Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1924-01-24

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: : l: Entries and Past Performances FAIR GROUNDS - THURSDAY, JANUARY 24 I WEATHER CLOUDY: TRACK GOOD. i f 76771 Lugs 113 1:1214 5 109 X 730 m The figures under the heading "Rec." in 76C81 AVar Man SI 102 1:14 4 107.. 725 tho entries- helow show the Lest time cf , i each horse at the distance since January 1. F11urthEa;?cT1 Mll ,. L 1921. no matter where it finished. Incase 3-year-olds 1 Teliminary Handicap Track record: Jan. 1, 191S 1:3. -o 114. where record was made on other than a fast cr good track, abbreviations show track 76838 Inyman 100 1:424 100X 72.. conditions. 76881 King ONeill II 113.. 720 76772 Dreamer 10251:40 102.. 715 - 76881 Pathan 100 1:40 102.. 715 I Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicaso time 2:03. 76860 Deronda 7 Superior mud runner. X Good mud runner. 76882 Polvo 90 1 :43 10!..U0 w 7 :!: Fair imi.l runner. SI Maidens. "Apprentice 76811 Miss fortune 9.1:4- Ti" " allowance. b Blinkers. 76881 Tambon 99... 00 , First Race 3-4 Mile. Fifth Race 1 1-16 Miles. Turse ,000. 3-year-olds." Maidens. Allowances. Audubon Claiming Handicap. g Purse ,000 3-year-o Ids and . upward Track record: Feb. 9. 191S-l:ll-6-116. Todays Track record: Jan. IS, 1922 1:444 . 110. - Ind. Horse. Wt. Kec. A.AVt.ilau. 76925s Tonv Beau 103 1:454 C 10SX725 ; 76925 bKinburn 104U:45 7 103X721 OOTO , n 1ft0 7o- ZtflZ lU C;"ard 1mx70 765 High Speed 114 1:47 5 107.-715 : 118 1 10 rrontiewman "I-" 4 103..715 Zfi. 76883 Vcnnie 105 1:46 ; Antiquity 101.16 76923 Raffles 1011:51 4 108X710; C Miss Ktta m"nr. 7C618 Rrunell 105 1:48 4 102X705; 5 76f40 Troutw.ek 113 1 1Mb Lit 76925 Winner Take All . .100 1:40 4 105 X 705; 76482 Isamau llo 1:14t3 309..il. 76060 Hob 314.. 710 Sixth Eace1 1-16 Miles. 76613 Leonard G 112 1:15 109X710 pur5C ,000. 4-vcar-olds and upward. Claiming. 76524 Wise Cracker .....108 1:16 114. .705 Track record: Jan. 18, 1922 1:41 7 110. Zft laDdb1 iSSJowi WVm 70884 Bastille 96 1:40 0 112X725 7 108 117s 75178 Skywards lj4.,.00 76S78 Carnarvon ..115 1:40 7 1120720 76702 Sun Mart... 1101 L. 76861 High Gear 110 1:45 10 104X715 108... 00 " 76777 Henigna 9911:1875m -ftR, TTi,w 1-47 4 103 715 76615 -Gold Pendant 911:10 1O4..700 v;; Jg Second Race-3-4 Mile, HSandtt .... . 107 4 iSX?15 . Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Clalmlnc z .- 8 107x715 1 Track record: leb. 9. 191S-1.U-C-116. i Q ..staunch 100 1:40 6 102x710 76770 .Redwood 99 1:13 4 101.. 725 76365 Hutchison 97 1:50 5 109X705 . 75559 Belle Isle ....10411:16 3 96X720 76781 Ioetor Jim 99 1:45 7 102X0.i 76770 bGeorge Starr 9S 1:15 9 90 X 715 76927 bSoviet . 92 1:49 4 110..70.I 62749 bSam Freedman .... 7 10L.715 76842 Lively 109 1:45 10 109X.0O , 76810 Sea-AAolf M 105 1:12 5 101. .715 75667 Bigger Still 107 1:51s 4 105. .700 1e,rUVian iiiiSS 5??? -in Ssventh Race-l 1-16 Miles. C ?3 Sffi dner-::::?07 5 iioOxfS- Po. .1,000. 4-year olds and, up L gtate , record: Jan. 18, 19---1.44 ,-110. - 76810 Mcintosh SI 10S 1:17 4 104. .705 Irack 76770 Propaganda 109 1:134 8 113 X 700 70315 Current Events ... 9G 1:47 6 109X725 ; 70614 liAIonsooii 112 1:14 C 100X700 70819 bGeorgette 101 1:46 5 107 X 720 , 70020 l.Col. Taylor 104 1:12 8 104700 C5767 bSands- of Pleasure. 112 1:44 11 107X715 , 70770 bFifly-Fifty 107 1:12 5 101X700 76738 six ienCe 109 1:48 4 110.. 715 . 76614 Slarlba Moore M. 110 l:17s 3 94.. 700 76739 Roval Crown 10G 1:46 4 102X715 Third Race-3-4 Mile. 75299 Feigned Zeal .... .100 1:47 5 104 X710 J 75902 Nancy V , .net 89 1.48 4 Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 76188 North Tower 110 1:4. oiuiXu jmv.Ti Irack ,i. record. leb. vi. 9, 191S1.11 mis miu. k 0116. 11B 1 76S62 bCantilcver 114 1:40 8 102X705 76859 bCENTIMETER 117 1:11 0 119 X 750 76862 X.ierre 97 1:48 4 100. .705 76924 bCloughjordan 105 1:13 5 109 X 740 76837 Serbian 112 1:47 8 107X.00 76869s Lorena Marcellia ..111 1:12 4 105X735 76815 Reel Foot 109 1:49 4 102 X700 76774 Rupee 100 1:13 4 101X735 76705 Gypsy- Blair 93 1:49 11 99X700 J 76771 bMuskallouge 113 1:12 0 109X730 76863 Chaplet JI 100 1:50 4 92.. 700 p FAIR GROUNDS JOCKEY .PERCENTAGES. ; From January 1, to January HI, 1:M, Inclusive At or At or Over Over Jockey. - P.O. Wt. Sits. 1st. 2d. 3d. Jockey. P.O. AVt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Parke, I. 25 97 785 195 110 10C Holmes n. ....... 10 102 88 9 4 5 Lang, L 22 90 83 18 12 4 ijvrne, J.. 10 102 244 24 19 32 Butwell, J 19 119 81 15 15 15 Carroll, G. AV. 09 103 105 15 11 21 , JIangan, G. .18 104 136 24 18 18 Ambrose, E. 09 108 117 11 13 16 , Martin. E 18 105 442 80 58 44 Accardv, A 09 107 100 9 15 10 , McDermott, It 18 100 .617 111 103 88 Nicholson, O. 09 102 35 3 3 2 , Pool, E 18 109 417 80 87 62 irunoiscn. J 09 103 23 2 2 1 , Abel, A 17 102 431 75 CO 57 Corev, G 08 107 155 13 9 15 Lee. F . .17 98 417 72 42 55 Kaiser, II .OS 98 141 11 13 18 , Warinelli, B 10 106 423 68 47 53 Murrav, T 03 110 132 11 .8 17 Morris. 1, 16 109 1G0 27 21 25 Owens", J 08 106 314 26 25 35 OSIauoney, C 10 103 251 41 31 34 K0se, G OS 106 365 31 37 40 Ijing, C 10 "109 C25 98 88 84 Smith. F 08 106 224 19 21 23 Tcvic. J 1C 104 487 77 89 78 Thomas, J 08 101 93 7 10 8 I Barrett, K 15 110 67 10 5 8 isreuning, B. 08 91 36 3 1 4 Kraley. A .15 103 130 20 21 17 Jones, 1 06 94 154 9 9 9 i llcupel, J 15 102 217 38 33 32 Cooper, G 05 85 52 3 3 4 Scobie, E 15 112 398 58 70 52 Ucillv, F 06 102 10 1 2 0 I Walls. G 15 111 201 31 20 2. I.illey. AV. 05 116 59 3 8 8 I Garrett, SI 14 1 00 343 49 41 29 Harbourne, E 05 111 37 2 0 1 Burke, J. II 14 HQ 108 15 18 10 Saucier. L 04 99 20 1 2 2 ! Mooney. J. D 13 113 371 47 41 50 Levland. J. 0-1 100 27 1 3 3 Harvey. B .13 103 700 91 74 91 Smith. I.. 03 105 31 1 4 1 Komanelli, R 13 105 233 30 32 26 Thorndyke, F. 03 . 95 92 3 9 0 ! Ponce, C .13 108 119 16 20 16 Breuning, G. ; 02 108 43 1 3 1 Robinson, 0 13 110 68 9 7 4 Kcderis, J 02 103 41 1 6 3 t Wallace, J 13 9S 903 114 114 141 SIcrgler. U 01 95 70 1 8 9 Farland. II. -.. .13 103 317 40 67 DO Allen. C. 105 4 0 0 0 I Btutts, II 12 107 505 62 60 78 Fisher, D. " :. 90 10 0 0 0 I McCoy, J 12 103 473 57 46 47 Forstcrcr, It 100 8 0 0 0 f Hunt, A 12 97 51 C 4 1 Hamilton, II. Ill 2 0 0 0 Bell, E 12 113 202 25 24 32 Hanson, W :.. .. 95 4 0 0 0 1 Chalmers, J 12 98 489 61 71 49 Noel, G 100 5 0 0 1 Zander. II .11 107 361 40 38 49 Pifhon. It 10G 13 0 0 1 Schwartz. SI 11 111 122 13 15 15 Rodney, T. 100 2 0 0 0 J Roehm. E 11 107 133 14 13 13 Rodriguez. J. 110 3 0 0 0 J McUermott, R. 11 111 285 30 37 33 Taylor, H 95 0 0 0 0 Fields, G 11 104 623 70 84 22 Thompson, G 100 4 0 0 0 J Corcoran, J. 11 104 604 66 78 64 Uslan, R 95 6 0 1 0 Blind. E .10 100 315 33 29 45 Ailmore, A 100 5 0 0 0 f Mllner. AA 10 97 209 28 24 42 Yelton, R 98 29 0 1 1 1 "4 Maidens. Allowances. Feb. O, 101S ; ISt RACE ryc?roliHy Icdei Course Dist Time Tck Odds Wt St i Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish BT. GERARD, b. c, 3 M 109 By Pebbles Sunno, by Solitaire II. Trainer. F. J. Kearns. Owner, J. J. OToole. Breeder, A, Johnson. 7C679 K.Grnds 3-4 l:ir.mud 8 110 5 2 3 45J C I-anp 11 15. Slanager, Antiquity, Bugler r 7C52C F.Grnds 3-4 l:14slow CO 107 8 5 71 10 F Reilly 10 Polvo, Frodericktown, Pathan 72021 Empire 5-S l:00fast 100 114 14 14 11 1C H Shillick 14 Bontaud. Noon Fire, Gold Bug TRONTIERSMAN, b. e, 3 M 114 By Luke McLuke Eranata, by Oddfellow. Trainer, K. Pitt. Owner, K. Pitt. Breeder. McB. Moore. 76524 P.Grnds 3-4 l:15slow 41 ICS 2 9 lll 8" J AAallace 14 LittleAlfred, Telescope. Chaplet 1 76228 Jetrerson 3-4 1:20 hvy 6 99 6 2 31 41 F Th"dykell W.Lynch. Gt Northern. Dowry f 76189 Jeffeisoii 3-4 l:lShvy 15 10S 4 2 3 2 F Smith 12 Tomtella. Baldine. Balsam Lake E 76020 Jeffeison 51 f l:10slow 6 115 3 3 21 41 H J Burke 9 Times Up, Bugler, Barberry 75861 Jefferson 51 f l:10hvy 20 115 9 8 10 911 II Burke 10 AeraAennie, Bamra, S.sFlowcr r 75217 Latonia 3-4 l:17hvy 9 112 5 7 S 7 J H Burkel2 Arabis, The Runt. Levey 74253 Latonia. 3-4 l:13rast 14f 118 5 4 8 77 J-II Burke 12 Rambler. Poland, Black Ruler 71522 Latonia C f l:10hvy 6-5 105 1 2 S 3 .1 Heupel 9 Asa Jewell, Ancestress, AVkRay 71522 Latonia 51 f l:10?hvy C-5 105 1 2 3 Sl J Heupel 9 A.Jewell, Ancestress, AVrackBoy ANTIQUITY, b. f, 3 M 104 By Bcrrilldon Antique, by Olamhala. Trainer. W. Shcedy. Owner, W. Sheedy. Breeder. L. Garth. 7CC79 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15mud 7 102 1 3 2 2 II Farlandll B. Slanager. "Bugler, St. Gerard i 7C440 Jefferson 3-4 l:14ifast 20 105 3 4 41 S II FarlandlO Everglade, Bril.Cast, DancgFool 1 76344 Jefferson 51 f l:10hvy 15 115 4 15 51 II Farland S AVaukulla. AmityClaim. Tambon 3 75854 Jefferson 51 f l:10hvy 30 115 3 2 3 49 H Farland 7 KinsONeilllL. Gee, Zanzibar 75007 Laurel 3-4 1:16 mud 60 99 8 10 10 101 II Howard 13 Omega, AAairenLynch, Bramton 3 74857 Laurel El f 1 A8 fast 8 107 8 4 4. 92 G Babin 15 MuchAdo, Sligo. OurStar 74066 Laurel 3-4 l:llfast 6f 97 8 S 9 J Shanks 9 AAithont. Stage Star, La Aague E 74101 H.dcGce 51 f l:07fast 7f 114 12 10 10l 8 C lng 13 AVhetstone, Slemento, Ebb Tide e 69427 II.deGce 1-2 48 fast 41 106 C 5 4K 5i T Finn 11 AVee Dear, Norinana. Julia M. 69251 II.deGce 1-2 48-X.slow 28 107 10 10 9 9 T Finn 12 J. Flower. Idle. Thoughts. Bamra JOSS ETTA, ch. f, 3 M 104 By Seth Hester Zorra, by Cesarion. Trainer. T. F. Bonnan. Owner. M. Kelly. Breeder. J. A. Hall. 74020 N.Kton Ab 3-4 1:22 slow 9-5 104 33 C Labelle 4 TheSIule. Lucky Strike, Zunclle e 73972 N.Kton Ab 5-8 1:00 hvy C 100 2 C Labelle 1 Judge Hickman, Bigwig, Saspcr r 73188 Devshire 5-8 l:01fast 15f 107 2 1 14 4s AV Martin 12 Prin.Amo, K.Ruffles, Pollymara a 72803 Columbs 6-8 l:C6Bood 26 113 84 J P Ryan 8 Fast Boy, Last. Love. AVatchOut 1 72361 Map.Hts 5 f 1:07 fast COf 111 9 10 10 10" T Wayt 11 Querulous. Charlotte B., Airg.B 72004 Map.Hts Ab5-S l:00good 31 114 12 12 12 12 T Wayt 12 Pearl Boots. Shindy. Joyce rBOTJTWICK, br. f, 3 M 109 By Troutbeck Candlewick, by Candlemas. Trainer, J. Lowe. Owner. E. Cebrian. Breeder. E. Cebrian. 