Jockeys at Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1924-03-23

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JOCKEYS AT TIJUANA The following is a list of the jockeys riding at Tijuana and their contract employers : Jockey. Enploypr. Armstrong. Leroy It. Harnett Abel, Grant F. Nancolas Duel, C Free lance Berg, J E. It. and K. G. Good Bogauowski, W Sims, W. Baker. F. J Jeff Ileard Rreecliim, Kemo II. C. McConnclI Harncs, E A. It. and It. Spreckcla Broadfoot, G t. Broadfoot Cargile, Leo It. L. Baker Chirk, 0 J. B. Clark Cantrel, Fred C. B. Irwin Collins, G I. Y. Elander Claver, A J. K. L. Itosa Carter, Kay Free lance Conley, Daniel P C. Van Dusen Chiavfctti, F Milton Smith Corbctt, C. F. J. OKourke Connor, II II. E. Caldwell Comstock, J Charles A. Hart Collins, A Free lance Donahue, E. M J. G. Bussey Dean, W San Diego Stable Doyle, K. G F. It. Doyle Denny, H. 1 A. Baroni and A. Neal Deford, J Ufrgo I. Fuller Ericfcson, K ,..S. Polk Edwards, Montana 3. G. Bussey Ellis, George L. It. Knifone Frost, Charles It. E. Buckley Fa tor, E J. G. Bnsscy Francesco, A. J W. L. Oliver Flynn, R Free lance Gonnlcy, John C. Van Dusen Glover, M II. W. Barnes Gcrrity, J ....I,. T. Whitehill Ilicks, S T....A. Brent Horn, F Free lance Hum, D ". G. F. Hum Hum, Paul G. F. Hum Hay, Harry H J. B. McGinn lallman, Kenneth J. K. L. Boss Iainsworth, II John W. Marchbank Iluntamer, Glen A. Brent Huntamer, J A. Brent Jones, II. S., probationaryA. E. Stokes Johnson, J A. F. Dayton Koerner, Teu ;W. 0. Joplin Kellcy. W J. A. Coburn Kennedy, B. L F. J. Kclley Legcre, E O. Burton Laviue, George 0. Buxton Long, K Meadow-brook Stable Metcalf, J A. B. Spreckcla Maiben, John II. Tullett McKnight, W Sam Hcsseltine Murphy, Gene John T. CJifrord Mein, Geo. I" Mrs. C. A. Landers Morse, E. T., probationaryA. L. Briggs Moltcrs, W T. Polk Martinez, 1 Free lance Neal. Elmer San Diego Stable OBrien. E. J Hany Unna ODonncll, S C. E. Thompson lovisil, Rudolf J. S. Farina Tool. W. J. K. L. Boss Kails, C J. W. Marchbank Itae, Thomas TV J. G. Bussey Sutton, C. G., Jr C. G. Sutton, temporary license Singleton, John M. Rides his own horse only. Studcr, Carl ..J. F. reck Stevens, Fred William Walker Schaffer, Joe G. Van Gordon Seguin, Gmile Joseph Codliout Scheffcl, B. F W. F. Knebclkamp Sliarpe, F C. B. Sharer Smith. J A. F. Dayton Smith, S Sen Taylor, C. K. Patterson Thompson, C Free lance Vogt. E George Falmquist Varley, W Free lance Wilson. Ted Free lance Wakoff. Harry J. S. Farina Walls, ! J. K. L. Itoss Wood, Joe C. Irhy Watrous. F L. II. Tryon Weincr, F Dr. Macomber

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