untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-01-24


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American Racing Manual1 FOR 1924 will be ON SALE NEXT WEEK DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court Chicago, Illinois. 157-159 East Thirty-second Street - New York, N. Y. 50 Richmond Street, East ----- Toronto, Ont. 305-307 Decatur Street New - - - Orleans, La. HARVEY AMES KAltl.H itun.mxo ltroadwny at SSd Street Kooin 407-8 3TE"V YOKK CITT WARNING! Complaints have reached this office from a dozen different sources that unscrupulous persons are representing themselves as my agents in Buffalo, Detroit, Cleveland and Cincinnati. The attention of the general public is drawn to the fact that I have no agents or representatives anywhere. Those who are foolish enough to purchase information from those impostors in spite of repeated warnings have only themselves to blame. The only way to guard against receiving wrong horses as "Harvey Transactions" is to deal directly with this office. j" Harvey Transaction" TODAY "Harvey Transactions" stand on their own merits and require no comment, as the past record proves. TERMS: One Hundred Dollars Payable strictly in advance by telegraph or in person. TELEPH0NEcFrCLE 5790 MURPHY AND MONTGOMERY TURFMEH Yesterdays Horse: AVISPA 7-1 WON This horse was wired to me by Curley Murphy to be disposed of to my clients. SIX STRAIGHT WINNERS CUBXEY MURPHYS RECORD: January 19: KING ONEILL II. ... 6-1 WON January 11: SCARE CROW .....12-1 WON January 7: GOOD TIME 10-1 WON December 11: VERA VENNIE 12-1 WON December 6: O.HENRY 12-1 WON NEXT HORSE GOES SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 1924 This horse is in the hands of shrewd people who very seldom miss, and. tho way they operate, this horse appears certian to win. Somo of tho shrewdest horsemen at New Orleans are interested in this transaction, and it looks Ilka an impossibility for this horse to lose. CURLEY MURPHY advises to go tho EXTREME LIMIT with utmost confidence, as this horse should win in any kind of going. From the special preparation this horse has received the stable should win the purso, the syndicate should cash the COMMISSIONS, and here is your opportunity to WIN PLENTY on a small investment. You will note that CURLEY MURPHY only sends horses occasionally when he has all positive assurance that the horse is fit and ready. Mr. Curley Murphy, being an expert in horseshoeing, having been born with a racing plate in his hand, as he often jokingly tells his friends, he having inherited a liking for the profession from his father, who was a fsnious character around the old Hawthorne track 25 years ago and known to horsemen as "HORSESHOES." I mention all these things to impress on you that you are doing business with real horsemen when you string along with Curley. His knowledge of firing and blistering bad-leg horses makes him an asset to the horseman, who ask his advice on theso matters. He, I believe, knows mare about horses legs than any veterinarian in the country. He also knows -when a horse is fit and ready, when they are outclassed and when they outclass their fields whether they can go the distance. He also clocks every work at the track and knows when thav are working a horse out or fooling the railbirds. Curley counts as his friend every jockey at the tracK. rs he has soen them develop from stable boys to rank of jockoys; many trainers he knew when they were rubbing horses around the barns when he was plating horses. I can accept only a few players in each city, as I cannot cause a return of the play to the track, which oftan happens when out-of-town bookmakers find they are overloaded. This would kill tae price at the track. TERMS Send me in your first letter and agree to place straight to win a wager for ms. The winnings to bo remitted as soon as you collect tho winnings from your bookmaker. You are to deduct the ?5 you sent me in your first letter from the first winner. By this time you will know the kind of information that Curley sends out. Addresj all mail to W. J. MONTGOMERY AQUEDUCT, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. 11C NASSAU ST.. ROOM 401 NEW YORK CITY UNITED TURF NEWS SEMI-WEEKLY. PRICE .00 PRICE .00. Published every Wednesday and Saturday. On rale, leading out town newsstands. Mailed anywhere. .00 monthly. Todays Code Special: 7-23-25-29-OVER should win easily. CO.OO TREE SPECIAL, written up on present issue, yesterday: JULIA M 3J-1 WON You must follow horses written up on sheet be-fides code special. DAILY OCCASIONAL 5. 00 Daily; 0.00 Weekly. Tuesday Occasional: SILENT KING 9-5 WON Races off Monday. 