76440 Jefferson 3-4 l:14fast 20 106 10 10 S" 10 J CorcoranlO lcrglade. BrilliantCast. Antiq"y r 1638 Jefferson 3-4 l:15good 25 113 11 7 11 104 F Smith 12 LyBurrows, InardG., Barberry f 70209 Jefferson 61 f l:llhvy 15 112 4 8 9 9 F Smith 11 Carlton, Levoy, Everglade 75491 Churchill 7-8 1:27 fast 14 115 9 8 9l 9" T Jlurray U An.Lyle, AVaukulla. N. SIcChord " 75391 Churchill 3-4 l:14slow 20f 115 5 9 ll1 9 J Pevic 15 Sledina, Bona Aera. Baldine 70659 Latonia 41 f 68 hvy 82 110 7 10 9 8 V Harvey 10 Lady Jane. Xixia. Ima Slint 70430 Churchill 41 f 65 SI9W 68 113 7 7 9 9" J D M ney 9 Vibena. AAoodLdy. MiicanTea 1 ISAMAN, b. c. 3 M 109 By Granite Wadna Pitzer, by Peep oDay. Trainer, J. S. Ownbey. Owner, J. H. Xouchheim. Breeder. J. H. Louchheim. 76482 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 40 118 10 9 81 Vs Ar Lil.ey 11 Brilt Cast. AV.t.AVizard. Fausto 0 75512 Churchill 3-4 1:14 fast 13 115 10 12 12 12 1 K Martin 15 Slill Boy. Nogales, Levoy 75217 Latonia 3-4 l:17ihvy 21 114 11 6 6 6" J D Mneyl2 Arabis, The Runt, Levoy 75028 Latonia 61 f 1:09 mud 18f 115 9 6 7 6" J D Mneyl2 Phil SlcCann, Equity. Everglade e 72560 FortErle 5-8 lK0fast 30f 111 5 10 9 8,s G AValls 12 Deronda. Program. Thornton 72402 Hawthne 6-8 l:03hvy 7 116 4 6 7 7 AV Lllley 7 Clever Seth, Double T.. Asaph 7tt43 Hawthne 6-8 l:02slow 15 115 8 C 61 5 AV Lilley 10 Valley Light. AVhiff. Rondeile BOB, b. c, 3 M 114 By Dick Finnell Mayonnaise, by Bonrbon Beau. Trainer, C. Knight. Owner, If. McTayden. Breeder. R. H. Anderson. .7860 Jefferson 61 X l:08fast 40 116 11 8 10 10" J Grunsenl2 Gee. AVaukulla. Uttle Alfred 75268 Hunteton 61 f 1:0S fast 5 100 54 J Jordan C P.Mayers, LkyStrike, FolwMe e l: I m i L - I 7 7 " , g - ; : ; 5 7 " . 1 i . , C , - ; , , . J J p ; , , , , , , I I ! ! t I I f 1 J J J 1 f ; r 1 f E r i 1 3 3 E e e r a 1 r f " 1 0 e e LEONARD G., br. ci 3 M . -109- By Sweep High-flown, by Peep 0- Day. Trainer, J. Arthur. Owner, G. J3. Webb. Breeder. E. Rucker. 7CC13 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 32 116 6 8 8 54 A Abel 11 Uproar, Fausto. Quivcro 76440 Jefferson 3-4 M4fast 31 113 9 8 6" 9t0 A Abel 10 Everglade, BrilliantCast, Antiqy 70384 Jefferson 2-4 l:13good 13 116 8 5 E 21 A Abel 12 L-vBiirrows, Barberry. L.Alfred 7G323 Jefferson 3-4 l:17hvy 20 102 7 7 7 7" A Abel 7 Polvo, Gee, Businesslike 75954 Jefferson 5J f l:12hvy 15 111 6 7 7 C11 H Holmes 7 Bessiellope. Baldine, TheReaper 75775 Bowio 2-4 l:13mud 47 113 9 6 7s 7"1 II HolmeslO Director, Sledge, Gold Bug 75628 Howie 61 f l:21fast 41 1111 9 3 4 44 C Lang 13 Delmor, Carlton. Dancing Fool 75590 Bowio 61 f l:20fast 156 100 6 6 7 717 II Holmes 7 T.Exposure. Eaglet, L.BmorcII. 75068 Laurel 61 f 1:11 slow 8 115 0 1 2 34 C Lans 14 Ia -Aague. Stevens, Slaitland 75007 I-aurel 3-11:16 mud 22f 312 11 11 11 124 H Holrr.es 13 Omega. AVairenLynch, Bramton 74939 Laurel 3-4 1:13 sIod 139 113 7 6 6 65 II Holmes 7 Batsman. Aga Khan, Suppliant WISE CRACKER, ch. c, 3 M 114 By Uncle Mcsello. by Wadsworth. Trainer, Ws C. Bethel. Owner, W. C. Bethel. Breeder, R. and H. Oots. 76524 F.Grnds 3-1 l:15slov 5 105 10 8 13 12 J Heupel 14 LittleAlfrxd, Telescope. Chaplet 30440 Jefferson 3-4 l:14fast 20 108 7 7 10 7"i AV Fronk 10 Everglade, BrilliantCast, Antiqy 76020 Jeffeison CI f l:10slow 30 110 5 6 and 6" S Griffin 9 Times Pp. Bugler. Barberry 75851 Jefferson 51 f l:10hvy 30 US 7 7 7 7" S Griffin 7 KingONeilllL. Gee. Zanzibar RANDOLPH, ch. p. 3 M 111 By Tony Bonero Red Rose, by Oddfellow. Trainer, II. Randolph. Owner. W. H. Fizer. Breeder. H. P. Headley. 76836 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13slow 60 110 12 12 12 12 B Harvey 12 Goldmark, The Keaper. Baldine 76228 Jefferson 3-4 1:20 hvy 30 104 11 11 11 11" J AAallace 11 AV.Lynch. Gt Northern. Dowry 76129 Jefferson 3-4 l:18hw 13 113 6 4 5l 5 J AVallace 8 Busisslike. Sl.SIattic, AV.Lynch 75354 Pimlico 51 f 1 :0Smud 14f 108 12 14 11 12 T Burns 11 Ebony Belle, Sur Star. Jackson 75178 Empire 51 f 1:08 fast CO 105 8 4 4 5 T Burns 10 Lady Argos. Impossible, Slitau 75086 Empire 5-S 1:01 good 30 113 9 8 8 S1 J Merimee l Payman, AVch Charm, R.Streak 73979 Aqueduct 3-4 l:13siow 100 106 12 14 14"14 II Shillick 15 Pathan, Apology. Beleross 73624 Belmont 51 f liOOJtfast 20 310 16 16 16 16 II Shillick IS Lady Argos, Pathan. Stroller SKYWARDS, ch. r 3 M 111 By Aeronaut Joannlna, by Voter. Trainer, X. A. Seregni. Owner, L. A. Seregni. Bleeder. G. D. Widener. 75178 Empire 51 f 1:08 fast 60 103 6 C 9 10 W AndsonlO Lady Arros. Impossible, Slitau 7508G Empire 5-S 1:01 good 30 113 10 10 10 10" T Burns 10 Payman, AVch Charm, B. Streak 7416G Aqueduct 5-S 1:01 fast CO 113 5 G C ft14 C II Miller 9 F.L.Hding, F.B.Wker. HdsUp 73979 Aqueduct 3-4 1:13sIow 100 ICS 11 S 13 13 II Stutts 15 Pathan, Apology, Beleross 73370 Belmont 5 f 1:07 fatt 60 10S 12 11 121 13 F Smitn 13 Slitau. Parvenu. Without :32G4 Freehold Ab5-S l:03slow 5 117 44 J Smwod 7 Dartaway, Damage, ClinggVl"- 3200 Freehold Ab 5-S 1:02 hvy 4 1051 5,s K Jelley 5 Lagoon, Buzz Saw. Norah J2829 Saratoga 51 f 1:07 fast 20 110 13 12 "1 11 E Barnes 14 Convent, Slitau, Apology 72791 Saratoga C-8 59fast 60 110 11 12 125 12" AV Pool 13 Eventide, Postillion, Slitau SUN MART, blk. e, 3 M 114 By Gun Briar Sabretache II.. by Martagon. Trainer. J. Bauer. Owner, S. T. Greenfield. Breeder, W. S. Kilmer. 76702 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15hvy 30 IOC 11 10 9l 9 J Corcoranll Byron, Norseland, Telescope 74514 Laurel 3-4 l:15fast 54 105 6 5 4 61 F AVdstckl4 La Drolc, AVithout, Vehement 74368 Laurel 3-4 l:14fast 7f 110 5 8 71 85 A Claver 15 Humble, Our Star, AVithout 74142 H.dcGce CI f l:07fast 13f 105 li 14 14 122 A Roach 15 Carajo. Dowry, Vultilla BENIGNA, br. f, 3 M 103 By Helmet Almadio, by Sir Modred. Trainer, W. Hurley. Owner. Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable. Breeder, Idle Hour Stock Farm. ".6777 F.Grnds 3-4 1:16 mud 30 99J S S 9l 8 H Sleycr 10 Slad.Aennie, L.vChoeo, BelleK. 74414 Latonia 51X1:07 fast 31 1C9 1 1 61 9lAAVilson 12 Glide, Pr.Politici;n, Slad.Aennie 74204 Latonia 51 f l;07fast 30 115 3 3 8 S4 A AVilson 12 PearlSIesta, LyLgKdgc. Sledina 73773 Lcxgton 11 f 1:08 good 14 112 3 0 Sl S A Avilson 9 Clarence, Beau Butler, Sayno C9605 Pimlico 1-2 4S fast 44 115 5 2 41 5i L Lyke 10 Off Color, Sunny Sal, Eagerness C9448 H.dcGce 1-2 48 fast 12f 111 7 10 12 121 L Lyke 14 Remnant. Helen Cook, SunnySal 69406 II.deGce 1-2 48 fast 75 111 2 2 51 54 L Lykc 15 Sunny Light. Off Color, Ducky GOLD PENDANT, b. f, 3 M 104 By Flittergold LIndependantc, by Ajax. Trainer, G. Peterson. Owner, L. Clark. Breeder. Himyar Stud. 7CG15 F.Grnds 3-1 l:13fast 100 91 12 13 13 IV G Thpson 13 Tamboir, SIissI"rtune, Kingsclere 70484 F.Grnds S-4 l:13fast 50 104 9 10 10 10 G ThompnlO Payman. Q. Charming, Waukulla 76020 Jeffeison 51 f i:lGslow SO 107 1 S Sl 9,s G Thompn 9 Times Cp. Bugler, Barberry 72328 Man.Hts 5i f l:02fast 112 108 7 X 8 S" A Frieshon S Shindy. Last. Love, Lady Abbott 72102 Map.Ilta 5i f l:03fast 46 100 5 9 9 9 J Byrne 10 Ann SL, Tister. Upstage 70509 Belmont 41 f SC u3fast 20 103 8 9 9 9:l C Taylor 9 Chcmiscrie, 1- dayl3th, LeeA.lrin 70006 Jamaica 0-8 l:01fast 3 112 7 8 S5 S5 J SIcTagt 10 Stormalong, BuzzSaw, Gldmark G9748 Jamaica 5-8 l:03mud 20 " 115 7 7 7 . E Slarta 7 A.StronoII.. Apolosy, SI. Cameo G9G26 Jamaica 5-8 1:02 fast 20 110 4 5 51 G E Slartz G L.Audrey, H.ltrgain. Sptaneoui 69386 lLdcGce 1-2 4Sfast 114 ICS 8 7 8l S11 E Martz 9 A. J. Buja. Jackson, Humble :rile "-year-olds and niMvard. Clalntins. Fell, i, lilS 2nd RACE REDWOOD, ch. f. 4 101 By Manager Waite Ebony, by Sain. Trainer. P. Dolan. Owner. P. Dolan. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 76770 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15good 7 100 5 9 51 54 D Jones 13 Daydue. Oilova, AVestwood 76614 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14fast 20 105 4 7 7" 6 J McCoy 13 B. Pardon, Dr.Joe. Thelranoiscan 76185 Jefferson 1 1:46 livy 25 101 5 6 7l 8" J AArallace 8 Sedgcfield. Rrooinflax, Col. Boy 75994 Jefferson 3-4 1:17 slow 13 105 7 6 6 5 J Pevic 11 Antonia, PoorSport, lermarco 75245 Latonia 3-4 l:13hvy G 110 4 9 91 10 E Scobie 12 Foppyc, AVinclgThrough. JouJou 75089 Latonia 1 1-16 l:3lhvy 6i 102 3 2 2J 24 B Harvey 8 StumpJr.. AVrangler. Sliurstll. 75029 Latonia 1 1-16 1:31 mud 10 10G 2 2 31 4T J Tevie 7 Flower Shop. Repeater. Hoy 74730 Latonia lm70y l:437sfast 7 107 6 8 S SI AV Fronk and Gem, Bosh, Sliss Slazie BELLE ISLE, b. f. 3 96 Bv Bezant Good Shot, by Martimas. Trainer. A. E. Alexandra. Owner, A. E. Alexandra. Breeder. W. 0. Parmer. 75559 Sllboro Ab 5-S 1:05 good 1-3 10S 1 3 34 35 P Madeira S LyAbbott, KirkDress, SpearShot 75498 Sllboro Ab 5-S l:03slow 11-5 107 3 1 1and 3 C OMahy S Kirk Dress. Norah, Zania 75287 AAliling Ab 5-S 1:03 hvy 7-3 114 i- C OSIahy 8 Forty Two, Sir Glen, BonnieJack 75104 AAlieelg Ab 5-S 1:03 slow 14-5 112 14 C OSIahy 7 Sliss Leggo, Sir Glen, Oneida 74960 Stamford Ab 3-S l:00fast 7-10 112 2"i C OSIahy 0 SlissLrggo. SiiGlen, Slcighl.ells 74755 Stamfrd 5-S 1:02 good 7-10 113 "t C OSIahy ii Sliss Ia ggo, Lead. Light, S.Belis 74715 Stamf rd 5-S l:01fasc 12-5 115 1J C OMahy S Alllotfoot, S.Belis. Lead. Light 74521 Thc.iffo 51 f l:0Sfast :: 107 4 3 7 PV IC Foden 10 Seaslake, Fehrah. Slollie R. 74423 Thcliffu 3-4 l:16fast 3 1011 2 6 4 2l F AVatrouslS Caledon. SleighBells. SlissLeggo GEORGE STARR, br. g, 9 E6 By Jack Atkin Africa, by Savile. Trainer. G. R. Allen. Owner.G. R. Allen. Breeder. O. H. Chenaullt. 