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Latest Training Operations j i 0 I 1 1 I 0 2 I I * I 2 0 J i i 0 , 0 0 j 108 . i LEXINGTON. Ky.. May 4— Sunday s | training gallops here included the following : LEXINGTON". Weather clear; track slow; "dogs" up -Three -Eighths Mile. 105-Brilliant Cast 37% 100 Dioknell 38% Biskra 36% llujo 39% 106 Corinth 38 % 104 Rural Route .41 97 Delectable 3.8 Seths Treasure4 103 Dazzlcr 36 105 San Vicente ..38% 106 Down Town ...Ml 103 St. Ohartes ...36% 105-Dearie 37% 103-Volt 38% Half Mile. 106 Auntie May ...54% 102 Lncldns 51 104-Busler 51 Mies Jennie ...51% 104 Jupiter 51% 98 Praise 54% 08 Kitty Troxell .52 107 Stump Jr 52 Four and a Half Furlongs. OS-Romp 55% Five -Eighths Mile. 70-Ortain 1:08% 102 Strutter 1:06% 104 Countess 1:08 Three -Quarters Mile. 105 Cloister 1:10% 311 True Ameranl:23 97 Mill Boy 120% Seven -Eighths Mile. 105 Peqoot 1:31% 105-Who Kn. Me. 1:31% One Mile. 100 Alta wood ...1:47% 107 King Tut ...1:50 107-Dclsan 1:45% 107-Miss Rosedalrl :50% 107 C.iblon 1:47% 107 Mainspring .1:51% l 105 H. E. Colcn.l:49 107 Telescope ...1:50 104-Isuman 1:46 Itomp did the only extra good move. NEW YOPK, N. Y., May 4— Sundays j training gallops over the metropolitan tracks were as follows: JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast-Three -Eighths Mile. 106 Apology 37% 100 Flying Al 36 j 100-Anne 37% 106 My Thoughts ..35% Bill Dwyer 35% 102 Master Billy .37 103 Itonfire 38 106 S weepy 37% l - Deadlock M 103 Turrayee C. ...36 106 Daydue 40% 105 Thorndale 37% 10J Delhi Boy 37% Half Mile. 105-Barney Google 49 106-Old Broadway .51% 106 lilisti. 49% 104 Royal Charlie 51% 100 Fifty Fifty ...49% 104 Swinging 47% 106 J Id Beater . .51% S.-iyit 51% MsVaVsMBf I oetor 51% 106-Wil.lrake 49% 427 M:iso,ucr:der ..48if, 100 Water Girl 51 % 98 Master Hand .52% 103-Stampdale 52% 10 Mother tioose .47% 103 Spugs 51% 103- Nicholas 51 % Five Eighths Mile. 106 -A. Marne II. 101 103 Gene Austin. 1:04 98 Frederick fn 1:07% llome Star ..1:01% lOO-tlnome Girl .. 1:02*5 Three -Quarter* Mile. 106-Bright I.ightsl:16% 106 Ro eate II. .1:20% 461 Miss Whisk .1:15% 106 Swingalong .1:12% 10:i Pickpocket ..1:13% 105 Twinkle Star 1:17 Seven -Eighths Mile. 105 Skirmish 1:32% One Mile. 103 Aladdin 14".% 104 Olynthus 1:44 94 Anterior 1:49 Bill Dwyer and My Thoughts showed nice speed together. Mother Gocse and Swinging did a good ■peed test in company. Anna Marrone II. ran well. Swingalong showed excellent speed in his gallop. Pickpocket was unable to keep pace wita Swingalong. Miss Whisk was under restraint. BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track fast-Three -Eighths Mile. 36 Flying Cloud .40 104 Poly carp 34% 103 Missionary 36% 106 Rejected 36 100 -Pmanent Wave 36% Half Mile. Dor. Jack 4S 103 Rival 50% 100 Intr.pd 54% 103-Stiorin:in 50% Manifold 51% 100 Silver Fox 48% 100 Adrianople 51% 100 Tiu:e Bock ...48% 100 Peanuts 4S Five -Eighths Mile. 106 Hournorc ...1:03% 103 Pk.ugh Bey. .1:04 Three-Quarters Mile. 100-Lurky Strike 1:19 1C0 Resolution ...1:21 106 Uui ratio 1:14 106 Sun Pal 1:15 100 Reliable 1:21 10a Sun car 1:15% One Mile. 100 Apprel ensa. 1:10% 64 -Jui.o 1:41% I.aurano was not fully extended. Apprehension did his work handily. Hourmore was under restraint. AQl F.DLCT. Weather clear; track fast— Half Mile. 106 Arcadia 51% 107 Free Hand 54 10.! Babbling 52% 434I*ist ltsveille .53% 104 Cork Elm H 442 Malt 49% 442 Donges 49% 416 True Eyes 50% Five-Eighths Mile. 106 Stockade 1 03% Three-Quarters Mile. 103 Washington .1:14% Seven -Eighths Mile. 06 Byron 133% 422 Warlike 132% 70 East Indian 1 33% One Mil*. 