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QrfJ DApp 1 Mile. 4-year-old* and upward. Claiming. May 19, 1»21 j LUCIDUS. tr. g, 4 105 By Kins James — Grace Cameron, by Lissak. Trciaer. Z. S. Troxler. Owner. R. C. Troxlsr. Breeder. H. T. Oxnarc 79SOO Churchill 1 l:S8ttfast 14 107 1 2 2«| 2i B Harvey C Opulent, S.oflMurc, B herlyLove 79257 Churchill 1 1:40 good 22 110 1 10 10 9 » R Pool 12 Modna. Westwood. Widgeon 79004 Churchill 11:41 slow 42 109 6 7 41 31 J Wallace 8 Repealer. Opulent. Kob 78*30 Lexgton 1 3-16 l:5. Hifast 45 104 3 7 CI 6" D MerglerlO Stone A Re, SeaCourt, Maj. Chilton 7877* Lexgton 1 1-1C 1 :47 fast 91 104 12 10 11 11 » D Merglerl2 O.utious. StoneAge. Brit hLmer 78673 l,exKton 1 1-16 l:52%slop 40 105 4 3 21 3" P Mergler 7 Permarco. Kirklevton. Attorney 77893 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:53Vimud 30 113 5 7 10 10-J W Crump 10 Normal. Permarco. Smarty TENDER SETH. ch. g, 4 107 By Setli— Tender Bloom, by Sir Dixon Trainer. W. M. Martin. Owner. S. N. Holman. Breeder. B. A. Jones. 78337 Howie lmTOy l:48%fast 19 110 7 5 o2 3*1 D Mergler 7 Anne. Biff Hang Rock Bottom 78*68 Howie 1 1 16 l:51%good 14 112 1 2 :j :! D Mergler 7 Trajanus. Ollpa. The Foreigner ltm Bmtn ll-8 2:00%mud 11 111 2 6 4» 6" C, Rose 8 BiffRng. Frz.vSnzy. TlieFor ner 78179 Howie 7-8 1:30 fast Jl 100 6 5 4» 41 D Mergler « Eager. Despair, Soggarth Aroon 77936 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 : 51X11 vy 5 105 3 9 10| 8«J D Mergler 11 IVquot. Our Star. Servitor 77913 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:54%hvy 10 112 4 4 6 IiD Mergler 6 Blue Nose, El Astro, Chief Curry PIEDMONT ch. g, 4 105 By Dick Finnell— Day Dream, by Ballot. Trainer. A. Goldblatt. Ovrner, M. Shapoff. Breeder. S. K. Nichols. 79259 Churchill 11:40 good 81 104 6 3 4 7" D Mergler 8 Rrot her John. Repeater. Rye I.y 77976 Jeffeison 1 1-8 1:59 Viiud 12 105 6 5 6 7" B Bre ning 9 LdWrack. Dnmnf minder Kent, 77889 Jefferson 3-4 1:16%mud 31 113 1 2 1| 1 B BreninglO PoorSport. Simplicity. J.Q.K«HJ 77607 KGrnds Midi toy 8 110 4 1 3 2" 1 J Corcoran 9 Col. Winn, Poppye. limes Ip 77495 FGrnds 2-4 l:14Vsgood 8 109 5 7 8" 7« D Mergler 9 Stargo, PaulMicou, Dnrabfounder 77445 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14mud 6 111 3 3 3» 3» L Lang 7 Venizelos, Caligula. Far Last 77238 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1 :48%fast 13-5 107 2 2 2« 5« I Parke 8 Mas. Hand. Westwood. StumpJr. 77125 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:48%fast 5 106 1 1 11 2« L McDott 8 Brunell. Advocate. Longboat WIDGEON, ch. g. 5 105 By Star Shoot — Wids Eyes, by Hamburg. Trainer. J. Lowenstein. Owner. S. Sineer. Breeder. M. Jones. 79298 hurchill 3 4 l:!2*fast 18 107 11 8 4* 7»3 R Yelton 13 Jakiellay. RoyalPalm. Longboat 79257 Churchill 11:40 good llf 110 8 5 3» 3=1 U Yelton IS Modna. Westwood. Sway 78971 Chun hill 3-4 l:RHigood 26 108 4 4 3t» 3*1 R Yelton S Brunswick. Sequel. Ben Bolt 7S797 Lexgton I I I IWLfhl 42 108 12 12 11 9" R Yelton 12 Rapid Hay. My alet. Nimrml 78748 Lexgton 3-4 l:13fast 3S 103 7 6 6»k gas R Yelton 9 Minus. P.Iolitic n. N ghtyN isba 78412 llunfton 1 l:4C%fast 61 110 5H R Costello 8 Dreamer, Topango. Halu FANCY FREE, blk. m. 5 107 By Hessian— Ruth L.. by Dorante. Trainer. J. 0. Whitlow. Owner. F. A. Forsythe. Breeder. F. A. Forsvthe. 