76770 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15good 30 97 9 5 71 65 A Ailmore 13 Daydue. Oilova,. AVestwood 76607 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 21 9S 4 C 6l fi1 F Lee 12 Good Time, Hysteria. Ithinegold 76305 Jefferson 3-4 l:17hvy 31 103 7 5 6 6J I Parke 11 Carnarvon, Dbfounder, PcePal 76247 Jefferson 51 f 1:12 hvy 4 107 7 3 2 2 II Farlandll Froth, Consort, Adventure 76130 Jefferson 3-1 l:lShvy 4 1C5 7 1 3 3 I Parke 12 A.N. Akin, Piedmont, Sacajawea 75993 Jefferson 51 f l:09slow 6-5 110 112 24 I Parke 9 Korbly. FrtdKinney. IncleAelo 75974 Jeffeison 51 f 1:10 hvy 31 106 4 3 6 6 J AAallace 10 Knot Grass. ColdenFIoss, Froth 75904 Jefferson 51 f l:12hvy 31 104 2 2 2 34 J Corcoran 7 S.Conibs. T.SIlosker. Propgda 58756 Jefferson 5-S l:01fast 11-10 lit 1 1 11 lb SI Garner 7 Col.Ta.vlor. ColbiaTenn. A.Jkll. SAM FREEDMAN, b. h, 7 101 By Pataud Femesole. by Sir Dixon. Trainer. J. Umensetter. Owner, O. Rehm. Breeder, J. E. Madden, C2749 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4SVr.fast 31-10 103 2 1 l1 l1 J Owens 12 ISermcnt. Bit or Green, Rob 43069 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 13 124 5 1 0 91 9 II Thurberl3 .Bksoin, ByColly, SI. Hyncs 42946 Latonia u-S l:01mud 11 123 1 2 21 2 K Lapaille S Sl.SIoore, ByGolly, P.Pennant 42899 latonia 41 f 53 fast 8-5 118 14 4 34 II Thurber G By Golly. Sl.SIoore. Sterling SEA-WOLF, b. e, 5 M 101 By Ultimus Queen of the Water, by Waterboy. Trainer, B. E. Chapman. Owner. F. A. Tansor. Breeder. W. B. Miller. 76810 F.Grnds 3-4 l:16mud S 112 8 3 2 JtM SchwtzlO Slip.KIm, Capt.Costigan, R.Dick 76441 Jefferson 3-4 l:15fast 15 112 C 5 S SJ SI Schwtzll Daydue, Far East. Rhinegold 75730 Bowie 61 f l:22fast 39 116 7 11 11 10 J CorcranlS Ticacey, Sea Sand, Coral Reef 75616 Bowie 1 1-10 l:51fast 16 101 2 4 8 8" F ThdykelO Rouen, I, and Drakes, Zouave 75070 Laurel 3-1 l:16?ss!ow 12 110 7 9 7 74 SI Schwtzl3 Aalentia, Finalily, Sriu-; 74859 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast 16 112 6 7 7s ST2 SI Schwtzl5 Colando. Khinegold. SeaSand 74667 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 51 112 1 1 ! 24 SI SchwtzlO RosaAeta, Qiiinhaui, TheFenian 74469 Laurel 11-16 1:47 fasc 15 110 4 2 3 31 SI Schwtz 7 KingJolm, Smarly, Col.Whallen 74053 H.dcGce 1 l:42fast 9-5 103 1 4 44 21 A Reach Insulate, VioletlUue. Rcdbrand 73939 H.deGce lm70y l:49mud 5 106 1 3 35 34 A Roach 10 St.Donaid, Biffliang, St.Germn THE PERUVIAN, ch. h, 5 113 By Hesperus Rural Delivery, by Mortlake. Trainer, H. Acker. Owner, H. Acker. Breeder. A.. K. Macomher. 7C701 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15andhvy S 110 5 6 6 61 G Rose 11 Carnarvon, FarEast, DanBolIing 75730 Bowio CI f l:L2fast S7-10 110 6 C 5 64 C 11 Slillerl3 Ticacey, Sea Sand, Coral Reef 75228 Pimlico 3-4 l:14mud 4 109 4 4 44 2 C Lang 11 Finality. SlarySIaxim, Slabel K. 75069 Laurel 3-4 l:13slow 7 115 3 3 2 2 AV Pool 12 Cap.Ctigan, AVbone, C.Barthell 74781 laurel 1 1-16 l:16fast 12 10S 4 7 6 hTi G Row 8 Ticacey, Royal Duck, Scdgefield 74606 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 21-10 115 5 2 3 6 C II SliMerll Rhinegold, Aalentia, The Lamb 74164 Aqueduct 3-4 l:14fast 4 115 1 3 3 1" C H SlillerH C. de Lion, K.enan, Dexterous 73855 Aqueduct CI f l:15fast 6 117 11 6 5 3 E Sands S Three Square, AVhisk, Bucado EDDIE JR., ch. g, 4 111 By Short Grass Miss Present, by The Tartar, Trainer, J. Lowenstein. Owner, M. Lowenstein. Breeder. Short Grass Stud. 72736 Aurora " 3-4 l:16slow 13-5 107 4 3 3 U E Tetzoldt 9 Joetanipbell, Casey, SanStefana 72638 Aurora 1 1-1C 2:00 hvy 4 101 1 4 4 4 N Burger 5 Lendonia, Herald. S. Light III. 72535 Aurora 61 f 1:22 fast 7 104 2 2 2 2 II Zander Proceeds, Little Beauty, Zapatos 72481 Aurora lm70y l:4S9sfast 13-5 105 3 4 51 6 N Swart 7 Palmetto, Lendonia, Brit. Liner 72462 Aurora lm.Oy l:48fast 3 1071 3 6 6 6" R Reeves 6 Pembroke, Amer. Soldier, Diana 2290 Hawthne 3-4 1:14 fait 6 110 9 9 81 64 P Slartinez 9 1G. Brown. Froth. Put nndTake HELLO PARDNER, b. r, 7 10G By Marajax Ma Wee Dear, by Love Wisely. Trainer, R. McKeag. Owner, E. Denham. .Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 73115 Cnaught ImTOy l:45fast 5 104 4 S S 88 P AAalls 11 Flint. Our Betsv. Feigned Zeal 72733 FortErle 1 1-16 l:46fast 22 110 3 8 Sl 9 P AAalls 9 Slir.SIan, Roisterer. FredKinney 72528 FortErie 1 1-1G l:4Sfast 5 107 G 7 S 9 J AVallace 12 Lucky Run, Biddledre, Darkllill 70414 Slap.Hts ImTOy l:43ifast 5 110 34 J Kessner 7 Tulane. Paula V.. High Gear 69970 Slap.Hts lmOy l:5Simud 37-10 101 12 J Kessner 5 AVre.ker. Lucy Kale. Bevonite McINTOSH, ch. c. 4 M 104 By Prince Hermis Gay and Festive, by Knight of Trainer, W. Joes. Owner, H. T. Batchler. the Thhtie. Breeder. G. L. Blackford. 70810 F.Grnds 3-4 l:16mud 10 112 4 4 4h 54 H HamtnlO Slip.KIm, Sea-AVolf. Cap.Costin 76524 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15slow 30 115 11 12 9 13 II Hamtnll LittleAlfred. Telescope, Chaplet 66616 Latonia 3-4 l:14Tifast 24 10S 11 11- 11 11" F Smith 12 Slump Jr.. Lucky Run, Vorick PROPAGANDA, ch. g, 8 113 By Sundridge Gelinotte. by Gallinule. Trainer. E. Lutz. Ownnr. E. Lutil. Bred in England by Sir M. Sykes. 76770 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15good 50 112 2 7 12 125 J Corcoranl.1 Daydue. Oilova. AVestwood 76345 Jeffeison 3-4 l:15hvy 30 113 1 2 2l 2 M Garrett 15 LdAllen, J.Fainnan, Kennesaw 76304 Jefferson 3-4I:17hvy 20 110 1 6 9- 9 J CorcoranlO Piedmont, Dentaria, AVar Idol 76229 Jefferson 51 f l:12hvy 15 112 1 11 11 11 J Corcoranll Anticipate, Dtaria. Fbertygibt 76130 Jefferson 3-4 l:18hvy 13 115 5 7 7 6 SI Garrett 12 A.N. Akin. Piedmont. Geo. Starr 75993 Jefferson 51 f l:C9slow 13 109 6 6 9 3" II Zander 9 KorWy. Geo.Starr, FredKinncv 75904 Jefferson 51 f l:12hvy 20 103 1 5 6 41 II Zander 7 S.Conibs. T.SIskinner, G.Starr 75321 AAhling Ab 3-4 1:23 hvy S-5 307 3 F Sloore ! Copyright, JustinaK., C.A.Bvrne 75042 AAheelg Ab C-S l:0Sslop 15 108 94 C La Belle 9 Bridgettp. SliKslIold, L.Pointer 71693 Devshire 3-4 1:18 slop 27 118 7" E T MoorelO Dapper Dan, Raguzza, Jago MONSOON, b. g, 6 109 By PeterQuince Mattie C, by Out of Reach. Trainer. J. M. Goode. Owner, J. T. Loosey. Breeder. B. Combs, 76614 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14fast 20 112 2 11 ll1 10 E Martin 13 B.Pardon. Dr.Joe. TheFranciscan 76441 Jefferson 3-4 l:15fast 20 110 4 7 7 5 AV Fronk 11 Daydue, Far East. Rhinegold 76304 Jefferson 3-4 l:17hvy 12 110 4 4 41 4 AAr Fronlc 10 Piedmont. Dentaria. AVar Idol 7G229 Jefferson 51 f l:12hvy 60 112 7 6 S1 6s J AV Fronk It Anticipate, Dtaria, Fbertvgibt 70190 Jefferson 61 f l:llhvy 30 113 10 9 91 1010 AA Fronk 12 Sling, Royal Duck, Piedmont 75267 Huntgton 51 f l:0Sfast 10 109 V N Burger 8 Lt. Perkins, Cold Bank, Pellon 75205 Huntgton 3-4 1:18 mud 2 111 4 N Burger 9 Califa. Cnidenas, Swim 75144 Huntgton 51 f 1:11 slow 51 lll 2 N Burger 10 Iconic Ixti, Dicknell, loyalty COL. TAYLOR, b. g, 8 104 By Plaudit Looking Glass, by Clear the Way. Trainer, J. McKeon. Owner. W. Baumgartner. Breeder. J. L. and S. Holton. 76026 Jefferson 3-4 l:13good 15 1C3 2 8 71 11 L Smith 12 Modesty, Kgsclere. C.J.CginiJe 75974 Jefferson 51 f 1:10 hvy 10 106 1 1 5 716 L Smith 10 Knot Grass. GoldcnFloss. Froth 71530 Hamton 61 f.l:07fast 32 109 6 2 6 84 SI Garrett S Far East, Peter Piper, Finality 71298 Hamton 61 f 1:07 fast 7 114 5 1 21 64 E Roehm 11 Finality, SlagicReed, Patchwrk 70797 Dfferin Ab C-S 1:02 fast 21 113 21 E Roehm 7 Avion. Topango. Kinsman 70713 Dfferin Ab 5-8 1:01 slop 11-10 113 1 T Rae LndvBinmore. Bogatt, Ray L. 70527 Thcliffe 61 f l:08fast 9 107 4 3 51 6 E Roehm 10 Ogarite, AVhalebone. Bon Jour 68697 Jefferson 3-4 l:15slow 10 110 3 2 2 6J D Jones 12 Stamp, Runnyol. Twopair 68245 Jefferson 3-4 l:14fast 10 112 1 1 2l 2 E Roehm 10 M. Winks, AV.lcut, C.A.Ciskey FIFTY-FIFTY, Wk. h, 5 101 By lough Forle Haversack, or Martinet. ; Trainer, T. J. Shannon. Owner. J. J. Hertz. Breeder. S. Ross. 1 70770 KGrnda 3-4 l:15Xgood 10 104131 8 9l ST A Accardyl.". Daydue. Orlova, Westwood 76505 F.Grnds 3-4 1:15 mud 30 110 5 5 5 59 A Accardy 5 H.Jewel. L.Marcellia, J.Joseph 07060 Jefferson 51 f l:10hvy 31 103 5 C 6 C" J Corcoran. 0 AMieMny, J.F.OHara, ScaMint f CG930 Jefferson 3-4 1:13 fast 7 10S 4 2 21 2l I McDott G Mnr.May, Anonymous. J.Berger 0GG62 Pimlico 3-4 l:13Kislow 7 103 S 4 41 31 B MariellilS Aper. S.nndBoots. TheAlmoiicr 1 00034 Pimlico 3-4 1:13fast 23 108 3 S S 41 M Fator 11! LKffare, Ar. of Gold. Dexterous 00524 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 7 108 4 3 3 41 W Martin 8 LKffare. Wraith. Hidden Jewel " 06422 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 13 103 2 2 4 3J W Martin S May i:iussom. Apex, Despair MARTHA MOORE, ch. f. 4 M 94 By Malamont Bracktown Belle, by Cunard. Trainer. C. S. "Wilson. Owner. Mrs. C. S. Lemieux. Breeder. A. Brown. , 7GG14 F.Grnds 3-1 l-.llandfast 50 S3 13 13 13 13"L Lang 13 B.Pardon, Dr.Joc. TheFranciscan ; 76524 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13slow 30 110 5 11 101 9,s J Kederis 14 LittleAlfred. Telescope, Cliaplet;, 7G248 Jefferson 3-1 1:10- hvy 30 111 7 7 7 7- C Lang 9 Miss Km, Gleneonoko, Antonia 70210 Jefferson 3-4 l:lShvy 50 100 7 7 8 -7" A Hunt 9 Care Free. Kingsclere. Aladdin ; 7G021 Jefferson 51 f l:09slow 30 107 7 7 GJA Fraley 10 KgONeilllL. Without. 