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JOE BRAND 301 WEST 58TH ST., NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. An introduction is hardly necessary as all followers of the turf know me. Last fall I sent out 27 winners in 35 days. Some record. Looks like I will even better last yeors mark from the way I started at Bowie. Yesterday my followers received: REPARATION 2.40- WONj Friday my followers received: FLYING DEVIL . .90- WON, Thursday My Followers Received: TIDINGS 6.50-?2 WON Wednesday my followers received: ASHLAND 6.00-.80- 2nd Tuesday my followers received: EULALIA .90- WONj Monday my followers received: BYGONE DAYS 4.00- WON MONDAYS HOUSE WILL BE ANOTHER H IM. ME It. Should pay at least 10 to 1. Start with me today and be convinced. TERMS: 0 DAILY; 0 WEEKLY Wire subscription by Western Union. Send your street address. I BOWIE GETAWAY SPECIAL I am expecting something good next Saturday. This should pay a good price. Usually have two or three good plays each week. Things look very bright for all Maryland meetings. A trial should convince you. Results count. I want to hear from honest people only who will pay me the winnings of a 0 straight play after you collect. All business with home office. Write quick for code and free particulars. L. WILSON BOX 133 Dayton. Ohio , ! ! 32 RACING SYSTEMS THE CRESCENT MANUAL, a classified collection of thirty-two racing systems, contains systems that have sold at to 50 each : also New Ideas and Parlay Plays. Originally compiled to sell at : while thj-y last, per copy. Satisfaction assured. RESCENT COMMISSION CO. WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE :: :: OHIO Fannie Bean. .70-. won; Setting Sun. .40-. won: Reparation, 2.40- won. Three that won yesterday given in our latest book. Nothing to equal the Standard. 35c at all newsstands. Mailed direct 3 copies . Mondays Form Special: No. 510 Book No. 830. Standard Turf Guide. Chicago. 111. i ■ I ! Annual Racing Form for 1922 On Sale Is Now DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 141 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. .74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. Y. WONDERFUL WINNING SYSTEM A cool, conservative method wherein sucless is assured. Can be played at or away from the track, with large or small capital It gives a few select plays each week that nearly all win. Won big money en a straight flat play. This marvelous method stands out like a Man o War.. It is far ruper.o.-. Stood the acid test with wonderful success for six years. My system gives many long-priced wieners. John S. Reanlon 3.80 Moody 5.30 Sister Susie 2.20 Setting Snn 1.20 The Peruvian 7.10 Peter Pierson 2.60 Hundreds of testimonials from satisfied clients showing proof of what my system is doing sent you FREE. STOP LOSING AND START WINNING RIGHT AWAY. Those with honest intentions can get my system on easy terms. Small payment down, balance as yen win. S?nd yoi:r name and address. I will send you ab-olutely FREE OF CHARGE a review of the best known Racinj Syrtems published and facts re»ardirg systems thit will open your eyes. Write at once. WATSON CORNELL 341 WEST 45TH STREET, NEW YORK CITY CENTRAL HANDICAPPER 50 cents daily. At all Principal Dealers. Saturday we advised : OlR BIRTHDAY S7.S9 WON COPPER DEMON .40- WON FRIDAY FOUR WINNERS. MLNDF.R 6.30- WON was or.e our followers cleaned up on FRIDAY. Also the pariay won. TOMORROW MOMIAV BIO I.O.Nt; SHOT Here is one that comes from tho most reliable r.ource. Will be the best th ng cf the meeting. For sale today Sunday. Also our .00 OCCASIONAL r KF.F.. Just to advertise, with every Central Handicapper you will get MONDAYS OCCASIONAL FREE. Also a BIG 20-1 PARLAY. All for 50 cents. Go to your dealer right now and ask for CENTRAL HANDICAPPER 50 Ccntr.. Mailed two weeks, . Remit to CENTRAL PPBLISHINO COMPANY £5 S. Dearborn Street, :: CHICAGO. ILL. ST. LOUIS — Wm. Laser. 705 Mcrkct St. LOUISVILLE— Eiler and Goodman, 227 4th Ave. 4 — WINNERS — 4 BY OVERNIGHT MAIL Our mail specials for tho week Saturday, March ! Cist, to Friday, April 6th. inclusive, gave 4 winners, 1 second and 1 loser. Send and have us mail them to you overnight daily for two weeks. GALLOPS 219 S. DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO, ILL. FIVE WINNERS Three Seconds and One Third out of last NINE on our BEST BETS. GET SHEET ON SALE TODAY FOR MONDAYS TWO LIVE ONES. 60 cenU— DAILY AT ALL NEWSSTANDS— 50 cents Mailed direct 1 week. .00: 2 weeks. .00 NATIONAL 0. K. PUBLISHING CO.. 411 Baltimore Building. CHICAGO, ILL. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM