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Orr DA PC " *~- Ilirloners. 3-ycar-olris and upward. laiminsr. July 18, OKI n/AUIl 1U2Z 1:05 1-3 3 108. AUNTIE MILLIN. ch. f. 3 102 By Dick Welles— Crossover, by Octagon. Trainer. J. L. Paul. Owner. J. L. Paul. Breeder, J. B. Respess. 78824 Lex gton 3-4 1:14 fast 11-5 92 3 2 21 1"* E OBrien 8 Nimrod, RoyalDick. FairRowena 78770 Lexgton ."-4 1:14 fast 21 103 2 1 1* 21 15 Kenndv 11 Lierre, Sister Josella. Theo 78640 l.oxston 3-4 1:14 good 28 99 3 3 3* 3» F Thdyke S Welcome. Finday, Paul Micou 78133 Hunt ton 51 f 1 3-2 108 21 J Eaton 8 Pawnbroker. VirginiaB., Oneida 78413 Hunfton i| f 1 OS Vast 2-2 106 61 J Eaton 9 Meddling Mattie, April. Prl Bts 78295 Hunt ton 5 S LOlVast 3-2 103 Ill Eaton 10 Bigwig. Eunice Bailey, April DELHIMAR. ch. g. 5 114 By Delhi— Marion Rose II.. by Bearcatcher. Trainer. 3. Hizar. Owner, E. E. Major. Breeder. S. H. Velie. 79 102 Be* todays chart. 79361 M .11 ghts 3-4 l:17*sslop 11-5 113 2 2 2» 2» W MartinlO C.Theisen. Ashburtn. Dfounder "9192 M.MrIUs 51 f l:r9-Vlow 13-10 109 4 5 4" 44 W Smith S Rachel D.. Nizam. Puzzle 78794 Colmbus :;-4 1 :20 good 5 115 4*1 W Smith ■ LorenaMarcellia. Pelion. Bection 78684 CI mbus 6i f l:252ssl«p 11-10 112 3T AV Smith 6 Full o Fun. Stamp, Times Up 78.15I olmbus 2-4 l:165jfast 11 111 1« W Smith II Mafeldol, Ossaleen. Im leVelo 78297 ilunfton 2-4 1 :13isfast 42 112 64J W Smith 8 Old Sinner. GordonShaw. Jolly 752I3 Iff gton I 1-16 l:Cl-ihvy 13-5 1C8 3« II Click 6 Blkllackle. Fan. Nail, Amelias. INCOGNANCE. b. b. 5 107 By Disguise — Las Flores. by Bearcatcher. Trainer. J. B. McGinn. Owner, J. B. McGinn. Breeder. R. S. Avery. 79320 M lights 54fl:0S fast 36 MS 10 5 71 7 H Hay 10 PepperTea, KerryGirl. MissEtta 76676 Cul.City :"1 f 1 : JS gor.d — 109 V* C Duel 7 .Enrique. I/kyllays. IxirdAIlen 76973 Tijuana 51 f 1 :07V»fast 23-10 117 41 C Thpson 9 Gonwitliim. PhreWard. H.sHeir 75985 Tiiuan.i 3-4 tdftttaat 9 105 7»1 E Fator 9 Trusty. Yalta, Mabel Rule 75875 Tijuana 3-4 1 :14good 3 113 4=1 El Fator 11 Wiki.Iaek. DaintyKady. Vic 75774 Tijuana 3-4 l:13%faat 6 119 4J1 P Walls 10 T.AImoner. Cavaidrll.. A.King MESS KIT. b. g. 7 109 Br Tracery— Moneta. by Spearmiat. Trainer. M. E. Thompson. Owser. M. E. Thompson. Bred in trance by A. Belmont. 79404 Seo todays chart. 79240 M light 7-Sl:28fast 15 10S 4 6 4" 5*1 A CU-erton 10 Dalton, LittleFlnrenee. Proceeds 79114 Akron 51 f l:18%hvy 11-5 113 7:» W Hughes 7 Phelan. Ixjne Pine, Rivulet 77955 Havana :-4 1 :15«mu l 8 107 6 3 2» U W McCabelO Jack Pot, Phenol. Hughie 77944 Havana i| f 1 :09Vsniud 6 105 3 6 4 41 W Dellow 11 Gold. Chance. Scamper, Colossus 77810 Havana 3-4 1 :12*ifast 6 108 7 4 51 HlW McCabe 9 Clenn. OKelly. Rapid Stride 77768 Havana 1 1-16 1 :47*sfast 10 106 5 6 61 5T1 W Dellow 9 L.I.oraine. Zapatos. Sq. Wiggins 77693 Havana 3-1 l:13%fast 12 110 6 3 2« 2» W McC tbe I Riverside, Rap Stride. L.KyesIL 77614 Havana 5ifl:12 mud S 109 6 4 3* 1" W McCabel2 MadNell. I* t Loraine. StockPin 77546 Havana 3-4 l:16?tslow 10 106 4 1 2=1 2« W McCabel2 Lkase. SandylL. KittyCarpeuter MATINEE IDOL. b. g. 9 114. By All Gold— Matinee, by Broomstick. Trainer. B. Creech. Owner. B. Creech. