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Entries and Past Performances COLUMBUS TUESDAY, MAY 6 WEATHER CLEAR: TRACK SLOW. _ — —— The figure* under the heading "Bee." la the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since Jannary 1, 1922, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast •r good track, abbreviations sbow track conditions. 761C0 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1M4. TSCSS IS THE FIIIST INDEX OF MAT. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 2:15. WSii|..i iir niiiil runner. XGood mud runner. lfclair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice allow .-nice. H-Hnkers. The following abbreviations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made : Aurora Au Jefferson Park JP Aqueduct Aq Kenilworth Ke Belmont Park BP Kempton Park KP Blue Bonnets BB King Edward Ki Bowio Bo Latonia La Churchill Downs CD Laurel Lu Colun.bus Co Lexington Lx Conr.augh: Park CP Maple Heights MH Conneaut Laka CI. Marlhoro Mb Dado Park DP Mobile Mo Devonshire De Mount Royal MR Dorval Do Omaha Om Dufffrin Du Pimlico Pm Empire Em Reno Re Fair Grounds FG Saratoga Sa Fort Erie FE Tanforan Ta Hamilton Hm Thorncliffe Th Havre de Grace HG Tijuana Ti Hawthorne Hw Toledo To Havana Hv Windsor Wi Hnntington Hu Woodbine We Jamaica Ja First Race— 1-2 Mile. Fnrso $.".00. 2-year -olds. Maidens Allowances. Tr.ik record: April 21, 1924 50% — 2— 104. Todayi Tnd ITnrse. Wt. Hec A.Wt.Hnn 78708: Rockomur JP 108 :50 112x72.". 785?.2- Milli.- U Bo 100 :50% 11272n 7876G Hun Hu 107 :49% 315.71:. TI736 Pardn.-r Jewell. Hu 102 :49 112. .71.". 78708 I.ittl.- Rose ...Hulll :49% 112.71". 7*790 Itora Lata Hu 107 :49 112. .71.". 78622 Hwilll Hu 10T» :50% 112.710 78618 Kdith Helen ..Co 99 :53 112. .700 I W708 Winnie Davis. JP 114 :60% 112.700 Dr. Sisk 112 Helen G 112 Broadway Rose .. 112 Second Race— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Parse 0 . 4 year olds and upward. Claiming. ! Track record: April 23. 1923 1 :0.r. %— 7— 104. T8587* •Clenlivet Hv 111 1:07 4 108. .725 TO875 Red Hv 11111:07% 8 108x720 78666 Dixie Dick .. .Bit 103 1 :06V. 4 108.715 1 H856- Hysteria Co 1 10 1:08% 6 111 71." i 78116 •Kent, saw M Ho 116 1 OS J 4 108. Tlf. I TM66 blUy Atkin Hv 112 1:08 7 106x710 71696 b8k Man Lx 115 1:08 S 108*710 I WIW Aont Deda ...Hv 100 1 :09 6 10C 71" , 1MM *Diidle Bug To 106 1:07% S 108.710 TT7T0 •Recoup M ..Co 105 1:09% * 101x705 VMM Oalifa Hv 111 1:08 6 108. .705 WjN Nlaam Tl 110 1:08% 7 108X70CI Itfll "Mount Heaaani M| Hu 11C lrOB% 4 103..7O0J 71718 Rlenard Murray M Ke 104 1*9% 4 106x700 78041 TWrctta Hv 105 1*8% 6 111X7001 JMB MJ Mf H" 10° w* iJOa7O0 Third Race— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3 year -olds. Claiming. Track record: April 23. 1923— 1 :05%— 7— 104. 78712* Captain Kinnarney Hv 105 1:08% 115X725 78548 Dowry UG 103 1 :07% 107X720 78709 "Mi-os Btta Co 111 1:06% 105.. 715 76901 Sleivebloom M BP 105 1 :08% 98. .715 78712 Sparkplug Co 100 1 :12% 112.710 78695 Jean Melville .Co 98 1:11 110.. 71 78736 Fear M Hv 101 1 :0»% 98X710 78657 Seths Dream M Hu 106 1:09 110.. 710 78736* •Barberry Ml .Sa 100 1:07% 103.. 705 78648 Victor M., M.. 105.. 705 78667 Without Hu 97 1:00% 112X705 78736* • Vehement M Co 105 1 :06% 100. .700 78736 Rock Court Ml Hu 100 1 :08% 103. .700 78736 Skywards M Em 106 1:09 105. .700 78736 Mike Morrisx y M Hu 96 1:09% 105. .700 78786 Copperhead MUu 100 1:09 108.. 700 Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. Turse 00. 3-year olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Arril 30, 1923— 1 :14— 8— 112. 78713 Halefull Co 102 1:21m 8 100x725 78601 •Redwood La 99 1:13 4 104.720 78684: Stamp La 102 1:13 6 114X715 78625 bKar East Ke 105 1:12% 7113x715 78684 Full o Fun...FG 96 1:14% 4 112x71. " 78713 Ponv Express. .11t 113 1:13% 4 111. .715 78736 Melvina Co 109 1:19 8 101.. 715 78766* Star Red 8 101. .710 78651 John Joseph HP 115 1 13% B 113. .710 78738* «Jago FG 113 1:14 8 114and710 7*481 bZarro La 105 1:18% 6 116.. 705 Fifth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Parse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Aug. 20. 1923 1:50— 6— 113. 78483i SPORTIIIOY .nv 110 1:47% 6 107.725 T8740J Tomahoi CD 101 1 .46 5 107x715 78686 bVendor Pm 103 1:47% 5 107x715 7S7663 Dcvouite FK 107 1 48% 6 107*715 78680 Newport Co 102 1:51% 4 106.710 76723 lone Pine Re 90 1:49% 7 187x710 7*795 Polite Hv 106 1:48% 4 107. .710 78665 Lieutenant Perkins 7 109x705 78740- IWaiikeag KG 109 1:50% 10 102X700 7K7S9 Prairie Em 112 1:50% IS 187 X 700 TS689 bFelix M. Hv 104 1:50 6 107x700 Sixth Racs— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 00. 4-year olds and trpward. Claiming. Track record: Aug. 20, 1923 1 50 -5— 113. 78061 bC.raudton Hv 10? 1 :+S% 5 107X725 78741* Hercules Hv 107 1:46% 7 102x720 78739 bArdito De 109 1:46% 7 102x715 7*741 bTamper Hv 102 1:40% 5 110x715 7*795* Feigned Zeal ..Do 106 1:47% 6 105X710 78768 Nic Hv ! « 1:4 5 100x710 7*740 aTafaa W* 114 1:47% 7 107*710 78485 Wiu or y-jit ..Hv 108 l:4l % 6 107x705 7*656 Forewarn IIv 100 l:51%e 4 105x7ihi 75816 Consolation MjOm 110 1:57m 4 1O7..70O 7*739 bDr. Shafer ...Mil 103 1:47 9 187x700 Seventh Race — 1 Mile and 70 Tarda. Purse 0o. 4 year old and upward. Track record: Aug. 21, 192:$ 1:4* -6-115. 78768 She Devil MH 107 1:44% 8 101X725 78658* bWin.hcBter 8 111. 720 7*714 Uorcb MH 111 1:44% 7 114x71.. 786601 Cncle Velo ...CD 109 1:43% 6 112X715 7*714 bUurp of the North II w 10111:48% 6 103X710 7*652 Boy From Horn* FG 109 1:45% 5108x710 7*7** Mad Hell 6 103x70i 77*66 Phelan Hu 112 1:45% 6 10GX700 7*a*8* Barbaxa Falmex., ALU.. 700 let DA PC i2 M,lp- 2-year-olda. llaldrns. Special weights. April 2L, lOl nMUL 1024 50 » ■ ■ 104. jndex Course Dlst Time Tck Odds Wt St % Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finiah R0CK0MAR ch. f, 2 M 112 By Half Rock— Mils Orimar. by Orimar. Trainer, J. Romito. Owner, J. Romito. Breeder, L. Whiting. 78708 1-a 6l%mud D. 108 21 A Roach K Hilly Welch. Suuborn, Huey 78622 Colmbu.s 1-2 63%hvy 7| 107 4«i D Randell 12 HonestMoKf. PafcfLaa, B.Welcb 78532 Colmbus 1-2 52%slow 15 104 4« D Randell 9 DocMcMahon. MillieG., LyHdB 78176 Uowio 1-2 49%fast Zlf 104 8 4 41 7" D Randell 12 Sombre. RillWinfrey, K.Frenck 77845 Jefferson 1-2 49 fast 20 115 £, 13 13 11** J Corcoranl5 LtleJmy. Hon tMose. RlkDak 77779 Jefferson 1-2 48%fast 15 108 10 * lO* 10*2 J CorcoranU MaiyDcar, Littli Jiuiuiy. Channel 77758 Jeffeison 1-2 49%fast 30 113 12 11 121 13" It Hoi way 15 Swceptona, Klavia. I.ittlejlmmr 77385 K.Grnds 81 f 42%fast 30 116 1 41 47 J RodrigzKi Uttle Gipsy, Star Girl, Flavia MILLIE G., ch. t. 2 M 112 By Tbeo. Cook— Almandine II., by Faucheur. Trainer, C. N. Freeman. Owner, C. N. Freeman. Breeder, E. F. Simms. 78532 Colmbns 1-2 62%slow 61 104 2* H Farland » I K-McMahon, LvHaldn, Rockr 78262 Dowio 1-2 49%rood 30f 106 7 4 «l 671 H FarUn«112 Foyle, Kumoniu. Roller 78225 Howie 1-2 49%slow SI 106 • 6 8l 12" H Farlan 112 B.Wfrey. Foyle, P acheneeBla 78176 Howio 1-2 49%faat at 105 « I I1 6*1 H Farland 12 Sombre. RillWinfrey, K. French 77254 Kiirmis SI f 42 fast 16 115 6 S 4°4 J Heupel 13 Geor.Rose. Niglit.Sli.ide. 8. Name 77147 F.Gr*nds SI f 41%fast 60 109 C 6» 6*1 G W Croll 8 Evelyn, Barney Google. Wheaton HTTEY. b. c, 2 M 115 By Ormondale— Sea Puss, by Star Shoot. Trainer. C. S. Johnson. Owner, T. F. Maloney. Breeder. M. A B. B. Jones. 78762 Colmbus 1-2 63%hvy 15 U0 6* G Dyson 6 HillyWch, MayBter, HoncstMe 78708 Colmbus 1-2 6t%mud 13-5 U0 4* W Smith ■ Hilly Welch. Ro ko: iar, Snnborn 78292 Huntton 1-J 49 fast 4 107 21 It Clifford 6 Ril. Skidd. RedSqri-1. PrinsSeth 78246 Huntton 1-2 49 fast 12 U2 4*1 W Smilh 10 Renita. DoraLutz, CryaUlVenuie 77910 Jefferson 1-2 61%hvy 20 107 14 11 P* 9* W Milner 14 Neat OM, My Kiddy. Mary Dear 77845 Jefferson 1-2 49 fast 20 118 1 8 81 7* W Milner 15 I.tleJmy. HontMose, RlkDaJa 77779 Jefferson 1-2 48%fast 26 104 U U f* 8*1 W Milner 14 MarjDear, Litt leJiininy. Channel 77647 F.Gr nds 31 f 41%fast 15 U* 8 7* 7«1 W Milner 13 RrnTrout. Rcllell., Lit.Jimmr 77473 F.Grnds 31 f 42%slow 20 118 1 H 4« W Milner 14 AlexWoodliffe. Rellell.. Trigger PARDNER JEWELL, br. f, 2 M 112 By Zeus— Celtiva, by Celt. Trainer. J. Shields. Owner, E. E. Mooar. Breeder. Mrs. C. Smith. 