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WHEELING ENTRIES The figures under the beading; "Rec." .n the entries below show the best time of rnrh horse it the distance since January 1, 1922, no matter where it finished. In case where record was made on other than a fast or pood trees, abbreviations show track conditions. "6I«0 IS FlItST ITTIIEX OF 1954. ;»68C IS FIRST NUMBER OF JUNE. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 2:30. OONiipen-.r inn. I runner. XGo.xl niii.l runner. s»:Fair mini runner, M Mniilens. •Aporenllot • Down lire. hP.liuKera. Tlie following abbreviations are used to designate tracks at wbich time records shown in entries were made: Aqueduct Aq Jefferson Park. XP Aurora An Kenilworth Ke Belmont Park BP Kempton Park XP Bine Bonnets BB King Edward Xi Bowie Bo I.atcnia La Churchill Downs CD Laurel Lu Columbus Co Lexington Lx Connaught Park CP Maple Heights MH Conneaut Lake CL Marlboro Mb Dade Park DP Mobile Mo Devonshire De Mount Royal MR Dorval Do Omaha Ora Dufferin Dn Pin.Hco Pm Empire Em Reno Re Fair Grounds FG Saratoga Sa Fort Erie FE Tanforan Ta Hamilton Hm Therncliffe Th Havre de Grace HO Tijuana TI Hawthorne Hw Toledo Te Havana Hv Windsor Wi Huntington Hn Woodbine We Jamaica Ja First Race— 1-2 Mile. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Todays Tn-V TTorw. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 79078 MHadden MH 104 :47% 114x725 79622 •Groat Waters Ml Mn 100 :48 100.. 720 793321 Cantores Hv 10F, :49%s 111x71.". 79332- Rorkomar Ml.JPlOS :50 101x710 79678 Black SandlMlMH 102 :48% 97. 70T, 78978 Capt. Doane M. 101.. 700 Second Raoe — About 5-8 Mile. Purse J.MKi 4-ycar-old« snd upward. Claiming. 79668* hPrinress Myrtle .. 7 98..72.r. 79076 blkwtor /.ah 11 111x720 79552 bCex 11110.715 75808 liArrah Go On 9 105x715 79611 Tom Norris 6 107x71.7 8917 bCopyright 7 HSXTU 79502 *l. Adventure r, K.0X7I0 78668 Lucky Pearl 8 103x710 I79E6. E!ga 8 109x710 78764 UKirt Grass 5 111x710 79561 Mil-la 8 KSxKir, 79664 Jack Pot | 108..70.-. 79502 bMonsoon r. Ill X MS 74007 Miss Parnell 7 »«X700 73761 Rtarkador 8 105. .700 78683 Gldom 7 106x700 Third Race — 5-8 Mile. Juvenile Purse. Furse O0. 3 .Tear olds. Claiming. 79606 Kcths Dream .... 109. .725 79505 I,eona Pare 11.r . .720 79505 Miss Margaret ... lOW.. TIT, 79505: •Trafalgar 109x715 79665= • Atonement 100x7!.". 195061 Somerby 111x710 79441 Ashburton 111x710 78431 •Viennese 94.. 700 79361 bill. Mi 101.. 700 74253 Coley McOcvittM 105. 70.I 78478 Oneida 109 «" 700 79563 Ana Jewell 107x700 78984 The HibcriiiainM 100 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. Punae 00. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. 79683 Busy Bot. MH 113 1:13 4108x725 79454 Stella Maria . .Ja 110 1:13% * 103x720 79561- Primus Ja 94 1:1.7% 4 105.. 71". 784571»bltiddledee Hv 10,". 1:14% 7 100X715 78597 tkase BP US 1 :14%s I 107X71.". 79612 Silrer Springs. FG 107 1:14% ■ 107X71". 79601- Pilades Hv 112 1:13 3 102. .710 79624 The Plainsman! M La 107 1:1.7% 4 ia%. .705 79297s Wild Pop Ht 112 1:15% 11 107x700 78623 bHubl.ul. Hw 103 1:15% 11 107®700 78887 Reluctant Hv 105 1:14 % 6 107. .700 Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. Inaugural Purse. Purse 00. 3-year -olds and upward. 79670- GLENN Hv 107 1:12% 8 113X725 79613 MteCM I* MO l:13Vr. 5 113.715 79610 Pom Express.. Hv 113 1:13% 4 109. .715 79670 Noou Glide Hv 105 1:13% 4 114x715 79443 Jotlv MH 106 1:12% 4 111x710 TVW9- Pair Row. na ..MH 101 1:12% 3 102. .710 79S13- The.. Mil 110 1:13% ■ 111X710 78483 An ilia S Hv 105 1 :13 4 105x705 79613 bCrystal Ford. . .BP 125 1 :13 8 109*705 79551 Kecommcudation BP 102 1:12% 4 119X700 Lady Trilby, b. f, by Rostur-tiuni — B u a y Alice, by CunarU 3 95 Sixth Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 79614.. Herron Br MS 1:13% 7 lOl . . 725 79490 Hughie MH 104 1:13% 4 107X720 78818= •Clenlivet Hv 107 1:13 4 100.. 715 78921 liWincliester Lxll.".l:14%s 6 107.715 79610- Forewarn MH 1O0 1:14% 4 11ox715 79336 *Fan:e Ft; 102 1:14 ■ 109. .710 78414 bKrcd Kinney ..Ml 113 1:14 I 102.. 710 74m3 •.lanjuelia Mn HO 1:15% 5 100. .70.. 79669 •Phelon Ht1W1:17%s »i 109x707 7961C3 bllard Guess ..Pin 115 1:15% 6 11W..70; 79664 Little Kouqxr Ti 90 1:14% 6 107X700 Seventh Rtc* — 1 iiile and 70 Yards. Purse $.500. 3 year -olds and upward. Claiming. 79411 bleace Pal He 100 1:45% 5 10J®725 79379 III Sja»Ml Co 89 1:53% 4 109x720 79566 Josie M 4 109x715 70666 Illustrator I »" . 715 TWrOibKof MH 107 1:45 9 104. .710 79629 Lieutenant Perkins MH 112 1:42% 7 111X710 79614ibAssume 10 104*705 79683 Futur.tte 1102 1:47 4 102X705 T9457 Bob Baker Ti 111 1:47 * 11Iand700 78888 Toinahoi Hv 109 1:46% 5 104x700 65868 bsSunny Hill I* 111 1:46% 9 104X709 . . A .