106 A. B. Adueml:42% 100-0uteross 1:46% 109 BEXINGTON. Ky.. May 5 Todays train-- ir.g gallops here were as follows : LEXINGTON. Weather clear ; track fast — Three -Eighths Mile. 107-Ambalika 34% 102 Norah 37% KM It n Franklin 37 New Moon ....36% 103 Hilly Bru-h .37% 107-Pacier 36% l,a kbiter 37 lOOSlipuway 3«ls 12 C T. WC.rion : •;% 1IX Star Girl H 5% 101 l apt S.lineiler 37 Sv -p Park .31% 42 Dwty Mary .37% 9 Sh.uly I.n.ok . WK% m.nna Santa . .36«r, M -Tlimider Iod .37% 106 Din co 33% 107 Ilo-Co-i netitor 37 Mt-rwww ■% s»5 Tiek Tack ....37% Friend M lo", Im br M% 9 .»-ii:o WK% 44! Ten ilstjf tand% 103 -Ijeky Drift ...36% §7 Wn.e .lug ...,3-S% MCadden 364r, 107 Zeus Laddie .37 Half Mile. 105-Brother John ,.M% M LVMf Churrliill 49% 107 tierokee 47% 107-Mo:n"s l.oy 1 33S tol. Pat 4!Mr, HIT M:ii:i. Wand .19% ! s D.-lhi .irl ... 40% 107 New Keauty .51 M -Kloy lallie ... 49 107 St.irlx. k 4S% 107 -Galusha 49 107 T. S Jordan .49 100 Ilul.b and Pudd 50% Tangara 49% K.iraehi 49 107-Wat.hful 49 61 Uttta Gipsy . 48S Five-Eighths Mile. 105 Auntie May .1:02 103 Muskeg 1 04 107 -Braedelbane . 1 3% 103 Our Option .1:05 97 M 1enill.ton 1 «% 1 KS Rural Route .1:02% ill Itwa of l-vei.-Ji Meifja 105% Three-Quarters Mil*. 108 Auntie May .1:15% 10T Klaxon 1:16% 106 Pemocareful 1:19% 107 I.os Ltenhm 1 :19 442-Btiful Agues 1 :13 107 Ix ndonSrcoke 1:16% 10s Bugler 1:32% I«-N"iagnra 1:14% 107 Ka ter Bells 1:16% 103 OuiComsner 1:1"% 95 Fancy Free .1:19 105-Possible 1 :1S% 107 -Kit 1:16% W TUl— IIS 1:17% 103-Kitty Jim ...1:15% 107 -Tip Toe Inn 1:17% One Mile. 106 Alinka 1:44% 107-Molinero 1 :50 105-Brunell 1 46% 107 Provident 144% 105 Blue Nose ...1:44% 100 Pure Dee 1:48% 107-Cliittagong .1:47 107-PetrrMaloney 1:40% 106 Dream Maker 1:46 103 Quaver 1:43% 105 Jupiter 1:43% 107 -The Runt 1:47% Mile and an Eighth. 107-Rib Grass ...1:55% Beautiful Agnes was in a running humor this morning. Cherokee did a fast half over the hill. Bib Grass worked well. Peter Maloneys work was a fast one under light weight. Bural Poute was going very easily. Niagara galloped well. NEW YORK, N. Y.. May 5— Mondays training gallops over the New York tracks follow : JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast— Three-Eighths Mils. 108 Anne 37% 107-Knobbie 36% 100 -Billy Warren .36 103 McAuliffe 41% 195 Belle Artiste .39% 107 Miss Star 3- % 102-Bontaud 35 105 Miss Cameo ...3H% 106 Bggs Bu hanan35% 107-Peter King ...39 1C4 Contentment .40 195-Tuxedo 39% Half Mile. 106 Ampolae 49 106 Felicitous 49 105-Baby I.ane ...48 106 Miss Greble .49% 99 Belphrizonia ...51% 428-Sw. and Pretty. 53 106 Dodo 19% 62 Uncle Sonny ..52% Five -Eighths Mile. 105-Gold Trap .1:05 107 Little Pal ..1:05 105-Hephaisto* .1:04% 102 Socratea 1:02% 106 Hid. Jewel .1:01% Three-Quarters Mile. 105-Aragon 1:15 104 Lord Granite.l:20 105 Best Beloved. 