English Juvenile Sires: The Tetrarch Secures First Place Among Sires of Two-Year-Olds, Daily Racing Form, 1924-02-07


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ENGLISH JUVENILE SIRES 1 The Tetrarch Secures First Place Among Sires of Two -Year-Olds. Grand Parade, With Ills First Crop of Racers, Gains Second Place In Standing, With Six Winners of Twelve Races. SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE. LONDON, Eng.. Jan. 19. Statistics have just been published here covering the leading sires of two-year-old winners .during the 1923 racing season. These data are extremely valuable. It is, perhaps, an unfortunate fact that buyers of yearlings will nearly always pay more for a yearling that is likely to mature quicky. and so be able to win as a two-year-old. That tendency is manifest all the world over. The allurements race course managers place in the way of two-year-olds. To the majority of owners they are irresistible. The breeder is compelled to recognize it. Here are the twelve leading sires of English two-year-olds in 1923 : Winners. Knees. Value. 1 The Tetrarch 5 578,010 2 Grand Parade 32 5S,89. 3 Son-in-Law 8 13. 50,23:: 4 Friar Marcus 8 IT 4.i,3.0 5 Golden Sun 0 20 41,280 G Flying Orb 4 10 37,005 7 Itoyal Canopy 7 15 33,310 8 Uoehester S 10 30 390 9 Hurry On 5 11 Va 28.02.1 10 Gay Crusader 5 7 27,215 11 Polymelus 4 S 20,155 12 Sunstar 13 13 23,752 Of the other stallions whose two-year-olds won ?15,000 or more, Happy "Warrior and Stornoway both had nine juvenile winners, Pommern and Junior seven each, and The Boss and Phalaris six each. GRAND PARADES SUCCESS. The most noteworthy feature of the above table is the conspicuous position occupied by Grand Parade, for his offspring were this year racing for the first time. He has jumped into fame as a sire just as Phalaris did when, last year, he had ten two-year-old winners of 9,100, a total which placed him second to Hurry On. It is hard to say how many people Grand Parade has surprised. Anyway his high fee has been completely juntifield. Diophon has, of course, contributed the greater portion of Grand Parades total ; the fcur races lie won were worth 0,700. Of the many claimants to next seasons derby honors Diophon at the moment probably has the most supporters. MUMTAZ MAHALS WINNINGS. The Tetrach is where he is in the above list because of the achievements of Mumtaz Mahal and Salmon-Trout. The five races won t.y the filly brought in 8,815. It may be recalled that The Tetrarch had a still better time with his two-year-olds in 1919. when his second crop appeared on the" tracks. That year he had six two-year-old winners of 2,055, tbe best of them being Tetratema and Sarchedon, both now at the stud, the one in Ireland and the other in Australia. The Tetrarch is famous for his juvenile winners, but in 1921 he had the curious experience of not being able to claim a single two-year-old winner. In one respect Sir Abe Baileys horse Son-in-Law must be regarded as the best of the younger sires. As a general rule it is the sire of sprinters, or perhaps "milers," which srets the most two-year-old winners. Son-in-Law not only holds his own Avith such stallions, but gets stayers, too. Ho has had three-year-olds and upward running for three seasons, and the average distance of the races they have won is ten and a half furlongs. Friar Marcus has proved a consistent sire of early maturing stock. His first crop included six winners of 5,465, his second eight winners of 7,200, and his third racing this year five winners of 5,350. Just as he himself was a sprinter, so do his stock excel in short-distance races, his average being six and a half furlongs.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924020701/drf1924020701_12_1
Local Identifier: drf1924020701_12_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800