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Daily Racing Form Handicaps LEXINGTON The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races are : Lexlngtoa, Kj., May 5, 1924. 1— Rapid Day, My Valet. Widgeon. 2 — Subtle, Bad Luck. Afternoon Tea. 3 — Muskeg, Norseland. Eunice Bailey. 4 — Diadem, Mexican Tea, Exchange. 5 — Romp, Ocean Current, Cream Puff. 6— NAUGHTY NISBA, Brother John, Breechloader. 7 — Begonia, Neddam, Fermarco. J. L Dempsey. New Tork Handicap. 1— Nimrod, My Valet, Royal Dick, Rapid Day. 2— Bad Luck, Subtle, Four Cross, Great Waters. Z — Muskeg, Eunice Bailey, Norseland, Isa- j man. 4— Queer, New Beauty, Mexican Tea, Snow Maiden. 5— Ocean Current, Cream Fuff, Romp, Foreign Relations. 6— Ballynow, Foul Weather, Charles Henry, Naughty Nisba. 7— PERMARCO, Quesada, Neddam, Begonia. Chicago Handicap. 1— Nimrod, My Valet, Royal Dick, Rapid Day. 2— Bad Luck. Belpre, Great Waters. Subtle. 3 — Eunice Bailey, Muskeg, Norseland, Isa-man. 4 — New Beauty, Dusty Mary, Mill Boy, Mexican Tea. 5— OCEAN CURRENT, Romp, Cream ruff, Tangara. C — Naughty Nisba, Mabel Curtis, Foul Weather. Billy Brush. 7 — Begonia, Neddam, Lady Inez, Quesada. Observers II a ml lea p. 1 — Royal Dick, My Valet, Rapid Day, Nimrod. 2— Subtle, Bad Luck. Fourcross. Belpre. Z — Eunice Bailey, Muskeg, Norseland, Isa-man. 4 — Diadem, New Beauty. Queer. Odd Seth. 5 — Romp, Ocean Current, Tangara, Foreign Relations. G— NAUGHTY NISBA, Bally new, Mabel Curtis. Brother John. 7— Neddam. Begonia, Lady Inez, Quesada. , Consensu* of Handicaps. 1— Nimrod, Rapid Day, Royal Dick, My Valet 2— Subtle, Bad Luck, Fourcross, Great Waters. 3 — Muskeg, Eunice Bailey, Norseland, Isa-man. 4 -Diadem. Queer, New Beauty. Mexican Tea. 3 — Romp, Ocean Current, Cream Puff, Tangara. C— NAUGHTY NISBA. Ballynew, Foul Weather. Brother John. 7 — Begonia, Permarco, Neddam, Quesada. PIMLICO The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races are : Pimlico, Md.. May S, 1924. 1 — Mm Face. Goldpiece, Sea Fairy. 2- Le Yignemale, Shawn a Glanna, Boatman. 3 — Goshawk. Mainmast. Ten Minutes. 4 — Wood Lady. Seths Flower. Ticacey. 5— BLUE MOON, Rustic. Go Foin. 6 —Wrangle. Wellfinder, Beau Nash. 7 — Sea Monarch, Comme Ci, Dellahm. T. K. Lynch. New York Handicap. 1— Pique, Goldpiece, John F. Kleaver, False Face. 2 — Le Vignemale, Woodley II., Shawn a Glanna. Trayeon Trisough. 3— GOSHAWK, Heeltaps, Go Foin. Comixa. 4 — Seths Flower, Wood Lady, Ticacey, Sir Galahad II. 5 — Go Foin, Rustic, Blue Moon, Beau Nash. C — Wrangle, Wellfinder, Gray Gables, Beau Nash. 7 — Comme Ci, Sea Monarch, Dellahm, May Roberts. Chicago Handicap. 1 — Goldpiece, Pique, False Face, Sea Fairy-2 — Le Vignemale, Sbawn a Glanna, Woodley II, Trayeen Trisough. 3— Goshawk, Mainmast, Go Foin, Comixa. 4— Seths Flower, Wood Lady, Ticacey, Sir Galahad II. 5— RUSTIC, Go Foin, Beau Nash, Fleet Princess. 6 — Wellfinder, Wrangle, Beau Nash, Gray Gables. 7 — Comme Ci, May Roberts, Sea Monarch, Dellahm. Observers Handicap. 1 — Goldpiece, Starmatia. Pique, False Face. 2 — Shawn a Glanna, Le Vignemale, Wood-ley II. El Kantara. 3— GOSHAWK, Champlain, Mainmast, Heeltaps. 4 — Ashland, Wood Lady, Ticacey, Seths Flower. 5 — Rustic, Beau Nash, Blue Moon, Go Foin. 6 — Beau Nash, Wrangle, Gray Gables, O. Henry. 7 — Comme Ci. Metal, Toodles, May Roberts. Coniemm of Handicaps. 1— Goldpiece, False Face, Pique, Sea Fairy. 