1ayman 732G0 BI. Grass 3-4 l:llfast 30 105 61 II Glick 8 My Valet, May Prosper, Lucidua 73150 BI. Grass 51 f l-.lOOislow 21 105 3l A Fraley 9 Mr. Kid, First Blush. Carter 72G84 Aurora 3-4 1:13 hvy 20 1011 2 4 3 3IS A Fraley 4 Delante, Golden Floss, Tuscola Onrl DA PC Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming- Feb. J, 1018 OrQ HAUL 1:11 1-5 11U. CENTIMETER, h. h. 6 119 By Meelick Regea. hy Margrave. Trainer. T. Soott. Owner. T. H. Bernhardt. Brcpder. G. L. Blackford. 7G859 l.Grnds 3- 1:13 fast 13-10 117 4 3 1 l1 I Parke 9 Clghjordan. L.Marcellia, Ddlk 70771 F.Grnds 3-1 1:1 iandgood 11-20 123 2 1 ll 21 I Parko 10 Mercury, JuliaM., Muskallongc 7GG08 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13V4fast 4-5 116 2 1 11 ll I Park-; 10 Cjordan, L.Mareela. H.Graham 7G442 Jefferson 3-4 l:13fast 7-" 116 1 1 ll ll I Parke 5 HiddnJewcl. Orcus. Muskallonge j 76367 Jefferson 51 f l:07good 5 112 5 3 31 31 I Parke 8 Moonraker. llid.Jewel, Tuscola , 75814 Jefferson -3 1:02 slow 9-5 105 1 1 l5 1 I Parke G 1oste Haste. Atnole, Tuscola I 74G8G Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 3-5 104 1 3 3 351 I Parke 7 Sympathy, EterBclls, J.Q.Kelly 74G32 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 3 100 3 1 ll li I Parka 12 Honor Man. Patrician, Ruby CLOUGHJORDAN. h. g. 5 109 By The Curragh Trance, by Ben Brush. Trainer, J. Phillips. Owner, Mrs. J. Phillips. Breeder. J. Sanfoid. 7G924 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13rsslow 3 105 1 2 1 ll J "Wallace G Certain, BradleysToney, OuiOui 7G859 F.Grnds 3-1 1:13 fast 13-5 111 2 1 2 2 J Wallace ! Centimeter. L.Marcellia, Ddlock: 7GG8I F.Grnds 3-4 l:15smud 11-3 110 1 1 1 1 J Wallace G Mercury, Caligula. War Man 7GG08 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13Vsfast 13 106 4 2 2 2J J Wallace 10 dimeter. L.Mareela, II.Gham 71737 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast 13-5 10S1 3 3 3" 351 C Lang 7 Leatherwd Blucllawk. LastOne 1 71671 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 14-5 117 4 2 31 2 J Kessner 8 Dr.Chas. Wells, MabelK., Pietrua 74568 laurel 3-4 l:13fast 13-5 114 1 2 11 l1 J Kessner 5 MabelK.. Dr.CIi.Wells, LyBoss 74417 Laurel 3-11:13 fast 4 105 3 1 ll ll F Leo 9 Dr.C.Wells, LadyBoss, Mabel K. LORENA MARCELLIA. ch. f , 4 105 By Seth Cutaneous, hy Faranflola. iTrainer. B. A. Jones. Owner. Jcres Stock Farm Stable. - Breeder. B. A. Jones. 76839 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast G 100 S 5 3S 3J L McDott 9 Centimeter, Clghjordan, Ddlock 76G08 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 41 105 5 4 3 3J F Lee 10 dimeter. Cjordan, H.Graham 76505 F.Grnds 3-4 1:15 mud 13-5 100 3 2 25 21 L Lang 5 llid.Jewel, JohnJoseph, Calcutta 71221 Omaha 11-16 1:50 mud 13-1C 111 3 3 5 5JE Taplin 5 Delante. Sec.Thghts, Billy Star 74079 Omaha 3-4 1:12 fast 21-10 111 5 4 3 l"k E Taplin 0 L.Gorhum. D.Buckner. Goldstein 73783 Omaha 3-4 3:36,mud 13-10 106 1 4 41 2l E Taplin 8 Rajah. Delante. DthyBuckncr 7 3093 Omaha 51 f 3:06 fast 2-3 106 3 4 31 2:5 D Hum 7 Sec.Tlioughls, Finehst, Delante RUPEE, ch. g. 4 104 By Delhi Lucrative, hy Mordant. Trainer. E. Wilkinson. Owner. T. Haskos. . Breeder. P. T. Chinn. 7G77 4 F.Grnds 3 3-35 l:43rsgood S 106 5 3 3 24 A Abel S Beverwyck, King John, Runnuot 7G703 F.Grnds 1 1-1G 3:50thvy 7 107 4 4 41 410 B Mrinelli 7 Sea Cove, Gondolier, Simplicity 70348 Jefferson 1 1-S l:57hvy 41 103 4 3 9 95 B Brening 9 Gondolier, Smarty, Attorney 70270 Jefferson lm7uy 1:51 hvy 12 97 4 4 21 2 B Brening 0 FlyingDevil. Vcnnie, Anonymous 70001 Jefferson 3-4 l:15fast 25 110 12 6 51 1and B Brcning32 PoorSport. LordAIIen. Broomflax! 75712 Bowie 1 1-1G 1:52 fast 7 105 3 4 3 31 G Rose It Qnccreek. Sedgcfield. Poor Sport 75014 Bowie lm70y 1:49 fast 23 95 5 4 3s 31 W Harvey5 Cooncan, ltclphrizoiiia, Leaside 75135 Laurt-l 1 1-S l:54fast 15 107 3 2 2l 2 B MailnellilS Day Lilly, Iiendita, Comn-.c Ci 75013 Laurel 1 1-16 1:51 mud 4 107 2 5 3l 1and B Marinelli 9 Kltahe. Undy Zeus, W. Flower 74903 Laurel 1 1-16 1:51t;s1op 6f 103 9 3 31 3 F Wdstckl5 Cote dOr. Zouave. El Jesmar MUSKALLONGE, ch. g, 5 109 By Meelick Gay and Festive, by Knight of thi Trainer, R. McKeever. Owner. W. Wick. Thistle. Bwider. G. L. Blackford. 70771 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13andgood 20 113 4 2 4l 4s M Garrett 10 Mercury, Centimeter, Julia M. I 7G442 Jefferson 3-4 l:13fandfast 12 106 3 3 3s 4J 11 Garrett 5 Centimeter. HiddenJewel. Orcus f 7G096 Jefferson 51 f 1:03 fast 15 110 7 9 61 8i M Garrett 10 Hidden Jewel, Tuscola, Admirer ; 7599G Jeffeison 3-4 l:I5sIow 13 107 5 1 4s 41 M Garrett 7 John Finn. Roseate II., Brunei! 75282 Pimlico 3-1 l:12tast 41 115 9 9 8 7 E Roehm 12 Xoel, Marie Maxim, Loch Ayr 74G43 Laurel .1-4 l:12fast 27 10S 3 4 5 5" E Roehm 5 Dimdale, Wellfiiider, M.BIosm 74000 Woodne 3-4 l:12fast 5 115 5 2 V 2J G Fields S JocllaJ., Mercury. Knighthood . 73077 Dorval 3-4 l:llfast 13 103 4 4 4 4 G Fields 5 Battersca, .Hampshire, LtOne 73589 Dorval 3-4 l:13good 7 103 3 2 21 11 G Fields t Jacaues. Bulletlroof. llid.Jewel 7353G Dorval 51 f l:07islow 12 103 5 6 5 4s G Fields 0 Battcrsea. Ablaze. Lilt LUGS. h. g, 5 109 By Bulse Princess Thorpe, by Woolsthorpe. Trainer. A. Swenke. Owner, Friars Inn Stable. Hrpr!er. J. W. Parrish. 76771 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13-sgood 20 113 9 10 Si Sl- N Barrett 10 Mercury, Centimeter. Julia M. 76608 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13!6t"ast 10 1C6 9 S 5 5J G Fields 10 dimeter. CTJordan, L.Marcela, 76404 Jefferson 3-4 l:13good 21 107 1 2 2J 2s I Parke 9 IdleThoughts, Aladdin, K.Grass 7549G Churchill 3-4 l:13fast 3 IIS 6 5 51 5"i E Petzoldt G Glyn. JohnO.Kully. AuatieMay 75393 Churchill 3-4 l:13slow 27-10 110 4 3 11 li E Pool S Westwood. Ben Bolt, Avispa 75275 I.atonta 3-4 l:llfast 21-10 103 5 3 VX 41 E Pool ti Easter Bells, Glyn. Isosceles 75090 Latonia 3-4 l:15?shvy G 110 1 3 65 78i E Pool 12 Marsdale. Untried, Glyn 75002 Latonia 3-4 l:137andfast 21 109 5 5 G 4l E Pool 0 Easter Bell?, Anonymous, Glyn WAR MAN, b. c, 4. M 107 By For Fair Plasette. hy Peter Pan. Trainer. F. Fox. Owner. E. Glassco. Breeder. H. M. Jewett. 7GG81 F.Grnd3 3-4 l:l5smud 30 107 5 5 5 4 R Romelli G Cloughjordan, Mercury, Caligula 742G2 Thcliffe 5i f l:07fast 54 101 9 9 91 S R RomellilO Mercury. EtuelClayton. JoellaJ. 73325 B.Bnnets 3-t l:13mud 23 101 3 4 4 I7 K Romelli 4 Battersea. Last One, N.Hpshire 72818 Kenilwh 7-S l:25faat 67 101 4 7 65 61 R Romelli 7 Curland, Best Pal, Wrangle 72452 Humton 3-4 l:137sfast 47 102 5 3 41 3J L Aron 9 S.sLemoh, Pet. Piper, Westwood 72350 Hamton 3- l:12fast 166 103 6 6 8s S" L Aron 5 Pet.Piper, Bui. Proof. S.sLemon 72251 Kenilwh 3-4 1.13slow 70 102 6 7 Sl S:0 II Stearns 9 Mercury, SethsLemon, WakeUp All. DAPtr"! Mile. PrellrainarT Handicap. 3-year-ol1.s. Jan. 1, 101S 4in nAUtl is:j7 -1-5 5 114. PAYMAN. ch. c, 3 100 By Superman Fair Pay, by Fair Play. Trainer, T. F. Devereanx. Owner, S. Cowan. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 70838 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15slow 7 108 3 2 2and 2"t B Harvey 9 Ducky, W.theWizard, Julia M. 7GG84 F.Grnds lmiOy l:4Smud G 110 1 2 in 1 B Harvey 10 Our Star. Felirah. Frosty Boy 70G17 F.Grnds 1 1:40 fast 20 100 10 3 Ss Ss R Telton 10 Boy O Boy. Blotter, Pathan 7G484 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 12 119 1 2 l P N Barrett 10 Q.Charming. Wkulla, Julia M. 7 G 104 Jefferson 3-4 l:13good 12 100 3 G 61 5 W Milner 9 Idle Thoughts. Lugs, Aladdin 70207 Jefferson 3-4 l:17hvy G 113 6 4 6 G N Barrett 9 Julia M., Setlis Flower, lolvo 70183 Jefferson 3-4 l:lShvy 41 112 G 3 31 lh N Barrett 0 Arabis. Zanzibar, IlenryM.Dietz 70148 Jefferson 51 f 1:09 slow 15 108 5 3 4 4 N Barrett 10 Thorndale, Vera Vcnnie, Gte ! 70021 Jefferson 51 f l:03slow 5 1031 5 4 31 31 J CorcoranlO K.ONeilllL. Without. Ph.Snow 75750 Jefferson . 5-8 1:04 mud 7 107 5 5 4 441 A Accardy 9 Thorndale, Without. Mad.Veunie KING ONEILL II., ch. c. 3 113 By Huon Duchess of Savoy, ty Uncle. Trainer, G. Land. Owner. J. C. Milam. Breeder. H. P. Hcadley. 70881 F.Grnds 3-1 l:13slow 6 113 2 3 3s 1and B Mrinelli 8 Rinkcy, MahJoag, LesterDoctbr 7CG48 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12fast G 113 1 1 21 Ci F Lee G Riukey, Thorndale, Brilt Cast 70559 F.Grnds 51 f l:0Gifast 31 110 7 4 4J 3J I Parke 10 I.Thghts, B.OBoy. Les,Doctor 70097 Jefferson 3-1 1:13sIov 11-5 115 2 3 41 2J I Parke 0 Pathan, Dreamer, Blotter 7G021 Jefferson 51 f l:09?5slow 3-5 100 2 1 l1 ll I Parke 10 Without, Payman, Phoebe Snow 75854 Jefferson 5s i l:10hvy G-5 113 2 1 11 Is I Parke 7 Gee, Zanzibar, Antiquity 75552 Churchill 7-S l:26!fast 21 112 5 1 11 2 M Garner 14 Com.Artlst. W.theWizd, T.Runt 75123 Latonia 3-4 l:13good 13-3 115 4 i 41 45J J Pevic 11 Horgan, Muldraugh, Calvin DREAMER, br. c, 3 102 By Manager Waite Dream Girl, by Voter. Trainer. W. Busch. Owner. Bonavcnture Stable. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 70772 F.Grnds 1 1:42 good 3 102 3 2 ll 21 J Heupel S Extra Edition. Dobson, Blotter 7GG17 F.Grnds i 1:10 fast 30 102J 3 0 01 4i J Heupel 10 Boy O Boy. Blotter, Pathan 7G526 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14islow 20 115 9 S S S J D MneylO lolvo. Fredericktown, Pathan 7G183 Jefferson 3-4 l:13hvy S 112 2 G 5" 31! J D Mney G Payman, Arabis. Zanzibar 7G097 Jefferson 3-t l:15slow 30 100 6 0 5s 3i H Farland G Pathan, KingOXeill II., Blotter , 74733 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 1G 108 3 5 51 7" J Howard 10 Glide. Mali Jong. B. and Shoes: 73242 Bl.Grass 5-3 59fast 22 107 5 J Howard G S.Elizabeth. WillLand. B.Addie i ! 