy 5 107. .705 6897E a in-ion MB 1:43% 6 111x705 69111 Candorosa 108 1:45% 4 109. .700 69016 Pokey B 113 1:45% 7 107x700 69111 Black Pat 113 1:43% 5 113. .700 69110* CaunonbuU 116 1:44% 5 116x700