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 79237 M. lights 51 f 1 H» fast 31 312 2 1 2 = 13 H Paden 12 SamReh. Argmental. A.Alander 79108 Map.H ts 2-4 1:16 slow 5 112 1 2 9* 5» W Slartin S Arrowhead, Col. Tenn. Colossus 78792 Colmbus 2-4 1.21Migo d 81 105 l"k H Paden 8 OldSinner. G.Dgherty, Zululand 78660 Clmbs lir.70y 1 :48Vsgood 7 108 581 W Smith i Scissors, Incle Velo. Biddiodee 78601 Colmbus 3-4 l:15%f!ist 6 5 117 7»J W Martin 7 Hoover, Iil.ides. Bed Weed 78551 Colmbus 2 4 l:16%fast 41 111 21 W Martin 11 Delhimar. Ossaleen. LncleVelo MERRY LAND. br. f. 4 107 By Transvaal— Merriment II.. by Sundridge. Trainer. J. W. Murphy. Owner, J. W. Murphy. Breeders. Morris and Walden. 78980 Haifa o 2-4 l:M|fast»w 8 108 6 7 65 551 F Sharpe • Iteverwyek, Itr Repl 78907 Pimlico Til HTftfal J 12 106 7 2 !»k S" P Sharpe 1. It:, ket l«r Ch. Wells, SirChadll. 78853 1imlic 2-4 l:14%slop 42-10 106 7 7 7 751 B Mrinelli I Ex.useMe. Reprisal. Sh.sUmon 78588 IfdeCce 2-4 l:135fast 52 110 12 10 81 8*1 P Madeiralj Flax, Hidden Jewel, Julia M. 69829 Pimlico 2-4 1 :12fast 11-10 11118 3 3* 4s C Kummerl2 Mabel K. Admirer. Poor Sport 69722 Pimlico 3-4 1 :12«ifast 4 5 111 2 2 ll ll C Kummer 9 St. Ijwi ence. Blue Tony. Kadin 66706 Pimlico 51 f 1 :07k,f ast 31 112 3 2 2« 1» E Sande 8 K. "harming. Peddler. Syl. Spring 66632 Pimlico 61 f l:07fast 66 112 6 7 «l 3f L Fator 12 PowWow. K. Wreath, Lis. Dearie MISS ETTA. cb. f, S 97 By Seth— Hester Zorra, by Cesarion. Trainer, M. J. McDonnell. Owner, Miss M. Kelly. Breeder. 3. A. Hall. 79401 See todays chart. 79320 M H*sjhta 51 f 1 08 fast 26 96 2 2 31 31 R Zcchini 10 Pepper Tea. KerryGirl. BusyBob 79190 M.Hgbts 2-4 l:16*tslow 19 105 1 1 21 2« R ZcchinilO Fair Rowena, Shafe, J. Northern 78709 Cjlnibus 54 f l:12smud 70 94 451 H Hay 12 Busy Hob, loimile. Cacambo 78657 Colmbus 51 f 1 :0SV.good 61 99 ll! II Hay 12 MissMgt, Tfalgar. Argum tal 78576 Colmbus 54 f 1 :09%fast 16 100 S«l W Martin 12 Reluctant. St::cy Adams. Puncfl 78548 Colmbus 1-4 l:18*4fast 61 110 83 W Martin 12 S|»ar kplug. Melvina, Ro kCourt 78374 Hunfton 2-4 1:M%Cm« II 99 3«1 W Martin 7 BarharaPr. Kuniee By. WiseCr 78295 Hunfton 3 8 l:01%fast 12 98 Bl R Zci hinilO A tieMillin. Bigwig. EuniceB ley 78249 Hunfton 51 f l:09Hfast 13-10 108 || R Zucchini 9 T. Plaiiisn, W. Cracr. M.Ama RAVENSWOOD. br. m, 5 107 By Zeus — Ravenroost. by Prince of Monaco. Trainer. D. Bogert. Owner, Mrs. 3. W. Smith. Breeder, Wbita and Garnett. 