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RACING COLORS SENTIMENT A pretty bit of sentiment was shown in the colors of AV. Fisher, who raced in 1904. The colors Avere "green, orange wheel front and back, orange cap." Mr. Fisher was a California man. The wheel furnished the sentimental angle. In 1894 Joseph Harvey, for whom Fisher trainer, had a Santa Anita bred filly, by Gano Jennie B., which he named AVlieel of Fortune. Wheel of Fortune lived up to her name. She was a wonderful race winner, and brought much of good fortune to both her owner and trainer. In 1S9G she won the rich Burns Handicap and started Fisher on the high road to success. AArhen Fisher started a racing stable of his own ho desired in some way to have an ever-presont reminder of his old breadwinner, hence the wheel of orange on the jacket of green.