78735 Colmbus 1-2 63%slow 46 105 5« A Kroper • LidvII:il lein::n. Malacha, Dainar 78622 Colmbus 1-2 63%hvy 23 107 12** A Kroger 12 Honest Mos f, Dairy L— . B.Welch 78560 Colmbus 1-2 61%faat 28 101 6*1 D Randell 9 DoiMiMn. May Ita xt r. EsrGdl 78532 Colmbus 1-2 62%slow S-2 109 6» L Aron 9 DocMcM;il:o:i. MillieG.. LyHda, 78408 Huntton 1-2 48%fast 41 102 4*1 R Zucchini 7 Setif sTrse. BillySkd. HstMsa 78338 Huntton 1-2 48%fast 23 105 4i A Kroner 7 Benita. Dora Lata, PrincessSeth 77516 F.Grnds 31 f 42%fast 30 108 2 12 12" J Chalmrsl2 Neat ;irl, Spanish Name. Help 77120 F.Grnds 3-8 S5 fast 30 U5 11 11* 11" J Corcoranl2 VanidiM. MalielC. FydeCursy 76981 F.Grnds 3-8 3«%hvy SO 110 10 10 10al G Walls 12 Stei Along, MaryDear, Mabel C. LITTLE ROSE. ch. f. 2 M 112 By Seth— Odd Rose, by Oddfellow. Trainer. J. Hizer. Owner, E. E. Major. Breeder. B. A. Jonea. 78708 Colmbus 1-2 61%naud Vi 107 5» D McAufe S Billy elrli, Rovkomar. SunUrrt 78532 Colmbus 1-2 62%sIow 19 109 7«l W Martin 9 DocMcMahon. MillieG.. LyUdn 78338 Huntton 1-2 48%fast 20 111 5*1 J Domick 7 Benita. Dora Lata, PrincessSeth 78292 Huntton 1-2 49 fast 15 110 6"i J Domick 6 Rillj Skidd. IIue.. Red Squirrel 78246 Huntton 1-2 49 fast 7 109 Si J DominklO Renita. Doral.utz. rystalVennie 76503 F.Grnds M 36%mud 8 116 8 P 6J W Lilley 10 Dress Goods. Evelyn. Mabel C. DORA LUTZ. ch. f, 2 M 112 By Star Master— Yallaha. by Miller. Trainer. E. Lutz. Owner, E. Lutz. Breeder, J. E. Madden. 78790 See todays chart. 78708 Colmbus 1-3 64%mud 20 107 «T O Atwell 8 Billy Welch, Roekomnr, Sunborn 78622 Colmbus 1-2 63%hvy 91 W7 9" O Atwell 12 HonestMos[ , Duleylxui, R.Welch 78408 Huntton 1-2 48%fast 61 107 «71 O Atwell 7 ScthsTrse. BillySkd. HatMse 783S8 Huntton 1-8 4S%fast 21-5 107 21 O Atwell 7 Renita, Prin Seth. PdnerJeweU 78246 Huntton 1-2 49 fast 16 105 21 O Atwell 10 Renita, Crystal Vennie, Huey DONALDA. b. f, 2 M 112 By Paicines — Ida Trovato, by Ben Trovato. Trainer. C. F. Knight. Owner, Mrs. C. F. Knight. Breeder. J. L. and V. K. Dodge. 78622 Colmbus 1-2 63%hvy Mrf 107 11* • W Taylor 12 HonestMosi . DalryLaa, R.Welch 78246 Huntton 1-2 49 fast 65 105 102 W Taylor 10 Renita. DoraLutz. I rystalVennie 78199 Huntton 1-2 49%fast 18 112 9» W Taylor 9 RedSeth. CrystalVennie. MayK. EDITTr FELEN. h. f. 2 M 112 By Fliyng Squirrel— Silver Shin, by His Lordship. Trainer. B. Brown. Owner, 0. W ended. Breeder. J. A. Hall. 78518 1-2 60%good 62 99 7« O Atwell 7 Malacha, Red Seth. Billy Welch 78484 Coi mbus 1-2 E2%hvy 23 106 7l* H Zander 7 UoleCard. Malaclia, OceanMist WINNIE DAVIS, b. f. 2 M 112 By Royal II.— Angeline, by Dick Welles. Trainer, R. N. Vestal. Owner. R. N. Vestal. Breeder. J. B. Respess. 78708 Colmbus 1-2 64%mud 6 107 81 H Farland 8 Hilly Welch. Batwaaaar, unborn 78560 Colmbus 1-2 61%fast 17 108 4* H Farland 9 DocMcMn. MayBaxtr. FiirGdl 78582 Colmbus 1-2 62%slow 13 109 8" J Majestic 9 DocMcMahon. MillieG.. LyHdn 77758 Jeffeison 1-2 49%fast 15 114 9 12 11 UT1 G Walls 15 Sweeptoua, Flavia, Little Jimmy First start for the following: DR. SISK, br. g. 2 M 112 By Tbeo. Cook — Cactus Queen, by Flint Rock. Owner, M. Cox. Breeder, J. D. Carr and Co. HELEN G.. br. f. 2 M 112 By Towton Field — Dixie Gem. by Admonition. Trainer, C. S. Wilson. Owner Woodland Stock F arm Stable. Breeder, Cross A Haner. BROADWAY ROSE. b. f. 2 M 118 By Zeus— Eva Tangnay. by Contestor. Owner, Bumpaaa ft Doyle. Breeder, J. Doyle. Onrl DA PC 5 1-2 Fnrlongi. 4-year-olds and upward. Claim! us- April 23, CIlU IlMUL 1»23 l:OG 1-5 7 104. CLENLIVET, b. c. 4 108 By Meelick— Dona Hamilton . by Donald A. Trainer, F. Neal. Owner. F. Neal. Breeder. G. L. Blackford. 78697 Colmbus 6-8 l:02%fast 11 109 3*1 W Martin 12 Humorist. I.ittlePter. Wee Dear 78485 Colmbus 51 f l:13-»hvy 41 108 6*1 J Byine 11 LuckyRun. JackPot. Babylonian 77900 Havana 5ifl:07%fast 3 102 11 11 12 H«|JJ Dawson 12 Rap. Stride, OKelly. Fly. Boat 77857 Havana 8-4 l:12%fast SI 100 6 4 21 6*1 J Dawson 8 Leona Dare, Asa Jewell. Feodor 77812 Havana 3-4 1:13 fast 6 103 2 2 U 3 J Dawson 11 Ail.Vernor, Feodor. Gold. Chance RED, ch. g, 8 108 By Peep o Day— Mary Michaels, by Llssak. Train;.-. T. Cheek. O-ner. T. Cheek, Breeder. J. H. Brown. 78575 Colmbus 61 f 1:09 fast 13 110 9*1 W Dkson 9 Winchter. BillBkll. WtnFna 78431 Huntton 6-8 1:02%fast 23-10 116 U J Pevic 11 ArthurMdleton. Bub. Last Girl 78386 Huntton 61 f l:08%fast 19-5 116 5*1 J Pevic 9 Auntie Km. Josepc C. Old Blue 78339 Huntton 61fl:07%fast 18-5 110 5*1 J Pevic 12 Mdell vey. Geo.Starr. Gwithim 75271 Huntgton 1 l:42%fast 31 103 4* J Eaton 7 ShintrleShack. SlieDevil. Neeuah 75146 Huntgton S-4 l:16%slow 7 108 6*1 G Walls 10 Merry Mars. The lister. Pelion 76019 Htington 1 1-18 l:49%slow 7 106 49 W Martin C Uoreb, Coscorron. Handfi-II 74874 Huntington S-4 l:13%fast 10 109 31 G Walls . Ma mceld. 1. Iocl lyvcn. Roy. 74710 Hunt on S4!.14%fast 31 107 51 O Atwell 9 B. House. B. Watch II.. HazelW. DIXIE DICK, b. g, 4 108 By Great Britain— Sallie Ward, by Singleton. Trainer. C. W. Hall. Owner. C. W. Hall. Breeders. Carrick A Ward. 78655 Colmbus 61 f l:09%good 44 112 6« R Carter 12 Arrowhead. Rojul, Recoup 78576 Colmbus 61 f l:09%fast 21 UO 4* R Carter 12 Reluctant. Stacy Adams. Iuncfl 74878 Huntington 61fl:07%fa«t 20 104 9*1 W McKhtll Col.Pat, P.essL . MissBeul„h 74380 Thcliffe 1 1-16 1:48 fast 8 99 7 7 7* 7*i G Fields 9 lailj Run. Dantzic. Skeer Face 74260 Thcliffe S-4 l:14%fast 13 108 S 9 10k g m Garrett 12 F.Deen. J. Hoffman. Rhinestone 73770 Dorval 1 1-16 146%fast 16 101 3 2» 4*2 G Fields 9 Holiokus, Piedra. T Ickmender 73680 Dorval lm2C 1:41 fast 18 100 i 1 !* 51 G Fields 7 G ybrne. SGalabadlL. Llineaa HYSTERIA, br. m. 5 111 By Transvaal — Tickolette. by Dalhousle. Trainer, J. Boland. Owner. J. Boland. Breeder. Morris and Walden- 78656 Colmbus 61 f l:08%Rood 11 110 21 I Bonhaml2 Patllp n. "U-ySmy, CnPoint 78575 Colmbus 61 f 1:09 fast 14 108 5*1 T Bonham 9 Winchter. Billrikll. WtnFna 78533 Colmbus 6-8 1.04,slow 11-5 104 6*1 W Martin 9 MadNell. WfnFlanna. ChwCw 78340 Hunt ton S-4 1:14 fast 2 112 3»J R Costello 8 Mat. Idol. Fl Ieen. Cam TlagelL 78296 Hunt ton 8-4 1:15 fast 13-5 106 3* R Costello 9 Dancer. A.Alexder, Flor. m-en 77972 Jefferson S-4 l:17%mua 6 115 8 4 4» 451 J Corcoranl3 G. Starr. Mt.lIeast. Dandv brush, 77632 F.Gr nds 1 1-16 l:48%good 10 1041 6 6 5l 6i J Heupel 8 TlicFr ciscan, Yorick. GiadysV. 77580 F Gr nds 1 1-16 1:61 mud 15 103 6 1 2» 6» J Heupel 7 Cen.Cadoma. EddieJr.. ReelFoot 77522 F Gr nds 11-16 1:49 fast 10 100 7 6 ll1 12" D Jones 12 II boldt. WaterGirl, Kirklev ton 77450 F.Gr nds 1 1-16 l:60%mud 21 96 4 2 6l 6»* D Jones 9 F gned/. 1. EddieJr., OurBthday 77321 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14%slow 10 108 2 2 21 3*1 ■ Martin 11 TialMlta. aagaBMM, Setiuel 77148 F.Grnds S-4 l:14%fast 12 108111 11 9* 8i ■ Martin 12 R. Bottom. Cap Costigan. Stam» 76858 F.Grnds S-4 l:14%fast 8-6 96 6 3 3» 7*i D Jones 14 Poppye. Arrowhead, Venizeloa KENNESAW, b. g. 4 M 108 By Magic II.— Caparthia. by Star Shoot. Trainer. R. Scully. Owner, R. Scully. Breeder, W. S. Kilmer. 78316 Hunt ton 61 f l:08%fast 37-10 116 ?l K T Moore 9 Wise Cracker. l:ob. Vehement 78232 Hun ton 6 1 -2 f 1 :CU%fast 71 110 2l E T Moore 9 D. I Guise G. of t. ReasII.Nwpt 78200 Huntton 3-4 1:16%fast 13 U5 7,0N Hurler 12 Melbourne. Miss Btta. Mr Beck 77653 FGrnds 1 1 16 1 48%fast CO 99 12 12 12 l.:i W Milner 12 La Orb. Pete Fov. Roval George 77582 FGrnds lmTOy 1 :48%hvy 20 116 9 2 7 8*» W Milner ! ■ Astro. Gladys V. Troutwick 77449 F G: nds 1 1-16 1:50 mud 30 1001 8*6 7l: W Milner 9 Permarco. St. Paul. Yorick RAY ATKIN. br. g. 7 108 By Jack Atkin— Lady Bobbins, bv Oddfellow. Trainer. E. McCuea. Owner, E. McCuen. Breeder. C. D. Kay. 78655 Colmbus 61 f l:09%good 46 112 9* W Smith 12 Arrowhead. Bajai, Reccup 78549 Colmbus 61 f 1.11 fast 4f 108 11*1 R Holwayl2 "ck otheRoo,t. Fleer. BusyBob 7S837 Omahi 3 4 l:17%mud 22 116 11 10 10* 7" L Mills 12 Queen Mazonia. Neg. Full Moon 73733 Omaha 61 f 1:11 mud 15 112 8 t 9*1 L. Mills 9 Prairie. Res«Wcl li. J:i kllealey 73100 Columbs 1 1-16 1 :52%fast 8 103 ««f F Horn 9 Devvitt, Arapahoe. Timbrel 73032 Columb a 3-4 l:15%fast U 105 7»| F Horn S OldPep. Mellial.lly. First Pullet 72975 Columns hB4 1:15 fast 11 103 8* F Horn t Car .Moore. M Hollius. Streamer 72769 Columbs 3-4 1:21 hvy U 114 8l» F Horn 8 C.Burns. Amanda. Q. of the Spa SKY MAN, ch. g, 8 108 By Aeronaut— Tranid. by Voter. Trainer. T. McBride. Owner. T. McBride. Breeder. S. L. Parsons. 78596 Colmbus 5-8 13f 109 11** R Pauley 12 Old Sinner. Baby Ionian. Jack Pot 78521 Ci.lun-.bus 51 i i.iOisgood 158 111 104 W Mndersl2 Zoona. Arronliead. DgerousRk 77918 Havaaa S-4 1:15 slop 15 109 4 8 31 4* F ST-mba 9 Twopair. Daac.Raek, HillSpivins 77614 Havana S f 1:11 mud 12 114 4 6 S 3° F Serembal2 Mes-Kit. MadNell. I.ottieLorne 77395 Havana H f 1 :07%f?ist 8 UO 3 « 10 10 -• C Jackson 12 Sligo. Jack Pot, Ella C. aVUR DEDA. b. m. 6 106 By The Manager— Little Daughter, by Ogd-n, Trainer. C. E. Groves. Owner. C. E. Groves. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 78709 Colmbu* • 61 f l:13%mud 9 1"2 fi» D Mc.ufel2 Busy Pol. Ctaparta, C.iran.lo 78597 Colmbus 6-8 1:02%fast 19-5 10S 12« W Smith 12 Hun orist. Littllo.ntrr. Gleniit 78547 Colmbus 6-8 1:02%fast t 110 Lost rider. W Mn.k-rslO P.T.P.ariiian. JkP..t. Babylonu 78025 Havana 61fl:ll%mud 4 105 7 4 1» 1* C Graee J2 P. rr« t t.i. Mildi. Minnie M N k 77993 Havana 61 f 1 09 fast 2 100 6 4 4* 23 J OTiiien 9 Billy Brush. SovereiKnlL. Smile 77917 Haan:i 61 f 1 10%slop 8-5 105 S 2 2» 41 J OBri.n 7 C A. Byrne. Fhei Dau.ien. Gilder 77852 Havana 61 f 1 9 fast t-5 105 1 1 1* 2 J OBri. n 8 Sea Board. Patsie S.. Bird Shot DTJDLE BHG. b. g. 8 103 By Flammarion— June W.. by The Roman. Trainer. L. B. Mikel. Owner, W. M. Mikel. Breeder. W Mikel. 78654 CoPatbaa MIM K 1 10 16 ?JC Gross 12 ElizabethB n. Pun. tual. Copyrt 78574 CalaaJMM 6-8 1 0-%fast 20 107 3* J Hyrne 12 Knot Srara, Califa. Bud Fisher 77192 lC.rnds S-4 l:I4%good 30 107 6 • 7» ll17 A Accardyl2 Arrowhead. IK.UKlinut. Venix. los 74785 Akron 61 f 1:10 fast 16 104 2* J Herp 11 Spinninc, Do. tor l .. Sit.ret:isU 74702 Akron 6| f 1 :09%fast 15 101 T" L Part ton I Kthel 11.. Sjndv II.. 74673 Akron 61 f 1 09%fast 19 105 2 J Berg ti Drapery. Up—la. Cover I p 74529 Akron 11 f l:09%fast 74 102 6*1 J Derg 10 Vir-e. C.ceroaian. Valeu. d Or RECOUP, ch. f, 4 M 101 By Brummel— Josie A., by Superman. Trainer. C. N. Freeman. Owner, C. N. Freeman. Breeder. A. A. Redly. 78710 CoTaabaa 6« f 1 12%mid 61 MB £.«! H Farland 12 Miry G. Fi.tile. Old Red 78655 i..l i.. bus 61 f l:09%gonl 17 10a S1 D Randelll2 Airowh d. Bojul. I. tenantp kins 78595 Colmbus 61 f l:10%fast 6 102 I] H Farlandll LittltAnd HEousRock. Ml.iu-70536 Map . Ht-s S-4 1:14 fast 21 92 8» H Karl: lid H KewAcres. Ar. Point, ll mfound.r 70461 Map II is 3-4 113%faat 7 M 2» H Failand ■ NoontHide. Phenol. Mar I.or MU 70368 Map Ht.i f.J f 1 07 fast t 10» Left. H FarlandlO Mvlrraine. ChwChow. F Acres 70219 ki-iiu al X ua%i*Mt JJ U J» H Faxlaad 8 JJa laaatj MyLoaaiaa, OarTaUla CA1XFA. ch. g. t 108 By Tho Finn— Margaret 0., by Marathon. Trainer. £. Utterback. Owner E. Utterback. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 78654 Colrabus 6-8 1:03 Rood 15-5 107 S| W Smith 12 ElizabethB n. Punctual. Conyrt 78574 Colmbus 5-8 l:02%fast . M 107 2* 8 Banks 12 KnotGross. PudleBtig. BndFisher 77546 Havana 8-4 l:16%alow 8 111 2 8 V 7* P Groos 12 Ck.ise. Mess Kit. Sandy H. 77090 Havana 51 f 1:15 hvy- 8 112 S 4 4* 641 P Groos 0 Wbipprwill. Phelan. C.Theisen 77052 Havana 8-4 l:2U*hvy 16 113 4 5 2* 4*1 F Great! 9 Hughie. Q Mnzonia. K. Carpenter 76960 Havana 8-4 1:21 hvy 16 110 6 10 9* lOl J Callananl2 The Flster, Chile, Vulcanite 76167 Havana 8-4 1:20 alow 12 110 8 i 61 7* W Smith 10 II Liberty, Wbipwill. S. Wipes 76710 Havana 6-8 1:06 hvy 10 109 4 6* 6" J Callahan 7 BeTruenian, Moorfield, M. Garner BIZAM. ch. g, 7 108 By Withers— MInyon. Trainer, D. B. Freeman. Owner. P. Fuller. Bred by estate of J. F. Newman. 78596 Colmbus 6-8 ISSMfctMl 13f 109 5*1 J Byrne 12 OM Sinner. Babylonian. J:-ck Pot 78521 Columbus 6| f Liogood 37 109 «• J Byrne 12 Zoona, Arrowhead, D gcrousR k .6026 Jefferson 8-4 l:15-good 40 103 10 » I* 81 J Byrne 12 Modesty. Kgsclere. C.J "gnule 76858 Jefferson 5| f l:ll%hvy SO 112 6 7 T» 6" B Norton 8 Attoo. Corto. Knot Crass C8991 Tijuana 8-4 1:15 fast 19 115 I 4 7| 8*| C Ralls 12 Conichon, Lobelia, Jerry MOUNT PLEASANT, b. g. 4 M 103 By Swiftfoot II.— Galeswinthe, by Hasting!- Trainer. L. M. Holmes. Owner. Bonavcnture Stable. Breeder. Mrs. L. M. Holmes. 78371 Hunt ton 3-4 l.HVast 86 110 «T J Smallwd S MissAmerica. RlackRuler. Bob 78U5 Hunt ton 6 f 1 K8 fast 86 96 6* O Atwell 10 RigSapp. BkRnler. MlssAtr.ericn 78232 Hun ton 6 1-2 f 1 :09*-f ast 6 115 7«l J Smwood 9 D.d.Guise.Kensw.G. of t.ScaslI 77972 Jefferson S-4 l:17*4mud 40 118 4 2 2| 21 H Stutts II Ceo. Starr. D:indybn:sh. Hysteria 76858 F.Grnds 3-4 1 :14fast 100 104 14 14 14 14« J Chalmcrsll Poppye. Arrowhead, Venizelos 76189 Joffc-son 3-4 l:18*thvy 60 115 10 11 9* 11:0 J Corcoranlli Totntella. Baldin . Frontrsman RICHARD MURRAY, br. g. 4 M 108 By Meridian— Queen of Paradise, by Hastings- Trainer, J. Shields. Owner, C. Deibel. Breeder. R. F. Carman. 78719 Colmbus 6ifl:12femud 28 109 4*1 W Smith 12 Mary C. Fictile. Old Red 78:516 Huntton 61 f 1 :08Vifast 16 111 6*1 A Kroger !» Wise Cracker. Kennesaw. Bob 78248 Hunt ton 61 f 1 :09Vsfast 27 111 7«i A Kroger 8 llardman. Eunice Bailey. Bob 77491 K.Grnds 3-4 Llr.-sgood 100 107 6 6 11* 12" J Leyland 14 Sea-Woli. B. Black. Beth. Steel 77386 F.Grnds 2-4 l:13fast 100 99114 13 10 11" J Leyland 14 Carpenter. St. Maurice. Doughnut 77234 F.Grnds 8-4 1:14 fast 60 110 13 12 12 13" F. Martin IS S.Frdman, Col. Winn. T. Official 76189 Jefferson 3-4 1 ISHhvy 30 115 7 8 11* 10,: E Martin 12 Tomtella. Baldine. Fronfrsman 76130 Jefferson 8-4 LISVihvy 80 107 11 5 5i 7 ° E Martin 12 A.N. Akin. Piedmont. Ceo. Stan BHRRETTA. b. m. 6 111 By Berrilldon— Kensington, by Kingston. Trainer. 8. E. Smith. Owner, S. E. Smith. Breeder. J. L. Murohv. 78041 Havana 3-4 1 :17V low 10 107 1 1 1IU J Dawson 12 Chincgue, Humpy, AnnettcTIcr 78025 Havana 6 f lllSmud 4 106 1 3 2 2 J Dawson 12 Aunt Deda. Milda, Minnie Mack 77939 Havana 5 f l:ll«*mud 8 107 10 10 9» 6*1 O Pcrnia 11 Scurry, Lustre, Cruces 77896 Havana 3-4 1:14 fast 3 105 4 2 Pi 4*8 O Pcrn*a II MabolKver. st. B.Blue. Bodinzky 77786 Havana 3-4 1.13fast 7-5 106 4 1 21 2 O Pernia ■ Mel. Folly. EKoronel. Bon«roBlue 77C92 Havana 3-4 1:14Hfast 10 105 1 1 1 iBk O Pernia 10 Sun Turret. Hemam. I.engali 77633 Havana 3-4 l:18%hvy « 107 8 2 4l 5« C Jackson 9 Hemlock, HappyBton. SunTurt 77545 Havana 6 f 1 :10*.slow 21 100 1 3 21 3° J Dawson 8 Chow. Gilder, Sun Turret EFFIE RANDALL, ch. m. 8 101 By Harrigan— Lady Maxim, by St. Maxim. Trainer. C. C. Emmert. Owner. Frozen North Stable. Breeder, B. A. Jones. 78437 Huntton 1 l:4-*r.fnst 14 109 5* B Zucchini 7 Proceeds, Mr. Beck, Brlstow 78409 Hunt ton 61 f l:0S%fast 9J 106 6| R ZucchinilO Monsoon. Satnnn. Conwithim 78320 Huntton 3-4 LHKfast 63 102 6»| J Cowan 7 BarbaPr. Rhinegold. A.Alexr 78247 Huntton 3-4 1:15 fast 42 103 7«J J Cowan 9 OldSinr, A.Alexder. BobBake: Orrl DA PC 5 *-2 Furlonsra. H-year-old*. Claiming;. April 23, 1923 OIU nrAUC 1 :03 1-5 7 104. CAPTAIN KINNARNET. b. c. 3 115 By Dick Finnell— Idle Day, by Peep oDay. Trainer. L. F. OLeary. Owner. L. F. OLeary. Breeder. J. S. Carrick. 78712 Colmbus 3-4 l:20?tmud 27 115 87 C OMaey 9 Royaline. Dustman, Trafalgar 78057 Havana 3-4 LloSfcgood 8 102 12 13 13" 1071 F Woodk 14 FoulWther. Dustnrn. BlueBrush 78011 Havana 61 f 1 :08 fa»t 6 106 6 8 61 7*1 J Dawson 12 Auntie Millin. Castilla. April 77979 Havana 3-4 1:14%slow 3 99 4 2 2* 8i J Callahanl2 Mabel Everest. Dustman. Needy 77944 Havana 6|f l:C9Vimud 10 95 1 4 6 6 A Yerrat 11 Gold. Chance. Scamper. Colossus 77614 Havana 61 f 1:12 mul 4 103 2 6 61 6*1 O Pernia 12 MessKit. MadNell. LottieLor ne 77524 Havana 3-4 llDhvy 31 104 1 1 1» 11 O Pernia 11 Hemlock. Ruddles. Cloporte 774G4 Havana 61 f 1 :07 fast 20 104 8 8 8» 8» F Kiniry 12 Impossible. Cloporte. Suzuki 77419 Havana 61 f l:07Hfast 10 107 2 10 91 9» F Kiniry 12 Aunt. Millin. LeonaDare. B.Miss DOWBT. b g 3 107 By Luke McLuke — La Dwina. by Arc de Triomphe. Trainer. J. D. Rice. Owner. E. T. Palmer. Breeder. Nurserv Stud. 78548 Colmbus 3-1 l:lS»fast lOf 108 4« C Grwoodl2 Sparkplug Melviua, RockCourt 767*9 Cul. City 8-4 1 :14**good — 98 7*1 L Creery 8 Styl. Miss. Fred. Fear, Ed Fuller 76721 Cul City 5-8 1:02 good — 92 7| J McDald 9 L James. MerryLass. BlackTop 76*28 Jefferson 1-4 1:20 hvy 20 1001 2 9 8* 3*1 J Leyland 11 W. Lynch. G.Nthern. Ftiersmau 76062 Jefferson 3-4 1:15*fast 40 102 8 8 9» 971 J Leyland U ApoIokv. Quinham. MidntFollies, 75770 Bowlo lifl:23%mud 29f 95 t « «» 7*1 P. Pierce 12 Fehrah. OurStar. Flcr. 15. Walkei 75648 Bowie 61 f 1 :09islow 14 1101 2 3 6 1 7«| J McTagtll: l!f ss.Cershel, FloBrown. Stevens 74900 Laurel ll:42?fes:oD 10 107 t 4 4 417 B Marlt Hi 0 Mer.der. UomanGirl. Annalloiton MISS ETTA. ch. f. 8 105 By Seth— Hester Zorra, by Cesarion. Trainer. T. F. Bornman. Owner. Miss M. Kelly. Breeder. J. A. Hall. 78709 Colmbus 6i f l:12-mud 70 98 4»J II Hay 12 Busy Bob. Cloi orte. Cacambo 78657 Colmbus 61 f l:08%good 61 99 11" H Hay 12 MissMgt, Tfalgar, Argumtal 78576 Colmbus 61 f LOOSsfast 16 100 8*1 W Martin 12 Reluctant. StfM-yAdams. Iunctl 78548 Colmbus 3-4 1:18%fast 6| 110 8" W Martin 12 Rpnrkpinjr. Melviua, BockCoirt 78374 Huntton 3-4 1 :14Vast 1 99 3*1 AV Martin 7 BarbaraPr. Eunice By. WiseCr 78295 Huntton 6-8 1 :0;*ifast 12 98 64| R ZcchinilO AtieMillin. Btgwls, EuniceBley 78249 Huntton 61 f 1 :09*kf ast 13-10 108 l| R Zucchini 9 T. Plainsn. W. Ciacr. M.Amn 78200 Huntton 3-4 l:9S%tut 7 104 21 W Martin 12 Melbourne. Mr. Hock. 1rdlyFritz 77840 Jefferson 51 f 1 :08?sBood 60 104 12 10 11" 13«D Jones 15 SisterJosella. Stamp. DanBolling 77740 Jefferson 3-4 1 :147»fast 30 11111 13 13 14" A Accardylj Bush Buck. Melbourue. Levoy SLEIVEBLOOM. b. f. 3 M 98 By The Curragh— Addie M.. by Star Shoot. Trainer. R. McKeag. Owner, B. A. Lane. Breeder. J. Sanford. 