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Latest Workouts 422 LATONIA, "Ky., Oct 17. Todays training gallops here included the following : LATONIA. Weather clear; track fast Three -Eighths Mils. 403-Calvin 33 414-Sister Flo 30 293-Flycast 30 419-Simp!eton 38 415-Lady Jane 35 417-Sympathy 33 407- Lord Wrack ..30 Half Mile. 413- Arabls 48 313-MUla 49 410-Belzonl 50 412-lresmont 49 410-Captain Mac ..49 418-IUdio 50 420-Carnarron ....49 335-RoU 49 40C-Dr. Hickman ..516 400-Sea Court 48and 1192-For 49ys 373-Saltoa 51 415-Giblon .. 50 ,319-Uncle Bert ...50 420-Uold Me 47 420-Ycra Yennio ..49 415-Midnlgbt Folllcs50 Five-Eighths Mile. 410- Annle Lyle ..1:01 415-Mikado 1:04 894-BattIe Creek 1:03 415-Moms Boy ..1:04 418- liusli Buck ..1:02 420-Marsdale 1:03 414- Corinlli ......1:03 418-M. I. Gardnerl:04 419- Dimples .....1:03 42t-Princess Noral:02 420- Fretwell ....1:00 419-rost Haste ..1:03 Frank Gailor 1:03 413-Sophia Marie 1:03 4l9-Kingsclcre ..1:01 420-Stargo 1:03 419- Kinburn ,;..1:03 412-Trust Officiall:04 4lG-Kitty Troxelll:05 421-Troutwick ...1:02 420- Lady Marian 1:03 Thrne-Quarters Mile 417-Brcechloadcr 1:10 41S-My Valet 1:15 40C-Bayuda i.i4..r:18 419-Midwcstern ..1:17 419-Big and Bleyl:18 421-Moon Lady ..1:15 415- Bafflinjr 1:18 417-New Gold ...1:15 417- Cloister 1:14 414-Nell McChord 1:15 418- Doctor Glenn 1:13 418-ricdmont ...1:18 419- Deronda 1:10 414-PIiil McCann 1:14 40G-Escarpolettc .1:17 40D-Hay Jr. . 1:18 418- Every woman 1:10 41G-Bambler ....1:10 413- Barl Pool ...1:17 41-Slster Josclla 1:17 420- Ho Hick ,...1:17 415-Starbeck 1:14 420- Harry B 1:15 420-Struttcr 1:17 419- JIminie Daw 1:15 418-Sewell Combs 1:15 417-J. CasUemanl:19 " 330-Trooper .....1:14 419-J. G. Denny 1:19 398-T. Competitorl:10 411- Kla.xon 1:19 Theseus ....1:15 411- Lubcck ......1:15 415-Telescope ...1:15 419-London Smokelil0 419-Uproar 1:10 412- Mart Buncb ..1:17 419-Valley Light 1:18 iJ94-Mcrchant 1:17 418-W. CounselIorl:13 Seven-Eighths Kile. 421- Miss Mcise .1:25 One Mile. 419-Brunell 1:44 411-Loc. LeaTes 1:49 414- Altawood ...1:42 416-May Prosper 1:42 408- Atta Boy II. .1:47 417-Megan 1:43 417-Chilhowee ...1:41 410-Normal 1:40 417-Casb 1:43 414-Parking Placel:43 410-Cappy Kicks 1:44 420-Kosc Estill ..1:45 417-Dream Maker 1:47 419-Boyal Crown 1:44 420-Gluseppe ....1:43 41G-Rompg Mary 1:43 410- IIalu 1:47 420-Secluslon 1:40 419- Jean. Bowdre 1:45 419-Tony Bean ..1:42 403-Llly M 1:43 419-Zack Terrell 1:42 417- Little Hope ..1:44 Mile and an Eighth. 418- Paris Maid ..1:58 421-The Archer .2:04 Mile and and Quarter. 420- Links 2:10 Mile and Three -Quarter. 419- Chcrry Tree 3:01 Two Miles. 419- Tip Toe Inn 3:40 Miss Meise did an impressive work. Doctor Glenn ran exlra well. Wise Counsellors trial was exceptionally good. TONKERS, N. T.. Oct 17. Todays training gallops at Empire City included the following: EMPIRE CITY. Weather clear ; irack fast Three -Eighths Mile. 406-Bcs. Leighton 38 397-Three Square .38 409- CIadys V. ....37 Half Mile. 420- Delmor 49 380-Slcivebloom ...50 415rEscoba dOro .61 404-Sun Silent ....52 420-FlyiuB DeTil ..49 420-Timeless 49 392-Kcenan .......55 Five-Eighths Mile. 417-A. Ben Ahdenl:01 413-Manna 1:07 417-BIgger Still ..1:04 420-Miss Cerina 1:05 415- Bud Fisher ..1:03 397-Savoy .......1:11 411- Episodo 1:03 353-Sleepy Head 1:10 411-Hcnry J 1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 414- Avisack 1:19 416-Maxie 1:17 389-Dcadlock 1:18 420-Overtake 1:10 410- Flint Stone 1:17 407-Rubien 1:20 41C-Friday 13tb .1:17 390-Skirmlsher ..1:17 Seven-Eighths Mile. 417-Paula Shay .1:32 418-Wampeo ....1:30 411- Kunning Wildl:30 One Mile. 420-Melachrino ..1:51 414-Water Girl ..1:48 417-PotentiIla ...1:48 410-Warlike 1:48. Mile and an Eighth. 415- nomestretcb 1:57 Timeless and Delmore worked together. Flying Devil ran well. Abu den Ahden did his trial handily. Avisack was well in hand. Maxie and Friday 13th worked in company. Paula Shay had an easy gallop. Homestretch looks and acts good. LAUREL, Md., Oct. 17. Todays training gallops here included the following: LAUREL. Weather clear; track fast Three -Eighths Mile. 420-Altisslmo 30 417-Comixa 35 S94-BIuemont 37 404-Flngstaff 31 420-Bellsolar 38 421-Happy Night .35 420-Bastille 37 407-Suppliant 37 413- Copper Demon 88 407-Snn Shot 38 224-Current Erente.37 414-Wrangler 37 Half Mile. 400-AU Fair 52 413-Heir-at-Law .49 402-Crack o Dawn50 371-Insnlate 53 383-CnrIand ..49 3-My Own ......53 417-Canmore 49 420 -Plaid ...54 308-Exaltcd Ruler .49 Five-Eighths Mile. 397-Clan8man ....1:08 420-Fair Gain ..1:04 359-Chief Archee 1:05 420-Sallys Alley 1:00 420-Colonel West 1:05 " 385-Sea-Wolf ...1:07 417-Citation ....1:03 421-West Pittstonl:03 402-Ethel Claytonl:04 One Kile. 210-Hntchison ...1:47 421-Bouen .. 1:15 413-My Dear ....1:44 420-Trajanus ...1:50 417-Mint Stick ..1:41 312-Vacuum 1:43 414r Pilgrim 1:18 Sallys Alley showed phenomenal speed. My Dear was under a strong pulL Mint Stick ran welL Vacuum ran well. Cannmpre and Curlaijd galloped, together. Champlain worked impressively. Exalted Ruler raced well.