76711 Havana 3-4 1 :17hvy 20 106 1 5 5 5" W Smith i JohnMorrill. Perhaps. For. Queen 76069 Havana 3-4 l:13Vifast 30 106 8 I t 8" H Click 8 Topango, Riverside. Finday 75870 Havani 3m70y 1:44 fast 20 100 5 5 5 5» A Yerrat 5 Mian. Mac. Ferguson, Rom. Mary 67073 J.fferson 1 l:47Vandhvy 30 101 8 • S 8" J Merimee 8 Minute Man. Rib Grass, Dantzie 66713 DadePrk 1 l:3S3andfast 72 96 5 6 4» 4» W Rid 6 Jn Hoslior, IligiiGear. Jacobean 66531 Toledo 1 1 :39%fast 6 104 2 5 6 5» J Ch lmers j Asume. Lncv Kale. Ro.sterer 65207 ThVhffe 1 1 16 1 4S=%good 9f 304 8 11 12 12»» R Rom llil3 Royalsi. Blosni House. Tarascon C5099 Th luliffe 1 1-1S l:49feslow 20 102 7 2 2«» 3» R Romolli 8 Flihygibt, Tarascon, M.J.Baker REDWOOD, ch. f. 4 107 By Manager Waite— Ebony, by Sain. Trainer. P. Dolan. Owner. P. Dolan. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 78869 Colmbus 61 f l:24Vifast 61 111 3-l W Martin 8 G.iv Bey It.. fT—Trm. Mr. Beck 78820 Col mbus 3-4 117?feRlow 9 101 FelL D M. Aufe 8 Jago. Full o Fun, Balefull 78601 C.,1 nib . Im70y 1:18 fast U 107 4« R Pauley 7 Tingling. If In, PirateMcflee 78524 Columbus 3-4 l:16*isood 1J 109 2:1 H Farland 7 Ailsie Vernor, Scissors, SunBrae 77888 .Iff»rson 3-4 1 ltimud 20 113 15 14 14« 14= AV Crump 15 Medd. Mattie. Mcintosh. IsamaD 77386 Flrnds 3-4 l:13»*.fast 20 9S 31 12 9110« L 14 Carpeuter, St. Maurice. Doughnut CLARO DE LUNA. b. f, 3 97 By Blazeaway— Moonstone, by Trap Rock. Trainer. F. Walker. Owner, Florida Stable. Ereeder, F. Delbarrin, 79402 See todays chart. 78026 Havana 3-4 1:20 mud 2 98 1 1 1* 1 J OBrien • Solomons Kilts. Gnajiro. Lihorio 77922 Havana 51 f 1 :08slop 10 98 9 7 7» 6" A McLlinll I.eonaDare. Geor.May. Mocaiixa 77746 Havana 51 f 1 :07 fast M 96 7 10 10 31T1 J Majestic 12 Sis. Susie. S|rin?Vale. Fly. Boat 77634 Havana 51 f l:llhvy 10 102 3 1 l1 1! A Overton 9 Plioehe. Gray Girl. My Krror •SMS Havana 31 f 43Hifast 10 111 6 2 5"i 5=1 F W stock 1 Pilades. Pome. Hetty W. .8784 Havana 1-2 49 fast 12 109 3 6 6» 7" F W dst k 9 Norseld. DivonsPride, Suzuki .8495 Havana ?1 f 43 fast 2 107 1 1 2* 1* G Corey .". SolnsKilts. HettyW.. PatsieS. VICTOR M., ch. g, 3 M 99 By Towton Field— ThisUe Etta, by Knight of the Trainer, C. I. Wilson. Owner. Woodland Stock Farm. Thistle. Breeder. Harner and Cross. 79319 M Hghts 51 t 1:03 fast 63 100 10 9 9» 9* H Hay 11 Sister Josella, Hughie. Col. Pat 79190 M.HRhts 3-4 1 16*5slow 26 101 5 $ 7l 8" D McAffelO Fair Boweiia. Mis Ktta. Shafe 78886 olnibus 3-4 71 102 5T D McAffe B I/tuuI-ov e. BrrSwt. RftalstKl 78819 C.lmlius 51 f 1 IV.slow 9Jf 10". 5* D Mc.Vufei2 SethsBr in. Vehement. Ro kC rt 78548 Colmbus 2-4 l:18=i»fast lOf 109 Fell. T Camonl2 Sparkplug. Melvina, RockCouit 77080 IMIrnda 3-4 100 104 S 11 11 ll;l A Fraley U MahJong, Q. Charming. Dreamer UNCLE ABE, ch. g. 3 104 By Towton Field— Peace and Plenty, by Uncle. Trainer. H. Schlessingcr. Owner, Mrs. H. McQuage. Breeders. Haner and Cross. 79403 See to. lays chart. 