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t ±w mm 7Z SCHUYLER FLOYD k I Im/B aaTaaT aaHl aaH Calvert Building, Broadway at 41st Street Bryant 0333 New York Clt* INVESTMENTS THAT SPARKLE ! *5 oo daily-420 oo weekly 145 WEST -lit STREET HEW YORK CITY A T 1 /• ivr m #» m x • • ■ A Week of Wonderful Opportunities ! Todays Horse DONT_DELAY -___»__ Consecutive successes are assured the One Hundred Dollar "SCIH YI.KR roraea from a moat reliable aonrce; baa been burning; up tbe track In INVESTMENTS* arranged for Plmlico, Jamaica and Lexingtun. All of tola private and baa the approval of my chief docker. I have personally vveek. looked after the detalla concerning- this transaction, ao aa to avoid all _. _ __ A SERIES OF HIGH CLASS INVESTMENTS THE BEST THAT EX- ------- _,i_i,«„ _„j __■ . at „,„„„..„„„ I ¥ !,_■„._ have ,„. chanccs of a mishap and make it as ,.- safe --f.. a « proposition as ever PERIENCE AND MONEY CAN PRODUCE ARE NOW OFFERED BY THIS handled. It was my original intention to charge S 100.00 for this, hnt OFFICE "WITH EVERY ASSURANCE THAT THEY ARE THE SAFEST AND 1 derided, no matter what the cost to me, that I would give it at the BEST EVER ADVISED. regular price, so as to enable all of my followers to take advantage of ~~ "" todays proposition. The most recent work of this speed marvel in to VhmVomrn.**1*9 ** *»**»•■*«*»«. early, sufficient funda preparation for todays race was six furlongs In 1:13 2-5. My advice ______ 1. go the limit today, straight only. Tems . F0r each investment ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN ADVANCE. tvx* A FIFTY DOLLAR FLAT PLAY, PAST SEVEN DAYS An unparalleled record of suceesses to assure you. Seven winners out - ._ _ - _____ ____ __ of a poaaible ten, released since April 1: _____ WT T _ d*! OfT _ E_*_T ROCK BOTTOM 0.50- WON Won aOl/aOJ S::::::::::::::::::::::::::!S|r LISTEN DEARIE 0.10- WON Does that convince you that I am in the know? Six winning days out WARNING . . 3 10-S2 WON of seven is my record. I am now handling Kentucky and Plmlico in- TrrnTtTKr ILWfT #»ia on *o ttttvkt formation. However. I expect word on the mare I told you about at Sw.nTn |13.30- WON Jamaica in Saturdays advertisement, and will include this in my wire MOON MAGIC 8.30- WON when the day arrives. This mare is a maiden and a possible SO to 1 — — — — — _hot- THE "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" ARE LIKE Yesterdays Horses "STERLING" on Silver— THE STAMP OF DISTINCTION I wn-ft tW fifl V Wnn i i Jjld £ Cj lDlJtJ%jJmiDLl* I f U1I IMPORTANT NOTICE TO S. 0. SERVICE SUBSCRIBERS Our Next 0 One Horse Special Goes Wednesday And paid a nice price, didnt it? Were you in on this one ? If you were Yesterdays flO One Horse Special was: not, do not fail to get in on todays as I expect even a better price. In J T.AT.T.V R.K WON fact I believe that you should increase the bankroll by I „"""".* . 1 I Saturdays S10 One Horse Special was: CHAC0LET |11.50- WON U* 4 ff I #lT A *T NOTHING SENT OUT TODAY % I I ■ I J I I m. _T ■ _T #"__ ■ °nr *10 Sneclal* consist of one horse only. All oar Specials filed mMW MX «n % " W . W . W at r m |— M J_L JL. I ln advance with Racing Form. Me do not have them every day, but wait for right spots. I Since Maryland opened, a S20 straight flat play on our Specials If you follow my advice. For those who like an occasional play only, I I WmM R 1 QIC BaaaE W VlN "__■!