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Ath PA OH 4 1-2 Ilirlnngs. Ben Brush Parse. 2-year-olds. Colts and Geld-Dili ■iHL/L. ings. Allow a noes. May 21, 1921 52 3-5 £ HO. FALSE FACE, hr. c, S 110 By Sweep— Masque, by Disguise. Trainer, C. H. Shilling. Owner, O. A. Cochran. Breeder. G. A. Cochran. 70261 Churchill 41 f 53%good 9-10 113 1 3 3» 3«1 D Hum. ■ Reputation. Seths Tsure. Kchl 79066 Churchill 41 f 53 fa3t 7-10 118 2 1 l«i 1« D Hum 5 PasSeul, RedSeth. Maximaneh 78851 Pimlico 41 f 54%slop 1-2 115 1 2 2* 2»i D Hum 7 Extreme, Ball Gee. Hidalgo 78804 Pimlico 41 f 53fast 41 115 1 1 1» 1* D Hum 10 Goldpiece. Pique. Starmatia 78701 Pimlico 1-2 48Sfast Si 115 3 2 fsi 34 D Hum 10 Barb.Frchie. Goldpiece. StmKf THUNDERGOD. b. g. 2 108 By Peter Quince— Miss McNeill, by Assagai. Trainer, W. Perkins. Owner, D. W. Scott. Breeders, Speith, Phelps A Jack- son. 79005 Churchill 41 f 54*slow 7.10 a Z 2 1* 1" E Pool 6 Rarrage. Modesta. Down Town 78898 Churchill 41 f 65 mud 2 118 3 1 1* 2* E Pool 9 Pas Seul. Bankrupt. Tangara 78582 Lexgton 1-2 50%mud 43-10 112 3 3 J 3 R Hartonl2 KIsass, Almadel. Friend CUP BEARER, ch. c. 2 108 By The Finn— Mae Taft, by Yankee Gun. Trainer. H. Oots. Owner. P. Laffoon. Breeder, B. P. Eubanks. 79299 Churchill 41 f 54%fast 19-10 118 4 4 5» 1 L McDott 8 L.Rubenstn, RolivarBd, Special 78972 Churchill 41 f 54%good 20 118 6 3 31 5*1 L McDott 7 Abstract. Tangara. I-eeO.Cotner 78898 Churchill 41 f 55 mud 15 IIS 1 5 5» 5" L McDott 9 Pas Seul. ThiMidi rgod. Rankrupt 77275 F.Grnds 31 t 42 fast 20 109 9 11* ll« L McDottl3 Evelyn, Foxmore, Barney Google OCEAN CURRENT, br. g, 2 108 By Sea King— Maidenhair, by Trap Rock. Trainer. C. Van Dusen. Owner. W. E. Applegate. Breeder. J. D. Carr and Bro. 79221 Churchill 41 f 54*fchvy 15 117 1 2 21 2« H Stutts 5 Fly. Ebony, F.IM"ursy, S. Along 78801 Lexgton 41 f 55 fast 13-10 111 3 3 21 2» E Pool 6 Ocean Current. Tangara, Romp 78698 Lexgton 41 f 57-"4hvy 30 122 3 5 3» 4» W Lilley 9 RuralRoute. RressCds, KittyPat 78068 Tijuana 41 f 53fast 9 115 9 6 61 54J E Barnes 9 Mast.Chlie, Socrates. Notenugb 78031 Tijuana 1-2 49 hvy 7-10 115 1 1 21 HI E Barnes S Slanipdaie. M.Billy. Notenough 77834 Tijuana 1-2 47%fast 5 115 10 8 81 9«J D Con,illyl5 Rear Shot, Notenoh. John T. D. 77792 Tijuana 1-2 48=«ifast 7-10 119 5 2 1 1 D Connlly 9 MasterBly, Coekse SilentPrdr SETHS TREASURE, ch. g, 2 108 By Seth— Tender Bloom, by Sir Dixon. Trainer, J. McGovern. Owner. Mrs. G. W. Church. Breeder. B. A. Jones. 79161 Clrirchill 41 f 5!Hgood 13 113 3 2 2 2* E Martin I Reputation. Pats* Face, Karachi 79174 Churchill 41 f 55%slop 6 112 3 2 • 2* 1« W Kelsay 1 StnrGirl. Fr.Victoria, S.niMgel 78902 Churchill 41 f 54Smud 24 114 5 5 3» 3« II Lunsfd « DressGds. KlizliK . FornRePns 78408 Hunlton 1-2 48«fcfait 1-2 120 1" J Domick 7 MillySkidd. HonestMose. PdrJ"! 76700 FGrnds 3-8 35%hvy 6 122 3 6* 6* W Lilley 11 Wbcaton. Step Along. Evelyn 76606 F.Grnds 3-3 36Vifast 8-6 118 1 1» 1» W Lilley 11 Fuo. S. of Trnmp. Fearnaught 76460 F.Grnds 3-8 36 fast 7 118 6 21 21 W Lilley 10 Step Along, Wheaton, Mas Billy SAAR. blk. c. 2 M 108 By Light Brigade— Lorraine, by Ben Brush. Trainer, D. E. Stewart. Own er. J. N. Camden. Breeder, J. N. Camden. 79344 Churchill 41 f 53V»fast 42 109 5 6 6l 7" W Kelsay 7 FlygEbouy, StepAlg, CaptnHal