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I At-U DA PIT J ,_- lrnrlnn;s. Old Virsinia Parse. .-year-olds. Allowances, fill llHl/L ov, D, 1D17 1:1! 1-3 1 11::. ORAN. b. g-. 3 111 By Voorhees — Corinna, by Sheen. XTrainer, M. Brady. Owner, J. E. Davis. Breeder, A. B. Spreckels. 69041 Bowie :. f 1 :07*t,f ast 7J 116 111= lj S Mcline 12 BosaVeta, St.I/rence, Windieo 66834 Bowie ah f 1 :08 fast 43f 11111 11 Itll** H Stutts 12 KeHome. Noel. D.E.OSulIivan 66701 Pimlico 5i f 1:07 fast 144! 115 9 8 75 7" J Pierce 9 Lis. Dearie. El Dorado. U.llomc 66637 Pimlico ii-4 l:13%f;:st 15f 106j Left at post. E Barnes 13 Felicifus, IjidyMyra. Ilnmestch 65519 Aqueduct 2-4 l.!2*»fast 60 112 Left at post. J Pierce 11 Tuxedo. Spread Eae.c, Contour ! 65385 Aqueduct .r,-S 7*fast 60 115 12 11 11 ll18 J Pierce 13 Osprey. Rigel, Purny 65094 Belmont 5J f st LO.iV.fust 60 110 11 Wheeled. G W Carllll Bluemont, Picketer, Rigel 64882 Belmt 51 f MC l:06slow CO 1?5 9 9 9 935 A Collins 9 Amor Patriae. Runviso, Rigel FLYING DEVIL, b. c. S 108 By Wrack— Sanci. by Eolui. Trainer, J. Kearns. Owner, S. Gooch. Breeder. A B. Hancock. C9089 Bowie 3-4 1 15slow 21 106 3 2 9 V A Abel 7 Hillliouse. Al Stebler, Islie 68406 Jefferson 51 f 1 :08 fast 8 10315 4 41 l: H Thomas S Raffles, Elizab.Itean, Fernandos 68133 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15%slow 6 115 4 6 6" 42 J Crcoranl2 Itiipee. Tender Seth, Radiant 67815 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15*Ahvy 5 107 5 4 45 U J Merimee 13 Old Top, Wrangler, Kinsman G7604 F.Grnds lm70y 1 :46=ifast 12-5 104 7 5 61 61 G Mein 11 Irish Pat, Ghost, Slanderer G7458 F.Grnds 3-4 1 :!«%hvy 8 107 7 4 4- 3s G Mein 7 Macbeth, Rork, Islie 67363 Jefferson 5-8 l:01 4fast 6 113 2 2 21 l» W Fronk 12 Glabella. Sweet Mama, Ghost ; DICES DAUGHTER, ch. f. 3 103 By Dick Finnell— Matchette, by Matchmaker. Trainer, C. A. Applegate. Owner, C. A. Applegate. Breeder, T. Piatt. 69087 Bowie 3-4 l:17%mud 4 110 6 4 2i 2» G Babin 8 FaitliW., Whrburton, E.Sawyer 68227 Jefferson i| f 1:08 fast 10 102 5 7 7 7=* J McCoy 7 BetterTimes, Eliz.Bean, Contour 66541 Empire 51 f 1 :07%fast 5 107 1 1 1" P« G Babii 4 B.andGold, B.Leiehlon. DtiftwM 66371 Empire 5J f 1 :07%fast 5 109 8 8 7J 67i G Babin 11 Raffles, Bl. Friday, S.Goldman. 65943 Jamaica 51 f l:06%fast 8 104 1 1 11 21 J Meoy 9 Lady Inez, Rork. Diamond Dick | 65802 Jamaica 5* f 1 06Sfast 10 110 6 2 21 23 E Martz 9 AllieOehs. Homesfch, Avalanche 65641 Aqueduct 3-4 1 :15 -sfast 41 109 2 2 2 431 E Kummer 7 PoorSport, Adventuress, Bonfire ! WINDIGO. br. f. 3 103 By Dalhousie— Fancy Dress, by Ben Brush. Trainer. A. G. Weston. Owner, T. Clyde. Breeder. T. Clyde. 