75901 J.ff.rson 61 f lOUfctnrjr 20 9517 Lost rider. A Hunt 9 B. Wright, Bcr.Childs. DbleShot 75782 Jefferson 5-8 1:05 hvy 16 110 12 10 10* 10" A Hunt 12 BurntOrange. Barberry, Ruths 75177 Empire Ab 3-4 1 :10%fast 60 92 14 14 14 14»; R Cslan M L Reveille. Bl. Streak. Stel. Maris 75121 Enir ire Ab 3-4 1 :10*fa*t 60 95 7 6 4" 7»1 R Islan 11 Sea stake. BlackWand. L. Thistle 74994 l npire 61 f 1 :08 mud SO 107 10 10 9 10" M Fator It Royal Miss W. Charm Lit Thistle 74307 Jamaica 61fl:07Hfa«t 60 102111 11 101 10" A Accard 13 Agsrav.Papa, S.Dimas. Bl.Miss 73452 Belmont 61 f l:07fast 20 105 14 15 13« lll E Legere 16 Mary Agnes. Stroller. Drumbea. 73179 Saratoga 6-8 1:01V»hvy 60 110 I 9 9 9" F Smith 9 Defiant. Sophv. Madam Vennie 72342 Empire 6-8 1 :01%fast 20 107 14 14 14 14" E Bell 14 Bl. Wand. SunSilent, Everglad* SPARKPLUG, ch. g. 3 112 By Peter Quince — Peepaway, by Peep oDa. Trai-er. J. H. Babba. Owner. T. M. Irvin. Breeder. B. Coombs. .7871* Colmbua 8-4 1.20?s,mud 17 11* 6" W Frklin 9 Royaline, Dustmn, Capt.Kiney 78648 Col mbus 3-1 IdfrfeCUt lOf 10J 1* W Frklin U Melvina. Rock Court. Dowry 78520 Columbus 6£ f lllHgood 7 100 6» W Martin 8 CndcAbe. SthiiPacific. MyErr 73194 HI Grass 0-8 l:04slow 67 107 617 L Napier 6 Veibe::a. Malt. Domination 72948 L C Fair 1-2 49Hgood 12 110 6" H Glick 6 Paik. Place. M. Ctiary, Ament JEAN MELVILLE, b. f. 3 119 By Paicines— Arora. by Solitaire II. Trainer. J. A. Bowers. Owner. J. R. Clark. Breeder. F. J. Kelley. 78595 Colmbus 61 f LlOfast 13 98 8*| W Martin 1 1 LittleAndy. DsousRock. Mline 77961 Tijuana 61 f LOS fast 16 5f 93 14 14 14 I4:u G Cooper 14 lmstedt. MissEm.C. Tmbeola 77070 Tijuana 6-8 l:02sSgood 7 105 4 6 Pull up. B Kenny 8 A.Lester, I em.Seth, Porter Klla 76694 Tijuana 5-8 l:01Vjfast 62f 100 8:| J Holpln 13 Brandeis. Boss Man. Omega 76498 Tijuana 5 8 1.04 mud 62 98 11" J Holpln 14 Clarkson. Cuba. Little Smile FEAR. b. f. 3 M 98 By Transvaal— Ilaria. by Star Shoot. Trainer. A. B. Jessop. Owner. Jessop Bros. Breeder. T. Clyde. 78736 Colmbus 61 f l:12%slow 16 100 8»* R Zuc"ini S M. lvina. Vehement. RarV-t-r-y 78624 Colmbus 6-8 1:07 hvy 81 10t "JO Atwell M DiisyCartcr. Barberry. WiseCuy 77634 Havana 61 f l:llhvy 12 101 18 6 9;» P Groos 9 Claro de I. una. Phoebe. CrayCirl 76886 Hav.m.i 61 f 1 :llVfcirood 10 92 4 6 81 9H CallhanlO Mad Nell. Berretta. Haran • 76843 Havana 61fl:14hvy « 104 9 3 61 7" F Woodckl2 Franchise. Hillom. Blue Bonnet 76653 Havana 61 f l:llhvy 3 101 4 1 l" 4: J Callahan • Mvrt leP.ilsor!. liiiloro. Suzuki 76467 Havana 61 f lKI8Hfast 8 II 7 4 Hi 11 J Dawson 12 Tho r. Kay S.. Mannaduke 76391 Havana fiflKHfast 10 101 6 3 61 7" W Dallow 8 MissMgaret. Suzuki. Mmaduke 73895 H.JeGce 6-8 1:02 mud 21 97 10 6 « BJM J Kessncr 14 BlkArt. Plimara, SnowMaiden SETHS DREAM, ch. f. 3 110 By Seth— Cutaneous, by Farandole. Trainer. B A. Jones. Owner. B. A. Jcnes. Breeder. B. A. Jones. 78r,57 CofmtoM 51 f lO.ogood 4 107 4*| C Gross 12 MissMgt. Tfalgar. Argumtal 78577 Colmbus 61 f 1:10 fast 6 109 2» C Gross 9 ArRumental. Balefull. ;tNhern 78133 Huntton 61 f 1 :0S-„ fa.«t 26 106 6«1 C Gross 8 P nbroker. AtieMillin. VginiaB. 69071 Bowie 1-2 60 hvy 23 107 7 6 4| 67 G Fields 7 AtJane. L hoco. Uhell-otter t.7567 Havana 3-8 SSkfast 8-6 112 1 2* ll G Fields 6 Electra. Quail. Merry Belli 67422 Havana 1-4 22fast 3 112 1 1«* 21 G Fields 9 UandelsRojal. Ele tr.i. Quail BARBERRY, ch. c. 3 M 103 By The Manager— Lauretta Stolworthy. by Stalwart. Trailer. C. N. Freeman. Owner. C. N. Freeman. Breeder. Mrs. M. S. Combs. 78736 CI nil. us 51 t l:12%sl..w 17-10 103 3* II Farland I Mi-lvin.i. Vehement. Rod; Court 78624 6-S 1 07 hvy 11-6 104 2» H FariandlO DaisyCarter. Wisei;uv. Hamne 78548 Clnilus 3-1 l:l8fast 61 105 9 H FarlanllJ Sparkpliig. Melvina. Ro ko irt 78520 Columbus 61 f 1 llgood 3-2 103 4* H Farland 8 InclcAl.e, SthnPacif i ■. MvErr 78177 Howie « 1 2 f 1 22Sfast 40 16 2 11 13 13*« H Farlandl3 Warning. Trap.-tick. Protocol 77494 FCrnds t I IMUjlli 20 1C6 8 10 9 8*4 -I K. .1. ris 14 Sea Wolf. B. Black. Beth. Steel 77213 3 4 114 fast 15 106 I 8 8* 87i G M.ingan 13 Bni leycorn. Apology. Tight 76384 Jefferson 2-4 1 lJ*».Eood 15 111 6 4 41 3«1 H Farlandl2 I.vRurrons, L nardt;.. L.Alfred VICTOR M.. ch. g. 3 M 105 By Towton Field— Thistle Etta, by Knight of the Trainer, C. I. Wilson. Owner. Woodland Stock Farm. Thistle. Breeder. Harner and Cross. 78548 Colmbus 3-4 l:18fast lOf 109 Fell. T Cam on 12 Snarkplng Melvina, RockCourt 77080 l ; 1-4 1;l8%fl1 100 104 8 11 11 11* A Frul.y UMahJong, g harining. Dreamer WITHOUT, ch. g, 3 113 By Von Tromp — Crankie, by Charles Edward. Trainer. R. R. Wilson. Owner J. E. Wilson. B-»eder S Ro-=s. 78057 S i f l:08"Sgoi..l 6S Mi 10" W Taylor 12 MissMgt. Tfalgar. Argum tai 78601i 3-4 l:15=Sfast 12 104 5i I Fr gatte 7 Hoover, mill, li.-d W.-. l 78548 C.-rinbus 3-4 |.M%f 1 11 112 7» J Byrne 12 Sparkplug. Melvina, Ro kloirt 7K486 CormbH 61 f LlJhvy 11 104 9" J Byrne 10 Nan. M Kay. Fastltnv, AmitJane 77K88 .l.ff.rsnti 3 4 1 lCVjmud 1* 105 t 8 101 8:B Ir. imig IT. Medd.M.itti.-. M. Intosli. lsanian 77780 MScnoa 3-4 l.HSfast 15 113 I 4 11 12" F Murj hy IS Sizzle. PcggyO., CieatNortheru VEHEMENT, ch. g. 3 Ml 1C0 By Zeus— Hopscotch, by Flint Rock. Trainer. A. M. Hieatzman. Owner, A. S. Rottman. Breeders. Madden and Giles. 78736 Clnil-us It f l-12-Vsl..w is M6 2: K Noe B Mclviin. It:irt errv. Ro.-k Co-rt 78564 3-4 1 K.-fast 68 93 SJ K Noe S Noon Glide. Sun P.r:ie. Iolj Kose " 78156 Hum ton Eft f 1.11 mil 7 1 0 7 :" A UodrigzlO StarK.d. Roi -kCotirt . .pp.rlu-ad 7K:;K9 Hum t . .n 1 l-M l:4t%ftiat 15 M 4* W Martin . Sw;.y. Tingling. Black Hackle 78312 Huntton I 1-6 14 108 45 .1 p. v i • S Norili Iinnooii. Dicaner 78:516 Hunt ton « J f 1 MtiftuC 61 100 4« u At;c!l 9 Wise racki r. Kenncsiw. Bob 78248 llut.l ton i| f 1 .. :.. UM 10 95 4i A VttaaOM SHanlman. Kiini.e Pailcv. Bob 78200 Hum tun :.-4 1 1 M ! S U* A Vilnion 12 M-11 rnr. Mi s Etta. Mr Recti 77191 IVlrnls 3-4 1 lr.jgood 50 100 11 11 17* 11" J Corcoran 14 S.a Wolf. It. Black, Beth St.,-1 77 l." « F«;rnl.i 3 4 113 fast 30 10S 1 11 ll]i*J Cr . ranl.J Ex-haiige. BillvMair. M Into-h 7C918 l.n.l3 IwTtj 1 tfKgflll 30 97 10 7 S*10"D MergUr 11 Frosty Boy , Xanthos, CNoithem ROCK COURT, b. f. 3 M 103 By Trap Rock— Dorothy Court, by Robert le Diafcle. i Trainer. J. Garwood. Owner. R. H. Mills. Breeder. P M. Walker. 78736 CI in Ins tj f 1.12".-sliW 4J 1 J 4* 1" M Aufe II Willi—, • tM ,-r.t. PaltWIll 78548 Colmbus 3-» 1 M%f»at 87 l-o t« H Hay IS Sf ;i rk-.l ue. M.-lvin.i, Dowry 78456 Hut.t fn 61 f 1 11 mud 9-C 1".". 2* J P. v ic 11 Star Rcw, Copperhead, Bub 78H72 Hunt ton ftj f l.tOlfcfaat 82 100 4 U Montgy 10 Angela. KaniiaisUl. Lis, White 78:tl6 Hunt ton 61 f I OS-sfast 6 104 8» J 1evn- I W is.- racker. Kennesaw. Bob 75269 Hunt gton 6 8 1 :02**fa«t 61 103 4s W Marnn 0 RUieorg.-. A tieMillin. I. jCelia 75170 Hun ton 64 f 1.10 slow 23 105 2 N Burger 7 Quota. Hub. S.aicy Susie 74789 Hunt on 61 f lOIHfast 49 112 10 E Denny 11 Pearl Boots. Qmiil Li-oon 73007 Saratoga 61 f 1 tttsfaat .A 110 10 9 12 12 • S McLane 13 iH-fiant. Ebony Belle. 