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COLUMBUS COLUMBUS. Oh"o, Monday, May 5, 1924.— Benlah Park one-half mile. Kourtecnth day. Capital City Racing Association. Spring meeting of 19 days. Woather clear. Presiding .Rdge. Joseph A. Murphy. Associate Ji dge. W. R. Norvell. Racing Secretary, W. R. Norvcll. Assistant Racing Secretary, C. Stands. Starter, I-estor Dean. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time. 2:15. 7«7Qfl FIRST RACE— 1-2 MUe. April 21. 1924 IOIJ7U _r.o%— 2— 104. Purse 5S00. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second, . 5; third, 0. El. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Pin. Jockey. Straight. 78681 Dulcy Lou 105 V D McAuliffe 50-100 78735Rosita Ml Z» W Smith r40-PX 78735Ly Halden 105 31 II Paden 561-100 78708 "Sunborn 101 4» D Randell llsO-100 78622 John D. 100 5» K Noe 4280-100 78708 Dora Lutz 10". 6 O Atwell 1830-100 Time, 53. Track good. mutnels paid-Dulcy Lou, .00 straight, .60 place, .40 show; Rosita, .60 place. .40 show; Lady Haldeman. .40 show. K.juivalont booking odds Dulcy Lou, 50 to 100 straight. 30 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Rosita. 80 to 10 place. 20 to 100 show; Lady Haldeman, 20 to 140 show. Winner — Missouri Stables ch. f. by Colonel Yen-nie— Undaunted, by Star Shoot trained by O. Johnson: bred by Mr. Jerome B. Respess. Went to post at 2:15. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Overweight Sunborn, 1 pound. 7R7Q1 SECOND RACE — 5-8 Mile. Aug. 21, IOI57J. 1923—1:02—2—108. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 0. Evj. Odds Ind. norse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 78709sCacambo 108 ll C Crcenwd 100-100 78575 Kendall 112 2*1 W Taylor 1160-100 78709 Black Monkey Ml 3- W Dellow 2590-100 78596 Jack Pot 112 4l P Sei emba 1 ?0-100 78683Diocletian 104 5j C H.-oper 4970-100 I 78431 Propaganda 109 6* O Atwell 3310-101 78046 Carpathian 109 71 S Banks 8290-100 76364 War Map 109 8 W Smith 900-100 Time, 1:0S%. Track «rood. mntuels paid Cacambo. .00 straight, .40 place. 00 show: Kendall, place, 00 show; Black Monkey, .00 show. L iui vah nt booking odd* Cacambo. 103 to 100 straight. 70 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Kendall. 240 to 10J place, 100 to 100 show; Black Monkey, 200 to 10J show. Winm r R. J. Howells ch. g. 8, by Free Lance — Bonnie Kate, by loyalist trained by R. J. | Howell; Lred by Mr. I. J. Long. Went to post nt 2:44. At post 2 minutes. Start I good and slow. Won easily; second and third driv- | ing. Scratched 76676 Incognance. 107; 7ST.97 Kin-man. 100; TWIM— ll. 109; 7S.-4i. Ethel H.. 110: 78711 Mihla. 13; 73428 Midnight Stories, 109; 78654 W. P. Montgomery. 109; 78561 Winkie, 109. Overweight Cacambo, 1 pounds. 787Q9 THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. April 30, ,",*,* 1923—1:14—6—112. Puree 00. ft-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75: second, 5; third, $£0. 78660Matinee Idol 105 1=* H Paden SSO-100 78658 old Sinner 110 2=1 H May 1S0-100 78739 Ones Dgherty 99 3J F Woodstk 1020-100 7K690*/ululaml 97 41 K Noe 6210-WO 78739 Sandy H. 101 51 O Atwell 5960-100 78682 -Moment urn 107 61 W Smith 1210-100 752 22 CaptTjr Ricks 112 7 J Winans 6040-100 78738Arr. whead 115 P up.W Taylor 120-100 . Tim3, 1:21%. Track good. mutuels paid Matinee Idol. ! .20 straight. j 00 place. 2 show; Old Sinner. 00 place. .60 show; Grace Daugherty. .60 show. Equivalent looking odds Matinee Idol. H60 to 100 straight. 2- 0 to 100 place. 110 to 100 show: Old 100 to 1 W place. 80 to 100 show; Grace Ilaugl o:t . I.JO to 10O show. Winner — B. Creechs b. g. 9, by All Gold Matinee, by Broomstick trained by B. Creech; bred by Mr. Harry Payne Whitney. Went to | ost at 3:15. At post 2 minutes. Start gciod and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched 7854ft Spring Yale. 113; 78738 Camouflage |I„ MS; TTM0 Marion llollius, 90; 78658 Mavro-c, 105: 78682 The Muleskinner. 101 ; 78574 Col. Tex. 102: dM Iidy Ixjngfellow. 108; 75816 onsolation. 101. Overweights Zululand, 1 i ound; Momentum, 3; Cappy Ri ks, 2. 787Q3 FOURTH RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Aug. • uiffcu 2, i923_i 21%— 6—102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value tj winner 50; secend, 00; third, 0. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 78764«Pearl Boota Ml 14 H Paden 520-100 78765 Dunoon 112 21 W Dunk son 160-100 78765 Times Up 108 3*1 C Urcsa 820-100 I . "SlSC.reat Northn 10S 41 T M Cormk 210-100 7874 1 My Error 1 ;2 5- O Atwell 2100-100 78765 Leona Dare 101 I J V: r rt/l-ioo 77853 Rang.»r 105 Bolt.F ..XH-IOO Tim9. 1:30%. Track good. mntuels paid— Pearl Boots. 2 60 straight, .20 place. .00 show; Dunoon. .40 place, £3.20 show: Times lp. .60 show. Equivalent hooking odds- Pearl Boots. r .",0 to 100 straight. 110 to 100 place. 50 to 100 show: Dunoon. 70 to 100 place, 60 to 100 show; Times I p. 130 to 100 show. Winner — B. Creechs ch. f. by Boots and Saddle Pearl ;.. by Handsel trained by B. Creech; bred by Mr. Thomas M. Murphy. Went to post at 3:46. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow for all but Leoua Dare. Wou easily; second and third driving. Scratched — 78057 Yirginia B.. 99. Overweights- Pearl Boots. 4 pounds: Ranger. 3. 7R7Q4 FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. April 30. iui vi 1923— i:i4_6— H2. Purse 00. 3-yoar-elds and upward. Net value to winner 90, second, S5; third, 5. 111. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 78626 • Lor. Marcellia 107 V C Grose 70-100 78564 Pelion 111 21 W Taylor 1300-100 78767 Reeommation 111 3» H Zander 2250-100 78684 3Delhimar 115 41 W Smith 510-100 78564 Noon Glide 116 i O Atwell 220-100 Time, 1:20. Track good. mntuels paid Ix rena Marcellia. .40 straight, .20 place. .60 show; Pelion. .20 place. 20 show; Recomn endation. .40 show. Equivalent booking odds Ijorena Marcellia, 70 to 100 straight, 60 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Pelion. 360 to 100 place. 110 to 100 show; Recommendation, 120 to UK show. Winner Jones Stock Karm Stables ch. f, 4. by Seth — Cutaneous, by Karandole trained by B. A. Jones; bred by Mr. Benjamin A. Jones. Went to post at 4:14. At i ost I minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. Scratched 78626= Chief Sponsor, 110; 7S.564 Beg Pardon, 113. Overweight — Lorena Marcellia, 1 pound. 7 i-uit/o Q 7 Q K SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Tarda. Aug 21 1923—1:48—6—115. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. K i Odds Ind. norse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 787l4D:ummond US l1 A Roach 2S0-100 78739 Lubcck 108 2» F Woodstk 1120-100 78377 Feigned Zeal 106 |P W Taylor 620-100 7 720! Walter Turw 108 43 C Cross 470-100 78737JMr. Beck 107 5* H Paden 630-10. 78 709 Edith K. 107 6* W Smith 2360-109 78709 Hemlock 108 7« S Banka fSOO-100 78714Polite 103 8» K Noe t 78739 -Edna D. 101 3» C Hooper 810-100 78739 The Plainsmn 110 10 R Carter 4210-100 78178 Mollio Barnes 106 11 D McAuUffe S30-100 tMutuel field. Time. 1:57. Track good. mutuels paid Drumniond, tO -traight, .00 place, .20 show; Lubcck. 120 place, 0 40 show; Feigned Zeal. .60 show. Dliiivalent booking odds- Dri-mrrond. 280 to 100 stra.ght. 150 to 100 place. 110 to 100 show; Lu-i bMk, 4fO to 100 place, 420 to 100 show; Keigned Zeal. ISO to 100 show. Winner Y. Jallos b. g. 8. by Ogclen -Quebec, by St. Jude trained by W. Koley, bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Went to post at 4:44. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; secoud and third driving. Serat. hed 78502 Athlete, 108; 78600 Smart Alex, los; 7K.597 Awning, 103; 78580 Eau Gallie, 106; 78740 liex. 108. Overweight The Plainsman, 2 pounds. 70705 SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-4 Miles. Aug. i u i »v u i923_2:16%— 4— 104. Puree 0* 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 15; second, 15; third, 0. Eq. Odda Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 78523Ilillinan C 102 1* H Paden 660-100 78659 MUerstep 102 2« O Atwell 1890-100 78769"Grass Tree 106 3* D McAuliffe 400-109 78686 dorsida, 10$ 4» W Taylor 180-100 78685Tingling 107 5« H Hay 340-109 TiMl * "MowlUte 99 6* K Noe 1220-1M , 78768 -Scraps 97 7 J Jones 1060-109 Time. .20%. Track good. mutuels paid Hillman C . 5 20 straight, .20 place. .80 show; Overstep. 8.20 place, .60 show: .rnss Tree. 0 show. Eciuivalent Isioking odds- Hillman C . 660 to 100 straight. 310 to 100 place. 140 to 100 show; Over-| step. 810 to 100 place, 230 to 100 show; 90 to 100 show. Winner -E. W. Moores ch. g, 5, by Malamont -I Bettie Sue, by The Commoner .trained by E. W. Moore; bred by Mr. A. Brown. Went to post at 5:14. At post 1 mlnnte. Start good and slow. Won driving, Kecand and third the same. 1 Scratched 7S769 Pirate UcGee. 103.