71630 Latonia 51 f l:07fast 24 97 G 7 8 8JB Harvey 9 Cher.Lee, IhbeSnow, F.x.BJition ! 71427 latonia 5 f l:074good 10 105 2 9 31 4J J Howard 10 Eventide, Mill Boy. Battle Bent I I 71099 Latonia 5-S l:00?sfast 16 106 3 5 4 1J Howard 12 Xaiiobi. Black Ruler. Everglade I j PATHAN, br. g, 3 103 By Short Grass Elfinhart. by Plandit. Trainer. G. Zeigler. Owner, L, J. Carey. Breeder. W. M. Jeffords. 76881 F.Grnds 3-4 l:l3slow S 106 6 5 ; 54J L McDott S K.OXeill II., Rinkey, MahJong ; 7G617 F.Grnds 1 1:10 fast 11-5 100 6 3 4l 3 I Parke 10 Boy O Boy. Blotter, Dreamer I 7G52G F.Grnds 3-4 l:llslow 2 112 5 6 4 3 J CorcoranlO Polvo, Fredericktown. M. Vcnnie 70097 Jefferson 3-4 l:13slow 1S-5 106 4 5 2 11 J Corcoran G KingOXeill II., Drmer. Blotter 75211 Empire 51 f l:07slow 5 112 1 3 2 1 L Fator 7 M.Domino. All in All, Ombrage 75082 Empire Al 3-4 l:10sgood 6-5 104 2 4 3 31 M Fator .7 Ombrage, Belcross, All in All 74920 Belmont 3-4 MC l:134slop 5 103 3 5 41 4i L Fator 30 Ducky. MissDomir.c, Dante 74803 Empire Ab 3-4 1:10 fast 12-5 113 3 3 l1 1 L Fator 9 F.FIower, Apology, R. and Rye DERONDA, b. g, 3 101 By Vulcain Autumn II.. by St. Frusquin. Trainer. K. Spence. Owner. Audlev Farm Stable. Breeder. H. T. Oznard. 70860 F.Grnds lm70y l:46-fast 7 108 7 2 11 1U IT Stutts 31 AVaukulIa, -Despard, Attilia 70811 F.Grnds 3-4 1:15 mud 6 113 5 3 31 FJ H Stutts 9 Invictus. MissFortune, MahJong 76702 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15hvy 21 116 8 4 44 45J E Pool 11 Byron, Xorseland, Telescope I 70484 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 41 110 6 3 3i 54 E Scobie 10 Payman. Q. Charming, Waukulla i 7G36G Jefferson 3-4 l:lGVfegood 13-5 112 6 3 11 2 I Parke 9 Fraukman. llerbertus. Rinkcy I 70212 Jefferson 3-4 l:18hvy 20 107 4 3 4 4J H Stutts 7 Anne, Blotter, Beautiful Addie 70148 Jefferson 51 f 1:09 slow 15 103 9 9 91 91SH Stutts 10 Thorndale, Vera Venuie, Gee 75495 Churchill 3-4 1:12 fast 5 101 1 7 7 7" J Wallace 7 Prin.Doreen. Chilhowee. B.Creek : I 75450 Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast 3 105 10 10 11 lli G W Crollll Ir.Doreen. Clarence. SgeCoach i 75278 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 12 110 3 1 1 4 E Scobie 7 Calvin. Cloister. Bob Cahill POLVO, br. c, 3 10G By Sweep First Peop, by Dieuucnne. Trainer, W. J. Foley. Owner, W. J. Potter. Breeder. Himyar Stud. 70882 F.Grnd3 lm70y l:45V4slow 12 95 G a 5s F Thdykc G S.Thouglits-. Delante. Barracuda 7G651 F.Grnds 1 1 -IS 1:46 fast 6 97 1 1 ll la J "Wallace G Win.TakcAll. Dustabout, Othtii i 70520 F.Grnds 3-1 UWslow 7 110 2 3 25 1? E Pool 10 Fredericktn. Pathan, M.Vennre ; 70107 Jefferson 1 l:41r5ffood 20 90 4 6 G G" H Taylor 0 Bestlal, Flintstoue. Her.Kemble ; 76323 Jefferson 3-4 Unhvy 13-5 100 5 5 31 ll I Parke 7 Gee. Businesslike, Bigwig 76207 Jefferson 3-4 l:17hvy 40 101 7 3 41 351 G Noel 9 Julia M., Seths Flower, Arabis i 76149 Jefferson 51 f 1:0St5.s1ow 50 90 7 7 3 7" H Taylor 8 Kingsclere. C.uvnor, Aladdin 75088 .Latonia l l:41?ilvy 9 112 12 S 8 7i E Scobia 12 SunSpot, DevilGirl, Phyl-Louise ! MISS FORTUNE, b. f. 3 EG By All Gold Stickling, by Broomstick. Trainer. A. Goldblatt. Owner, M. Shapoff. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 7G8II F.Grnds 3-1 1:15 mud 8 103 3 5 4 2l F Lee 9 Invictus, Mali Jong, Everglade 7G772 F.Grnds 1 1:42 good 7 97 2 5 5 51 D Jones 8 Extra Edition, Dreamer, Dobson 76015 F.Grnds 3-1 l:13fast 20 3 4 S 9 G 2 D Jones 13 Tambon. Kingsclere, Admirer 7C52G F.Grnds 3-1 l:14slow 15 110 3 4 51 5" B Harvey 10 Polvo, Fredericktown. Pathan 70380 Jefferson 3-4 1:15 good 7 99 6 4 5 3i I Parke 30 Welcome. Bigwig, Businesslike s 75302 Latonia 3-1 l:13Vfast 10 111 8 8 8 7si I ColItttlia Q.Cluinng, Bamra. BlkUrackle ; 7 0352 Churchill 41 f 55Vmud G 104 1 2 41 45 J Corcorn S Altnwood. Pest, Nivlag C9905 Churchill 41 f 54good 41 115 4 1 1 1 L Penman G DevilGirl. Wh. Clover. Geor.May C92G7 II.deGca 1-2 4Sandfa3t 8-5 115 12 11 9 9 II Shillick 13 Remuant. Sunny Light. NoLid.v f TAMBON. br. f, 8 09 By Peter Quince Whats Left, hy Wadsworth. Trainer. J. McPherson. Owner. F. E. Courson. Breeder. T. B. Jones. 76881 F.Gcnds 3-4 l:133low 15 105 7 6 o GCJ B Harvey 8 K.OXeill II.. Rinkcy. MahJong ; 70735 F.Grnds 51 f l:08slow 7 103 4 4 41 4 B Harvey B Rinkey, Devil Girl, Mah Jong 76015 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fa3t 15 103 6 G 4 1 B Harvey 13 M.Foriuiie. Kingsclere. Admirer r 76504 F.Grnds 3-4 1:16 mud 18-5 104 2 1 V1 11 B Harvey 9 Goldmark, Apology, Attilia 7C461 F.Grnds 51 f 1:07 fast 20 105 4 1 3 5 B Harvey 8 Rinkey, Boy O Boy, Kx.Edition i 76344 Jefferson 51 f l:10ftlivy 31 115 2 2 21 3 J Gruber 8 WaukIla, AmityClaim. Bal.Lake s 7G060 Jefferson F1 f l:08fast 15 113 3 1 4l 4" J Gruber 12 Gee, Waukulla, Little Alfred 75000 Latonia , 51 f 1:03 fast ISf 112 3 6 6 61 J Gruber- 12 Diadem, Annie Lyle, Minus ; 1 1 " , ; ; , I f ; . ! i ! ! I I I j ; I I I : I i ; ; i ! s ; f ; r i s ?th RAPE 1 1-16 Miles. Andnlion Claiming Handicap. 3-year-olds ami villi nHlU upward. Jan. IS, 1J22 1:44 4-5 7 110. TONY BEAU, ch. g, 6 108 . By Tony Bonero Olenwaltr, hy Gua.ra.ntea. Trainer. J. Arthur. Owner. J. Arthur. Breeder. R. L. Franklin. 76925 F.Grnds 1 1-1G l:47?slow 13-5 102 2 3 31 31 L Lang 7 Deadlock, Dustabout, Raffles 70813 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:50mud 9-5 111 7 7 31 3J A Abel 7 Dustabout, Fly.Dcvil, .T.P.Jonea 76737 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:43slow 21 103 2 1 2 21 A Abel G Olynthus, Dustabout, I.yg.Dayf 7G050 F.Grnds lmTOy l:41,4fast 31 103 4 4 3 3 A Abel 5 Itomany, T.RollCall, T.Archer 7G528 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:4SM;slow 21 107 6 2 21 21 L Lang S Sog.Aroon, Raffles, BygoneDay 70485 F.Grnds Im70y l:4rTsfast 13-5 101 2 3 3 2 L Lang 5 Dustabout, W. Take All, Episode 70327 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:51 hvy 36-3 107 4 2 2 2 L Lang 7 Sog.Aroon, East Indian, Vonnia 7G187 Jeffeison 1 1-S l:39lihvy 1 1C3 5 1 ll 1 E Blind 5 Richelieu. Gondolier, Tan Son 70099 Jefferson 1 1-S l:56slow 3 109 4 2 2 1 E Blind 7 Richelieu, Kent L., Belle Amie 75998 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:43slow 41 111 3 2 21 2s E Blind 7 Sog.Aroon, BelleAmie, Kent L. KINBURN, ch. h, 7 103 By Duval Royal Captive, hy Golden Maxim. Trainer, J. McPherson. Ownir. Gallaher Bros.. Breeder. Gallagher Bros. 7G925 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47slow 40 107 3 7 7 7 B Harvey 7 Deadlock, Dustabout, Ty Beau 70779 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:494mud 20 105 3 4 4 4" B . Harvey 4 T.R.Call, Sedgefield, Llewellyn 75373 Churchill 11-16 1:48 hvy 3-10 311 2 4 5; lz B Harvey G Bl.Slone, Gol.Billov.-s. StumpJr. 75183 Latonia 3m70y 1:19 mud 3-2 106 5 4 4 4" B Harvey 5 Hold Me, Make Up, Poppye 75005 Latonia 1 1-16 l:50?Bhvy 16-5 101 2 4 4 4 B Harvey -1 ChrrrvTree, DareSay, FrinccK. 74895 Latonia 1 l-Tsfast 31 ICS 6 6 6 6" J Heupel 0 LdvM"adcap, Triumph. J.Bowdra 74856 Latonia lm70y 1:43 slow 41 113 3 5 41 5 B Harvey 5 Ma kef p. HoldMe. RkyMmintain 74003 Latonia lni70y l:44fast 21 106 1 5 1 7J B Harvey 7 HoldMe. Tip.Sahib, WhoKwsMa 73874 Lexton ImiOy l:43!imud li-10 305 1 1 . 1 1 J Heupel G Llewellyn, Escarpolettc. L.Astor HIGH SPEED, h. gr, 5 107 By Ultimus Velocity, by Henry of Navarre. Trainer. R. McKeever. Owner. W. Wick. Breeder. H. P. Headlev. 7G4G5 F.Grnds 11-16 1:48 fast 6 111 6 1 1" 2 M Garrett 11 Fr.Sneezy. MissMeisc, Fan.Bean 7G409 Jefferson 11-16 1:49 good 10 112 4 2 2 3s M Garrett 8 MargaretWare, Tody, Gondolier 7G347 Jefferson lm70y l:47Jihvy 30 103 4 3 4: 41 M Garrett 5 Col.Boy, H.Kemble, T. Roll Call 75998 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:49slow 20 113 7 3 6J 6" M Garrett 7 Sog.Aroon. TonyBcau, BelleAmia 75255 Pimlico 1 1-16 1:47 rast 34 103 4 2 2 21 E Roehm 9 The Roll Call. W.-ipiti, Vennle 7490 4 Laurel lmJOy 3:4.r.?islop 21 114 6 4 4 4" E Roehm S Sedgefield, T.RollCall, N.Itaidcr 74822 Laurel I 1-3 l:52Jfast 9 114 5 7 51 5 E Roehin S Sog.Aroon, Gondolier, llelpbrizia 745G9 laurel 11-16 1:17 fast 13 114 3 3 21 1 E Roehm S Gondolier, Poor Sport, Fitzrue VENNIE, h. c. i 103 By Colonel Vennie Princess Kathleen, hy Sain. Trainer. J. D. Adkins. Owner. Kirkfield Stable. Breeder. J. B. Respess. 76883 F.Grnds 1 1-S 1:53ts1ow 4 100 2 5 5ID Jones G FreezySneezy. Pequot, E.Indian I7G813 F.Grnds 1 1-15 l:50mud 12 93 4 5 6U GjF Thdyke 7 Dustabout, Fly.Dcvil, TonyBcau 7G443 Jeffeison 1 l:40fast 12 105 7 6 5 41 J Wallace 8 Roseate II., Tlii.nblc. Barracuda 7G387 Jefferson 1 1-S 1:56 good 7 100 1 3 21 2l J Wallace 4 O.IIeury, BygoneDays, Anonymj 70327 Jefferson 1 1-15 1:51 hvy 6 93 1 3 3l V E Blind 7 Sog.Aroon, TonyBeau, E.Injdian 7G270 Jefferson lm70y 1:54 hvy 15 102 1 5 4 351 J Wallace 0 FlyingDevil, Rupee. Anonymoui 70152 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:524slow 41 105 1 5 5 5" F Lee 5 H.Kemble. Sedgefield. Anonyms 7G0G1 Jefferson 3-4 l:13sfaat 12 . 108 8 8 6l 5i L Lang 12 Rupee, PoorSport, LordAUen RAFFLES, ch. c, 4 108 By Luke McLukc Phebe G., By Mazagan. Trainer, G. Phillips. Owner, J. McMillen. Breeder. J. O. and G. H. Keene. 