untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1923-10-07


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Saturday Special WON Another very promising proposition Tujp-day. Do you reullzo tho ndvuntago of robing information from n well-known liomcmnn of integrity and thirty youra cxpcricnco? Hcf-crence, anybcnly familiar with tho lurf from const to const. When winter comes Tijuana. Wiro name at onco. Joe McCarty Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Jack Howard Gibson Hotel CINCINNATI, OHIO I havo handled three propositions at tho present Latonia meeting. They were: Col. Gilmore ...0.10- Won Frank Gailor 2- Won Marine Corps ....50- Won and my big Thursdays advertised special, which was filed with this paper hours in advanco of the race, Amanda 4.60 Won During the last Latonia meeting- I handled only nine propositions. Seven won and paid good prices. One ran second and one was unplaced. I do not advertise a play every day, as I only operate when I have reasons to believe tho horse advised is being sent for the money and is liked by the wise ones. One of the safest propositions I have known this year goes for the money Monday. Do not be sorry after you see the price on this one. Get in now and get winter coal money. I am watching them every day and know when they are keyed up. I only operate at Kentucky tracks. TERMS: 0 IN ADVANCE LATONIA XXX- SPECIAL -XXX Can you receive a WIRE on a REAI, GOOD THING- at 1 p. m. day of the race? This HORSE goes Wednesday, Oct. 10, and the CONNECTIONS are going to BET. My reason for not sending out this INFORMATION until day of the race by WIRE is: I want to be sure that track conditions, etc., are O. K. My proposition is Send me the winnings of a STRAIGHT BET by wire day after the race is run. WIRE at once CORRECT NAME and ADDRESS so as to be sure your name will reach me in time for service on this BIG SPECIAL. F. HA YNES 18 WEST 8th ST. CINCINNATI, OniO FREE ! ! FREE ! ! KITTY WIXLIAMS WON CENTIMETER WON TOM HARE JR. Ent WON GREEN GOLD WON HALLUCINATION WON ATHANNA WON HERALD WON Two xoconds, ono third, ono losor aro positively tho only starters wo ovor sont out on our FREE Saturday specials. On SATURDAY, OCT. 13th. nt LntonU wo oxpoct TWO EXTRA GOOD ONES and Just to convlnco you that our Saturday spocials aro worth whllo wo will wiro thoso two ABSOLUTELY FREE to all who send us hy Friday, October 12, for six woohs subscription to Gallops WooUly and Gallops ONE HE8T and rARLAY liy mall for six Mondays. Just sond and say "for your special offer and froo Haturday Hpoolal wiro for Oatulior 13th," llo suro and rIvo your name and address plainly niiil dont fortrot the day theno two no, NEXT SATURDAY OOTOIIEK 13T1I. Hush Your Subscription. GALLOPS Sit Houlli Dcnrboni Street Chicago, 111. LATONIA KACES COL, J. J. SCH REINER AMERICAS 1llKMIEH ObOOKEU Thirty Yeain Experience n 1iatiier-Otooker. TOU CAN EMlbOY ME TO WORK tfOR YOU IR FOR AN TEN DAYS HUSH YOUJt HUlltttmilTlON DONT FAIL TO SEND YOUR AttDUESS ffum Mo Yolt 0l Track Ooiiditiens and Nu Bciftlelied ItoiseSt but Fit llotses, if iitiiii tlielibi Wilt totioli for my iitiimUnm Btltlepfl lit ltlliitk tfntihs; IoiiMiit n jipiiiriisl t the dam, I rie fw tf 10 hoOCf tliillj- ill 11 OtlOtk. lYlttiftilih ltiUl iliW Or ieiilll by eiliftfts cidfr i!t ltlli; fopwsitiOBs Not lullandiilefed. Rlilctly Unl OhW, MftKrOM FfiAlfi MUTUAL INFORMATION BUREAU No. 6 Columbu Clrclo New York City A combination of Uio bent Information In America. All hornoti on file vltb Dally Haclnir Form. Oh, rioyn; bow our cllentu cleaned up. Next 100 Special fjoen TuoHday and con-nectloim tell un tbat It will pay equally aa good a price an Batter Up 6.70- Won and will bo included In our dally wire frco to weekly clients only. Thin lioruo must win or we will Blvo all weekly cllcntis an extra C days ncrvlcc. Absolutely FREE! Yesterday, the Seventh day at Latonia: Batter Up 6.70- Won Friday Sixth Day at Latonia: Marine Corps .50- Won Thursday Fifth Day Latonia: Kindred 5.30- Won "Wednesday Fourth Day Latonia: Translate 2.50- 3rd Tuesday Third Day Latonia: Dream Maker . . ..40- Won Monday Second Day Latonia: Rambler 1 - Won Opening Day Latonia: Braedalbane ...3.10- Won Getaway Day at Lexington: Giblon 2.40- Won Tuesday, Sept. 25, Lexington: Pequot 3.70- Won Monday, Sept. 24, Lexington: Beau Butler 9.20- Won Ride With the Smart Money HATES 0.00; 0.00 FOB SIX DAYS. Remit by "Western Union Telegraph. Carl Carpenter 810 Franklin Street, BUFFALO, 3f. T. 0 WEEKLY RELIABLE "WINKING INFORMATION" ?10 FLAT PLAT MUST WIN 5203 WEEKLY OK SECOND WEEK FREE. w THE LOOT MONDAY This horse has received a special preparation to go hero and all angles havo been taken care of. NOTICE My past rocord on specials is 11 WINNERS, 4 seconds, 1 loser. START TODAY! AT ONCE! All horses filed -with Dully Racing Form. Wir your subscription by Westarn Union. NO PROPOSITIONS. Pay From Your Profits Tlie Master ICoy System of playing tlie races will lc mailed you for ono weeks trial. No charge unless It shows an average profit ot nt least 0 a day on the M scale ot play. FOR PARTICULARS mall this nil, with your tmmc ami address, to J. K. WILLIS 943 WlmUor St. Cincinnati, O. IHP Superior Advance Information Filed With This 1-Aper Day llefow. CODK FOR MONDAY: Strictly eonfltlentlal no. wire, lluy ymwr form ami Ret our HEAL Inside Information. Wrlto fvr pnrtlcuUrn. rr. IMtANK J. M AiniKX, Mfjr. 40? Clinton SL, lUvoUlyn, N W If ynt wnnt n LINK on UOHftKS wt U LKADtNO TltAOKll tt wi fale ti.iw, tvnls at all newwtnntR Mnlled dU-eot 8 We ft. MvJtAV3 FORK HLKOtALt No, 402, ?ceK No. JSC 8TANDAKU TUltr tlUlMK 403, 89 V tlnlncy tit., t3Wo4v, U The American Racing Manual - ov 1923 now on sale oMLV HACiNe PouNTTuuusmNe ctK 441 FfcXROUTK 0R1 M CrtieAft t4 MXOhAlittfe BFHfefcF U flrFAliOv Nt Y4

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923100701/drf1923100701_13_1
Local Identifier: drf1923100701_13_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800