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WHAT DO CLIENTS SAY ABOUT THE SUPER - SAFE O FOUR-PLAN METHOD i Not merely OXE system or method, but a set ot FOUR systems. Yon play only one system at a time the right system at the right time. Yon need only nominal capital to start. I wire you the system play every night for the next days races. Ill let my clients write most of this ad. What they say is of vital importance, because they KNOW the results. Following are excerpts from UNSOLICITED letters written by my clients. Originals of these letters, with envelopes attached, are on file in my office. They were shown to this PUBLICATION before this ad was inserted. MANY OTHER LETTERS, equally enthusiastic, can be seen at my office any day anyone interested. FROM LETTER NO. 1 THIS CLIENT ALMOST BROKE HIS BOOKIE "I wired you 0, -which, according: to my figures, is commission duo on first two days play of your system. The success thus far is far beyond my expectations and anything- that I ever dreamed of. I ras unable to collect until fht morning, as my book was caught short." . FROM LETTER NO. 2 THIS CLIENT GOT THE THRILL OF HIS LIFE "I find it almost impossible to tell you that you gave me the greatest surprise and biggest thrill cf my life when Larchmont won Wednesday. The magnificent price of 5.80 was almost unbelievable." FROM LETTER NO. 3 "On the 20th I wired you 8. I won 60. If this is not correct let me know and I will rectify it." Note: It was not correct, but clients error was unintentional. FROM LETTER NO. 4 "Am enclosing 0 to cover commission due on your system. Am satisfied that ycu have the right stuff." FROM LETTER NO. 5 HES NOW FLAYING WITH THE BOOKS MONEY "Find enclosed money order for 0 and statement for five days. I won 49.80 in five days. I was a little afraid at first that my capital was too small, but can now play with the bookies money." FROM LETTER NO. G "Well pleased with your information. The bookmakers are beginning- to wonder where I am getting my information." FROM LETTER NO. 7 "Am enclosing check for 0 commission. This has given me a new start. Trusting that you may continue your phenomenal success, I remain." Clients pay a commission of 0 out of each 0 net profit made on the smallest scale of play, after deducting cost of wires. The daily play of the Super-Safe Four-Plan Method, just as wired to clients, is filed with this paper every day. I suggest that you write .at once for ..details regarding, .the Super-Safe Method. Post cards not answered. But it will cost you only two cents to learn why my clients are writing and wiring congratulations. GEORGE E. STEWART 323 REAPER BLOCK CHICAGO, ILL. THE SPORTING EDITOR DAILY SERVICE DAILY- ONE HORSE ONLY -0 VEEEY BUSH NOW TO THE NEAREST TELEGRAPH 0EFICE AND WISE for TODAYS GUARANTEED WINNER ! Todays horse MUST WIN or you get NEXT SIX DAYS SERVICE EREE! Hows that for a proposition ? We are doing this to show how mnch we think of this ones chances of WINNING. WIRE and your correct address to The Sporting Editor 35 South Dearborn St., Room 700, Chicago, 111. , . I THE MIRACLE SYSTEM H JLj Fully Copyrighted and Protected. jLj Sri How Did Columbus Discover America ? fflrl Tsgf FACTO GRAM NO. 1251 Mlatf vSjyirMj Columtms was not a happy-go-lucky adventurer. He was fired 5fflgjafOi fiSfrjriL by the spirit of discovery, the spirit of research. A man who en- j-j5fcL.iL jp gages in research never knows what he will discover. So it was VW with Columbus. He discovered among other things the variation of the ccmpass needle. lie opened up an entirely new continent. A Steady In- lie was the first to acquaint Europe with the strange new people. Equally Ef-come at Tracks animals and riches of the western world, lie conducted research fective "With or in on a large scale. There