$ stronglj advise todays horse. My best a«l ertlsement is my large list of I ill-F «Pl,t7lO *1_ clients scattered over every state in the Union and Canada, some of TOMORROWS WEDNESDAYS 0 ONE HORSE SPECIAL whom have been doing business with me for the past fifteen years. SHOULD PAY 10 TO 1 Why not subscribe at once and Join a winning combination? I pay j jfo matter what price you pay you cannot equal our information, thousands of dollars to secure genuine Inside Information. That is why I Take advantage of our knowledge. We will protect you. for If Wednes-I days does not win at 1 to 1 Special or better, our next two Specials winners. Wire subscription by Western Union * have ■■»~! so mw many «.■«•-» " your j mr i will be sent FREE. Kindly play *atc to protect price. Mire SIO at or Postal Telegraph. once, by Western I nion no Postal here. I JJ | S. 0. SERVICE -:- Jamaica, New York v i r«„U7«J,l„ Ti" WON SIMPLICITY bar s Weekly TK*»£*cky „ , s *so« w«, r- ._ 35 Cents at All Newsstand, ■ 11 ft* Klllfe»ll oT THE CIRCLE L a « M Vtl JL JLMLJL WCAii VU1VLL Above is the ?1 000 SPECIAL which was ad- C. 0. D. *ov,nand SUITE 212 13i0 Hroadway vertiied days in advance in thia publication. I vv — * N alClal tW ICCIirr ibbUtuu HUT 1 TO 1 u-ua nAY i m obk city wantjo than.uciien ZTi NOTHING FANTASTIC. NO BUNK. NO TIPS RFMFMRFR • mM PATS FOR 81X WINNEBS " happy t0 8ay that J ■* sooi- JttfSA mX £J?£tfLXl KMjB9m*M*mm*a*Ky* "■ Heduces you • chances on th3 horses to a mini- |10M pAT F 0 WIyNEB n . I Mil in LAST "WEEKS ADVERTISED FREE CODE: V*sl,lla*#l« lT Itfl AIT I ft mUm; a ° cUssed hcrses- You must get a winner for your money. iJfll lOaV lfI2V ill BELLE MEADE PUBI.ISHIXC3 iO. " v Mexican Tea »"« yourself iuuiu,uu J p0-B0I%.iw.M8H,mrillTeM- MONDAYS HORSE LOST. Another proposition is in the process of prepara- HMO On fcO W/lTaM Satin-days Plmlko 06 Transaction Was: tio,n "dvwi" evrel!"ed °n Say, May 10 It ========= k I M Wm I 1/ W WVk will be handled by the same people who undertook «P 1 .£..4.U-«P.C YY J LV mi ■ ■ *. + + *» **.**. •••ABi ChaCOlet 1 .50- WON the previous one, in the same unfailing manner. WEEK BEFORE ADVERTISD FREE CODE: Was wired free to all 0.00 subscribers. BIG THINGS DONE IN A BIG WAY BY BIG K .M_TL_ 1 Saturdays Kentucky horse was withdrawn. PEOPLE rarely fail to attain their goal. That is the I m# ■ "W| 1 Mk M.Y Dandybrush - «*r-m»**r " ™: £X™t%£ S2 l~Il/HU Hy u mW -1T/M HUllO .40~ THIRD Priced winner *• *" *PPlicant« on Saturday. S3 f •/ i/"«bai WvylN Thursdays Kentucky Horse Withdrawn. TEBJfS— .00, payable strictly in advance, and ____.— Wednesdays Plmlico 00 Transaction Was: tbo wi*aI,S.* °° stTAieYit play payabl* LafteT ■ ™ TnnAY Vice-Chairman .6.00- WON "" ™°;™J":; W* kt»TV 1 %JUJ i , .5dar., k,„lu„, CHAS. ROBINSON JL KJK 111 ANOTHER ADV. FREE CODE Kitty Troxell . . ..70- WON «« ■■■■ , »~« m »,. *.