Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-27


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— . I Entries and Past Performances CHURCHILL DOWNS j TUESDAY, MAY 27 j WEATHER CLEAR; TRACK FAST. j Tha figures nnder the heading "See." in the entries below shew the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1922. no matter -where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 7*460 IS FIRST IWDKX OF 1M4. 78688 IS THE FIRST INDEX OF MAT. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time 3:00. Superior mud runner. XGood mud runner. Jj:Fair mud runner. M Maidens. •Apprcnllc* allowance, bBlinkera. The following abbreviations are used to "iesignate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made : Aurora An Jefferson Park TP Aqueduct Aq Kenilwcrth Ke B»lmont Park BP Kempton Park KP Blue Bonnets BB King Edward Ki Bovvio Bo Latonia La Churchill Downs CD Laurel Lu Columbus Co Lexinpton Ix Connaught Park CP Maple Heights MH Conneaut Lake CL Marlboro Mb Dade Park DP Mobile Mo Devonshire De Mount Royal MR Dorval Do Omaha Om Dufferin Du Pimlico Pm Empire Em Reno Re Fair Grounds FG Saratoga Sa Fort Erie FE Tanforan Ta Hamilton Hm Thorncliffe Th Havre la Grace HG Tijuana , Ti Hawthorne Hw Toledo To Havana Hv Windsor Wi Huntington Hu Woodbine Wo Jamaica J a First Race— 3-4 Mile. Pnrse ,300. 3-vear-olds. Claiming. Track record: May 24. 1921—1:11—6—128. Todays Ind. norseAPostros. Wt. Ree. A.Wt.Han. 79262 •Floating On, 3CD 97 1:13% 105. .725 79131 •Nimrod. 9 . . . .Hv 103 1 :12% 107. .720 77314 Brookdale. 13 .FG 100 1:14 107. .715 77387 Lady Marian, 12. CD 106 1:13*5 100X715 79036" Qnotatiun. 2 ..CD 102 1:14 100. .715 76771 Mason Towie, 19. Lx 113 1:14 110X715 79131 London Smoke M, 18 La 112 1 :13% 110. .715 79039 Poland. 6 La 118 1:14% 110.. 710 79303 Fausto M, 7 I.x 116 1:14 110 .710 79220 Mexican Tea. llLx 101 1:14% 110®710 79341 Ambalika iSIi. r . Lv. 101 1:15 105. 705 79036 Rngler M, 14. La 115 1:15 110X705 79303 Liege Mi. 17. .La 115 1 :14% 110. .7a". 79006 Elusive Ml, LCD 115 1:18% 100. .700 79303 Rap, 4 110. .700 79040 Star Cudg-1. 8. Wo 112 1:18% 105.. 700 73196 •Daughter Dear Mi, 10 100. 700 76776 Dunlo Ml, 15. FG 116 1:lR%m 110. 700 79303 Slicker, 10 1x102 1:16 105.. 700 79341 Isaman Mi. 20CD 115 1 :14% 1M..9M 78800 MiU Boy, 21 ..CD 115 1:14 110. .700 Second Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs. Purse ,300. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Maidens. Sjiecial Weights. Trtuk record: May 21. 1921— 52%— 2— 110. 7»302» Ivory. 11 CD 110 :54 115. .725 792173 Fair Vision. 5. CD 115 :55% 115.. 720 79340 Bit o Honev, 10. CD 115 :55% 115.. 715 79258 Loretta Brooks. 15 CD 105 :56% 115. .715 , j 78939 Cordon Rouge, 14 Lx 114 :57% 115. .710 i . 79129 Miss Emmert, 2CD 110 :56%m 115. 