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Scales of Weights for October c p k 9 c 2 E n o 2. -g. Age. a f f I Ore -Half Mile. Two-year-olds 107 107 107 Three-year-olds 124 124 124 Fonr-jer-oIds 126 126 120 FiTe-year-olda and cpward 126 126 126 Three -Quarters Kile. Two-year-olds ICS 108 10S Three-year-olds 126 126 12G Four-year-olds 130 130 130 FiTe-year-oIds and upward 130 130 130 One Mile. Two-year-olds 97 97 97 Three-year-oWs : 120 120 120 Fcnr-year-olca 126 126 126 FlTe-year-olds and upward 126 126 126 One and One-Quarter Miles. Two-year-old ................... 93 93 93 Three-yea r-olda 120 120 120 Foor-year-olda 126 126 128 Frre-year-ohis and cpward 126 126 120 Ose and One-Half Kilts. Three-year-old 119 119 119 Fonr-year-olda 120 126 120 FiTe-year-oIt 126 126 126 Eix-ysar-oldi aad toward 126 126 126 Two Kile. Thr-7er-c.Mj 117 117 117 Fjr-7ear-o!da 124 124 124 Prce-year-olds 124 124 124 Pfe-7ear-oIJa and upward 124 124 12-1 THE JOCKEY CJUIJ. In ract-3 of Intfcrrnsdiate lengths the -wclghta tar the shorter dfstandnctt chall be carried. 7r races exclnslvely for three-ytar-oldn or ftftrr-7ear-Gldz the -weight shall be 126 pounda, arI for two-7ear-oIda 122 pounda. Ezcept Jn handicaps and Jn races where the conditions expressly state to the contrary, fIi;es two years old shall be allowed three pounds and fillies and rnares three ywir old ttrtd tip-ward shall be allowed 6 pounda before feptTjber 1 and 7. pounda thereafter. No borse shall carry less than 3 Si pounds. "Wfttr wrfgnt shall be 23 pounds added to ttis -werlgbtfof-age. In heavy handicaps the tup -weight sball riot be less than HO pounds. 7rt all handicaps, -wiien the added money erzcwAx the tap -welgbt shall not bo Jess UiUti lit pounds, JTo geWlng tbree yenra old arid over sball b fnalified lo start In any rftco closfug and,tfP7,ty-lWo bours or inorts before the date ti rftftftiii, ext.epi in handicaps find selllfg yars. Tbi-a rtl snail ml apply to horses galded prior to Vetmar? 13, 19 J 3, atoit. tri rscs Of irilerttl!k11andti leriglbs 7?eig1itrt for tb tftottxf ttettititand sbttll 1s carried, 1r1 rY3 exfcltfsfvely for IhresBtif-Olda or foiir-yefir-oUlg ttm fi?g1it sliall lS po-ttttd kn4 lor tiro-ymf-olda t pounds, itSMept- in imxiteiipsi una in faeeg -wliers tins fiVtitfniOttii expittandly bttlte to tits tiOfl-tfki-y, fittk two yeatti oid kltkil b kiiomd tlifed ptjflitandS fiiii kiid iiisLfa thfand ytandfs old Kirf HpirMd sMU Us ttikfrfbd B pounds before September 1 and 3 pounds thereafter. No horse shall carry less than 84 pounds. Welter -weights shall be 28 pounds added to the weight-for-age. In heavy handicaps the top weight shall not be less than 140 pounds. In all handicaps, when the added money exceeds , the top weight shall not be less than 126 pounds. CAXADIA3T KACIXG ASSOCIATIONS. In races of intermediate lengths the weights for the shorter distance shall be carried. In races exclusively for three-year-olds or four-year-olds the weight shall be 12G pounds, and for two-year-olds 122 pounds. Except in handicaps and in races where tlT conditions expressly state to the contrary, fillies two years old shall be allowed three pounds and fillies and mares three years old and upward shall be allowed 5 pounds before September 1 and 3 pounds thereafter. Mare3 of all ages shall be allowed three pounds. Welter weights shall be 28 pounds added to the weight-for-age. In heavy handicaps the top weight shall not be less than 140 pounds. In all handicaps, when the added money exceeds , the top weight shall not be less than 126 pounds. CUHA-A3IEKICAX JOCKEY CLUB. In races of Intermediate lengths the weights for shorter distances shall be carried. In races exclusively for two-year-olds, 118 pounds. In races exclusively for thrcc-year-olds, 122 pounds. In races exclusively for four-jcar-old3, 12C poupds. Fillies two years old allowed three pounds. Fillies and inarea three years old and upward allowed five pounds before September 1. Fillies and marea three years old and upward allowed three pounda after September 1. TIJUATfA JOCKKY CLUII. In racea of Intermediate lengths the weights for the nhortcr dlatanco nhnll bo carried. In a race exclualvcly for two-year-olda the-velghta shall bo 118 pounda. In a race exclualvcly for threc-ycar-olda or four-year-olda the wolghta ahull bo 122 pounda. Jixcept In handlcapn and in racea whoro the weights are fixed absolutely in tho conditions, fill lea tvo years old arid goldlngo of all ages shall bo allowed threo pounda, and fillies and mares threo years old and upward Khali bo allowed flvo pounds before Huptutn her 1 and three pounds thereafter. "Welter weights shall bo 28 pounda udttud to tho wolght-forngo. Jn heavy handicaps tho lop weight ahull riot be luss than 110 pounds, NiV OitlitASH -MtHtNV.HH JWKiVH UAJ. fHt AHHIHUAVWH A ft U JlWHHHOiN VAtlttill VAllt Jn races of jnteririedlato lengths tho Weights for the shorter1 distaiieo shall bo carried. Jfl rftefl exlusiVnly for lW0-yeui0l1s If 10 Weigllff? fihnli h$ 122 polihds, in rtueti exclusively tot Uliee-yefti-otdB of four-year-olds tho weights shall ba l?ii pounds, Jil liHhdffHps, who! tho added hlOhey e deeds the top weight shall hoi be less Ufttfi J 20 bounds, tiktiefit iii JmhilkHbg ftlid Jtl raced wlleia Hits tOhdilvjim ftlnt lo the tonliaiy, nllies iiiO feiitM MA aiid hlaies UlieG VCais old ilild npwafd fehall le allowtid live jwunds Ijefofs SfepU-Mtifef i Hid lliFandi itOUilda Ihefeaflei-,