00.00 Special Occasional today, free to all clients. Out of town clients wire 0,00 weekly; .00 daily. Use Westarn Union or Postal in wiring money. - 3 WINNERS given on yesterdays Sheet. If winners axe. what you want, get the O. K. .00 DAILY AT ALL NEWSSTANDS. NATIONAL O. K. RACING LETTER 411 Baltimore Building Chicago, 111. Missed last Saturday on our .00 XX Specials. Duo for a couple of nice winners this Saturday. Dont miss them. Todays Code Special: June-Pear-21-16-35-26. STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403, 22 W. Quincy St. Chicago, 111. "ANONYMOUS" SECRET INFORMATION ONE HORSE DAILY WNOW IS THE TlME- T0DAY-! Do not delay; prompt action on your part will place you in on a horse that is scheduled to show improvement. Dont be among the "I told you so" crowd be a go-getter and enjoy the feeling of cashing on a 10 TO 1 SHOT TODAY I have never claimed to perform miracles or steadily give 30-1 shots. It cant be done; but I do say I can make you win. A HORSEMANS information isat your disposal through this medium. I cannot divulge my identity, but you can rest assured that I am always on the lookout, and my service is not ezhorbitant, but can be had by all for DAILY or 0 WEEKLY Wire your subscription via Western Union or Postal and bo ready to receive one like these below: Tuesday I wired all clients: SILENT KING 9-3 "VOX Monday I wired all clients: SILENT KLNG 2-1 AVO Saturday I wired all clients: PAUL 3IICOU 9-2 AVOX Friday I wired all clients: DEllOXDA 7-1 AVON Thursday I wired all clients: DUCKY S-l AVOX Wednesday I wired all clients: DUSTABOUT 7-1 AVON Tuesday I wired all clients: PAUL 3IICOU S-l AVON Monday I wired all clients: BAYDUE 7-1 AVON My clients are winning hundreds of dollars and you can participate as well. All communications should be addressed to my New York representative MR. A. SHILLING 597 GATES AVENUE BROOKLYN, N. Y. JACK FIELD SOLD ALL NEWSSTANDS DAILY i"CLEANED IT" AGAIN Yesterdays "Hot Tip": THE ROLL CALL.... 8-5 WON And once again JACK FIELDS army of followers "CLEANED UJf." Tuesdays "Adv." Special: CL0UGHJ0RDAN ... 3-1 WON Day after day JACK FIELDS "Followers" are getting "RICHER," just following JACK FIELDS "INFO." every day. IF YOU ONLY KNEW the "VALUE" of this "info." Mr. Field gives you every day YOU would be willing to pay 3,e00 A BAY" "STOP LOSING." You cant BEAT THIS GAME by "GUESSING" at them or DOPING EM OUT horses dont run that way YOU MUST GET THE REAL "GOODS" if you want to BEAT THIS GAME. JACK FIELD is at the Track alwavs. and he WIRES US every day his "SPECIALS." THATS WHY JACK FIELD "PUTS EM OVER" every day. 3C-AV0N OAEJl S7S0.0O A Flat Play last 2 weeks WON above amiunt. You can WIN this amount right along IF YOU follow JACK FIELD every day. S-TOBAYS "AVJNNEK should pay a SMASHING big price JACK FIELD has been waiting for this one to start and TODAY is the "DAY." HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO "CLEAN UP" on this Good Thing today. 3-"FItEE" TOBAY "JMtEK" TODAY Jack Field is giving his OCCASIONAL "FREE" today because he KNOWS this one will WIN at a good price, so in order to make YOU win a big "WAGER" today he is giving this "FREE" with his other SPECIAL. SPEND TODAY AND "CLEAN. UP" Romomber, YOU get BOTH and Special today for only . Rush to your newsdealer and get Jack Field copy costs , worth 03.00. Notice JACK FIELD sold everywhere Racing Form is said, at . Mailed to you, a week. Newsdealers wanted to handle this publication. Write to FIELD PUB. CO. 39 W. Adams St., Suite 32 CHICAGO. ILL. NEW ORLEANS SPECIAL Expecting Something EXTEA GOOD NEXT MONDAY Itarrins: accidents this Iiorsc should ivln at a pro oil price. Cfat nothing in advance. Just remit Aviiiiiius cf .piO after lior.se wins. AVriie unick for this EXTRA SPECIAL and Other Good Ones to Follow SUPERIOR SERVICE, Box 133, Dayton, O. Pay From Your Profits Tim Master Key System, of playing Hie rncc will he mailed you for one wrrU s trial. It should show .in average profit of .at least 0 a day on the scale of plnv. FOR PARTICULARS mail this ad. with your iiann- ami address to i J. K. WILLIS 225 Thirtieth Street Miami Beach Fla 1 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Wc have just closed a deal for information from tho South. To demonstrata our ability we will send you absolutely free our FIRST SPECIAL, which will start next Thursday. Send your name and address with one dollar to guarantee telegraph charges. Be sure your nams is received in time, as wo expect plenty of price and we want you down in time. Dont delay. Be sure yon are in on this FIRST TRANSACTION. Address M. RICHARD 2 South Hawk St. Albany, N. Y. G AIlS CHIEF OlISEKVEK 35 CENTS AT AI,L NEAYSSTANDS TODAYS FREE CODE: FAIR GROUNDS Vermont-Red-Black-Water. 149391493914939149391493914939$ $ $ i PREDETERMINED TURF PROFITS S I The 31IltACI,K SYSTKM is nationally known 5 $ as "easy for player haul for layrr." Sol.l on $ $ installment; payments paid rrom your profits. $ $ Absolutely KKEli 73-page manual and review. $ $ Investigate today and make your buuLie obey. $ 1uUIiC relations manager 5 $ S. E. AUTUUIt 5 $ Vox 40. R. V. Ton-son, M.l. $ 1493914939 149391493914939 14939$ Subscribe for Daily Racing Form

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924012401/drf1924012401_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1924012401_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800