is a greater similarity between Columbus Winter or Handbooks voyage of discovery and Turf System research than may be Summer supposed. The man in this field who tries to discover the "why" Racing. of things is a Columbus. He substitutes facts, knowledge, for guesses and plausible theories. And, like Columbus, who observed strange deflections of the compass needle, he discovers phenomena undreamed of before. Every investigation conducted in the Statistical Department of M. P. Walter and Co. is a voyage of discovery. Where will it end? What will be disclosed? No man can tell. But day in and day out the very constitution of the matter is studied and new principles are revealed that make PROFITABLE TURF INVESTMENT an ABSOLUTE REALITY. There is enly ONE WALTER SERVICE, but there is more than one seller of a turf system. Are you interested in being enriched by new facts, a new turf knowledge? Write TODAY for a complete FREE PROSPECTUS of the Miracle System. We will send you ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT CHARGE OR OBLIGATION interesting FACTS concerning owners, trainers. Jockeys, dockers, handicappers, public selectors, tipsters, bookmakers, stable Information. C0MPRE-IIENSIVE INFORMATION relative to weight, time, class, law of average, ratings, workouts, betting stables, progression methods, system reviews and much other enlightening and valuable information and pointers. Its Just the sort of a work you have wished for a detailed and absolutely comprehensive volume, written in common sense, casy-to-understand style. It is yours for the asking. ALL INQUIRIES TREATED IN ABSOLUTE AND IMPLICIT CONFIDENCE. I - . I M. P. WALTER and CO. U. 8 8. A. FlvrTA1tfTl ENGLAND CUBA The Organization of Research Service. MEXICO CANADA s. E. ARTHUR, Public Relations Mgr. AUSTRALIA I Private Lock Ilox 40F : : Towson, 3Id. I j SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM Do You Want Latonia GOOD THINGS? TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9th I again expect to demonstrate that there Is some REAL INFORMATION to be had at Latonia. This particular horse while he is considered erratic and inconsistent by some people was never better In his career and Is now running kindly as well as sensationally In his morning trials. I am both sincere and honest when I say ! think he Is the SAFEST BET that has gone to the post in Kentucky this year. I am so certain of the result of this race that I am seeking all new clients possible to secure. Terms: The winnings of a ten dollar bet wired me the day after the horse has won. I DONT WANT a dollar of your MONEY IN ADVANCE, and I MUST MAKE YOU A WINNER before I realize a profit. I believe any man Is willing to pay for something that he has learned Is good and all I require of you Is your word that you will telegraph me the winnings of a ten doHar bet after you have won. This horse goes for the money on TUESDAY, THE 9TH, and I will have some more good things starting during the balance of the Kentucky meeting. If you want some REAL INFORMATION on Latonia races, and will keep your word after I SEND YOU THE WINNER, then wire me Immediately, agreeing to my terms, and be sure to give your correct telegraph address. JAY J. WILKINS 515 1-2 Madison Ave. Covington, Ky. Gars Chief Observer 35 Cents At All Newsstands Everywhere NEW ISSUE FOR SALE TODAY MONDAYS "GRAND FREE CODE" Latonia: Virginia- White-Rock-Rock. BATTEK TIP- . : ,. .6.70- WON Was one the Chief gave yon STRONG in last weeks booklet. CLOTJGHJORDAN 0.40- WON BATTER UP 6.70- WON . 1.J.nwei?aTOUbat,le? WII D1D? Th Chief KNEW he was READY TO ILCtAfllKr,D By a11 means rnsh risrht now and GET the EW ISSUE, only 35 cents. Then GET TODAYS "GRAND FREE CODE" at LATONIA. ANOTHER 0 FREE SPECIAL TODAY GOES AT LATONIA FOURTH RACE Under NO consideration fail to get this one. Aslc your newsdealer for Gars Daily Chief Observer Mailed Two Weeks, .00. 