1: 17 99 Ieopardess .1:16% 106-Caligula 1:15% 106 Mary Agnea .1:17 103 Clarke C. .1:16% 85-Sayit 1:17% 107-ComU- Song .1:10% 107-Simplicity ...1:16% 107-Epis«le 119 106-Time Exposel:13% 107-J. Marrone 11.1:15% Sevn -Eighths Mile. 107-Ever Bold ...1:29% 106 Wynnewood .1:29% 107 -Veto 1:31% Ono Mile. 417-Flar 1:44% 106-Royal Duck. 1:30 1C6 Horologe 1:41% 76 Rk Bottom .1:44% 106-O. Welbourncl :44% 106-Sthern Crossl:52 100-Pilgrim 1:44% 108-Thorndale ...1:41% Peter King has his speed. Bontaud ran well. Miss Star was under restraint. Baby I.ane showed improvement. Brainstorm seems fresh and good. Time Exposure ran well from the barrier. Caligula had an easy gallop. Wynnewood and Ever Bcld were together. Horologe did a good gallop handily. Thorndale seems at his best. Pilgrim and Old Weloourne were in company. BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. I 107-Borderland 35% 107-Lady Gaffney 36% 107 Bevy 37% 107 Marbler 37% 107-Cliink 37% 396-Quarantinc 35 105 F.xalted Ruler .37 107 Ordinanee 36% 107-Fluvanna 37 107-Prime Minister 36% 98-Higlibinder 37% 100-Priei maker ...36% 98-Jericho 36% 108-Rejeeted 37 Kelly 30 107 St. James 35 ! 107-Laplander 35 105-Swope 39% ! 105 Little Jeff 39 105 Wheeler 39% Half Mile. I 102Aseyria 48% 107-Little Celt 47% 107 Autumn Bells .40% 106-Mad Hatter ...46% 105 Hraeadale 52% Nedana 48% 101 loudland 49% 106 Outline 50 lOo-fum San 48% 106-Tiday 49% Decree 48% 106 Thunderelap ...46% i 106-Finn 52% 103 Tangerine 51% | 106-Imagination ..48% Five -Eighths Mile. i 97-Cne Rark 103 107 Flying Comet 1:04% 103IK dna 1:03 Hot 1:02% 4o6-Fairlight 1:01 107 Senor 104% Three-Quarters Mile. j 106-Dunlin 1:16% 106-Lady Diana .1:13% I 106-Eaglet 1:14 107 Ormesvale ...1:16 KM! First Pick ..1:18 107-Sledge 1:23 107 Galleon 1:23 106-Sandy Hatch 1:18 106 J qline Julul:21 100-Silk Tassel ..1:14% One Mile. 107-Forest Ix re 1 : 42% Mile and an Eijhth. 107 Lady Belle .1:59 I.ady Belle was under restraint all the way. I-ady Diana is in good condition. Laplander showed good speed. Little Celt seems fresh and good. Silk Tassel ran well. Mad Hatter and Thunderclap did a good speed test together. Dunlin galloped easily. Forest Lore was not extended. BALTIMORE Md.. May 5.— Todays training gallops here included the following: PIMLICO. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 107 I.all Gee 37 100 French Lady .35% 107 Comixa 36 8S Wessie B 37% Five -Eighths Mile. 107 Dellahm 50% 100 Modest 50% 89 Gold Bug 50% 106 Sombre 50 ;olden Spire ..48% Senalado 10% 446 1lildur 51 105 Seths Lemon .51 100 Harry Baker ...49% Storm King ...48% Hazel Dawn ...53 106-St. Donard 50 98 June Grass ...49% Half Mile. 92 Pother 1:02 92 Hvy Artillery 1 :04 H 1 04 99-Single Foot .1:03 S6 .Glentilt 103% Trip Lightly .1:02 1V2 Guvnor 10.:-. Thistle wood .1:03 105-Jeg 1.03 % Three-Quarters Mile. 99 liamplain ...117 78-Lieut. Farrell 1:13 106 Dinna Care .1 .15% 411 Miss Brit* ...1:17 102 Faith 1 20 4.V1 Thorny Way 1:16 447-Indisn Trail 1 18 42.3 nimb.rry .1 18% JO Ktlk-rmau . .1 .15% 452 Wise Jusellorl :14% One Mile. 106 Batonnier . . 1 43 427 Feylance 1:43 106 Fornovo ! 16 Wise ounsellor was tinder a strong pull. K.-lierman and liinna Care ran well together. Storm King showed speed. Jeg galloped i.i st. Single Boot was tinder a strong pulL Comixa showed speed. M dest at d ■ •■ Id Bug ran well together. AQlKDltT. Half Mile. 10G-Litt!e Thistle 51% 106 Viil.-ain Park M Five-Eighths Mile. Kagle Arbie ...55 515 White Ash 1 H Three -Quarters Mile. 10. fan. lira 1 18% 106-Colden Button 1 22 Fridsy 13th 116% loltora 1 16% 105 Forest .1.15% One Mile. 107-Aua Khan . 1 47% 107-FUnnel Shirt 1 42 Dolomite 1:4.1 107 Peddler 1 .41% M Flame llft% JO 1 tumble llsfj