710 I 79217 Tesuqne. 4 CI 115 :591i 115. .705 j . 79302 Kentucky Rose. 17 • CD 109 :56Vr. 115.705 . 79217 Atomin. 1 CD 115 :58%h 115. .700 J 79217 Realise, 9 ....CD 115 :57% 115.. 700 . 79340 Boo Boo. 12... CD 113 £•%■ 115. .70.1 . Helen Carter, 3.. US Donna Santa, 6... IM I Ada May, 7 H-r« Buttress, R 115 i llose Cloud, 13... 115 Black Deuce, 16.. 115 ! Third Race— 1 Mile. ] Purse 400. 4-vear-olds end upward. Claiming. _ Track record: May 19, 1921— 1:36 Mi-8— 104. 79300* Lncidus, 2 CD 107 1:39 4 105.. 725 ! 78337 Tender Seth, 7.. MH 103 1:39-!; 4 107X720, 79259 Piedmont, 6 ..CD 104 1:41% 4 105X715 |" 79298 bWidgcon, 4 S:i 101 1 M% •" 105.715:; 79262 Fancy Free, 1..C1 113 1:4«% 5 107x710 79004 *Sea Court. 3. .CD 110 1:41 %s 6 10OX70T. I I J 79304 Newmarket, 5. CD 113 l:44h 4 112.. 700 I Fourth Race — 1 Mile. Spokane Furse. | | J Purse 500. 3 year olds and upward. Allowances. ■ | ; Track record: May 19, 1921— 1:36%— S--104. | I ; 79342! AUDACIOUS. 9La 119 1 .38% 8 116x750 79172* Moomaker, 1 .CD 110 1 :37% 4 104x740, 78835 HM Crass. T.-sU" 111*1 :»•% 5 106. .740 , | 79343 Barracuda, 2 . Lx 107 1 :3X 5 101x735 1, 7578o3 l.Make l! . «. .CD 106 1:37% 7 108X735. 78087 Prince Tii Tii, 10. , I 106 1:3S% 4 101 X .35 | • 79132- Be Good, 4 I« 92 1:39 5 101.730 79040 Belzoni, 5 ...-El 94 1:37 4 101.730 75553 Wild Life. 8. .CD 105 1 :3! % 4 101X730;, 75493 bTippo Sahib, 3. CD 106 1:39 9 101X725 , Fifth Race— 7-8 Mile. Modesty Purse. Purse 500. 3-vear oUK Fillies. Allowances. j Track record: May 21. 1921-1:23%— A -110. 78725 Laveen. 5 104. 750 79342 Befuddle. 6 107x745 79089 Princes* Doreen. 1 112. . .40 79345* Amity Claim, 7CD 99 1:2C% 101X735, 79342 Alcherry, 4 104.. 735 79007 Beautiful Agnes, t CD 106 1 :27% 101 X 735 Kittie Jim, 2 1 1 Sixth Race — 4 1-2 Fnrlcngs. Ben Brush Pnrse. Furse ,500. 2-year-olds. Colts and Geldings. Allowances. Track record: May 21, 1921— 52%— 2— 110. 792611 False Face, 1.. CD 118 :53 110x725 i 79005 Thundergod, 4. CD US :54%s 108x720 79299 Cup Bearer. 6. CD 118 :54% 108.710 792212 Ocean Current, 5. Ti 115 :54 108X715 79261 Setbs Treasure. 2 CD 113 :54 108. .710 79344 Saar M, 3 108. .700 • Seventh Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Furse ,400. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: May 24. 1922—1:44—4-113. 79222= Dobson, 4 CD 106 1:47% 3 107V725 79259 bSimpIeton, 1 ..La 110 1:48 7 1090720 j ! 79219- Stump Jr., 5. .La 104 1:47% 4 109x715 793453 Firetoma. 3 . .CD 110 1:47% 3 107.. 715 79063= Oo La La, 6. .La 101 1 :46% 5 109X705 , I 79262 tntried. 2 Li 102 1:44% 4 112x700 I 1 78826 La Blanche *■ Briante M, 7. 3 94.. 703 i

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Local Identifier: drf1924052701_4_1
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