70925 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47slow 10 106 6 2 41 41 D Mergler 7 Deadlock, Dustabout, TonyBeau 70704 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:51hvy 9-3 109 2 2 l1 l4 B Harvey 4 Espoletle, Marg.Warc, Rhellea 7CG10 F.Grnds 3m70y 3 :44fast 15 103 1 2 21 3;1 G Fields 0 Brad.sToney. Set.Sun, Ten.Seth 7G528 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:4Sislow 30 307 1 4 31 31 G Fields S Sog.Aroon, TnyHeau, BygeDays 7G4G4 F.Grnds lm70y 3:43sfast 5 102 2 2 11 1" G Fields 5 Fly. Devil. Aladdin, Beverwyck 70404 Jefferson 3-4 l:13good 7 107 9 7 51 6 F Lee 9 Idle Thoughts, Lugs. Aladdin 70304 Jefferson 3-4 l:14good 35 334 6 7 61 Gls G Fields 9 Simplicity, Reountion, R.Chlia BRUNELL, b. g, 4 103 By Black Toney Santa Anna II., by Martagon. Trainer. W. Hurley. Owner, Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable. Breedor. E. R. Bradley. 7GG18 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47fast 5 105 4 6 3 35i E Blind S Wapiti, Bygone Days, Huonec 70443 Jefferson 1 l:40fast 7 100 7 G G ti"! G AV Croll 8 RoseatelL. Thimble. Barracuda 7599G Jefferson 3-4 l:16slovr 20 304 6 4 21 31 E Blind 7 JnFinn. RoseatelL, Mkallonga 75454 Churchill 3 3:39 fast 61 300 4 6 53 -51 E Blind 0 A.BlucGown, Wild Life. Oui Out 7437G Latonia 1 l:38:4fa3t 31 102 5 3 7s 71 I Parke S G. of Honor. Donges, Barracuda 74601 Latonia, 1 1:33 fast 50 104 4 6 5 5 A Wilson G Hercinon, Out Oui, Buster 74412 -Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 55 107 6 5 5 5 A Wilson G Pegasus, A.BlueGown. Tcnd.Seth 74283 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 20 103 6 7 7 7" A Wilson 7 Wkkaway, F.Phantom, B.Guaril WINNER TAKE ALL, br. f, 4 105 By Fair Play Free Love, by Chouberskl. Trainer, L. Cahn. Owner. S. Singer. Breeder. P. T. Chinn. 7G925 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47-slow 7 ICS 4 4 5 5 G AV Carll 7 Deadlock, Dustabout, Ty Beau 70051 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:46 fast 13-10 100 5 2 2 2 I Parke 0 Polvo, Dustabout, Olynthus I7G485 F.Grnds lm"0y l:43fast 41 106 3 4 41 3 F Smith 5 Dustabout, Tony Beau, Episoda 70132 Jefferson 3-4 l:15hvy 8 105 2 3 3 3" F Smith 3 Delante. James F. OHara 75303 Latonia lm70y l:43faat S7-10 308 6 5 31 3k L McDott S GrtLuck. RtgTime, Anonyms 74811 Latonia ImTOy 3:44 fast 23-30 303 7 3 2 3 I Parke 11 Tulalip. Green Gold, linen 74GG5 Latonia lm70y l:42fast 36 93 6 6 4 4i D Jones 7 Donges, Ladv Champ, Lily M. 74562 Latonia 3 3-S 3:53 fast 7 301 5 3 7" S2 B Harvey 12 P.irisM.iid. BorlyLovc, OoLaLa 743G7 Latonia 1 1-16 l:15fast 26 93 5 5 6l 41 R Bladau 8 W.KnowsMe, T.Sahib, Isoscele C4-U DA PET 1 1-1G Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Jan. IS, Dill HAUL ioa2 1:44 4-5 7 110. BASTILLE, ch. g, 6 112 By Voter Oppression, by St. Serf. Trainer. O. B. Akcrs. Owner. Pastimo Stable. Breeder. J. Sanford. 70884 F.Grnds lm70y 1:47 slow 34 313 1 5l 5" J Heupel S Rimquoi, Broomflax, Duelma 7G814 F.Grnd3 1 1-S l:597smud 7 114 4 1 2 2" J Heupel 9 Bolster. Hickory. Honolulu Boy 70738 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:05slow 5 103 7 S 8 S1 J AVallace 8 Scare Crow, Suporbum, Ettahe 70400 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:54-fast 16-5 111 7 7 7s 7s C Lang 8 J. Fa 4 man. Tan Son, Repeater 7G251 Jefferson 1 1-2 2:44 hvy 13-5 103 1 3 21 3 I Parka 5 Richelieu. Lord AVrack. Kent L. 76233 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:54 hvy 9-10 111 4 5 44 3 I Parko 7 Freezy Sneezy. Smarty. Spugs 70134 Jefferson 1 3-16 2:06andhvy 1 109 4 2 Ill4 I Parka 5 St.Dond, G.Tree, AVaywassamo 7G022 Jefferson 1 1-10 l:50islow 3-5 111 3 4 21 21 I Parke G Tody, Lord AVrack, Stump Jr. CARNARVON, b. g, 7 112 By Llangibby Hemlcok. by Spearmint. Trainer. T. F. Devereaux. Owner. T. F. Bevereaux. Bred in England by J. Sanfcrd. 76878 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14slow 8 312 2 5 G S51 H Kaiser II PaulMicou, JouJou. Cap.Costigan 76701 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15andhvy 16-5 112 4 2 21 1 B Harvey 11 Far East, DanBolling. Hysteria 70557 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13?ifa3t 8 114 2 3 31 4i H Kaiser 13 Timeslp. CoralReef, DtorGlenn 76305 Jefferson 3-4 l:17hvy 21 115 3 12 ll H Kaiser 11 Dumbfoiinder. Peace Pal. Rork 7G232 Jefferson 3-4 l:13hvy 3 112 7 6 6 31 II Kaiser 10 BegPardon. Dr. Joe, Lord Allen 76185 Jefferson 11:46 hvy 7 110 4 3 5 5" J Corcorari 8 Sedgefield, Broomflax, Col.Boy 758G0 Jefferson 51 f l:10hvy 8 303 3 1 2 1 H Kaiser 12 Gen.Cadonia, R.Dick, B.Pardoa 75818 Jefferson 3-4 l:174slow 12 103 4 4 6 Sl H Kaiser 11 C.IIenry, PaulMicou, UncleAelo HIGH GEAR, ch. g, 10 101 By Ivan tho Terrible Miss Mooney, by My Boy II. . Trainer. W. A. Burttschell. Owner. J. Sands. Breeder. W. W. Darden. 76801 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:49Vsfast 10 106 7 5 4" 4 H Farland 3 HarryB., Coral Reef, A.BoylL 74818 Laurel 1 1M1 fast 14f 306 12 5 4i 41H FarlandlL- R.Rools. K.of thellr. M.Maxiiu 74058 H.deGco 1 1-16 lMSTjfast 13 112 4 5 51 65J E Barnes 10 Day Lilly, Thriller, Sea Pirate 73254 Devshire 1 1-1G 3:47fast 37 302 30 9 7 Csl AV Fronlc 32 Prom.Tom. Kirklton, Hyanpom 73121 Devshire 1 1-3 1:56 fast 41 105 2 2 3 351 AV Fronk 0 Gazinta. S.Ionid. Kirklevington 72890 .Kenilwh lm70y l:43fast 1 107 4 6 6J0 6i G Fields 7 Kklevington, Flame, CleanGona 72870 Kenilwh lm70y l:43fast 13 101 4 2 2 2l G Fields G Gazinta. Sportsman, Devonite 72705 FortErie 1 1-1S l:47ifast 19 109 6 10 11s 30s! G Fields .12 Citizen, Lucky Run, Devonite 72250 Kenilwh 7-8 l:2S?islow 12 303 5 4 6! 6i J AVallace 32 Far East. Dr.CIi.Wells. Mir.Maa HAIDEE. b. f, 4 100 By Theo Cook Little Rock, by Trap Rock. Trainer, F. Holman. Owner, C. H. Hughes. Breeder. E. F. Simnis. , 7G8C3 F.Grnds 1 3-36 3:43fast 21 302 2 2 3! 47 F Thdyke 7 Alard, Ilena, Superlative 70557 F.Grnds S-4 l:13fast 20 93 6 S S Se3 F Thdykei:. Timeslp, CoralReef, DtorGIena 75735 Bowie 11-16 1:32 fast 8 33 3 7 71 GlF Thdykel2 Ettahe. Widow Bedotte. Toodles 75049 Bowia 61 f l:22,islow 40 100 3 2 21 3 F Thdykei 3 PoorSport, M.Maxiui, Lndsl.ova 7509G Laurel 1 l:13sgQOd 15 107 10 8 Sl 9 A Roach 12 Insulate. May Buddy. Simoon 74832 Laurel 11-16 1:43 fast 31 95 5 4 4nt 541 H Howard 7 Bonfire, PoorSport, Humltoldt 74068 Laurel 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 21 97 1 1 1 1" H Howard 8 Insulate, Bonfire. Col. Whallea 74504 Laurel 1 1-16 l:46,3fast 12 93 6 2 2J 3 H Howard 8 JewellV.D., Bhrizonia. Blianca SECRETARY, ch. e, 6 104 By Celt Amanuensis, by The Scriha. Trainer, L. Haymaker. Owner. E. V. Haymaker. Breeder. S. Ross. 76775 F.Grnd3 1 1-3 l:557sgood G 107 G 5 5 4si F Lee 9 Tom Cassidy, Tex. Magician 7G445 Jefferson 1 1-S l:563fast 6 103 3 4 41 2 F Lee 11 Baladin, RoyalMaid. OurBetsy 703G5 Jeffeison 1 1-16 1:51 good 10 115 6 10 8l 6Ti T Bonhaml.i Dentaria, Juno, HkleberryFinn 70030 Jefferson 1 1-1G l:5d7good 7 111 3 7 5l 5i T BonhamlO Dbfounder, CtEvents, Y.Adam 75995 Jefferson 1 3-16 2:05 slow 35 304 3 2 2 21 R Clifford 5 R.Crown, .T.Overton, O.Palmer 75805 Jefferson 1 3-16 l:53hvy 10 130 2 8 8 S M Garrett 8 Torsida. Young Adam. St. Paul 75334 Hunton 3m70y 3:46 fast 8 308 5s C Bmde.- 7 D.id.AVolf, Hainan, I.uckhornll. 74870 Huntctn ImTOy 3:43.fast S-5" 113 3 T Bonham C. Okaloosa. Bl.AVatihll., JakcBeld 74794 Hunton 1 1-S l:54Sfast 14-5 113 1 T Bonham 5 Okaloosa, Hickory, Smuts 74714 Hunton 1 1-16 l:46sfast 5 107 ll T Bonham G JohnMorrill. Okaloosa, Devonite SUPERLATIVE, b. s, 5 112 By Superman Rupicola, hy Advance Guard. Trainer. J. G. Wagnon. Owner, M. J. Reid. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 7G8G3 F.Grnds 1 1-1G lMSXfast 41 114 6 7 44 3 J Pevic 7 Alard, Ilena, Haidee 7G652 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:55fa3t 10 113 11 Fell. - C Robsonl2 Xnyaka. La Orb, War Idol 75714 Bowie 1 3-16 2:05fast 41 304 3 S 9 9" R Costello 9 SirLeonid, O.Faithfiil, CoiumeCI 75654 Bowio 1 1-16 3:31HsIow 26 11613 10 10 10" C RobsonlO AVho Cares. Insulate, Fornovo 75310 Pimlico 1 1-10 l:47i4fast 8 115 G 9 9 30" C Robsonll KingJohn, AVhalebone, N.AVales 75135 Laurel 3 3-8 S-.Slfast 2f 315 12 12 321 32" C Robsonl.l Day Lilly, Rupee. Bendita 74985 Laurel I 3-16 3:49good 31 114 13 3 2 11 C Robsonll MkOrange, Hot. Baker. D.IIorso 74641 Laurel 1 1-16 l:4S4fast 33-10 1C61.5 6 6l 61 A Roach 8 Com.C. FrkMonroe. D.andDkcJ CASH. ch. s, 4 110 By Ogden Priscilla. by Star Shoot. Trainer, J. Shields. Owner, E. E, Mooar. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 176408 Jefferson 11-16 1:43 good 31 106 7 7 7 V B Harvey 8 Jack Fairnian, Rork, Hon. Boy 76389 Jefferson 11-16 1:51 good 13-3 101 6 4 6 411 Parke 7 Repeater, CurtEvents, Piedmont 70131 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:537shvy 1 93 3 2 2J 1" E Blind 8 Bowsprit, AI Stebler. Old Blue 7G028 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:50good 10 3131 4 3 3 3J E Scobia 0 SrareCrow. FlygDevil. StumpJr. 75558 Churchill 1 1-16 1:47 fast 10 103 4 3 7 7" R Harton 9 Elias O.. Halu, Randel 75492 Churchill 1 l:39fast 10 110 5 6 3l 3 E Pool 11 N.Secundus. RompgMy, Kdred 75411 Churchill 7-8 l:27good 19 104 7 7 7 Ci E Blind 14 Chas.Henry, Giuseppe, SburstH. 