79262 Churchill 2-4 1:13 good 19 113 10 9 7 5«1 L Lyke llC.lyn. Flting On. Auntie May 74815 I.atonia 11-2 2:33 fast 4 105 2 2 1" 1J I. McDott 10 RerlyLove. Sagamook. K pa long 74661 I.atonia I 1 I UttfMI 3 107 4 1 1" 1" J Howard 13 Georgette. Kimpalong R Mary 74285 I.atonia 1 I t lWajlatt 9-5 110 6 5 3 P M Garner 8 Brotherly Love. Rosh. WNUk 74110 L-xgton I 1 1 " 22-5 112 5 3 S* !!! M Garner 9 ■llUIWia. R. Crown. Baladin 72920 Lex.C.FT 1 1-16 1 :47Vfcgood 1 115 I* C Mlberry 6 Col.Tenn. Tulane. M. Prosperity 7 1684 Latonia 1 1-4 2:06%fast 41 10519 3 ll 1° J Howard 12 D.Gilbert. Kimpalong. B.f Home 71587 Latonia lm70yl:43 fast 14 101 6 6 4« 4»4 R Doyle G Re Good, Llewellyn, tap Rock 71488 Latonia lm70y l:43Vifast 17 107 8 6 7* 7" O Willis 8 Sea Court. Be Good. Plus Lltra SEA COURT b. g. 6 100 By Sea King — Lady Hillington. by Carry Herrmann. Tiainer! R. McGarrey. Owner. Four Oaks Stable. Breeder. G D. Widener. 79004 Churchill 1 1:41 slow C 110 6 6 7t S» H Stutts ■ Repeater. Opulent. Lucidus 78944 Churchill 1 1:42 hvy 71 108 4 5 41 5» H Stutts 8 Pequot. Allie Ochs. Ruby .8830 Lexgton 1 3-1S 1 :59%fast 5 11016 1 H 2 M Garner 10 StoneAge, Maj.Chiln, S.ofPl nre 78727 lexgton 11-8 1:55 good 14 107 6 2 3» ! F Smith S PaulMicou. WnutHall. K k gton 78614 Lexgton lm70y l:50%hvy 5 107 5 3 41 Ill Mergler 1 1 Requot. Our Star Servitor 77936 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 :51%hvy 30 106 6 11 11 ll» H Stutts 13 TanSon. Ksearpolette , R y lDiick 77803 Jefferson 11-16 1:48 fast 30 107 8 10 10 10" H Stutts 0 F.Bean. Eastlndian. Fr zySn zy 77762 Jefferson 1 IS 1:55 fast 25 105 2 3 6 61 H Stutts 8 JouJou, Highspeed. ThrceSquare NEWMARKET, ch. g. 4 112 By Wormleighton — Polly Connelly, by Disguise. Trainer. A. L. Kirby. Owner. J. Livingston. Breeder. J. Livingston. 79304 Churchill 1 1-16 l:47%fast 61 109 8 7 6 6" ■ Pool 8 RkyMfn, Bkf tBell B .V cente 79218 Churchill 1143 hvy 19 113 2 4 4 4« R Harton 4 Blue Nose. AngmMaid. lnumph 75996 Jeffmson 3-4 1 16%elow 5 105 2 3 5 6*1 1 Corcoran 7 John Finn. Roseate II.. Rrunel! 75856 Jefferson 3-1 l:16%hvy 8 100 6 t 51 V3 W Fronk 7 John Firn. Thorndale. Admirer 75514 Church = 11 3-4 l:ll%fast 54 110 6 C 5 5« T Rrothers 6 Pegasus. Great Jaa, Petty Beall 75455 hurchill 3-4 l:ll%fast 63 U0 5 7 7 7" T Brothers 7 Audacious. Dr. Hickman. Pegasus GM»3 Belmont 3-4 st 1 :11 fast 50 117 23 10* 9" J Callahan23 Sallys Alley. Zev, Wilderness «;r,128 Holmt 51 f MC 1 :05%fast 21 115 6 I 3 2» L McAtee 9 Curtis. Flagstaff. Comixa C..0I2 H"lmont 51 t st 1:03 fast 10 116 10 61 5*1 C Kummerll Cyclops. AmorPa trine, Shamrock 04541 Saratoga 51 f 1 :08%hvy 7 115 8 5 6s 4*1 I* McAtee 9 Daniel, Shamrock. Douglioregan 04460 Saratoga oi t l:05%faj t 6 109 7 7 6* 671 M Garner 8 Eiichanft. BJitTomorw. Aladn C4286 Saratoga 5-8 59 fa3t 4 U7 3 « 6* 441 A Johnsonll Zev, Enchantment. Dunlin