1-eonaDare .2863 BantatCS M M%faat U 0 li4 12 13 13* 12 • W Pool 14 Antlripatn. DevUGtrl, lirlarne R612 iMa-AloifA fa t 1.06Wfaat IjBJ ii: 15 13 17*U:* f McLana la hluadjka. Sun Flax. F]j lij SKYWABDS, ch. g, 3 M 105 By Aeronaut— Joannlna, hy Voter. Trainer, B. Brown. Owner. O. Wendel. Breeder. G. D. Widener. 78736 Colmbus 61 f l:12%slow 28 107 6» F Wdstk S Mi lvina. Vehement, larl.erry 78520 Columbus uj I 1 H4,good 27 U0 Pulled up. J Majestic 8 In. 1 Abe, SthnPacifir. MyKrr 77474 F.Grnds 3-4 1:15*slow 100 108 9 8 9* S» E Roehm 12 Jackson. MidnitFc.llies Kehrah 77121 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14%fast 100 106 12 11 11 ll» A Accard T3 Vultilla. Jackson. Zanzibar 76963 F.Grnds 3-4 l:164mud 30 114 6 10 9 9*» E Roehm 11 LeonardC. SunMart. St. Gerari 75178 Empire 61 f 1:08 fast 60 105 6 6 9 10" W AndsonlO Lady Argos. Impossible, Mitau 75086 Empire 6-8 1:01 good 30 115 10 10 10 10" T Burns 10 Payman, Wch Charm. B. Streak MIKE MORRISSET, ch. g . 3 M 105 By Sea King— Belle Clem, by Contestor. Trainer. E. Lutz. Owner. E. Lntz. Breeder. L. Garth. g 78736 Colmbus 61 f l:12slow 30 107 6»1 O Atwell ■ Melvina. Vehement. Barberry 78595 Colmbus 61 f 1 :10%fast 19 101 lll D McAufell LitllcAndy. DgousRock Mbna 78456 Huntton 61 f 1:11 mud 14 100 8" L ParttonlO StarRed. •RockCourt. Copperhead 78371 Huntton 3-4 1 HVifast 62 101 4*1 O Atwell 8 MissAmerica. BlackHuler. Bob 78315 Huntton 61 f 1 :08 fast 8| 116 6» J SmwoodlO BigSapp. BkRuler. MissAmerica 78249 Huntton 51 f 1 :09«s,fast 20 100 541 O Atwell 9 Miss Etta, T.Plnsii, W.Cracr COPPERHEAD, h. c. 3 M 108 By Cataract— Mineral, hy Ormondale. Trainer, C. S. Johnson. Owner, T. F. Maloney. Breeder. J. Butler. 78736 Colmbus 6 f l:12%slow 12 Ilk". 7*1 II Hay ■ Melvina. Vehement. Barberry 78577 Colmbus 61 f 1:10 fast 21 111 7»i G Dyson 9 Argumentl. SethsDm. Balefull , 78477 Huntton 51 t l:10?smud ttf 98 8" L Montryll Satana, Apiil. Forty Two 78456 Huntton 61 f 1:11 mud 9 100 8" A VilmorelO Star Red. Rock Court. Bub 78371 Huntton I I IllTftf at 41 103 6* W Martin 8 MissAmerica, BlackKuler. Bob 78316 Huntton 61 f 1 :0Ssfast 7 105 6»1 R Clifford 9 Wise racker. Kennesaw. Boh 73262 HI. Grass 61 f 1:07 fast 67 115 3 1 H Glick 8 Frosty Boy. March On. Odeon 69762 Lexgton 41 f 57V„hvy 33 115 8 7 7 V-- W Kelsay 7 Ballot Bjush. Keegan. Bob Tail 69694 Lexgton 41 f 65%fast 21 108 1 6 8* 71 H Gray 9 Townsend, John Ilager. Arabis 69556 Ixgton 1-2 48andfast 11 112 8 9 10 * C Ponce 10 Bat. Bent. Quotation, Hmarket 68778 Jefferson 1-2 50%hvy 10 111 4 6 6 V L Morris 5 Anne, Lee Adrin. Blue Monday ,IIU D«np 3-4 l»llle. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. April 30, IMS 4111 nAUt 1:14 13 lia. BALEFULL, hr. g. 3 100 By Fulletta — Balerian. by The Commoner. Trainer, J. Charles. Owner. J. Kelly. Breeder. C. W. Clark. 78713 2-4 1:20 mud 29-10 102 2* J Majestic • Jolly. CreatNorthern. Deonite 78577 Colmbus 61 f 1:10 fast 61 115 3i J Majestic !t Argument.-!. SethsDm. CtNon 75242 Hunt gton 5J f 1 M hvy 4 113 3* T BonhamlO Attilia. AuntieMillin. Beth Steel 75110 Hunt gton a f l:llU.hvy 17-10 108 1J W Rogski 7 Ligoon. Quash. Ceorgia May 71953 Hunti:igton 5J f 1 :07 fast 10 107 3» W Bogski 7AnnM.. AuntieMillin. Juash 74508 Latonia H f 1 :07%fast 21f 118 5 12 12 L,5V Bogski 12 Poland, Beau. Addie. BkCrackla 72635 Aurora Ab 5-8 1:03 hvy 2-5 112 1 1 l1 1« W Bogsk 5 Double T., Queiulous, Suzanne REDWOOD, ch. f. 4 104 By Manager Waite— Ebony, by Sain. Trainer. P. Dolan. Owner. P. Dolan. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 78601 Colmbs lm70y 1:48 fast 13 107 4» R Pauley 7 Tingling. .lou.Iou, IirateMcCea 78524 Columbus 3-4 IMUjaal 19 109 21 II Farland 7 Ailsie Vernor, Scissors. SunBraa 77888 Jafftr— 8-4 1 :16tmud 20 113 15 14 14«lt: W Crump IS Medd.Mattie. Mclataak, lsaman 77386 F Grnds 3-4 l:13?sfast 20 9S 11 12 9JlO1* L L.-ip? 14 Carpenter. St. Maurice. Doughnut 77082 F.Grnds 1 1:41 fast 6 100 1 t 6» 5« I Parke 9 Attilia, Marg Ware. WaterGirl STAMP, b. g, 5 114 By Ormondale — Post Mark, by Star Shoot. Trainer. A. G. Woodman. Owner. T. W. Hemingway. Sreeder. J. E. Madden. 78684 Colmbus 61 f 1 :2.r *~slop 19-10 110 2- T McCork C Full o Fun. Delhimar. TimesUp 78578 Colmbus 6| f l:08fast 4 113 21 H Farland 9 PepperTea. Avisjia. Pawnbroker 78487 Colmbus 8-4 1:89%* VJT 3-2 110 1» H Farland 5 Far Fast. Oatcaaaa, Smart Alex 77911 Jefferson 5| f 1 lO.hvy 6 110 1 1 11 34 L McDottlT. Lit. Flower. Lieut. Karrell. O.Sinr 77840 Jefferson 51 f 1 :0S**,good 41 120 1 2 2l 2» L Morris IS Sis.Josella. DanBolling. Viicumn 77627 F.Grnds 3-4 1 :14Vt.good 41 104 1 1 3* 3i L Lang UPrSport. KapidPay. DthyRiaa 77452 F.Grnds 3-4 l:l.Vhvy 10 107 1 1 31 3*1 L Lang 13 Col Winn. Mcintosh. Cen t adna 77276 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13%fast 7 104 1 1 71 4» J Kederis 11 Simplicity. MidntFollies. .lou.Iou 77148 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14%fast 6 104 4 1 2| 3J J Kederis 12 R. Bottom, Cap.Costigan. Sword 76943 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 good 6 109 1 1 31 3* J Kederis 13 Avispa, Tempting, Bucado FAR EAST. b. g 7 113 By Delhi— Off, by Orme. Trainer. L. G. Bedwell. Owner. Kenton Stable. Breeder. J. W. Corrlean. 78625 Colmbus 61 f I aTMRlJ 18-5 109 6TJ F Wdstk 6 SiinBrae. C.r.Nthn. Bar Plmer 78487 Colmbus 3-4 1: 189th vy 21-10 119 2* F Woodsk 5 Stamp. Colossus. Smart Alex 78286 Bowie 61 f 1 :22*,fast 22-5 112 1 2 21 3* E Scobie 13 JkScot. Hlcb vFinn. MyMxia 78178 Bowie 7-8 1:31 fast 4 109 1 3 315* E Scobie 13 C Costigan, M. Jumbo. 1 of t.Vj 77606 F.Grnds 3 4 1:155ihvy 12 112 2 4 5J 5i J Kederis 10 Little Alfred, Anticipate. Kttahe 77577 F.Grnds 3-4 1 :14%good 12 11218 9 S* 913E Martin 12 Doughnut. BovalKiel.. J nJoseph 77445 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14*imud 8 107 4 4 4ft 4* Q Fields 7 Venizelos. Caligula. Piedmont 77347 F.Grnds 1 1-1« l:49«4good 20 118 2 4 4» 9«R McDottll Normal, Majority, Royal hailia FULL 0 FUN. b. g, 4 112 By Jack Atkin— St. Theresa, by Marathon. Trainer. B. J. Howell. Owne». R. J. Howell. Breeder. C. T. Worthincton. 78684 Colmbus 6i f lS.slop 10 105 1* II Farlnd ! Stamp. Delhimar. Times lp 78551 Colmbus III MTfcfaat 13-5 110 8* C OMahyll Delhimar. Mateeldol. Os«aleea 78434 Huntton 51 f 1:07 fast 71 108 2» W Martin . Ian*, Char.Sumniy. Slone Aga 78576 Hunt ton 61 f 1 :06fast 70 109 7" C OMahy S Columbia Tenn. Zorro. Theo 77627 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14/andgood 10 106 11 11 10* 9" B Breningll Poor Sport. Rapid Day. Stamp PONY EXPRESS, ch. c. 4 111 By Polymelian— Moonrise. by Sunstar. Trainer. J. A. Parson. Owner, D. Parson. Breeder. W. R. Cos. 78713 Colmbus 3-4 1:20 mud 1G 10.» 511 P Groos . Jolly. Balefull. Croat Northi rn 74908 Akron 51 f 1 :10 fast 18-5 107 Left at post. G Williams 7 Momentum. Punctual. Samlyll. 73340 Wheeling 11:47 slop 51 108 S* G Will ms 8 Futon. Horeb, Kendall 72944 Columbs 1 1-16 1:50 fast 6 103 Pulled up. F Horn 7 The Foreigner. Tex. Overstep 72773 Columbs I l:53?andhvy 17-10 103 5C1 F Horn I Mat. Idol. Fin Rooster. Dolhimar 72612 Columbs 1 3-16 2:21Vfchvy 9-5 103 21 W Lancet 6 Ch. Hollers. VivaCuba, J.Keevea MELVINA, blk. f, 3 104 By Jack Atkin— Henotic, by Heno. Trainer. M. Dieterle. Ownf J. R. Alexander. Breeder. J. R. Alexander. 78736 Colmbus i| 1 1:12?tslow 21-10 110 1= A Roach 1 Vehement. RaiNllJ, KeekConrt 78577 Colmbus 61 f 1 10 fast 31 108 65i A Roach 9 Argumentl. SethsDm. Baleful! 78548 Colmbus 3-t llSfast 16 109 2* A Roach 12 Spaikplug. Rack Court. Dowry 73f 93 Uiton 51 f 1 :07fast 132 1151 8 8 11,511» G Marino 12 Mali Jon;:- Nell McChord. Erne 73869 Lexton ift t 1 09mud lCf 110J 6 4 61 9*» G Marino 12 Mad. Vennie. Medina. Lib Queen 73262 Hi Grass 6 f 1:07 fast 4 112 7" C. Marino 8 Frosty Boy, March On. Cop. Head 73198 Bl. Grass 5 8 l:02slow 9 111 4» G Marino 12 Privilege. M.Mornin. P Dispatch 72822 Columbs 5 8 l:0Sthvy 37 109 10*2 G Marino 10 Castilla. Zero. The Mule STAR RED. ch. c, 3 107 By Meridian — Brynavia, by Bryn Mawr. Trainer. E. E. White. Owner, E. E. White. Breeder. Mrs. R. F. Carman. 78765 Colmbus 3-4 l:19Vihvy 4 104 3=J R Zchini S Fawnbrok.r. l i:noon. RrtalsRT 78548 Colmbus 3-t 1.18%fast 4 110 Fell. It ZchiniPJ Sparkplug. Melvina, RorkCo.irt 78456 Huntton 61 f 1:11 mud 3 100 1* R ZucchinilO Rock Court. Copperhead. Bub 77980 Tijuana 51 f 1 :0D=Wmud 16 HO 2 3 51 41 R Zucchini 7 M.Contry. Bliieing. » ontributn 75833 Tijuana 6-8 l:03Hslop 97 112 4* J Maiben 8 L.Thistle. T Competitor. StarRed 75596 Tanforan 6-8 1:02 fast — 112 5i C Thompn 7 Punchier. Plough Bov . 