Daily Racing Form Handicaps, Daily Racing Form, 1924-03-23

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Daily Racing Form Handicaps HAVANA Tho horses which seem best in Sundays races are: Oriental Park Havana, Cuba, "March 22, 1924. 1 Illustrator, Zunelle, Happy Go Lucky. 2 "Winchester, Sun Turret, Dustman. 3 "Whirlwind, Humpy, Solomons Kilts. 4 RIVERSIDE, Sun Brae, Glenlivet 5 Johnny OConnell, Herron, Copyright. C Hillman C, Grandson, Blazonry. 7 Right on Time, Blue Hill, True American. T. K. Lynch. JVciv Yorlc Handicap. 1 Zunelle, Illustrator, Happy Go Lucky, Smite. 2 Sun Turret, Quiet, Dustman, La Luna. 0 Whirlwind, Bodanzky, Humpy, Busy Bob. 4 Riverside, Rapid Stride, Crestwood Boy, Sun Brae. 5 Johnny OConnell, Veronica, Dangerous Rock, Execution. G Flying Prince, Huen, Grandson, Hillman a 7 MARIONETTE, Right on Time, Prince Regent, End Man. Chicago Handicap. 1 Illustrator, Happy Go Lucky, Northern Star, Minnie Mack. 2 Quiet, AVinchester, Sun Turret, Dustman. 3 Whirlwind, Foxtail, Al Thomas, El Coro-nel. 4 Sun Brae, Riverside, Auntie Millin, Sligo. 5 Smart Money, Veronica, Roseate, Spectacular Girl. C Neenah, Hillman C, Blazonry, Flyinand Prince. 7 RIGHT OX TIME. End Man, Marionette, Dorothy Buckncr. Observers Handicap. 1 Zunelle, Illustrator, Smite, Minnie Mack. 2 Castilla, Sun Turret, Winchester, Dustman. 3 Solomons Kilts, Whirlwind, Busy Bob, Ed Garrison. 4 Neptune, Scissors, Crestwood Boy, Sun Brae. 5 Johnny OConnell, Jap Muma, Dangerous Rock, Felix M, C FLYING PRINCE, Huen, Conundrum, Neenali. 7 End Man, Right on Time, Dorothy Buck-ner,. Marionette. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Illustrator, Zunelle, Happy Go Lucky, Smite. 2 Winchester. Sun Turret. Quiet, Castilla. 3 WHIRLWIND, Solomons Kilts, Humpy, Foxtail. 4 Riverside, Sun Brae, Neptune, Crestwood Boy. 5 Johnny OConnell, Smart Money, Veronica, Dangerous Rock. C Flying Prince, Hillman C, Neenah, Grandson. 7 Right on Time, Marionette, End Man, Dorothy Buckncr. TIJUANA The horses which seem best in Sundays races are : Tijuana, Mexico, March 22, 1924. 1 Occidenta, Toombeola, Pay Off. 2 Fullanti, Lamstedt, Finis Gloriosus. 3 Taxation, Malvern, Odd Seth. 4 FLAX, Rondelle, Joella J. 5 St. Angelina, Rungeorge, Dovesroost 6 Master Charlje, Bear Shot, Ocean Current 7 Osprey, Cherry Tree, Blanc Seine;. S Coeur de Lion, The Dictator, Jack Bauer. 9 Motor Cop. Bill McCIoy. Athanna. 10 Gunsight, The Lamb, Gail Ford. G. W. Schilling. New Yorlc Handicap. - 1 Toombeola, Colonel Lit, Reydo, Lady Moore. 2 Lamstedt. Boomerang, Combustion, Finis Gloriosus. 3 Malvern, Odd Seth, Settee. Bramton. 4 Cannonball, Rondelle, Flax, Lemon Seth. 5 Rungeorge, Flame, By Right, Insurance. G Bear Shot, Ocean Current, Master Charlie, Nellie A. 7 OSPREY, Buster Kcaton, Lady Astor, Skeezix. S Coeur de Lion, The Dictator, Jack Bauer, Wild Heather. 9 Motor Cop, Caveat Emptor, Helen Cook, Little Thistle. 10 Cavalcadour II., Gunsight, Bills Luck, Gail Ford. Chicago Handicap. 1 Occidenta, Toombeola, Flea, Princess Myrtle. 2 Fullanti, Boomorang, Combustion, Lam stedt. 3 Odd Seth, Malvern, Taxation, Settee. 4 Flax, Rondelle, Joella J., Cannonball. 5 Insurance, By Right, Canny Lady, Sen ator Donlan. 6 OCEAN CURRENT, Bear Shot, Nellie A., Socrates. 7 Osprey, Cherry Tree, Lady Astor, Buster Keaton. S Coeur de Lion, The Dictator, Jack Bauer, Wild Heather. 9 Top o th Morning, Bill McCIoy, Athanna, Cedric. 10 Gunsight, Prince Direct, Plurality, Gail Ford. Observers HaniUcnp. 1 Toombeola, Princess Myrtle, Flea, Occi dent. 2 LAMSTEDT, Boomerang, Fullanti, Chest nut Girl. 3 Malvern, Taxation, Odd Seth, Townsend. 4 Flax, Cannonball. Itondelle, Joella J. 5 Canny Lady, Mistake, Flame, Insurance. C Ocean Current, Stampede, Nellie A., Master Charlie. 7 Skeezix, Osprey, Buster Kcaton, Lady Astor. S Jack Bauer. Wild Heather, Coeur de Lion, The Dictator. 9 Motor Cop, Helen Cook, Elhel Brown, Top o th Morning. 10 Cavalcadour II., Gunsight, Gail Ford, H. Warren. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Occidenta, Toombeola, Flea, Princess Myrtle. 2 Fullanti, Lamstedt, Boomerang; Combustion. 3 Malvern, Taxation, Odd Seth, Settee. 4 Flax, Cannonball, Rondelle, Joella J. 5 St. Angelina, Rungeorge, Insurance, Canny Lady. C Ocean Current, Master Charlie, Bear Shot. Nellie A. 7 OSPREY, Skeezix, Cherry Tree, Lady Astor. S Coeur de Lion, Jack Bauer, Tlie Dictator, Wild Heather. 9 Motor Cop, Top o th Morning, Bill McCIoy, Athanna. 10 Gunsight. Cavalcadour II., Gail Ford, Prince Direct.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924032301/drf1924032301_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1924032301_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800