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"DAILY RACING FORM VOLUME TIT NUMBER 143 Pntcrrd an second-class matter. April 2, 1896, at the post-office at Chicago, Illinois, under Act of March 3. 1879. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT • CHICAGO. ILL. 157-169 EAST 32nd ST.. NEW TOEK CITY, N. Y. 60 RICHMOND STREET. EAST. TORONTO. ONT. S20 EAST THIRD STREET, CINCINNATI, OHIO i W. J. McMurray, Publisher and General Manager. 1 Daily Daring Winter Month*. 2 2 Daily Except Monday Balance of Ihe Year. | 3 A Daily Heflection of the American Turf by Telegraph t :"• SUBSCRIPTION BY FIRST CLASS MAIL: Iay to November, inclusive $ 4.00 per month I December to April, inclusive $ 5.00 per month 7 PAYABLE IX ADVANCE. BACK NUMBERS BY MAIL. 15 CENTS EACH. 76460 is first index of 1924