75445 Tanforan 5 8 1 :02«islow -- 109 103 ■"■ It Doyle 10 TheFalconer. HellelKive. Keaolanl 73958 Omaha 5-8 l:04slow 20 110 5-7 6 i- K Barham U Colden Lid. R / I Mint. Seba JOHN JOSEPH, ch. g. 5 113 By Glencairn — Caraquet. hy Bryn Mawr. P. J. Jochum. Owner. P. J. Jochum. Breeder. J. Mai rone. 78551 Colmbus I I 1 :165fcfast 33-10 112 9=1 H Zander 11 Delhimar. Mateeldol. Ossal.ea 77841 Jefferson 6i f 1:09 good 3 120 8 3 21 2*1 II Stutts 14 St. Maurice, D.Ityan. Dandvbr.ish 77709 FGrnds 1-4 LI4*fefast 8 5 107 2 1 11 2nk H McDott 12 Our Flag. Theseus. Ogarite 77577 F.;rnds 3-4 1 :14*igood 4 108 7 6 4" 3*1 L McDott 12 Doughnut. ltoal Did:. Vaeiium 77122 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 fast 10 113 9 10 10 107 J Heupel 10 Kingxl. re. Lily M.. Los i-les 77079 F.Grnds 3-4 1 :134fast 3 106 3 4 5* 4 F Lee 8 Julia M. P.uck Pond. Longboat 76505 F.Grnds 3-4 1:15 mud 8 104 4 8 3« 3 F Lee 5 U. Jewel. LMareellia. Calcutta JAGO. b. g. 8 114 By Marathon — Somersault, by Handspring, Trainer. B. Creech. Owner B. Creech. Breeder. J. B. Respess. 78738 Colmbus 3-4 l:lt.%slow 21-10 110 2h H Paden • Arrwwnmd, Kapataa, Camge IL 78683 Col mbus 5-8 1:04 slop 21-10 107 1" II Paden 8 P.T B .Blkwell. Pquana 78534 Colmbus 51 f 1 :12*ssloW 2! 10 US 3* W Martin 9 Iepper Tea. Koma. Clenn 71733 Dev.shire 3 4 1 19 mud 11-10 HO 1* F Stevens I .« ing. Fizer. Eau Calliie 71693 Devshire 3-4 1:18 slop 1 118 31 N Burger 10 Dap. Dan. Baga/za. MackCarner 71431 Devshire 3-4 1:15 good 11 120 91- N Burger 13 Coca Cola. Pavlowa. Kinsman 70799 Dfferin 7 8 1 :33 fast 8-5 lit 4*1 W Martin i Blossoinlloiise. Boy .. W.Klower 70755 Dfferin Ab 5 S 1 :02- fast 7-5 109 1*1 W Martin 8 Ray .. Fleer. Miss Holland 70527 Thcliffe Ift f 1 :08 -iast 15 108 8 6 61 6" W Martin 10 Ogarite. Whalebone, Bon Jour J 70056 Map II ts ft| f 1 :05 slow 11-5 114 l*i N Burger 7 N.MKiicy. L Wrack, A.Aander ZORRO. b. g. 5 116 By The Turk — Azyiade. by Cactus II. Trainer. W. R. Padgett. Owner, Padgett ic Dougherty. Breeder. R. F. Carman. 78481 ILintton Ift f 1:69 mud 9 Hi 4* H Hay f S.Thghts. Calcutta. I, Mcellia 78434 Huntton 8| f 107 fat 4-5 112 D W Smth I Full oFun. Ch.Summy. SteAga 78376 Huntton 5i f 1 22 109 2* W Smith ■ Columbia Tenn. Theo. Old Sinner 78250 Huntton 61 f 1 :07* 31 112 4*1 W Smith b Theo. P. T. Barnnm. Sain Beh 77638 Havana 61 f 1 :0S« ,h v U 101 S 9 51 7I: P Groos 7 CFncanto. T. American. Perhaps 75207 Hunigton 3 4 1:16 mud 6-5 104 1" H Glick 8 Mat. Idol. .1 Hoffman C.Sunimy 75051 Hungton 3 4 1:17 hvy 5 113 2» W Smith II BapStiide. Full oFun. Mat Idol 74830 Hunt on Ift t l:08sfast 11 99 4*1 R Clifford PearlPoots Sail Siivu-. Ceor May 74751 Hunt on 51 f 1 07*t,fast 3-2 115 1* W Smith 7 Different Eyes. Califa. Mike C4U DlfC " 1-1G MiltM. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Aug. 20, Dill HAUL i«ay — i:5o — 5 — n:t. SPORTIBOV. b. g. 6 107 By Son-in-Law — Pasquita. by Sandridge. Trainer. W. Lounsberry. Owner. G. A. Stempel. Bred in England by J. B. Joel. 78483 Huntton 1 l:44%aatai IL 109 7" W Smith S Morm .Elder. Trot j er, LittleBd 78414 Huntton 1 l-M 1:48 fast 9 110 6* R Hoi way R Slleme. Pinte M-Cee. Six Pence 78373 Huntton 3-4 1:14-f -st 13-10 115 V It Holway 9 Chiri Siinimy. Rleader. Babyln 77826 Havana 11-8 1:54 fast 21 105 3 3 3« 3« J CallahanlO Halu. Superior. Tomahoi 77790 Havana 1 1-16 1 :47Vast 7-10 110 3 4 3 l1 J Callahan 9 Ihapory, Sandy II.. Jacobean 77726 Havana Dn70y 1 .44 Vast 1 112 2 8 2 2J J Callahan I Tamper. Blk Wat.hll.. Neenah 7765C Havana 3-4 1:13 good 4-5 106 3 5. 41 3» J CallahanlO MiriamCr. Bog. »;iory of t.SsIL TOMAHOI. b. g. 6 107 By Atheling IL— Carico. by Rey del Sierras. Trainer. R. D. Carter. Owne-, M. J. OLeary. Breeder. Nevad Stock Farm. 78740 C .ln.l. s lm70y 1 :.".4-sl..vv M 108 3* FSeremba 9 B Jul. Waukeag. Clll|l Chooa 78599 CoTaabau 1 1-lb 1 7 104 6» W Taylor 7 Harp of tlie.Nth. Link. SnitCuy 78565 Colrnlus lm70y l:5owfast H 107 7*1 W D llow 7 Dancer, ira-s Tree. Smart Alex 77855 Havana Iai99 1 42 fast 10 106 7 10 11 IP* T Brothersll Biddledee. Superior. Iink 77826 Havaaa 1 1-8 1:54 fast 10 107 1 7 7l 4« O Pernia 10 Halu. Superior. Sportihov 77768 Havana 1 l-M 1 47?ifast 10 113 4 7 8* 8« J Connors 9 L.I.oraine. Zapatos. S.j. Wiggina VENDOR, b. g. 5 107 Bv Olambala — Mary Sellers, by Uncommon, Trainer. D. Womeldcrff. Owner, T. H. Bernhardt. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 78686 CoImbaa 11-6 246 slop 17-.". 1% 5" D MeAffa ITanak, RftafW. Herculea 78628 Colmbus 1 l-M 1:14 lny 8 1-6 3- I McAufe S I . She IHvil S.rapa 78566 oln.bua 1 l-M 1 " 15 103 ll D M-Aufe 9 lloreb. Montillo. Zapato* 78538 ColmtMM I l-M l:ll%aloW I R4 V* D McAufe 7 Montillo. Tamper, RrwHI 7776:1 Jeff, rson 1 3-16 2:82%faat 20 104 7 8 8* 7:3 I Parke 12 I.iiddickcan. Powsprit. Attorney 77111 Illituls 11-12 1. hvy 8 104 6 6 6" 6*1 Parko 8 Majority. ol Whaln Im leVeio 77478 FCrnds 1 1 -S 1 87%aio** 6 101 1 2 V 6 I Parke 7 Quesnda. Iluonec. Tight 77412 1 1 16 1:41 fast 8 98 1 6 91 9 I Parke 13 i-li. Fostei F.mhry . aywasraa 77317 Flinda 1 1-10 1 49andgood 3 101 6 8 81 6 I Parke 11 Majority, ltovai Charlla 77196 ICi lids 1 1 16 l:47«tgood 10 100 7 8 5* 4«1 I Parke 7 T.dHneur. Col. Baker. StumpJr. DEVONITE. br. g. 5 107 By Granite — Devonshire Dolly, by Broomstick. Trainer. S. Hesseltine. Owner. S. Hesscltine. Breeder. J. II. Louciiheim. 78766 Clmbus Ift f 1:27 hvy 7 110 3« L Aron 7 Colossus. BillBIl .v.ll PcePal 78713 Colmbus 8-4 1:28 mud 12 V 4» D McAufe 6 Jolly. Balefull. Jreat Northern 78117 Tijuana Ift t IM goo.l 12f Pj6 8 9 9* 7JK Hglindll Brazos. Jaek I«odi. Rata Ruth 76321 Tijuana lm70y 1 4Tslow 61 M7 3* W McKTht I Kelman. Hyanpom. tlravKoii 76438 Tijuana 1 1 4 2 12V mud 4 9s 21* W McKht 5 I-idy Inez. linger. Fair Orient 76339 Tijuana 1 1-8 1 54fast 7 Mi 4*1 W M. K lit 6 Bosh. June Fly. Ten Can 76245 Tijuana lmTOy l:4S*»hvy 3 102 1*1 W McK tit 7 Monardella. D.Lndy. Boonevilla 76182 1 IJuana lm70y 9 105 2» W McKht 9 Tenlan. Pet Pieraon. Dr.Cilbert 76145 Tijuana 1 1-16 1 47Hfast Iff 100 6*1 W McK htlO TheFalconer. Ten Can. June Fly 76046 Tijuana, 8-4 1.12 Afandat Hi Ut IJ W JUcKht 7 lalta. Tubby A.. Honest Ueorga HEWPORT. b. f. 4 105 By Ballot— Hill Top. by Clifford. Trainer. J. E. Lewis. Owner. 7. E. Lewis. Breeder, ». K. Nichol*. 785R0 c.irrbun 1 1-16 1 51%fast 21 101 1« D McAufelO Dewitt, Karewctl Tape. Gex 78477 llunlton 6* f 1 10%mud 77 10» 5 |W Smith 11 Satana. April, Forty Two 78435 Hunfton 1 1:42 fast II N 3*1 L Monfry 9 She Devil. Ardito, Prairie 78341 Hunfton 1 l:41%fast MM 6»i L Monfry 8 Silence. Secretary. She Devil 78294 Hunfton 5| f 1 08 fast U m 7* L Part" ton 7 Sam Reb, Col. Pat. Ilena 78232 Hun ton b 1 2 f 1 :0S%fast SS 106 4!| L Parton 9 D d.Guise.Kensw.G. of CScasII 77972 Jefferson 8-4 1 KHraud SO 113 11 12 12 12" G Dyson 13 C.Starr, lit Pleast, Dandybrush. LONE PINE, b. g, 1 107 By Deutschland— Pepperwood. by Eddie Jones. Trainer. J. D. Rico. Owner. H. T. Palmer. Breeder. Navaria Stock Farm. 76723 Cul.City 1 1 43 good — 110 1» C Grwood 7 Mr. X., Rill Sparks, Rhymer 76671 rul.iity 11:42 good — 108 2* C Grwood 7 Bob Baker. Mr.X., FreddieFcar 76639 Cul City 11:43 good — 108 3| C Grwood 8 T.Chamberln, Conichon. C Tom 76590 IulCity 1 1 :43%good — 109 i,* C Grwood 8 Bob Baker. Mr. X.. .ant. Tom 76555 Cul City 1 L43«fcgood — 108 2 C G wood 0 Tag Day. Topmast, Haokamore POLITE, ch. g, 4 107 Bv Rock View— Attentive, by Allan-a-Dale. Trainer. G. H. Marlman. Owner. X. O. Marlman. Breeder. T. Piatt. 78795 Be* todays chart. 78714 Colmbs lmTOyiHmud 95 104 6*1 K Noe 10 IToreb. MockOrange, Drummond 7R628 "Imlius 11-16 1:54 hvy 61 108 7* F Wdsfck S Torsida. She Devil. Vendor 78580 Colmbus 1 1-16 1 51%fast 14 110 9« O Atwcll 10 Newport. Dewitt. Farewell Tar « 785*1 Columbus i| f 1 10%good "If 109 S* O Atwcll 12 Zoona. Arrowhead. DserousRk 77957 Havana 1 1 4 2:10%mud 10 106 8 8 I* 7" 8* Kiniry 8 Hillman C, Grandson. M.I.ibrty 77899 Havana 1116 148 fast 5 107 3 6 10 10" T BrotnerslO Connndm. BlueBniah. SpecrC.irl 77789 Havana 11-16 1:48 fast 12 106 I 8 41 2» T BrotherslO B.WatcliIL. Alluring, Spect.Cirl LIEUTENANT PERKINS, br. g. 7 109 By Ben Trovato— Chablis. by Artillery. Traicer. G. W. Fritx. Owner. G. W. Fritz. Breeder. O. H. Chenanlt. 