75218 Latonia ImTOy 1:32 hvy 10 114 2 4 2J 2 E Martin 8 Dernier Sou, Cap Rock. Chaplet 75089 Latonia 1 1-16 l:5l7shvy 3 110 3 6 7s 7" E Martin 8 Stump Jr., Redwood, Wrangler DRUMMOND, b. g. 8 107 By Ogden ttuebec. by St. Juda. Trainer. W. J. Foley. Owner, L. Gallo. Breeder, J. E. Madden, 708 42 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:51slow 4 11016 3 3 3E Pool 11 Repeater, Dr. Joe, Torsida 70782 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:51 mud 3 112 1 3 3 3 E Pool 5 TanSon, Scarefrow, LittlcAmia 70G07 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13sfast G 300 30 5 4s 41 I Parke 32 Good Time, Hysteria, Rliinecold 70349 Jefferson 1 1-1G l:51hvy 30 113 3 5 5 4 E Martin 10 Reliability. Hon.Boy, D.Bolling 70232 Jefferson 3-4 lnSrshvj- GO 112 10 10 8: . SIJ E Martin 30 Beg Pardon, Dr. Joe. Carnnrvon 70090 Jefferson 51 f 1:03 fast 100 103 9 7 7 10" K Martin 10 Hidden Jewel, Tuscola. Admirer 04331 Saratoga 1 l:3yfa8t 20 103 9 10 10 10 C Hamndll The Peruvian, Brink. Caie Frta 04235 Saratoga 1 l:39fast 15 104 6 5 4 3" C HamndlO Orcus, Hereafter, Lackawanna C4044 Saratoga 3-4 l:16rihvy 20 312 4 9 61 G41 C Hamndl2 Sea Mint. The Peruvian, Spugs STAUNCH, b. m. 6 102 By Astronomer faithful, by Broomstick. Trainer, C. N. Freeman. Owner, W. H. Cooper. Breeder. D. Gideon. 70920 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:t6andslov 20 101 7 2 2 4s II Farland 7 SilentKing, Attorney, IIonol.Boy 70814 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:59mud 15 1C5 3 2 G G1 H Farland 9 Bolster, Bastille, lllckoiy 70775 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:55gobd 7 9S 4 3 41 5 I Parka 9 Tom Cassidy, Tex, Magician 75098 Laurel 3m70y l:43Vbgood 23 101 6 5. 41 4J H Farlandlo Col.AVhaUcn. Rouen. North Walea i 75013 Laurel 1 1-16 1:51 mud 19 100 9 4 7" 7 II Farland 9 Rupee. Ettahe Lady Zeus 74041 Laurel 1 1-1G l:4SVifast 2S 102 6 7 7 7 H- Farl-ind S Com.Ci, FrkMonroe, D.andDkcs 71374 Laurel 11-311 fast 33 305 1 5 6 6 H Farland 7 The Forgner, Zouave. Invigtor 74292 Laurel 1 1-1G lMSVifast 27 106 4 4 41 5 H- Farland 8 Smarty, Col. AAhallcn, Tingling 74175 H.deGco lm70y 3:16fast 36 308 6 3 4 G52 F Lee S Dbfounder, Sea-Aolf, M.Buddy HUTCHISON, h. g. 5 109 By Wrack Frances M., by" Filigrane. Tratacr; J. W. Murnhv. Owner. J. W. Murihv. Breeder. S. K. Nichols, 76365 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:53 good 32 311 3 6 7 91 J Corcoranl.J Dentaria, Juno, HkleberryFinn 170211 Jefferson 3 3-16 3:56hvy 6 103 2 1 21 S" E Martin 32 FkMonroe, AVaukeag, YgAdatn 70153 Jefferson 1 1-S l:C9slow 10 114 2 2 3 4" J CorcoranlO Rep. Repeater, Jake Berger 70030 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:50?sROod 25 103 1 1 3 451 E Martin 10 Dbfounder, CtEventd, Y.Adam 75975 Jefferson lm70y l:31Jihvy 7 107 3 4 S - SJ CorcoranlO Dumbfounder, Manokih; Wkeag 75800 Jefferson 51 f l:10hvy S -308 3 7 V- 7" AV Fronk 12 Carnarvon, G.Cadorna, Rl Diet : DOCTOR JIM, b. g, 7 " 103 By Ogden Bock Merry, ly Rock Sand. Trainer, B. E. Chapman. Owner. B. . Chapman. Breeder, J. . Madden. . j 76781 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:52mud 50 114 D 9 9 9:o M Schwtz 9 Supcrbum, Silent Kins, Repeater 7G563 F.Grnds lm70y l:47fa.st 0 112 6 8 S S M Schwtz 8 Tulane, Fleeting, Bcndita 69322 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:48fast 38 111 8 8 7 7i M Schwtz 8 Blue Brush, Sinarty, Ticacey 69155 Bowie lm70y l:49fast 23 . 101 6 6 6 6" W. Milner 0 Tingling, Citation, Serbian 69076 Bowie lm70y l:51slop 6 111 6 6 5 7" M Schwz 8 Bonfire, Smarty. Neapolitan 6904C Bowie 1 1-16 l:52fast 31-10 112 7 6 4 5 M. Schwtz 7 Moody, Service Star, "Warlike 67735 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:02fast 3J 112 9 1 1 3 M Schwtz 9 AVnil.s Last, The Wit, Austral 67650 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:48fast 41 112 6 4 5i ?! L Morris 11 Sam Frank, Magician, Oatli SOVIET, ch. g, 4 110 By Short Grass Ukrania, hy Beep oDay. Trainer. H. E. Torke. Owner, C; D. Sedley. Biceder. T. J. Clay 76927 F.Grnds 1 1-8 l:56slow 6 90 4 1 2J 2J J Wallace 10 Hickory, I.ittleAmmio, YgAdam 76862 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:48fast 40 92 8 9 S6 6 B Breningll Tgling, Dr.Whitehurst, Neddam 76486 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:48fast 30 92 4 5 65 572 B Brening 8 Rork. Valentin, Attorney 76272 Jefferson lm70y 1:51 hvy 30 97 1 8 8 8" AV Milner 8 Spngs, Smarty. Gem Cadorna 75713 Bowie 1 3-1G 2:06fast 15 90 3 8 5l GJ AV Milner 11 Dellalun, AVhoCarcs, T.Forcigncr 75667 Bowie 11-16 l:52good 5 88 3 7 - 6 3s I, Lang. 10 DucdcMorny, Whalebone, Aslild 75595 Bowie 1 1-8 l:59fast 6f 86 7 3 3 4 II HowardH Irjsh Tat, Magician, Ashland 75215 Empire 1 1-16 l:50slow 30 101 6 4 3l 2 E Beach 10 TIicAlmoncr, Big.Still, Cork Elm 75055 Empire 1 l:43hvy 31 105 5 4 415 41 T McCork 5 I.Swecney, Tikch. H.Commnder 74995 Empire lm"0y 1:48 mud 50 104 6 4 41 3,s T McCork 0 Scare Crow. Bes.Leigliton. Lank LIVELY, ch. e, 10 109 By Ballot Livonia, by Star Shoot. Trainer, T. Costello. Owner, T. Costello. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 76842 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:51slow 100 111111 11 11 10" "W Hanscnll Repeater, Dr. Joe, Drnmmond 76349 Jefferson 1 1-1G l:51hvy 50 113 4 8 9l 9" B Harvey 10 Reliability, IIon.Boy, D.Bolling 75504 Marlboro lmTOy l:56slow 34 103 4 4 5 5" O Nichson 5 EUcsmar. Mir.Man, MayKobcrts 75484 Marlboro 1 1-16 l:53.imud 45 113 5 6 Cs G5 L Jenkins 8 Rekab, Our Betsy, On High 74919 Stamford CI f l:25fast 29 113 C,c F Bullman 7 BabeRuth, Dftsman, KathlnK. 74801 Stamfrd lm70y 1:50 fast 32 115 G F Bullman 7 H.M.Stevs, J.Minna, Kinglingll. 73539 Dorval 1 l-S 1:56 slow 73 107 C S S S" P Groo3 8 lloliokus, SandyBcal, Pir.McGee 73091 Mncuve 1 1-1C 2:01hvy 10 107 PET Moore 6 Capt.Tom, TwtySeTcn, Iloniam BIGGER STILL, h. g, 4 105 By Great Britain Little Bigger, hy Transvaal. Trainer, H. Randolph. Owner, W. H. Fizer. Breeder. J. H. Woodford. 75667 Bowio 1 1-16 l:52good 5f 9S1 2 10 9s 9: AV Milner 10 Due deMorny, Whalebone, SoTiet 75462 Pimlico 1 1-16 1:50 slop 39 101 6 9 10 109 F IlstingslO Stonewall, Bonfire, Rliincgold 75346 Pimlico 1 1-4 2:09good 11 101 2 5 71 9,s F Hstingsll Ashland, LadyZeils, Sea Monarch 75215 Empiro 1 1-16 l:50slow 8 107 7 5 21 3 L Fator 10 The Almoner, Soviet, Cork Elm 75120 Empire 1 1-4 2:09 fast 10 103 5 2 31 4 F Bryson 10 Owasco. SirGalahndll.. K.sltelle 74844 Empiro 1 m l:40fasl 10 104 5 4 6 E T Burns 5 CoeurdeLion, Mel.iehrino. F.Deril 74684 Jamaica lm70y l:45fast 1S-5 105 1 1 21 B T Burns 7 Oran. I. Sweeney. Dr.Whitchst -74.1- DA PC 1 1-10 Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Jan. 18, II r nAU 1022 i:4-i 1-5 7 110. CURRENT EVENTS, hr. g, 6 109 By Wrack Votes, hy Voter. Trainer. G. C. Winfrey. Owner, G. C. Winfrey. Breeder. Belair Stud. 76815 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:59mud 31 114 1 4 2 2 B Harvey AlStebler, DukeJolin, RcelFoot 76705 F.Grnds 1 1-8 2:00 hvy 3 107 3 7 5s 41 B Harvey 10 FrankMonroe, Hickory, Dr. Joe 76466 F.Grnds 1 1-8 l:54fast 41 106 4 5 31 4" B Harvey 8 J. Fnirman, Tan Son, Repeater 76389 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:51 good S-5 105 5 3 11 21 B Harvey 7 Repeater, Piedmont, Cash 76252 Jefferson 1 1-1G 1:55 hvy 11-5 103 3 2 ll Is B Harvey 9 Dr. Joe, Tricks, Tingling 76098 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:52 slow 2 104 2 1 ll ll B . Harvey 10 Tex, Repeater, Silence 76030 Jefferson 1 1-1G l:50good 1 105 5 2 ll 21 I Parke 10 Dbfounder, YgAdam, nutchin V5978 Jefferson lm70y 1:50 hvy 30 101 4 4 2 3 W Harvey 7 Tan Son, Pete Foy, Repeater 69045 Bowie 11-16 1:53 fast 4 102 3 3 2l 2iW Dpltes 7 0. Birthday. Satana, Sammy Jay 6620G Laurel 1 1-10 l:4Sfast 21 105 9 4 4 35 Smwodl2 Royal Duck, Moody, Ettahe GEORGETTE, ch. m. 5 107 By The Manager Janina, hy The Scribe. Trainer. M. Shields. Owner. M. Shields. Breeder. T. J. Clay. 76879 F.Grnds lm70y l:46sIow 6 103 3 1 21 2 J McCoy 10 KingJohn, DnkeJohn, Anaprisa 76153 Jefferson 1 1-8 l:59slow 6 106 6 6 10 10 E Blind 10 Rep, Repeater, Jake Berger 76030 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:50good 4 100 2 5 7l C1 E Blind 10 Dbfounder, CtEvents, Y.Adam 75274 Latonia lm70y l:44fast lOf 103 3 6 51 48 AV Losee 12 BritishLiner, BenValet, Neddam 7518G Latonia lm70y l:49mud 15 110 5 8 7 7 D Connlly 9 Rep, Tody, Little Hope 74854 Latonia 1 1-1G 1:47sIow 8-5 105 1 C C 57i F Hstings S TonyBeau, Randel, BlueStone 74661 Latonia 1 .1-4 2:05fast 13f 97 6 2 21. 2n F Hstingsl2 FancyFree, Kimp.ilong, R.Mary 74457 Latonia lm70y l:44fast 10 113 4 8 CI 6S1 AV BogskilO Reliability, Lifellopc, FlrShop SANDS OF PLEASURE, b. g, 11 107 By Fair Play Golden Sand, hy Rock Sand. Trainer. J. M. Goode. Owner. J. T. Looney. Breeder, A, Belmont. 65767 Latonia lm70y l:43fast 5 116 6 3 4 471 J Heupel ! Kewie ONeill. Tody, Bullion 65572 Lexton 1 1-16 l:45fast 21-5 111 1 4 61 1 J Heupel 8 BelgnQirn, Cot.Blosm, Ggette 65271 Lexton 1 1-16 l:44fast C 99 6 5 47 AV Fronck Bro. Love, Runquoi, Uncle Velo 65203 Lexton 1 1-S l:52fast 13-5 115 2 3 3 2l J Heupel 7 Runquoi. LadjLillian, Par.Maid 64971 Churchill 1 1-16.1 :45fast 31 113 5 4 4 3 J Heupel 7 Une.Aelo, R.AVgfield, B. Aalet 64824 Churchill 1 1-16 l:46fast 31 107 6 . 5 5 471 J Owens 5 Bro.Lov, L-idyAstor, Cherry Tre.- C4655 Churchill 1 1-S 1:51 fast 23 100 6 6 6 6SJ J Heupel 0 Cliattrton. Rockmster, Rouleau 63292 Latonia 1 1.16 l:45fa3t 2 111 5 7 7 47 A Johnson 7 Neddr.m. TippoSaliib. Elar.Stone BIX PENCE, ch. g. i 110 By Royal II. Fleetahelle, hy Handsel. Trainer, C. Forsytlie. Owner, J. Greene. Breeder. J. B. Respess. 76738 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:05slow 12 111 3 1 1 A J Chalmers 8 Scare Crow, Supcrbum, Ettahe 76G12 F.Grnds 1 1-1C l:4SVfast 12 109 2 1 11 lh G Fields 8 R.Duck, Dr.Whhurst, J.Overton 7C508 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l-tfl-andmud 40 110 1 3 2l 25 J Chalmers 5 5t.Donard, Herald. Pete Foy 76305 Jefferson 3-4 l:17hvy 20 107 4 9 8l 711 B Breningll Carnarvon, Dbfounder, PcePal 75377 Churchill 1 1:40 hvy 17 118 5 C Cs C7 J Conway S Rustem. N.Secundus, FlowerShop 75175 Hunton 1 1:45 Slow 10 105 iu J Conway 12 Bl.IIaekle, Phenol, LuckyRun 74709 Hunton 3-4 l:13fast 5 113 5 J Conway 0 Full oFun, Col. Pat. TbeUlster 71428 Latonia lm70y l:45good 14f 101 9 12 10 95 A Yerrat 12 MyReigel, Lit.Ann, RoyalCrown 7106G Latonia 3-4 l:13Xfast 12f 110 12 12 12 llsC .Studer 12 Alaid. True American. Grandest ROYAL CROWN, ch. g, 4 102 By King James Queen, by Goldcrest. Trainer. J. J. Trorler. Owner. J. J. Troxler. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 76739 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:C6Aslow 5 103 4 1 21 21 I Parke 7 RoyalDuck, Attorney, WtHall 76619 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:54fast 1G-5 105 G 3 Z- 461 I Parke 7 Ashland, Neddam, Pete Foy 76530 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:49slow 6 103 10 3 21 2l F Lee 11 GrassTree, AVarldol, ScareCrow 75995 Jefferson 1 3-16 2:05 slow 3-5 98 1 1 ll Ill Parke 5 Secret-, Jn.Ovcrton, O.Palmcr 75903 Jefferson 1 1-8 2:04hvy 5 10C 1 2 2 2l AAr Fronk 8 Super, Amaze, Peggy C. 75787 Jefferson 11-8 2:01 hvy 8 104 6 8 7 C13 A" Fronk 10 SmartGuj", ScareCrow, Repeater 75157 Latonia 11-16 1:46 fast 23 115 5 7 . 1" 7" E Martin 8 MissMeise, Giuseppe, RpgMary 74110 Lexgton 1 1-16 l:51rnud 24-5 96 7 2 2 21 I Parke S Everywoman, Fan.Frec, Baladiu FEIGNED ZEAL, b. m, 5 104 By Lovetie Fanny Dodge, hy Armeath II. Trainer. J. A. Gibson. Owner, -C. Deibel.. Breeder. Mrs. L. A. Livingston. 75299 Hunfton 1 1-16 1:4S fast 21 99 2 AV McKht BlckHackle, HillmanC, Dantzic 74993 Htington 1 i-IC, 1:47 fast 22-10 108 Cl H Glick 0 B,WatehII.,GladNcws, Finctle 74388 Akron 11-16.1:48 fast 31 100 2U Berg C Win. Oldt, Tamper, Tomahoi 73771 Dorval 1 1-16 l:47Vsfast 8-5 106 6 5 3 1" T Wilson 8 H.M.Stevs, Draftsman, Rdyden 73535 Dorval lm70y l:48slow 2 103 1 1 25 In P AValls 10 Our Betsy, Veronica, Wheel In 73354 B.Bnnets 1 l:41fast 3-2 106 C 3 Zl 21 AV Fronk 9 MaryJ.Bakcr, Quaker, Veronica 73186 Cnaught 1 1-16 l:49!islow 6 101 G 3 31 51 M Garrett 7 Rouen.. .Armistice. Tiedra NANCY WINET, b. f, 4 97 By AVatervale Dixie Marchmont, hy Marchmont n.j Trainer, R. Vestal. Owner, P. Fuller. Breeder, C. Van Dusen. 75902 Jefferson 3-4 l:20hvy 30 109 5 6 61 G;: B Norton 8 Antonia, Piedmt, DiQksDauter 69226 Tijuana; 3-4 l:13fast 7 108 7 7 7 45i D Hum 7 Faber, O. Henry, Scraps C9207 Tijuana 5-S l:01fast 37 105 7 7 7 T- P Hum 7 Allie Ochs, Mt. Rose, Scraps 69125 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:47fast 5 SO 3 2 3s 3Ji W Dean 7 Pcnwell, Kath. Rankin, Sample 69117 Tijuana 3-4 l:13fast 30 103 10 9 91 1 J Merimee 10 BlkMonkey, O.Henry, BrnBelle 68935 Tijuana 1 l:43fast 133 99 1 8 71 55 C Ralls S Lady Leonid, Silk Sox, Faber 68667 Tijuana 51 f l:07fast 6f 103 11 12 11 97i J Merimee 12 Pud, Faber, Peter Picrson 61134 Tijuana 1-2 4SM;fast 12 107 4 7 71 6 G Willims 7 DicUTerpin. Faber, PeterPierson 61103 Tijuana 41 51fast 29 119 1 6 6 611 E Fator 6 Krafce, Lady Myra, Dick Ternin NORTH TOWER, "b. s, 5 104 By North Star III. Tower of Candles, hy Candle- -Trainer, J. H. Nicholson. Owner, J. H. Nicholson. mas. Breeder. E. R. Bradley. 76188 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:54 hvy CO 113 1 9 9 9" T Bonham 9 LordAVrack,, Trooper, Dbfnder 76031 Jefferson 1 1-1C 1:51 good 20 109 2 10 11 11" F Lee 11 Pete Foy, Torsida, Manokin 75193 Pimlico lm70y 1:45 fast 13f 109 13 14 14 14:l F Vdstckl4 Simoon, Dartmoor, Advocate 75071 Laurel lm70y l:49slow 21 105 8 9 9 9" B Marinelli ! Ettahe, AA.Flower, F.Monroc 74903 Laurel 1 1-16 l:51slop 6f 107 12 12 121 12 E Legere 15 Cote dOr, Zouave, Rupee 72421 Map.Hts 1 1-lfi l:52mud 17 110 7 8 71 5C T AVayt 8 Smart Guy, Ragazza, Few Acres 72260 Map.Hts 3-4 l:15hvy 19 101 8 8 S" 9 J Majestic 10 Mad Nell, Antilles, L. Eyes II. 72138 Map.-Hts 1 1-16 l:45fast 3 112 7 5 6s C72 J Byrne 9 MissRankin, Ol.Palmer, DonJose 7200G Map.Hts lm70y l:45good 21-10 113 2 7 75 771 A Rogers 8 Aslilin. Berlin. La Kross CANTILEVER, ch. z, 8 102 By Hanhridge My Salaame. hy Hastings. Trainer, G. Richardson. Owner, C. Anderson. Breeder. AV. G. Hirsig. 76862 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:4Sfast SO 104 11 11 11 11" J McCoy 11 Tgliug, Dr.Whitehurst, Neddam 76252" Jefferson 1 1-16 1:55 hvy 20 103 1 5 5 6" R Clifford 9 Current Events. Dr. Joe. Tricks 76211 Jefferson 1 1-1C l:56hvy 7 107 7 9 8 7" B Breningl2 FkMonroe, Araukeag, VgAdam 76133 Jefferson 3-4 l:17hvy 30 105 10 7 7 51 R Cliffordll D.Bolling, Rork, C.J.Craigmile 7539C Churchill 1 1-4 2:07 slow 49 107 4 6 7 7" AV Losee 7 Lord AVrack, Oo La La Randel 75062 Latonia 3-4 1:17 hvy 65 100 4 10 10 101 D Jones 10 Ruby, Sew. ConiDS, Colored Boy 73946 Lexton 1 3-16 2:024hvy 41 109 6 3 6. 6 E Martin C FrOrient, AValtllall, LittleAnn 73870 Lexton 1 1-16 l:51mud 25 107 2 2 4 I" E Martin 7 Huonec, Hainan, Randel 73199 Bl.Grass 1 l:414slow 64 113 6 J Bobbins C SeaCourt. M.Psperity, Col.Tenn 73125 Bl.Grass lmTOy l-Sandgood 26 108 7,s L- Napier 9 Jake Feld. Friz, Sea Wrack LIERRE. h. f. 4 100 . By Fancheur Liquette, hy Perth. Trainer, J. Lowenstein. Owner, M. Lowenstein. Bred in France by W. K. Vandet- hilt. 76802 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 21 97 5 4 3i 4 I Parke 11 Tgling, Dr.Whitehurst, Neddam 76771 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13good 60 ,103 3 8 7 61 R Yelton 10 Mercury, Centimeter, Julia M. 75815 Jefferson 3-4 l:lGWow 40 102 1 9 9" 7" R Yelton 11 Rustem, Longboat. Stump Jr. 75453 Churchill 1 1-8 l:53fast 18-5 107 2 4 51 4J J Pevic 10 Pequot, Taylorllay, Romp.Mary 74974 Latonia lm70y l:44fast 11 104 4 6 6l l-l J Heupel 11 Sway, Golden Billows, Neddam 74734 Latonia lm70y 1:44 fast 28 100 4 2 Ei It Yelton 7 GreatLuck, Tend.Seth, AVrangler 74562 Latonia 11-8 1:53 fast 9 104 1 4 98 9" L McDottl2 ParisMaid. l!eilvlvi, OoLiLa 72895 Kenilwh 3-4 l:llfaot 64 104 10 7 CI CJ R Yelton 11 Childs Play, Soldierll., Rustem 72244 Hawthne 51 f l:07slow 15 97 4 7 1 7 R Yelton S L.Maicellia, Tuscola, AVinnipeg 71794 Hawthne 1 l:39?ifast 8 102 2 1 11 2 J Heupel S Sun. Ducrow. Kindred. L.Leave SERBIAN, ch. g, 8 107 By Ivan the Terrible Arline, by The Commoner. Trainer, J. Phillips. Owner, Mrs. J. Phillips. - Breeder. C. C. Patrick. 7G837 F.Grnds 3-4 1:15 slow CO 105 5 10 10 101C T Rodney 12 BcgPdon, GrnGold, DanBolling 76031 Jefferson 11-16 1:51 good 20 112 7 5 5J 1017 C Lang. 11 Pete Foy, Torsida. Manokin 75978 Jefferson lm70y 1:50 hvy 12 106 3 3 5l C B Harvey 7 Tan Son, PeteFov, CurrtEvents 75855 Jefferson 51 f l:llhvy 4 107 2 6 41 410 B Harvey 10 Dr. Joe, Korbly, Mr. Beck 75098 Laurel lm70y l:4Sgood 51 100 1 2 6and CJT Finn 10 Col.AVhallen, Rouen, NorMi Wales 75070 Laiirei 3-4 l:16slow 56 105 10 8 G 41 F Lee 13 Valentin. Finality, Sling 73901 H.deGce lm70y l:48mud 21 110 8 8. 8 8" F Tbdyke 8 Pcaeelal, Deep Sinker, Smarty 72408 Hawthne 1 1-16 l:54hvy 11-5 98 5 2 2s 21 H Farland C Halu, Tingling, Dainty Lady 72158 Hawthne lrr.70y 1:45 fast 30 104 6 4 51 C91 N Swart 10 AVrangler, Staunch, Apricot 71723 Hawthne 1 1-16 l:53mud 10 111 7 7 CI 45i N Swart 10 Cromwell, Flibtygibt. ByJoy REEL FOOT, ch. g, 4 1C2 By Rapid Water Nijrella, by Ornament. Trainer, J. McKeon. Owner, Mrs. J. A. Smith. Breeder. W. E, Caskey, Jr. 76815 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:59mud 8 104 5 6 5 47 F Lee 0 AlStebler. Cur.Events. DukeJolin 76365 Jefferson 11-16 1:51 good 7 110 11 9 13 13" I Parke 13 Dentaria, Juno. HkleberryFinn 75900 Jefferson 51 f 1:13 hvy 11-5 93 7 4 3 2 I Parke 9 Wireless, Roval Maid, Silence 75783 Jefferson 3-4 l:19hvy 12 108 4 6 6s CJ L Smith 9 nerald. Hutchison, Manokin 75247 Latonia lm70y l:46hvy 14 109 10 8 71 7 T KoeinerlO ColdHoy, Ferguson, FlowerShop 75128 Latonia 1 1-S 1:55 good 11 1081 2 S G 5"1 E Pool 8 Runquoi, Halu, Brotherly Love 75063 Latonia lrnOy l:50Mhvy 26 105 9 2 21 33 F Hstingsll Gold. Billows, Blue Stone, Hoy 75832 Latonia lm70y l:46?smud 13 104 6 C 61 5: B Harvey 8 Tan Son, Halu. Dernier Sou 74854 Latonia 1 1-1C l:47slow 25 307 6 5 7" C7 AV Fronk- 8 TonyBeau. Randel. BlueStone GYPSY BLAIR, b. m, 11 99 By Cyclades Moonshine, hy Peep oDay. Trainer, C. Anderson. Owner, C. Anderson. Breeder. E. Kenshaw. 76705 F.Grnds 1 1-8 2:00 hvy CO 102 7 10 10 9:l L Forstier 10 FrankMonroe, Hickory, Dr. Joe 73102 Columbs 1 1-8 l:59andfast 18f 102 9" O Atwell 9 Miss Rankin, Li Kross, Berlin 73006 Columbs lm70y l:47slow 47 109 910 L Forsfer 9 Puzzle, Car. Baker, MissBankin 72824 Columbs 3-4 l:18slow 27 109 710 L Forestr 8 Amanda, Edith K., Red 72642 Columbs 1 1-16 2:09iyivy 21 100 Fell. L Forster 5 Wal.Turnbow, Ragazza, Reveler 71031 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46rast 49 9S 9 9 H S R Yelton 9 Opulent, Salvo. The Foreigner 69596 Columbuji 51 I l:10Jifast 15 107 Cl J J AValsh 7 Primitive, Bridgette. Ar. Point CHAPLET, ch. f, 4 M 92 By Ralph Eloisa. hy Falsetto, Trainer. R. Willams. Owner, G B Diggs. Breeder. G, J. Long. 768C3 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:49fast 41 95 7 4 51 6J D Jones 7 Alard, llena, Superlative 76524 F.Grnds 3-1 l:I5slow 25 110 S 4 4 3" J McCoy 14 Lit.Alfrcd, Telescope, T.Fenian 75218 Latonia lm70y 1:52 hvy 75 106 7 5 31 41 J McCoy S Dernier Sou. Cash, Cap Rock 74G34 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47fast 2Sf 100 5 9 10 10" J McCoy 12 Tulalip, Pete Foy, Erlangcr 74203 Latonia lmOy l:41Vfast 64 102 5 7 82 711 AV Lancet 9 KgCharming, Taylorllay, Bosh 72572 Aurora lm70y 1:46 fast 10 9S1 6 C 6 515 G Sutton 6 lost.Embry, Arrowhead, Silcncw

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924012401/drf1924012401_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1924012401_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800