69088 Bowie 7-8 1 :31«*mud 3-5 101 1 1 1« 1« A Abel 7 Nebish, Buddugie, Jocose C9041 Bowie 51 f 1 :07Sfast 33-10 111 9 5 55 4»i A Allen 12 Oran. Rosa Yeta, St. Iiwrenee ; 66632 Pimlico 51 f 1 :07a5fast 40 112 8 8 4"« 8» A Allen 12 PowWow, RedWreath, Mer Land! 66590 Pimlico 3-4 1.13fast 23 112 5 8 6 IV* A Allen 12 Athstone. RkBottom. T.Mintes j 66039 laurel 51 f 1:09 slop 9 103 6 G 6» 4»J B Marielli S Hernia, MabelK., WinrTakeAll 45768 Laurel 51 f 1 MJIflMt 9 115 1 3 3s 4i J Butwell 8 Transom. Sun nesr. Insulat* H546 Pimlico 12 49Vislow 11-5 112 3 4 4» 41 A Allen 7 TallTiniber, Catapult, Jolly LITTLE SMOKE, b. c, 3 108 By Sweep — Polygon, by Polymelus. Trainer. G. Boyle. Owner. W. H. Chambers. Breeder. W. R. Coe. 69035 Bowie ■ f l:07fast 43 104 7 7 7 7= E Beach 7 Gen.Ttcher. Sog.Aroon. T. Clown 68580 Havana 5! f lOGVsfast 8 111 4 1 l"t 2J E Beach 7 Wida, Faithful, Pindential 67780 Havana 51 f l:07Vsfast 12 106 6 5 53 4« ■ Beach 7 Mar.Waie. Turbult. Hav.KItric 67654 Havana 3-1 l:!21ifa8t 12 96 3 6 6 5« E Beach 7 Erie*., Turbulent, MargatWan? 67349 Havana 3-4 l:17hvy 21 US 3 2 2» l1 J Callahan I Winnipeg. Anr.edee, Chile 67293 Havana 3-4 l:14%good 21 94 5 4 3» 4=1 J Callahan .". Marionte, Bl.Hawk, G7234 Havana 5J f 1:11 mud 14f 102 7 5 7" 6IJ J CallahanlO B Hawk. L.Marciia. Mar.Waie TEESSALY. br. f. 3 103 By Plaudit— Fair Atalanta. by Knight of the Thistle. Trainer, M. J. Murphy. Owner, S. Louis. Breeder. Xalapa Farm. 68227 Jeff.-rson 51 f 1 :08 fast 8 M 6 6 6= 66 II Thomas 7 BetterTimes, IMiz.Bean. Contour 68026 F.Grnds 3-4 1 :14tfast 12 102 3 S 1- V* H Thomas 9, Anymous. M. Chilton 67964 F.Grnds 3-4 6 99 1 1 1" 44 H Thomasl2 Admirer. Chiva. Major Chilton 67809 F.Grnds 3-4 Ll-C.fcmud 12 101 5 2 3" 4*1 II Thomas I Sh.-uniock. Macbeth. Rork 67090 Jefferson I 4 l.lohvy 6 105 3 2 21 53 H Thomas S Stump Jr.. Supcrluim, Vennie 66857 Bowie 7-S 1 :2Sifast 29 103 2 6 6 V* G Mein 9 Kin-Sol. sSeal, Fclside. L.Myra i 66815 Bowie 3-4 1:11 fast 57 102 10 11 10= 10* H Thomasll Best I»ve, Fly by Day, Kelside | 66072 Laurel 3 4 l:l«r.hvy 10 105 4 4 and " V* E Smvvod 7 X.Hpshire, CtBmptor, Wdland 66005 Laurel 51 f 1:08 fast 11 115 4 5 6 6»1 J Rowan ■ Heeltaps, Valador, Crochet 65576 H.deGce 51 f l:0S%fast 14 100 3 2 31 5*1 G Mein 8 Vigil, Daniel, Dunlin 65396 H.deGce 51 f 1:07 fast 10 102 3 4 5 CU H Thomas 7 SeMThghts. McKna, WellfMer j SOGGARTH AFOON. b. c, 3 113 By Bard of Hope — Running Vise, by Transvaal. iTriiner. G. E. Hall. Owner, G. E. Hall. Breeder, P. M. Walker. 4:9035 Bowie r,J f l:073sfast Yi l"hl 2 2 2 2"! C Lang 7 Gen. Thatcher, TT.eClown, Venule 66800 Bowie 61 f 1 :20~fast 73f 104 11 11 121 9,s F Weiner 14 Gen. Thatcher. Osprey, Vigil 66653 Pimlico 3-4 1 :12ifast 37 117 7 6 6s 6*3 C Kummer 8 Pow Wo. v. Pettifoeger. Wliirlnd j 66609 Pimlico 3-4 l:ll=4fast 46 113 I 6 6s V E Sande 7 Dunlin, Little Celt, Bluemont 66189 Laurel 5Jfi:09 fast 15 110 7 7 6= 6« J Callahan 7 Heeltaps, arol. Sweetheart ROSA YETA. ch. f. 3 M 103 By Sandbar— Hannah Louise, by Yellow Tail. Trainer. M. Smart. Owner, S. Ross. Breeder. Oak Hill Farm. 69011 i:.,wie 5|fl4V%teat 9 112 5 4 4 2JB Parke 12 Gran. St. Lawrence. Windigo 66869 Bowie 3-4 1:14 fast 28 111 « 4 5; SHE Martz 13 K.Charmg, SMayliest, Quarrel! 