7K887 Colmbus 7-4 1:15 fast 11 111 21 D McAffe 9 OldSinner. SpgV.iIe. Argumental 78712 Colmbus 3-4 lKsiaa 81 107 5» D MiAal" 9 Royaline. IHisluin. Capt.Kiney 7H.J57 Colmbus 51 f 1 "S.i.ood 9 107 51 T MctTickU MissMgt. T falgar, Argumtal 78563 Colmbus 5-S 1:05 fast 15 106 1"" T McCurklO 15ig» ig. JudgeHkiPan . Ti-ifalgar 78520 Columbus 51 f llligood 12 100 l1 T MCor k 8 S tliernPacif ic. MvError. P.berry 76733 FCrnds 34111*i,slow 50 94 7 9 9 9-: D Jones !» Kinclcre. are Free, Attilia 76384 Jefferson 2-4 1 :15*igood 25 111 7 61 6J A Fraley 12 L*J Burrow. I.nardG., Barbeny KOEI.I.IA. b g. 4 M 109 Bv King James — Coppelia. by Kingston. Trainer, D. E. Stewart. Owner, Riverdale Stable. Breeder. H. T. Oznard. T.7560 F.Gr*nda I 4 1 :14 25 3-b S 8 Sl Sl F Sharpe U St me Age. Nuyaka. Temptress 67324 Jeff-rson 51f3:10Shvy 7 110 2 3 31 ll K Shaipe 12 SirSidiiey. Kit Carpeiifr, Kilan 67218 Jeff.rson 51 f 1 09 slow 8 110 1 6 5» C:s F Miarje 12 Sweel.Mama. Verick. Sir Sidney 67107 rsun 51 f 1 09 good 20 115 4 2 61 6!S F Sha;.e a Majority, i loldM.iuiil. First Blush 67057 J-fferson 3-4 1 :19.hvy 40 104 1 3 3» 41 F Sharpe • Admirer. ..ii. k. Bud lngie .7010 7 1 1 ]i%0nt 20 107 9 7 8* 81 L M I ott]2 Al Slebl.T, Yori. k. Flying Devil i 967 Jeff.rson H f lM%f**t ¥ 103 10 10 9 9»F Sharpe 12Ilili Tea. Slanderer. Alluring MM J.fferson 31 f 10S fast 15 105 5 5 6 5 : F Sharpe 5 Leslie, Slanderer. Amole THE MULESKINNER. b. g, 4 109 By Zeus— Romania, by Peep oDRy. Trainer. D. B. Freeman. Owner, C. Proveniano. Breeder. White and Garnett. 79279 iLH ghts 51 f 1 06 fast 98 109 4 7 7* 7" J Byrne 9 Humble, Clem Theisen, Bigwig 7I4M5 Colmbus 51 f 1 09 fxst 23 106 4i D McAffe 13 Satana. Bla. k Mmkey. Winkie 78682 Colmbus 3-4 1 ISHslop 31 117 7" J Byrne 7 LilacTime. Mo ntum, PearlBta 78647 Colmbua 6-8 1 02fast 19 110 7" J Byrn* 10 P. T. Barnum. JkPot. Babyloiia 77390 F.Grnda 11-16 1:49 fast 100 102 5 12 12 1_*1 J Byrne 12 P.Mieou. Dr. YVhitihst, Repeater WHISPERING, ch. m. 5 1*7 By Von Tromp— Ellen Atkin. by Kingston. Trainer. S. McNeill. Owner, 8. McNeill. Breeder. E. Cebnan. 79279 M Hghts 51 f l:06ftfajrt 29 MT S ■ PW Taylor 9 Humble, Clem Theleen. Bigwig 78029 Havana 51 f 1:12 mud 6 103 4 I 91 12" J Kessner 12 Patsy B., Armedee, Le Balafre 77874 Havana 51 f 1 :07Vsfaat 10 106 2 1 1«* 2«* J Majestic 12 Runnan. CbowChow, CrieMoore 77724 Havana 3-4 1 12?»fast 10 113 t 2 31 12" J Eaton 12 L.Loraine. IidyDelhi. Humorist 77429 Havana 61 f 1:07 fast 12 IOC 1 7 «i TJ S Bantu 7 Forest Q n. Momentum. Bet. Mac MOUNT PLEASANT, b. g. 4 M 109 By Swiftfoot II.— Oaleswinthe, by Hastings. Trainer, L. M. Holmes. Ownsr, Bona venture Stable. Breeder. Mrs. L. M. Holmes. 79149 M Hghts 3-4 l:19«£mud 41 112 3 6 6* 7« A Roach 9 ftali. Babylonian. Corto 78885 Colmbus 51 f 1:09 fast 39 102 8"» D Randell 12 Satana. Black Monkey, Winkl l 78818 Colmbus 51 f 1:12 slow 27 103 9*1 D Randell 12 Recoup. Glenlivet. Nizam 78371 Hunfton 3-4 l:14Vsfast 36 110 6T J Smallwd 8 MissAmeri. a, BlackBuler. Bob 78315 Hunfton 61 f 1:08 fast S6 96 5» O Atwell 10 BigSapp. Bklluler. MissAmerica 78232 Hunton 6 1 2 f l:09%fast 6 115 7*1 J Smwood 9 D d Guise. Kensw.G. of t.Seaall