Daily Racing Form Handicaps, Daily Racing Form, 1923-10-14

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i Daily Racing Form Handicaps j 1 LATONIA Tho horses which seem best in Mondays races are: Latonia, Ky., Oct. 13, 1923. 1 J- C. Milam entry, Longridge Stable and P. Grabner and J. Koors entry, Audley Farm entry. 2 Jouctt, Sagamook, Brotherly Love. 3 BESTING TIME, Bosh, Tody. 4 Sweetheart, Miss Muffins, Pegasus. 5 Barracuda, Better Luck, Triumph. C Laveen, Glide, Mah Jong. 7 Paul G. Brown, Ten Sixty, Hoy. J. L. Dempsey. New York Handicap. 1 Gibbons, Nancy Langhorne, Devil Girl, Markiluna. 2 Brotherly Love, Ten Can, Oo La La, Marine Corps. 3 Tody, Flowershop, Redwood, Locust Leaves. 4 SWEETHEART, Pegassu, Miss Muffins, Translate. 5 Radio, Triumph, Better Luck, Lady Champ. 6 Glide, Colonel Gilmore, Mah Jong, Black Grackle. 7 Ten Sixty, Tender Seth, Sunny Ducrow, Hoy. Chfcacro Handicap. 1 San Vlncente, Gibbons, Nancy Langhorne, Markiluna. 2 Jouett, Brotherly Love, Randel,. Baigneur. 3 Miss Meise, Tody, Bosh, Ruby. 4 SWEETHEART, Translate, Pegasus, Miss Muffins. 5-Lady Champ, Triumph, Radio, Better Luclc G Colonel Gilmore, Black Grackle, Mah Jong, Pretty Mally. 7 Ten Sixty, Great Luck, Tender Seth, Romping Mary. Observers Handicap. 1 Markiluna, Gibbons, Nancy Langhorne, Program. 2 Jouett, Marine Corps, Brotherly Love, Baigneur. 3 Georgette, Bosh, Miss Meise, Tody. 4 Sweetheart, Translate, Great Jaz, Pega- sua 5 LADY CHAMP, Better Luck, Triumph, Radio. 6 Colonel Gilmore, Boots and Shoes, Black Grackle, Buck. 7 Tender Seth, Great Luck, Ten Sixty, Romping Mary. Consensu of Handicaps. 1 Gibbons, San Vlncente, Markiluna, Nancy Langhorne. 2 Jouett, Brotherly Love, Marine Corps, Baigneur. 3 Resting Time, Tody, Miss Meise, Geor gette. 4 SWEETHEART, Translate, Pegasus, Miss Muffins. 5 Lady Champ, Barracuda, Radio.. Better Luck. G Colonel Gilmore, Laveen, Glide, Mah Jong, 7 Ten Sixty, Paul G. Brown, Tender Seth Great Luck. JAMAICA The horses which seem best in Mondays races are: Jamaica, 3T. T., Oct. 13, 1923. 1 Ebony Belle, San Dimas, Hilarity. 2 CUM SAH, Ben Wood, Sir Galahad H. S Stony Point, Fabian, Comic Artist. 4 Mary Patricia, Humorette, Pandowdy. 5 Diversity, Irene Sweeney, Wildrake. 6 Bracadale, Gypsy King, Swingalong. F. J. OrtelL New York Handicap. 1 Hilarity, San Dimas, Deputy, Ebony Belle. 2 Cum Sah, Sir Galahad IL, Sweet and Pretty, Rekab. 1 3 Stony Point, Fabian, Parvenu, Feysun. 4 PANDOWDY, Humorette, Fly by Day, . Mary Patricia. 5 Super, Anterior, Diversity, Sweet and Pretty. G Bracadale, Courser, Bonaparte, Flax. Chicago Handicap. 1 San Dimas, Deputy, Hilarity, Ebony Belle. 2 Cum Sah. Sir Galahad n.. Algoa, Antilles. 3 Suncar, Fabian, Parvenu, Aragon. 4 MARY PATRICIA, Pandowdy, Fly by Day, Nantokah. 5 Super, Sweet and Pretty, Diversity, Scare Crow. 6 Swingalong, Bracadale, Courser, Dazzler. Observers Handicap. 1 Hilarity, San Dimas, Ebony Belle, First Lady Harding. 2 Cum Sah, Diversity, Antilles, Maryland Belle. 3 Suncar, Fabian, Feysun, Stony Point 4 MARY PATRICIA, Humorette, Pandowdy. Nantokah. 5 Diversity, Sweet and Pretty. Super, Kings Belle. 6 Bracadale, Swingalong, The Poet, Gypsy King. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Hilarity, Ebony Belle, San Dimas. Deputy. 2 CUM SAH, Sir Galahad IL, Antilles, Ben Wood. 3 Stony Point, Suncar, Fabian, Parvenu. 4 Mary Patricia, Pandowdy, Humorette, Fly by Day. 5 Diversity, Super, Sweet and Pretty, Irene Sweeney. 6 Bracadale, Swingalong, Courser, Gypsy King. LAUREL PARK The horses which seem best in Mondays races are : Laurel, Md., Oct. 13, 1923. 1 Elsbeth, Priscilla Ruley, Just, 2 Lollipop, The Trout, Roi Craig. 