untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1923-10-18


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I HORSE SALE AT LATONIA The entire stable of horses in training belonging to Major T. C. McDowell will be sold in the Latonia paddock THURSDAY, October 18, 1923 at 12 oclock. The list includes ASCOT, MISTRESS MARY, PATRICIAN; ANCESTRESS, ELUSIVE, PRIVILEGE, ATTRACTIVE, CAUTIOUS, TRUE AMERICAN, EMINENT and BETTY ALDEN. For catalogues apply to J. S. WALLACE v J NO. 116 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK CITY ROOM 401 UNITED TURF NEWS SEMI-WEEKLY PBICE .00. PRICE .00. Published Every "Wednesday and Saturday. Special rate mailed, one month nine Issues, .00. Mailed as far west as Missouri so as to receive the United Turf News In tho llrst mail on "Wednesday and Saturday mornings. On sale at the following newsstands: CLEVELAND Schroeder, 214 E. Superior. DETROIT Dunns, Shelby and Michigan Ave.; Family Theater, Cadillac Square. .Xaurel Big: Code Special Today. HEELS-HEELS-CELT-SAILOR-ZEV. Yesterdays Big Lanrol Code Special: KNIGHT OF THE HEATHER .20- 2nd Daily Occasional in Kentucky: .00 DAILY; 0.00 WEEKLY Tosterdays Latonia Occasional: ERLANGER . . . .1.70- Won Tuesdays Latonia Occasional: Untried, 5.00-, Won Mondays Latonia Occasional: Marine Corps Won Saturdays Latonia Occasional: Bosh Won Another long-priced Latonia Occasional goes today. Out-of-town clients telegraph .00 for todays Occasional or 0.00 for one week, six Occasional. Occasional every day In Kentucky. "Long Shot" Brady ! ONE A DAY No. 23 Duano St., 3rd Floor, New York City, N. Y. YESTERDAYS LONG SHOT: BEAU NASH . .1.70- Won TUESDAYS LONG SHOT: UNTRIED 5.00-Won MONDAYS LONG SHOT: MARINE CORPS. 7.50- Won Long Shots a Specialty. Terms: a day; 0 a week. Mondays SPECIAL WON AT SATISFACTORY PBICE. ANOTHER PROPOSITION THURSDAY. WIRE NAME AT ONCE. joe Mccarty SARATOGA SPRINGS NEW YORK "Winner Take All, .60-, "Won, was yesterdays i Free Code Special. Get Book on Sale Now, 35c at all newsstands; mailed direct 3 copies for .00. Todays Free Code Special: April-Orange-20-17-65-88 STANDARD TURF GUIDE 3 403, 22 W. anincy St; Chicago, HI. 1 AL McGEE 0 DAILY 0 WEEKLY No. 25 West 42nd St, New York City, N. Y. Todays One Horse At laurel appears to be placed in a soft spot and my advice is to go the limit today. In fact I feel so confident that unless the price is at least lO-l TODAY I will give the next days horse absolutely free of charge to all who subscribe for todays horse. A 5.00 flat play for past nine days netted my followers about ,058.75 YESTERDAYS ONE HORSE BEAU NASH, 1.70-, WON Eight winners in nine days is my record. Wire your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. City clients call 9 a. m. to 2 p. m. J JACK LYONS ROOM 1009 1819 Broadway NEW YORK CITY All horses filed in advance with Daily Racing Form. Smart Money Horses To know when the smart money Is wagered is what brings winning results. "Wednesdays Money Horse: ERLANGER 4.40- Won Tuesdays Money Horse: DARE SAY 3.30- Won Mondays Money Horse: PROGRAM 6.10-52 Won Saturdays Money Horse Lost. Fridays Money Horse: MARKILUNA .6.90- 2nd Thursdays Money Horse: TUIiAIilP .80- Won Wednesdays Money Horse: TEN SIXTY 20- Won Tuesdays Money Horse: RIGHT OK" TIME ... ,?8.20- 2nd Mondays Money Horse: PEGASUS ..., 0.90- Won ONE A DAY AND LIVE FOREVER. Start with me today and