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CONNAUGHT PARK ENTRIES The figures under the heading "Rec." .n I the entries below show the best time of ] each horse at the distance since January I, I 1922, no matter where it finished. In case 1 where record was made on other than a fast I or good track, abbreviations show track Q conditions. H JCICO IS FIRST INDF.X OF 1924. 78«88 IS THE FIRST IXDEX OF MAY. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30. ® Superior mini runner. x Good mud runner. :|: Fair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice allowance, b Blinkers. First Race— 5-8 Mile. Oxford Puree. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Allowam-es. Track record: June 15. 1921 — 1:00% — 2 — 106. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Uan. 79356 Sure to Win 108. .725 TW* Fiery Flight M Wo 107 1:02 102X720 79068s Clear View M Ja. 110 1:00% 105. .715 7S3562 Moon Magic 108X715 79145 Mary Dear . . . Wo 104 1 :04%s 105X705 79184 Elm Ml Wo 112 1:04% 105. .705 Aggie, ch. f, by Berrilldon — Aden, by Rock View 102 Oland. ch. c. by Olambala Land League, by Voter.... 102 Second Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 00. 3-yearolds and upward. Claiming. Foaled in Canada. Track record: Aug. 31, 1922—1:43% — 3 — 106. 79274:l bWar Tank Ti 98 1:44% 6 107x725 79185= lsoletta 3 97.. 720 78476J bKl Jesmar Do 110 1:43% 5 106x715 793153 Wedding Prince Ti IOI 1:46% 5 102x715 73633 King Wave ...Do 107 1:47% 4 99x710 79147 Flaming Wire ... 3 94. .705 79314 Rebus *M 3 90.. 705 Third Race — 3-4 Mile. Turse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: June 2, 1923 1:12% — 0 — 112. 79275 bLion d Or Ti 123 1:12 8 121:725 79329 Chief Sponsor Hv 109 1:11% C 110 720 792703 bLittle Black Sheep Hv 94 1:12 5 101. .715 78907 Jackson I.u 110 1:14% 3 99x715 78951 Jim Kenney ..Wo 101 l:14%m 3 105x715 78674J bRound Robin. HG 111 1:13% 7 106.. 710 74610 bHohokus Br 109 1:13% 8 109. .710 74996 Cordelier Do 112 1:12% 7 99. .710 79329- bDrummond ...FG 116 1:14% 8 102x705 792291 Wrackborn M Tm 107 1:13% 3 101. .705 79233 Play On Pin 98 1:15% 3 93x70. 79316 Heavy Artillery Do 112 1:13% 5 108. .700 78555 Sun Mart .....FG 116 1:14% 3 105x700 79314 »Uoney Dear ..Wo 115 1:15% 3 87.. 700 Fourth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jubilee lurse. Purse :10. 3 -year olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: Sept. 1, 1913 -1:06%— 3— 115. 79270 Admirer Do 114 1:06% 4 104x72". 79275 A blase Jl* 10311:06% 7 105x720 79352 Mercury Th 113 1:07 6 107. .715 79136 Beau Nash Lu 115 1:07% 3 107x710 79313 Gold Rock MCI 115 1:08% 3 94x705 74925 Game ScrapperWo 103 1:06% 4 99.. 705 78649 Cragsman M ... 4 104. .700 79311 Hillman M 4 104. .700 Tidal Ware, ch. c, by Sweep On — Majestic, by Ogden... 3 94 Fifth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Jueen City lurse. Purse ,200. S-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: Aug. 31, 1922— 1:43%— 3— 106. 79352 GREAT LICK. La 94 1:42% 4 101X750 78881* Forest I.ore . .HG 103 1 :42% 4 106x740 79273 Bedstone *P 106 1:43% 5 101x740 79273» Royal Visitor. . Ke 120 1 :43% 6 102.. 740 785715 bRaina FG 110 1:44% 6 106X735 75151 Ulcky Antoine Em 112 1:45% 5 101. 735 79365 bSetting Sun ..Im 106 1:43% 4 103x735 79311 Delusive FE 107 1:46% 4 97X730 79182* Malapert UU 107 1:47 3 95. .730 Sixth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: June 23, 1917— 1:45%— 3— 112. 79247bVitamin Th 95 1:46% I 110X725 79235- bNight Raider ..Ke 110 1:45% 6 115X720 78430 Waywossamo . .CD. 109.1 :48% 4 108x715 785731 Guelph Hv 113 1,47 6 108X715 79285 bJoaquina Wo 112 1:46% 6 107X710 79368 Altissimo Wo 106 1:49 3 101X710 79147 Jimson Wo 105 1:51 %s 3 102..703 Seventh Race— 1 18 Miles. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: June 19, 1917— 1:53%— 8—106. 79330 bVendor Ja 104 1:53 5 108X725 793602 Johnny OConnellHvlOO 1:56 I 103x720 78620 Irish Pat FG 109 1 :55 4 105. .715 79246 bMormon Elder. Ki 111 1:54% 8 106x710 786753bAttorney Muir..FG 106 1:54% 9 103X700 79316 Treviscot 5 110. .705 79158 bSt. Germain ..UG 107 l:5Ssy 7 103x705 79276 May Prosper ..Ti 107 1:55 4 106X700