332 Plymouth. Court," Chicago Covington- For Sale at Gordons Pharmacy, Fourth and Scott Streets. Cincinnati Principal Newsstands. JIM REID 207 Van SIchlcn Arc, Room 17, BROOKLYN, N. Y. .00 A DAY; 0.00 "WEEKLY. WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! PIVE STRAIGHT LONG SHOTS SATURDAYS WINNER: Guest of Honor. 7.60- Won FRIDAYS WINNER: Ten Sixty 6- Won THURSDAYS "WINNER: Kindred 5.30- Won WEDNESDAYS WINNER: Lucidus 0.60- Won TUESDAYS WINNER: Escarpolette ...1.90- Won Can you beat this run of straight winning long shots? Every one on file with Daily Racing Form. I AM THE "ACTION MAN" AND I KOW "WHAT THE PLAYER "WANTS One Horse a Day and a Long One! Kentucky Information Only COME ONE COME ALL! Monday is clean-up day. I have only one hcrse Monday and it is placed, in a soft spot with a good boy to ride. Price should be 15-1 OR BETTER Consult me immediately, for I expect another BIG "WINNING WEEK, starting with a LONG SHOT Monday. SPECIAL OFFER: Six days, 0, or for each days service. "Wire money Western Union or Postal. Kindly include street address and messages will reach you earlier. WONDERFUL WINNING SYSTEM A cool, conservative method -wherein success is assured. Can be played at or away from the track with large or small capital. It gives a few select plays each "week that nearly all -win. Won his money on a straight flat play. Stcod the acid tost with WONDERFUL SUCCESS for six years. This marvelous method stands out like a Han 0 War. It is far superior. My system gives many long-priced winners. Dante 6-1 Won Belcross 6-1 Won Tho Trout ..1.70 Won Modest 3.00 Won Off Color ...4.70 Won St. Donard ..9.30 Won Escarpolette .1. SO Woa Forest Lore.. 0.20 Won Tolima 5-1 Woa Win. Oldt ...2.00 Won Hundreds of testimonials from satisfied clients showing proof of what mi system i3 doing sent you FREE. STOP LOSING AND START WINNING RIGHT AWAY. Those with honest intentions can get my system on easy terms. Small payment down, balance as you win. Send your name and address. I will send you absolutely free of charge a review of the best known racing systems published and facts regarding systems that will open your eyes. Write at once or call. "WATSON CORNELL 341 WEST 45TH STREET, NEW YORK CITY Jack Sprint : BEAT A LONG SHOT On my sheet Monday, also my one best, should pay 7-1 or better, and it only costs .00 to get these two big winners, Mr, Player. My record at Laurel: BELPHRIZONIA 0- WON JIMSON .10-52 WON SNOW MAIDEN .50- WON JOSEPH BRANT 1.70-53 WON HUMBLE .516.40-52 WON JOSEPH BRANT 7.80- 2ND GOLDEN RULE ...1.20. WON SMARTY .... ?80-52 WON My .00 Special goes Monday, October 8. And followers that cleaned up on my .00 private special: SNOW MAIDEN ....50- WON will not miss the opportunity of being in on a remarkable long shot, as I expect the odds to surpass those of my last special. The terms for this special are .00 and no propo-tlons accepted. Call at office or wire. JACK SPRINT ROOM 605 23 DUANE STREET NEW YORK CITY HARVEY AMES Earle Building Broadway at 52nd Street NEW YORK, N. Y. "Harvey Transaction" MONDAY A well prepared horse by a thoroughly capable trainer that should gallop home. TERMS: ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS Payable strictly in advance by telegraph or in person. S. I have no agents or representatives anywhere. Deal directly with this office and avoid being imposed upon. TELEPHONE CIRCLE 5790 Big Latonia Special Expecting something EXTRA GOOD next Wednes-. day. Barring accidents this horse should win at a good price. Send NO MONEY now, just remit winnings of 0 after horse wins. Write quick for this EXTRA SPECIAL and other good ones to follow; L. WILSON Box 133 Dayton, Ohio