3 Blue Hawk, Leatherwood, Hidden JeweL 4 BYRON, J. S. Cosden, R. Parr and W. Stockton entry, Ebb Tide. 5 Maximac, Shuffle Along. Greentree Stable and H. P. Whitney entry. G Lady Lillian, Lady Zeus, Dan. 7 Comme Ci, Old Faithful, Bolster. T. K. Lynch. New York Handicap. 1 -Elsbeth, Priscilla Ruley, Best Beloved, Dear Maria. 2 Roi Craig, Lollipop, Briganna, Gold Foyle. 3 Last One, Cloughjordan, May Blossom, Leatherwood. 4 Byron, Quinham, Ebb Tide, Belle K. 5 SHUFFLE ALONG, Nedna, Maximac. Sun Thistle. 6 Lady Zeus, Belle Amie, Clean Gone, Lady Lillian. 7 Old Faithful, Comme Ci, Mountain Rose IL, Bolster. Chicago Handicap. 1 Memento, Tiday, Priscilla Ruley, Elsbeth. 2 Roi Craig, Lollipop, The Trout, Gold Foyle. 3 Last One, Cloughjordan, Hidden Jewel. Reprisal. 4 Dowry, Belle IC, Byron, Sligo. 5 MAXIMAC, Reparation, Shuffle Along. Nedna, 6 Clean Gone, Belle Amie, Lady Zeus, Lady . Lillian. 7 Comme Ci, Mountain Rose H., Old Faith ful, Bolster. Observers Handicap. 1 Priscilla Ruley, Tiday, Memento. Elsbeth. 2 Roi Craig. Lollipop, Beck, Dandy 3 Cloughjordan. Last One, Leatherwood, May Blossom. 4 Quinham. Byron, Belle K., Ebb Tide. 5 MAXIMAC, Reparation, Sun Thistle,! Shuffle Along. j C Belle Amie, Clean Gone, Lady Zeus, Lady Lillian. j 7 Old Faithful, Comme Ci, Day Lilly, Mountain Rose H. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Elsbeth, Memento, Priscilla Ruley, Tiday. j 2 Roi Craig, Lollipop, The Trout, Gold Foyle. 2 Last One, Blue Hawk, Cloughjordan, Leatherwood. I 4 Byron, Dowry, Quinham, Belle K. 5 MAXIMAC, Shuffle Along, Reparation, j Nedna. i 6 Lady Lillian, Lady Zeus, Clean Gone, Belle Amie. 7 Comme Ci, Old Faithful, Mountain Rose n.t Bolster. AKRON The horses which seem best in Mondays-races are: Akron, O., Oct 13, 1023. f-Lenora P., Sweet Bouquet, Virgie K. 2 MY FRIEND PAT, Laughing Eyes JL, Locarno. 3 Paula V., Armistice, American Eagle. 4 The Chamberlain, Carrie Baker, Olive James. i 5 Hooyer, Cock o the Roost. Crestwood Boy. G Chandelier, Eddie Fuller, Burgoyne. 7 Haran, Primitive, Blarney Boy. F. H. Sproule. Chicago Handicap. 1 Sweet Bouquet. Benecia, Homam, Le-nora P. 2 Shifty, Ruth Wehle, Little Pointer, Laughing Eyes II. 3 Armistice, American Eagle, Enos, Paula V. 4 PRINCESS MYRTLE, Drapery, Queen Mazonia, Miss Orb. 5 Cock o the Roost, Crestwood Boy, Royal Dick, Execution. 6 Burgoyne, Sans Peur II., Article X., My Lorraine. 7 Jacobean, Primitive, Haran, Ferrum. Observers Handicap. 1 Sweet Bouquet, LenoraP., Benecia, Obstinate. . 2 Laughing Eyes n., Shifty, Ruth Wehle, My Friend Pat, 3 ARMISTICE, American Eagle, Enos,-. Paula V. 4 Carrie Baker, Drapery, Princess Myrtle, The Chamberlain. 5 Crestwood Boy, Cock o the Roost, Violet Blue, Execution. 6 Sans Peul H., Chandelier, Burgoyne, Article X. 7 Primitive, Jacobean, Hush, Blarney Boy. Consensus of Handicaps. Sweet Bouquet, Lenora P., Benecia, Virgie K. 2 My Friend Pat, Shifty. Laughing Eyes U., Ruth Wehle. 3 ARMISTICE, Paula V.. American Eagle, Enos. 4 The Chamberlain. Princess Myrtle, Carrie Baker, Drapery. 5 Hoover, Cock o the Roost. Crestwood Boy, Execution. 6 Chandelier, Burgoyne, Sans Peur IL. Article X. 7 Haran, Jacobean. Primitive, Blarney Boy. HUNTINGTON The horses which seem best in Mondays races are: Huntington, W. Va,, Oct. 13, 1923. 1 J. C. Milam entry, Lucky Strike, Quota. 2 French Canadian, Athlete, Lucky Run. 3 Zorro, Different Eyes, Mike. 4 JOYCE HOFFMAN, Rapid Stride, Van-sylvia. 5 Topango, Full o Fun, Arctic King. 6 Overstep. Black Watch TT r; -nsir

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923101401/drf1923101401_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1923101401_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800