Drop in Attendance: Follows Sudden Cold Snap at Fair Grounds Tuesday, Daily Racing Form, 1924-02-07


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DROP IN ATTENDANCE Follows Sudden Cold Snap at Fair Grounds Tuesday. . Consistent Dustabout Only Outstanding- Favorite to Score Kewpie ONeil Falls Lame. DELATED IN TRANSMISSION. NEW ORLEANS, La.. Feb. 5. The cold snap that developed here suddenly left its traces on the Fair Grounds attendance today, for there was a big falling off in the crowd from that which witnessed the sport when the weather was more propitious. The track had improved considerably and bordered on fast. Good time was recorded in the dashes where a better grade of contestants strove for the purses. Two handicaps, both at three-quarters, comprised the features. One was exclusively for three-year-olds, the other enabled older ones also to take part. Both were interesting and furnished upsets by the failure of favorites to win. In the three-year-old dash Big and Burley and False Alarm made their debut for the year. The former displayed a good performance and finished in third place. At present he appears to be the mainstay of the E. R. Bradley establishment for Derby honors. Boy O Boy. a former inmate of the Bradley stable, was made favorite in the race with King ONeill II., next in demand, but both suffered decisive defeat, King ONeill II.. particularly making a dull showing and finishing far back. TAKES LEAD AT START. Lester Doctor was the winner. The Block representative displayed the most speed from the start and outgamed Boy O Boy in the stretch. Boy O Boy, when tiring, began swerving sharply and it took Parkes best effort to keep him straight. Brilliant Cast, a stablemate of Big and r.urley, raced forwardly in the early part, but began tiring in the stretch and gave opportunity for Big and Burley to get up in time for third place. McDermott, who rode Lester Doctor, also rode the winner of the other handicap. He was on Flint Stone, coupled with Mercury. Moonraker and Sweepstakes were backed in the race to the exclusion of the others. Sweepstakes flattered. He kept Certain close company until the last eighth before he gave way. Moonraker showed a dull performance, the worst he has displayed here, and never figured seriously in the running. Flint Stone appeared a forlorn hope in the first three-eighths, but after that he came with a great rush and wore Certain down with ease to win with much in reserve. Ring action during the afternoon was of the panicky variety. The heavy losses in-cured by the layers recently has caused nervousness to prevail in the ring. The instant support develops for any particular starter the odds about him tumble alarmingly. The more venturesome layers should have had a profitable day, for favorites were downed with regularity. GIYEX CONFIDENT BACKING. The only outstanding favorite to score, was the consistent Dustabout, which carried the Friars Inn Stables colors to victory in the fifth race a mile and an eighth dash. He was given confident backing and made good in handy fashion. "Wapiti, attended by Brunell. were the early leaders. Dustabout, almost coming to grief at the first turn when Parke tried to come through next the inner rail. Blind, on Brunell, blocked him. He went around the latter in the next quarter and followed "Wapiti until well straightened in the stretch, where he drew out fast, Wapiti succeeding in outstaying the poorly handled Brunell. Ordinary maidens began the days racing at a mile and seventy yards and it resulted in a victory for A. B. Gallahers Telescope, which beat home Amity Claim by a short half length. Amity Claim probably was the best. She unseated Corcoran in a false start and rolled over him. She then raced riderless for a half mile at top speed before she decided to pull up and allow herself to be caught. Corcoran suffered some minor bruises, but remounted and had the best of the start when they left the barrier. Amity Claim led until the first sixteenth before giving way to Telescope. Juno finished in third place. Arrowhead was the winner of the second race, in which some more ordinary ones made the contest. He had to be much the best to win, for he lost considerable ground in the stretch. Doughnut finished second and Venizelos was good enough to outstay the others for third place. Tableau dHonncur, an extreme outsider, furnished the surprise of the sixth race when he beat home Colonel Baker and Stump Jr. The latter and Westwood enjoyed joint favoritism here, but "Westwood dropped out of it after going three-quarters. "With a good ride Colonel Baker might Continued on second pasc DROP IN ATTENDANCE Continued from first page. have won. The winner was ridden by Dyson, unknown in these parts, and was neglected in a betting way. Kewpie ONeil and Normal were the choices in the closing dash and again was betting wisdom far astray. Kewpie ONeil might have won had he not broken down. He was in the lead at the time of the mishap. Gem, which has been showing good speed in several of her recent races, moved into the lead after going a half mile and won handily thereafter. Normal came fast in the stretch to land in second place, with Kirklevington finishing in third place.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924020701/drf1924020701_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1924020701_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800