78655 Colmbus i| f lOgood 19 111 4» E ret7.l.UI2 Arrowhead. Bojul, Recoup 78575 Colmbus Ik f 1:09 fast 13 104 6«J W Martin ■ Winehter. BillBkll, WtnFna 7H391 Hunfton ll:42%fast : k 114 8i W Marie- 10 BobBaker. ILot.Nth. Little K.l 78339 Hunfton 54 f 1 07%fast 6 115 7«J W Martin 12 Mdellvey. Ceo. Starr, G withim 78272 Hunfton 3 4 1 :14%fast 5 115 55J W Snvth 6 B.ipidS- CharleaHy. BobBaker 78201 Hunfton 2-4 1:16 fast 9 116 li» W Smith 9 CerfnPoint. Mallmot, Kirkltoc 75267 Hunt gt on f.J f 1 :0S%fast 5, 104 1* W Martin 8 GoldBank. Pelion. Josephine C. 75143 Hunt gton 5| f Lll%slow 2J 109 8J W Martin 12 Bristow. StarTiine. Kd Garrison 75049 Hun gton 3-4 1.20 hvy 41 1C9 S4i W Martin 12 St. Just. Geo.Choos. MatMavelli WAUKEAG. br. g. 10 109 By Ogden— Lady Vincent, by St. Blaise. Trainer. C. N. Freeman. Owner, C. N. Freeman. Breeder. J E. Madden. 78740 Colmbs lmTOy l:54%sloW S 103 21 H Farlanl 9 Bojul. Tomalioi, George Choos 78I8U Howie lmTOy 1 :49%fast 97 105 4 8 t» 8:I H Karland 11 ThePcruvn, Normal, I.dWrack 77011 KGrnds 1 1-8 1 :f 7%hvy 15 107 a 4 andi 5» H Farlind 8 Kent L.. Hickory. Pete Foy 76706 11-8 1:58 hvy 12 107 6 6 6 7* H Farland 8 WessieB.. Duke John. Bete Foj 76507 KGrnds 1 1-16 1 .".l%mud 6 112 7 8 6« 6» H Karland 7 Smart Gut. Trooper. Ettahe 76389 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 61 good 10 102 7 7 «• 6*1 H Fatland 7 Kepeater. Cur t Events. Pdmont PRAIRIE, b. g. 13 107 By Ogden— Passan. by Hamburg. Trainer. R. Emmert. Owner, Frozen North Stable. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 78739 C.lml.s lmTOy 1:56 slow 13f 106 P W D-llow 12 Edna D.. Fictile. Lubeck 78576 Colmbus 5J f 1 13f 108 10" C Grwood 12 Reluctant. StncyAdams, runotl 78435 Hunfton 11:4.* fast 21 107 | R Zucchini ■ She Devil. Ardito, Newport 78374 Unit ton 2-4 1:14%fast 23 111 64 L Montgy 7 BarbaraPr. KunieeBy, MissF.tta 76835 i ;il."ity 3-4 l:M%Caat — 109 2* . Gnwood 6 Horinira, Madrono. ieoreJames 76166 T:ju:ina ImToy 146%fast 58 111 9»i ■ ODonn110 Poacher. Roisterer, Col. Lit 76117 Phoenix j !-Sl:54%fast 21-10 108 lJ S ODonnl ."» Tutt, Swenson. BillSparks 7595* 1 ho-nix lm.-Oy 1 :44Hgood 19-5 111 l| M Milrick 7 BillSparks, Firo. YorkshireMaid FELIX M b. g. 6 107 By Hessian— Faustina, by Star Shoot. Trainer. R. A. Forsba. Owner. Muth and ForshaV Breeder. 3. E. Madden. 78599 C.dnibus 1 1-16 1 11 109 7" D Frgatte 7 Harp of th.N th. I-ink. SnitGuy 78565 olmbus lm7 y 1 :50Hfast 24 108 4SJ D Frgatte 7 Dancer, Gra s Tree, Smart Alex 78537 Col mils ln 7»y 1 JKandtmW B lit 10" D Fgefclt Dustman. Nig. Bcb Baker 77982 Havana lmTOy 1 :47*tslow 6 107 8 1 4» 3i W Fronk 9 Blazonry. Approval, Tamper 77941 Havana 1 1-16 1:51 mud 10 112 I S 3« 2 H CallahnlO Approval. Alluring, Blue Brush Ctrl DAPC !-*• Milea. 4-year-oIdn and upward. Claiming:. Aug:. 20, Dill nHl/L l!»:t 1 :50— 6 113. GRANDSON, br. g. 5 107 By Stalwart— Naughty Mareitta. by Popinjay. Trainer, A. B. Jessop. Owner, Jessop Bros.. Bidder. R. H. McC. Potter. 78061 Havana 112 2:36 good 8 104 9 6 6« 6" T Brothers12 FlyiiiRPrincc. HilluianC. . Huen 77998 ll.iwma 1 1-8 1 :.r 4Hfa-st 6 104 8 10 8» 4» W Dellow 12 Flying Prince. Huen, Neenah 77957 Havana 1 1 4 2:10-mud 4 111 4 2 3l 2» PGroos 8 HillmanC. M Liberty. Montillo 77826 Havana 118 1:54 fa»t 2| 102 » 6 51 « • J Dawson 10 Haiti. Superior, Sportiboy 77681 Havana 1 1 16 1 49 fast 3 10S 8 5 4» 1» J Dawson 9 Superior, Acosta. Cabin Creek 77548 Havana 1 1-16 15lSislow 2| 107 8 6 71 4»f F Scr.mbalO I»ebadou. Halu. Forewarn . 77374 Havana 1 1-16 1 :48Vsfast 5 108 4 4 21 1 J Dawson 11 Jack Frost, Spartina, Neenah 77172 Havana lmOy l:i!hvy 4-6 107 2 1 $»• l| W Smith 7 Copyright, Willigan. Edna D. HERCULES, ch. g. 7 103 By Zeus— Black Silk, by Ornament. drainer. J. A. Parson. Owner. Miss D. Parson. Breeder. L. M. Cayce. 78711 1 1-16 1:55t5.s1ow 4 101 31 D McAufe 7 Ardella. Dustman. Tamper 78686 t .linbus 1 1-8 2.02 slop 39-10 106 3» P Groos 7 Torsida. Scraps, Little Ed 78659 Colmbus 1 1-16 1 51*igood 13 107 Lost rider. F Hunt 9 Ov.rstep. Nig, Ardella 77998 Havana 1 1-8 1:54 Vast 10 106 11 11 lOl 6Ti J CFBrienU IlyiuK Prince. Huen. Neenah 77981 Havana lmTOy 1 :47Vislow 6 108 10 8 8» 5*4 J OBrien 10 Phenol. BlkWatchll.. Superior 77681 Havana 1 1 16 1 49 fast 5 103 9 8 71 aJJ K GBritn 9 tJraudson. Superior. Acosta 77548 Havana 1 1-16 1 .5-Bsslow 4 10C 10 9 8J 7»i J Dawson 10 Debadou. Ilalu. Forewarn 77286 Havana 1 1-16 1:61 good 7-5 112 3 6 6* 6M G Wliams 7 Nic. abin Creek. Fannie Nail 77171 Havana 1 1-8 2:03Vfchvy 2 log 5 4 3« 21 A Overton 6 MissLiberty. Montillo. Little Ed ARDITO. ch. g. 7 103 By His Majesty— Early Rose, by Star Shoot. Trainer. E. C. Lucas. Owner. E. C. Lucas. Breeder. G. A. Cochran. 78739 Colmbs lm70y ISH slow 3* 106 10» J Gruisenl2 Prairie. Edna D.. Fictile 78659 Coin bus 1 lb; 1 .51%,good 13 107 7» J Grusen 9 Ov.-rsiep. Nig, Ardella 78480 Hunt ton 1 1 17mu 1 12-5 112 8J J Grunsn • Kklgton. TVentha. T Cliberln 78157 Hunfton 1 1-16 l:o4"-imud 2J 108 2« J 1evic 8 MkOrange, Ilantarede. Dantzic 78435 Hui.f ton 1 1:42 fast 6| 112 2 J Pevlc 9 She Devil, Newport. Prairie 78391 Hunfton 1 l:42V»fast 33 109 6Ji J GneisenlO BobBt.ker, H ot.Nth, Iattle Ed TAMPER, ch. h. 5 110 By Broomstick— Tampa, by Rabelais. Trainer. J. Burks. Owner. Mrs. J. L. Wade. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 78741 Col ml. us 1 1-16 laoslow 108 45J C Gross 7 Anl.-lla. Dustman. Hercules 78600 Colmbus 1 i-i« ] : 51 Vast 23-10 112 SJ C Gross 9 Gl tin. Tulsa. Oaata* Wash ton 78538 olmbus 1 1-16 1 ." JVdow 3 110 2 C Gross 7 Montillo. Dewitt, Tulsa 77982 Havana lmTOy 1 47%slow 2 113 5 2 IM 0 Pernia 9 Blazonry. Approval. Felix M. 77768 Havana 1 l-M 1 47Vaat 2a 106 7 9 9 »• J Dawson 9 L.I.oraine. Zapatos. Sq. Wiggins 77726 Havana lmTOy 1 14Vaat 8 108 1 1 1"* 1| A Overton 9 Sportiboy. Blk. Watchll., Neenah FEIGNED ZEAL, b. m. 5 105 By Lovetie— Fanny Dodge, by Armcath II. Trainer. J. Shields. Owner, C. Deibel. Breeder. Mrs. L. A. Livingston. 78795 Sea todays chart. 78377 Hunfton 1 1X1:56 fast 10 106 5* A Kroger 6 Secretary. FlaTvMar. MockOrge 78298 Hunt ton 11 16 1 : 9%fast 15 109 R Zcchini 7 Blackllackle. FlaiyMae. Fayelle 78250 Hunfton jj f 1 07Va.-t 43 107 SJ A Kroger 8 Theo, P. T. Barnmn. Saiu Keh 77588 KCrnds 1 1-8 1 .5TV»hvy 10 102 4 10 10« 9» D M rglerll Soviet. Tulane. Honolulu Boy 77450 Flrnd.s 1 1-16 1 ..JMjmud I 100 5 S 3i l1 I Parke » Eddie Jr., Our Birthday, Lubeck 77348 ]Gr nds 1 1-16 1:50 good 5 100 9 7 9| 4« I Parke 13 Juno. Sword. Mormon Elder 77153 r.Ornds 1 1 16 14S fast la 98 9 10 81 64 F Th dykel2 Dr. Whiteh.-t. Widceon, R. Crown NIG. blk. m. 5 100 By Black Toncy — Costume, by Domina. Trainer. J. R. Carvallo. Owner. General Lee Stable. Breeder. R. L. Baker. 78768 Col mbs lni?0yl:56 hvy 7| 100 561 J Paz * She Bcvfl, Scraps, Ink 78659 Colmbus I 1-16 1 51%good 13 100 2 J Paz a Overstep. Ardella. Tulsa 78600 Colmbus 1 1-16 1:51 Vast « 102 C| J Paz » Glenn. Ttilsa. Tamp-r 78537 fiilmb s lmTOy 1 53slow 28 107 2» J Iaz 10 Ihistmnn. Bob Baker. Zanatos 778*5 Havana i-4 l:12Va»t 20 100 4 S 5» 5* J Paz 6 Riverside. D.Bright, Spring Vale TULSA, b. g. 7 107 By Ivan the Terrible— Useeit, by Bonnie Joe. Trainer. V. S. Wishard. Owner. C. J. Brockmiller. Breeder. Mrs. R. M. Hoots. 78740 CoImiI.s lmTOy 1 :54%slow 21-10 106 5 J Majestic 0 Bojul. Tomalioi 78659 C, .In. I. us 1 1-16 1 ilisKood 27-10 102 4*D McAffe 9 Overstep. Nig. Ardella 78600 Colmbus 1 1-16 1 ilVast 12 104 2J P McAufe 9 Glenn. Timpi I . ieorgeWashton 78538 Colmbus 1 1-16 1 5t%slow 17 103 4J W Martin 7 Montillo. Tamper. Dewitt 78435Hunf ton 1 1:43 fast 61 106 6« H Click Bine Devil. Ardito. Newport 78340 Hunfton 3-4 114 fast 2« 117 7° A Roach 8 Mat. Idol. Flor. Deen. Hysteria 78275 Hunfton 1 18 1 :07 Vast 16 115 Gi A Roach 0 MockOrge. TheChatun. Planfde WIN OR QUIT. b. g. 6 107 By McGee— Stolen Moments, by Kingston. Trainer. F. Rector. Owner. F. Rector. Breeder. C. W. Moore. 78485 Culmbus 61 f 1 13Hhvy 15 104 ll»S Banks 11 l.u. kyltun. JackPot. Babylonian 77995 Havana 3-4 1 MVast 20 110 8 11 11 1«,! R McCrnnll D of Wellgton. BusyBob. Humnv 77873 Havana £,# f 1 OS fast VI 110 6 8 7* Sl H allahnll Quaki r. Glabella. Illustrator 77297 Ha. ana Ik t 1 :094tgood 6 112 1 7 8» 8»J T Krothersl2 Ella f . The Cirl. San Ii | go 77222 Havana 6i f lllhvy 6 109 2 1 8» 6*, T Brothers 7 Ph.lun. Kendall. Jack Frost 77129 Havana :»4 f 1 14 hvy 15 113 S T 7 71T Brothers 7 Uinosta. Edna D. Minnie Mick 76741 Havana l| f l.lOVtvy 4 108 3 8 t* 6«i T Bruthrs I Li!a Time. Regal IxMlge. Fictile 76688 Havana SI f 1 13Vlvy 8-5 107 1 1 ll 2| T Brothers 7 ya Mazouia. Pheuol. Bodanzky FOREWARN, b. g. 4 105 By Huon— Forecast, by Voter. Trainer. W. J. Daly. Owner, Rodgers a Daly. Breeder. H. K. Knaoo. 