2 — Le Vignemale, Shawn a Glanna, Trayeen Trisough. Woodley II. 3 — GOSHAWK, Mainmast. Go Foin, Comixa. 4 — Seths Flower, Wood Lady, Ashland, Ticacey. 5 — Rustic, Blue Moon, Go Foin, Beau Nash. 6 — Wrangle, Wellfinder, Beau Nash, Gray Gables. 7 — Comme Ci. Sea Monarch, Dellahm, May Roberts. JAMAICA The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races are : Jamaica, X. Y., May 5, 19S4. 1 — Exalted Ruler. Grenade. Peter Piper. 2— FINN LAG, Bontaud, Exalted Ruler. , 3 — Ix rd Bacon. Barleycorn, Dandybrush. 4 — -Bracadale, Knobbie. Brainstorm. 5 — Olynthus, Aladdin, Fifty Fifty. 6 — Elf, Seaman, Nedana. C. J. Connors. New York Handicap. 1 — Daydue, Protocol, Exalted Ruler, Bel-cross. 2 — Finn Lag, Bontaud, Feysun, The World. 3 — Fairlight, Barleycorn, Dandybrush, Lord Bacon. 4 — BRACADALE, Brainstorm, Dunlin, Mad Hatter. 5— Fifty-Fifty, Aladdin, Olynthus, Honor Man. 6 — Nedana, Elf, Imagination, Sea Man. Chicago Handicap. 1 — Peter riper. Parvenu, Perhaps, Protocol. 2 — FINN LAG, Ordinance, Pickpocket, Bontaud. 3 — Dandybrush. Lord Bacon, Barleycorn, Fairlight. 4 — Bracadale, Tester, Miss Star, Dunlin. 5— Aladdin. Olynthus. Fifty-Fifty, Lily M. 6 — Nedana, Elf, Gad, Seaman. Observers Handicap. 1 — Daydue, Peter Piper, Cydonia, Brighi Lights. 2 — FINN LAG. Bontaud, Feysun. Noon Fire 3 — Dandybrush, Lord Bacon, Fairlight, Bar leycorn. 4 — Bracadale, Tester. Lanius, Brainstorm. 5 — Fifty-Fifty, Aladdin, Lily M.. Olynthus. 6 — Elf, Imagination, Seaman, Nedana. Consensu* of Handicaps. 1— Daydue. Exalted Ruler, Peter Pipet Protocol. 2 — FINN LAG, Bontaud. Feysun. Ordinance 3 — Dandybrush, Lord Bacon, Fairlight. Bar leycorn. 4 — Bracadale, Brainstorm, Tester. Knobbie. 5— Fifty-Fifty, Olynthus, Aladdin. I.ily M. 6 —Elf, Nedana, Seaman, Imagination. COLUMBUS The horses which seem best in Tuesday! races are : Colnmbas, Ohio, May 5. 1924. 1 — Rockomar, Millie G.. Huey. 2 — Glenlivet, Califa, Hysteria. 3 — Seths Dream. Vehement. Barberry. 4 — Full o Fun. Stamp, Jago. 5— DEVONITE, Vendor. Newport. 6 — Hercules, Tamper, Nig. 7 — Uncle Velo, Barbara Palmer. Winchester. F. H. Sproule. Xevr York. Handicap. 1 — Millie G., Rockomar, Dora Lutz, Pardner Jewell. 2 — Glenlivet, Berretta. Kennesaw. Hysteria. 3 — Barberry, Vehement, Captain Kinnarney, Sparkplug. 4 — JAGO, Melvina. Stamp. Full o Fun. 5 — Waukeag, Tomahoi. Prairie, Newport G — Hercules, Tamper, Forewarn, irandsun. I — Barbara Palmer, Horeb, She Devil, Uncle Velo. Chlcagro Handicap. 1 — Rockomar, Millie G., Huev. Pardner Jewell. 2 — Glenlivet, Red, Dixie Dick. Hysteria. 3 — Captain Kinnarney, Dowry, Miss Etta, Sleivebloom. 4 — Balefull. Redwood, Stamp. Far East. 5 — SPORTIBOY, Tomahoi. Vendor. I cvonite. 6 — Grandson, Hercules. Ardito. Tamper. 7— She Devil, Winchester. Horeb, Uncle Velo. Observers Handicap. 1— ROCKOMAR, Millie G., Dora Lutz, Pardner Jewell. 2 — Glenlivet, Hysteria, Kennesaw. Red. 3 — Vehement, Captain Kinnarney, Without, Dowry- 4 — Stamp, Jago, Balefull. Zorro. 5 — Waukeag, Sportiboy, l evonite. Newport. 6 — Hercules. Tamper, Ardito. Tulsa. 7 — She Devil, Horeb, Uncle Velo, Winchester. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 — Rockomar. Millie G.. Huey. Dora Lutz. 2— GLENLIVET, Hysteria. Red. Kennesaw. 3— Seths Dream, Barberry, Captain Kinnarney, Vehement. 4— Full o Fun, Jago. Balefull, Stamp. 5 — Waukeag, Devonite. Sportiboy. Tomahoi. 6 — Hercules. Grandson. Tamper. Ardito. 7— She Devil, Uncle Velo, Barbara Palmer, Winchester.