* ck, Tuesdays Kentucky Horse: Several subscriptions received with insufficient HERE IT IS: Romp 3.80- WON addr-a- riea" notify treet addre s at °™- w m LEXINGTON— Virginia -Ivorv -River-River. Mondays Kentucky Horse: BaTiaV sbWbbm aafasV H." JandrXiSV Ballot Brush. . .2.80- WON MofC-loll Hall ■ - - -tt PIKLICO FREE CODE Saturdays Kentucky Horse: lTldl Mldll lid 11 Vermont -Rain-Lilac White. Kitty TrOXell .90" WON ... £ A •! D sad this one 1. SOME PIPPIN brother. Ask for _ . Of ADril KaClllfiJ OARS WEEKLY. Only ■ oents. at aU new,- J JW * KentUCky -- „»•„. UIFq Off *•• llClll l/l/l/UOlUllCU 3*1.11.3 . Another Kentucky horse is all primed and O TVTafVlir Trtanrle News0 T»T-TT.ntT GrT.fd to« nLfayett. ;atf Blvd. read, to Po for the money. We have the O. 1 fl K- ■» subscribe at once. Pamily Theater Kewtstaiid, Cadillao Sq. CJPS VJVl-ikJ LOTJISYILLE— FOR SALE: 0 pavs for TODAYS HORSE a winner", . Eiler and Goodn-n, 227 Fourth St. y,L, for six winners. or pays , -fm iVl C A W 1P ■Wm. Lasr. 711 Market St. Another bir Pimlico 00 Transaction is in J_ M I X Vll ™ /AA I a ■ a Foster Book Co., 410 Washington St. preparation and may start any day now. »»* ■■ saA M*MmMm*A This one will be wired free to all clients CLEVELAND-rOB SALE: „ ,„ g F0K EACH RELEASE. O. Schroeder, tl* East Superior Ave. subscribing for 0.00 for 6 winners. AISO _. . . . . «wai» *y Western Union or Postal. Wire your DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. subscriptions early to avoid delay. Never more £0 r • 1 JfJ J14939 $ $ $ $ than two horses lent out per week. Proof wired *" PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. B. lg ip.C V/CCaSlOnal AtSty PREDETERMINED mSr t0 thi" P*P*r* 157-159 east 32nd st., new york cttt, h. t. «» NeIt ,HALL s 0CCASI0NAL wiU be annonnced so Richmond rnrr Ta.rAV •• TURF PROFITS street, east, Toronto, ont. ON QABSALLY. JSLSj gTB JT ST J U™T 48TH "« NEW T°» "" """ =======—== «-«■■ -»— *»- » Sssr «*ja :s?p2?ls 2 volume ii. of m .. thou»anda of dollars per annum ad*rr- IflF Mf»PARTY ••. tisinc water a« courh «yrui — and eon- «» *Vfc Iwll/l/Hn I I AniMal Darlnfl Fftrm fftr IQO rLTTY DOLLARS •» *,n»» »•» bu»lnM». Mold on .n.cllmrnt SARATOGA SPRINGS NEW YORK ««»"■■ ttaViny I Ul III IUI l»3 for me will secure a* certain M ean __ tZEEFwiSm a%S! 7°Ur Prl0fl"- Ab*°.* Mara]l7 /MU CA1F Ve cuaraiiteod .. on two matt« that will bo Mnt to * ■*!». WgP». »— f»»— J» y . oj» WOy MONDAY ONCE MORE. My special NOW ON SALE r ««♦«««» ♦» «,. •• u*». .jj. n«» ** review, sworn rttimonali, etc- Ineftti- SLSS . iv 7th tt. Ji7M*w, ! «a «*" ««d« »"d *■«• 53 Bookie .bey., «• brought joy to my friends. »th. Wire or telephone agreement to make above * Pabllc Rclntlon. Manager, «J» NEXT PROPOSITION 8ATI RDAY. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. investment and full particulars wiU bo supplied by Mt _. .?• * £RJ,,lR . • aV Wire name. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO ILL. „ — L. FORSEILLE rffH *•* * ■■ "l Tow **n ** VV 41 It Ler« pSSg ApartmenU mm 5 Cincinnati, Ohio ifi KZ * f „ 1 „ ! . I I . i i J i i i4ir • t*?J O Subscribe L. U X for r» Daily l Racing n Form] r- M 50 juchmo» MCHM0KD street, STREET, east, EAST, tororxo. TORONTO, ©rx. ONT.