78656 Colmbus 5J f 1 :08*igood 81 115 81 W Smith 12 Patllp-on. llj-,teria. C leySray 78576 ioI niV/Us. 51 f 1 09,fast H 116 12r» T P.onhaml2 IltaiUni. Sta. -yAdains. 77616 Havana lm y l:5!mud 5 Mi 5 6 6« 6" P Groos 7 Asliburton. Mrs.Gncr, IlaclielD 77548 Havana 1 1-16 1 60*.sl ow 6 M0 2 1 1« 3"! P Groos 10 Debadou. Haiti. Grandson 77129 Havana H f 1 07 fast 6 110 7 6 5» 4« P Groos 7 ForestUn, Momentum, Bet. Mae 77352 Havana SI f 1 08Vfood 6 110 3 2 2» 2:i P Groos 6 Gloom. Fool Weather. Hugliie 77243 Havnaa 3 4 120 hvy 4 1 i9 3 2 1» 2« PGroos 7 CiibaEncanto. Primitive. Lit Ed 77174 Havana 31 1 19 nvy 12 109 7 4 6« 4* P Grooa 8 BeuBolt. ta Wiggins, Vulcanite CONSOLATION, b. g. 4 M 107 By Uncle— Graoe Dixon, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. W. Glover. Owner, A. Gibson. Breeder. Headley and Miller. 75816 Jefferson 1 l:45i»low 40 102 6 8 8 8:» J Carroll 8 Super. Wireless. Tan Son 74188 Oataaa i l-M 141 mud M no c 5 5* 5« ■ Tapani 7 fzardom. Taaavkcaai, lacnavtta 7!8HI Oaaahn 1 1 48 mud 16 97 1 4 3* -l P Hum 7 Overstep. Datni, Iist Brush 72851 Laa.C.Vr H t 1 :C«Hslow 65 107 .4* It Dority 7 Iwiniwm. V.lnia M. Purdey 70220 H ip Hts A f 1 :%VaSt 12 102 £, » J Maaaaer 5 Kinsman. Patifainpson. Athlete 68326 J-fferson 51 f 1 .09 Vast * 108 9 11 11 11!« E Smwodl2 Panasiiin. Amelia S , Juno DR. SHAFER. b. g. » 107 By Toddington— Martha Palmer, by Semproniua. Trainer. S. McNeill. Owner. S. McNeill. Breeder R. H. Anderson. 7H739 Colmbs lmTOy 16 slow 13f 106 6»1 J Byrne 12 Prairie. Edna D. Fictile 78714 C ol nibs lmTOy 1 8Hmud 36 109 10" J Byrne 10 H«.r. b. Mo-kOrange. Drummond 78011 Havana 3-4 1:17Hslow 15 112 2 5 9* l»» T Tlimilk 112 Berretta. hincoteague. HurapT 78014 Havana lmTOy 1 4TVas» « 111 10 12 ll1 lls» A Ilck. ns 12 JolinnyOf onul. Hush. JjpMuma 77896 Havana 3 4 114 fast 10 11 9 11 11 11" W McCabell MabelEvercst. B.Blue. Hodanzky 77747 Havana lmiy 1 44Vast 10 110 4 4 12 12** I Banks 12 G Joe. J OVonnell, ft llMlrtj 77635 Havana 3-4 1 17%hvy 6 110 8 a 4» 21 I Banks 9 RitaB . MartOHara. J.OConneil 77181 Havana £ 1 f 1 o7Sfast 6 110 9 7 81 9« I Banks 10 BiinnMii. laistre. Idy Harrigan 77155 Havana 3-4 123 mud 8 5 110 3 8 «» !*• O Wliams 7 Weinland. An. Teller. Sin. Money 74748 Akron 1 1 4«ltgood 3 110 6ll W Horn 7 Blarney Boy. Jacobean. Fenuui 7th RAPC ,,,, a"rt TO Tarda. 4-year-olda and o|i»ard. Ailowanrri. fill nMUE lAog. Ba, 1023 1:48 U 115. SHE DEVIL, ch. m. 8 101 By Peep o Day— Meddlesome She. by Meddler. Trainer. B. Creech. Owner. B. Creech. Breeders. Ott and Baroee. 78768 C..1 nibs lm70y 1 56 hvy J-2 100 1« H Paden 8 Scraps, Ijink. Sam Keh 786*8 Colmbus 11-16 154 hvy 21 10« 21 W Martin S Torsida. Vendor. Scrapa 785-J6 Col nibs lmTOy 1 53 slow 12 5 112 2 VV Martin 10 H.mb. Tormda. l »ta IMS! Hunfton 1142 fast 2 5 M 1» W Martin 9 Ardito. N-wport. Prairie 78311 Hunfton 1 l:4H4fast 81 99 3» W Martin 8 Silence. Secretary May Girl 78293 Hunt ton Ik t 1 08 fast 23 100 Cl II Paden 7 Tliel later. Geo. Starr. Ch. Henry 78247 Hunfton 3-4 1 li fast 20 108 L-f H 1aden 9 OldSin r. A.Alex dcr BobBaker 78201 Hunfton 3 4 116 fajit 4 HI l|w Martin 9 I.t Perkinn. fer Point. Malluiot 75271 Hunfgtoa 1 l:42%fant 31 108 2 W Martin 7 Shingle Shack Kaanai Red 78210 Hunfton lm70y 1 524»mud and 108 31 W Martin 6 Dickie Dix. Weinland Overstep 75147 Hunfgtoa 1-4 1 17 alow T 118 4* W Martin « Uancer, MackCarner. Fir.tPullet WINCHESTER, b. g. 6 111 By The Manager— Miss Declare, by Dick Welles. Trainer. T. McBride. Owner. E. McQaelling. Breeders. J. D. Carr a Bro. 78658 Colmbus 51 f 1 :08%good 51 111 2l F Seremba 8 ;rgeSUrr. Eliz. Jewell. HamRel 78575 Colmbus 51 f 1:09 fast 20 107 V K Seremba 9 BillBkwell. WnKTna. Jeellfs 785SS Colmbus 5-8 l:04V»low It 109 »« C Taylor 9 Mad Nell. WfnFlanna. ChwCw 78057 Havana 3-4 1 15*4good 6 in 7 S 4» 7«i R McAIevU FonlWther. Dustmn. BlueBrusI 77980 Havana 3-4 1 :15%slow 8-» 110 3 1 1» U F SerembalO PatHamp n. Medusa. U nllollim 77939 Havana 51 f 1 llVnud 21 112 2 1 31 8" P Grooa 11 Scurry. Lastre. Cruces 77879 Havana 61 f l:06V»st 15 102 8 » «»» !• P Grooi 9 End Man, Sun Brae. Pepper Tes HOREB. b. g. 7 H4 By Horron— Cyprienne. by Kingston. Trainer, E. McCown. Owner. J. Barlow. Breeder. Talbot Broa. 78714 Colmbs lmTOy l:58?imud 19-5 110 1» H Farland 10 M Orange, Drumd. H.oftheNtl 78660 Colmbs 1m7»y 1 Mm irood 61 108 41 W Taylor 6, Ciicle . elo. Biddiede* 78579 Colmbs lmTOy l:18Vast 4 111 33 W Martin 7 Incle Velo. I ncky Run. Scrap* 78568 Colmbus 1 1-16 1:51 Vast 41 108 2 L Frost 9 Vendor, Montillo. Zapatoe 78536 Colmbs lmTOy 1:53 slow 41 109 1» P Groos 10 She Devil. Torsida. I -U 78490 Colmbus 1 1-16 l:54%hvy 13 109 6* J Connors 8 Pir.McGee. Montilh 78044 Havana lm70y 1 :49Vfcslow 10 105 1 7 7 7" J OBrien 7 SquireWigs. Zapatos. EyeBrighl 7 7812 Havana 3-4 1:13 fast 8 108 7 71 8*1 J OBrion 11 Ailsie Vernor, Ftodor, Glenhvet UNCLE VELO. b. g, 8 112 By Uncle— Velocity, by Henry of Navarre. Trainer. D. Womeldorff. Owner. T. H. Bernhardt. Breeder. H. P. Headley. 78660 Colmbs lmTOy lMSVrood 19-10 108 21 P McAffe 6 S is-ors. Biddle«lte. Horeb 78627 Colmbs lmTOy 1:52 hvy 19-It 107 1« V McAufe U BobBaker, U.o.t.Ntli, M Or*ng« 78627 See todays chart. 78579 Colmbs lmTOy llSVast 13-5 101 11 D McAufe 7 Lucky Run. Horeb. Scraps 78551 Colmbus 3-4 LlSVast 21 113 41 D McAu fell Delhimar. Mafeeldol. Ossalees HARP OF THE NORTH, b. g. 6 103 By Bard of Hope— Mamie K., by Peep oDay. Trainer. C. C. Emmert. Owner. Frozen North Stable. Breeder. P. M. Walker. 78714 Colmbs lmTOy l::8Vna* 16 110 4* W Pellow 10 Horeb. MockOrange. Drummond 78627 Colmbs Im70yl:a2 hvy 31-10 105 Z* W Smith 6 In. Velo. B.Baker MockOrange 78599 Colmbus 1 1-16 1 52Vaat 10 105 11 W Dellow 7 I ink. Sm.Tt Guy. Sandy H. 78457 Hunfton 1 1-16 1 :54Vnud 43 10 106 6* R Zucchini 8 Mock Orange. Ardito. Plantared* 78391 Hunfton 1 1 42Vast 35 104 2» L Monfry 10 BobBaker Little Ed I,eenraek 78317 Hunfton 5 f 1 OS Vast 15 111 7S1 C Gross 9 Ballynew, Whiprwill. Ev.Storiei 78250 Hunfton 51 f l:07Vaat 31 99 7*i J Cowan 8 Theo. P. T. Baruuai, Sam Ren BOY FROM HOME. br. g. 5 108 By Helmet— May Bird, by Thrush. Trainer, W. M. Martin. Owner. S. N. Holman. Breeder. E. R. Bradley. 78552 Colmbus lm70y 148 Vast 71 114 5»1 L Aron 0 JohnMorrUI. Pir.McGee. Scissors 78490 Colmbus 1 1-16 l:54%hvy 8 111 l3 P Groos 8 Pir.McGee. Montillo. HillmanC. 78291 Bowie 1 3-16 2:07 Vast 25-10 102 8 6»k 6» D » Superbtun. Col.Whaln. Bowsprit 78240 Bowie lm70y 1 :52*fed w 28 111 I i 4» !i D Mergler 8 O.Bthday. NightRaider. Spugs MAD NELL, ch, m, 5 103 By Madman— Salvation Nell, by Salvation. Trainer. J. Kraus. OTer. J. Kraus. Breeder. K. K. Gilpin. 78738 Colmbus 3-1 1 :16Vdow 11 104 8" O Atwell J Ar-ovvh.-ad. lag* Zapitos 78658 Colmbus 51 f lOSVJood 4 106 7* O Atwell I GgeStarr, Wcli«ster, El.JewIl 78533 Colmbus 5-8 1 04«sslow 8 107 l1 O Atwell 9 WiltonFlanna. ChowChw. Needy 78057 Havana 3-4 1 154* good 10 102 14 12 9» 8J J Dawson 14 Foal Wther. Dtistmn. Blueltrush 77909 Havana 3-4 l:13Sfast 12 107 12 12 11 11* W Fronk 12 Jacobn. SunTurret. DangsBock 77979 Havana 3-4 lllSslow 5 103 6 3 5* 7J J McCabe 12 M.Everest, D tman, C.Kin rney FHELAN. blk. g. 8 105 By Leonid— Zirl, by Sals. Trainer. J. A. Parson. Owier. Miss D. Parson. Breeder. C. B. Daniels. 77955 Havana 3-1 115Vnn4 5 107 10 10 9= 9" J OBrien 10 Mess Kit. Jack Pot. Phenol 77244 Havana 1*4 l.PJVwy 5 113 6 8 8 7"G Willms S KyeBright, Punctual. Mir. Cooper 77222 Havana 51 f LllVandhvy I 1U f 3 2» 1 G Wliams 7 Kendall, Jack Frost, Win. Obit 77132 Havana 51 f 1 12 hvy 5 107 7 5« 441 G Willms 7 IongGreen, S Wiggins, Geo May 77090 Havana 51 f 1:15 hvy 8-5 107 6 and 5* 2» A Overton ■ Whiprwill. C.Theisen, Wm.Oldt BARBARA FALMER. ch. f, 4 118 By Manager Waite— Miss Bellamy, by Plaudit. Trainer. E. Lutz. Owror. E. Lutzl. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 78625 Colmbus 61 f 1 :26hvy 51 105 3JW Martin J SunBrae. GrlNorthn. Zapatos 78411 Hunfton 11:41 fast 6-6 114 1IG Yeargin 7 LittlcFloronee. AmliaS. Flo Dn 78374 Hunfton t I IHHfaat 6-5 113 1» G Yearpin 7 EuniceBy. JlissEtta. WiseCrker 78320 Hunt ton 3-4 lllVast 71 102 ll O Atwell 7 Rhinegd. ArchieAer, LkyBun