be convinced. TERMS ?10 DAILY; 0 WEEKLY. I Advise a Weekly Subscription Wire Your Order via Western Union. i 3 1 GARS CHIEF OBSERVER S5 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS. TODAYS FREE CODES: Latonia: .Wyoming-Man-River-Boy. Laurel: Vermont-Rose. Sun-Purple. Yesterdays One Best: WHETSTONE ..9.10- Won Latonia Special: METRIC .10-0 Won And once again the CHIEF demonstrated what he CAN DO. Today 0 Free Special AT LATONIA If you want one of the BEST PREPPED THINGS of tho MEETING go and GET THIS ONE TODAY. Not a thing has teen overlooked and I got the 0. K. to go strong. Ask your newsdealer for - " GARS DAILY CHIEF OBSERVER 50 CENTS; MAILED TWO WEEKS, .00. Address 332 Plymouth Court, CHICAGO, ILL. COVINGTON FOR SALE: Gordons Pharmacy, 4th and Scott Streets. CINCINNATI FOR SALE: Ray Pierce, 5th and Vine St. Bishow, 5th and Walnut St. " Storey, 4th and Central and 6th and Walnut St. A LONG SHOT THAT I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR GOES THURSDAY This is another BIG nOWARD SPECIAL. DONT MISS IT. TERMS TEN DOLLARS. Jack Howard The Original "Sandy" Jack Howard. Room 956, Gibson Hotel, CINCINNATI, OHIO. HARVEY AMES Earle Building Broadway at 52nd Street ROOM 407-8 NEW YORK, N. Y. SPECIAL "Harvey Transaction" TODAY Another test of information that should bring a big result The chart Friday will again demonstrate why I receive the largest, fee for racing information. TERMS, 59.00, payable strictly in advance by telegraph or in person. Last weeks information was a big success in money won on "Harvey Transactions." Warning. I have no agents or representatives anywhere. Deal directly with this office and avoid being Imposed upon. TELEPHONE CIRCLE 5790 FILED IN ADVANCE WITH THIS PAPER, NATIONAL TURF NEWS Room 417, No. 101 W. 42nd St., New York City. TODAYS CODE HORSE: TIM-MACK-GEORGE-ONE-ARE. Yesterdays Code Horse: BEAU NASH 1.70- WON Tuesdays Codo Horse: WONG BOK 150- WON Mondays Code Horse: PROGRAM . 16.10-S2 WON Saturdays Code Horse: CHILIIOWEE $ 7.70-S2 WON Fridays Code Horse: BETTER LUCK 8.10- WON No telegram to wait for. All you need is our code and a copy of the Racing Form. Horse puhlished in code every day in Racing Form. Wire your subscription at once, ?5 for six days. We will mail you by special delivery our code. GOOD FOR SIX DAYS PLAY. Charles Robinson No. 1547 Broadway, Room 607, New York Charles Robinson POSTPONED Rather than incur any. unnecessary risks the scheduled start of todays horse is delayed until a better spot has been located, of which definite date and announcement will soon be made. My offer is still open. Mail or wire correct name and address. Charles Robinson Superior Advance Information "HI Filed With This Paper Day Before. THURSDAYS CODE: Daisy-TTtahBack-Help-Oak-Plot Strictly .confidential no wires. Buy your form and get our REAL inside information. Write for particulars. . . MP FRANK J. MADDEN, Mgr. 407 Clinton St. Brooklyn, N. Y. 3 WINNERS, 3 SECONDS given on yesterdays sheet. Mailca the niglit before, special delivery, in plain sealed envelope. S5.00 FOR SIX" DAYS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS .00 DAILY. NATIONAL O. K. RACING LETTER 411 Baltimore Bldg. - Chicago; HL

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923101801/drf1923101801_15_1
Local Identifier: drf1923101801_15_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800