66282 Laurel 1-4 l:1l%flt 5 112 4 4 4» 2:J B Parke • Sog.Aroon. TeuMinutes, Kthood 66201 I.iurel 51 f 1 :07"tfast 3 115 5 I 2« 2T B Parke ■ Segovia, Crugio, Insulate 64017 Saratoga 5 8 1:02 slop 60 107 14 17 174 1757 B Parke 18 Sequel. Tassel. Sua Doll SPEEDY GIRL, ch. f. 2 103 By Marathon— Smirk, by Olympian. Trainer. H. G. Bedwell. Owner. Kenton Stable. Breeder, J. K. L. Ross. 66223 Laurel .= i f l3M%foat M 106 7 7 7 7"3 W Martin 7 Moonraker. GoldenRule. Comixa I MM Kworth 51 f 1:08 fast 13-10 109 1 1 li l=i .1 McTagt I Kau Gallic. Little Andy. * Sliue j 65495 Woodno 51 f 1 :08 fast 14 105 6 7 7 Gs C Lang 7H.s.Iewel. Iliiicinatn, Maypole I 65400 Woo.lne 3-4 3f 109 10 11 Ki« 1 »14 T Nolan 12 Blue Stone. Blossoms, Iptown I 64981 Th n-iitfe 51 f l:074,fast 66 95 4 1 li 31 J Thomas 10 Tycoon. Kirk Lady, Old Top WILKES-BARRE. ch. c, 3 113 By Ballot— Triad, by Star Shoot. Trainer. J. Boden. Owner, Triple Springs Firml. Breeder, J. W, PirriFh. 66871 Bowie 3-1 1 llfast 14 114 8 9 41 6i T Rice 11 RpgHouie. FortLore. aladm 66720 Pimlico 11:40 fast 9 105 6 6 6 5i I, McAfee 7 BovsBve.Me. Sc. Bugler. BlLove S4M7S Pimlico 3-1 l:U*fcfeat 11 10 101 1 1 1 1» F Weiner 9 Pay Dear. Homestretcii, Futen 66654 Pimlico 3 4 1 :12-F, M 112 8 S C" 63 F Weiner 9 Uadfly. Crochet. S.arlet Buglet 66622 1imlieo 3-1 112,, 192 105 10 10 10* 7«1 F Weiner 11 Bloss. Time. Rigel. Whirlwind j 66520 Laurel 3-4 1:15 fast 3110 115 3 3 21 31 J Callahan 5 S. Bugler. Pettifogger, WMflowt 62864 AciU.-duet 5-8 1:00 good 50 115 5 12 12- 12* W Lion. GoldenRule. Mad,.: i ST. LAWRENCE, br. c. 3 M 108 By Rapid Water— Mettie Bareaud. bv Jean Bereaud. Trainer J. H. Stotler. Owner J. H. Stotler. Breeder, G. W. J. Bissell. 69011 Bowie a| f 1 :07Jr,fast 21 116 4 2 2- r|C I-ang 12 Han. Rosa Yeta. Windigo 66102 l_»ur. 1 H f 1 19good 13 115 6 ■ 4 4" B Mari.lli I Nad Felicitous, Old Timer 65815 Laurel f l f 1 :07 fast 36 115 2 7 7* 1*1 C Kummer 9 Bel leiTnnes. M.xjnraker, MvOwn 6.i6»7 Hl. ;.e 3-4 1 14 fast 27 115 6 3 31 45 C Kummer 9 Luniinisl, Valador. BetterTimes 65440 H leGce 5i f 1:08 fast 28 104 7 8 10 10"i R MdrnnlO Blue Peter. Rialto, Sun Doll 63772 K wnrtll 5-8 1 :00»5fast 26 115 7 7 7« 6 ; J McTagt S Canm.ire. furlaud, ly oou 63081 I evshire I" t iTllHfl 8 112 2 6 5 5«i D Stirling 12 Wrangle, Rustetu, Radiant SANTLEY. ch. c. 3 ■ 103 By Star Shoot— A-ite!la, by Planudes. Trainer. K. Spence. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. Breeder, J. E. Madden. f9041 Bowie 1 1 1 :07Vast 11 116 i 3 31 j" H I.unfd 12 Oran. Rosa Yeta. St. Lawrence ! 61888 Chun hill i| f 1 :06Sfast 23-H 105 2 5 -51 5» W Pool • Miss Ceiini. Syiunathy. Delusiv. , 64652 Churchill 5-- lJHWMl 1 115 10 11 8 EJ W Pool 14 Who Knows Mc. Cash, Kenceliw: THE SAGE. br. c. 3 M 103 By George Smith — Chapala, by Sir Dixon. Trainer, K. Spcnce. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. Breeder. C. Clay. First starL