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Entries and Past Performances LATONIA — ■ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4 J WEATHER CLOUDY; TRACK HEAVY. I The figures under the heading "Ree." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1922. no matter whero it finished. In cases where record was made on other tban a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 7G460 18 FI11ST INDEX OF 1924. 78C88 IS THE FIRST INDEX OF MAY. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:001. ® Superior mini runner. X Good mini runner. :: Fair mini runner.. iM Maidens. •Apprentice allowance, b Hliiikers. The following abbreviations are used to lcsignate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made : Aqueduct Aq Jefferson Park. XP Aurora Au Kenilworth Ka Belmont Park BP Kempton Park KP Blue Bonnets BB King Edward Ki Bowie .Bo Latonia La Churchill Downs CD Laurel Lu Columbus Co Lexington Lx Connaught Park CP Maple Heights MH Conneaut Lake CL Marlboro Kb Dade Park DP Mobile Mo Devonshire De Mount Royal MR Dorval Do Omaha Om Duf f erin Du Pimlico Pm Empire Em Reno Re Fair Grounds FG Saratoga Si Fort Erie FE Tanforan Ta Hamilton Hm Thornclif fe Th Havre de Grace HG Tijuana Ti Hawthorne Hw Toledo To Havana Hv Windsor Wi Huntington Hu Woodbine Wo Jamaica Ja First Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse ,400. 3 .rear-olds. Claiming. Track record: Oct. 7, 1916— 1:43%— 3 -122. Todays Ind. ITorseAPostPos. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Hsn. 79636 Ann M., 3 CD 102 1:49 105x725 795331 Lady Jane, 2 .CD 102 1:49% 100X720 T9635 Bona Vera MI. 1 ......CD 95 l:51%m 103X71.1 79420 1 Dunlo Ml. 6 ... 108x710 79627 The Competitor, 4 Lx 107 1:49% 108X70T. 79533 Devil Cirl. 7 .CD 9911:48 98x700 79036 Florence W-. 5 CD 103il:50% 103.. 700 Second Race — 5-8 Kile. Purse ,400. 2 year olds. Maidens. Fillies. Special Weights. Track record: June 23, 1923—59—2—110. 794212 Donna Santa, 14. 115X725 .79421s Buttress. 8 110X720 78749s Rockland Princess. 6 115X715 7962S3 My Dream. 10... 115x715 T9472" Beulah Stone, 9.. 115.. 710 79632 Atomin, 3 115.. 710 79628 Bit o Honey, 13. 115x710 79340 Aviette. 2 . .. 115. .705 78668 Brunliilde. 4 115.. 705 78939 Cordon Kouge. 12. 1 15.. 700 Loving Cup, 1 115 Vallette, 6 115 Wahkeena. 7 115 Buckwheat Cake, 11 IIS Third Race — 3-4 Kile. Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: July 2, 1923—1:10—3—100. 79530 Ten Sixty, 9. . .La 102 1:12% 4 97x750 71683s bArarat, 5 Ilv 126 1:11s* 6 107x745 74635 Inquisition. 3 .La 100 1:11% B 102 ™ ; 79298 Jakie Hay. 15. CD 110 1:12% 4 110.740 79635 Brunswick. 2 ..Ke 99 1:11% 6 112. .740 j 7S619 bCloogh Jordan. 41 u 105 1:13 5 "«X40 78694 Marionette. C .BP 102 1:12% 4 10 X740 - 72845 Pompous, 1 .. La 107 1:13% 4 107..7o 79380 Naughty Nisba. 7 * BP 97 1:12 5 105.. 73- 79386 Lugs. 10 La 113 1:12% 5 112X735 79259 Lierre, H U 107 1:13% 4 102. .730 j j 71235 Sakal, Ml. 14. la 115 1:13% 4 107 730 j M : 5 11..X i30 , . 77932 Carpenter, 16 .WO 99 1:13% 77218 bMolinero. 11 ..Hf 110 1:14 6 102. . .« 708822 Banner Bearer, 12 La 105 1:13% 4 107X725 . 77079 •Glentilt. 13 ...HG 108 1:13% 4 102X725 Fourth Race— 3-4 Kile. , Havlin Hotel Purse. Turse 000. 3-vear-olds and upward. Allowances. , Track record: July 2, 1923—1:10—3—100. 79343 Hopeless. 1 .. .Lx 107 1:12% 4 106X750 I J 79383 bBuster. 2 11111:11% 5 118.45 , 78974 Man Jong. 3... FG 100 1:12% 3 95X 40 i • 78783s Hpic and Span, 4. Sa 115 1:13% 3 98.73.. j 79424 Alchemy. 5. ...CD 92 1:12% 3 100.730 1 79301 Dudley, 7 Lx 106 1:13 3 9S...30 . Magic Wand, 6.. 3 107 • Fifth Race— 1 Kile and 70 Yards. Newport Purse. • Turse ,700. 3 Tear-olds. Allowances. , Track record: Nov. 3, 1917— 1:41%— 3— 128. . 78903 SUNSPERO. 7 .. 1O5X750 I 79583s Bob Tail. 8 lft,y34!? I 79424= Beautiful Agnes.O 9NX40 I i 79583s Corinth. 2 105X735 » 79343 King Gorin II.. 5. 115.. 73". 79583 J. G. Denny, 1... 10.. X 730. I | 79301s Lord Martin. 4... 107.. 730 ,• 79301 Peter Maloney, 3 107. .725 i • Sixth Race— 5-8 Kile. j Purse ,400. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Track record: June 23, 1923-59—2—110. 79631s Sorlins M, 15.. i03®725 I 79174 Wuhu. 14 108x720 78632 Mv Destiny, 16.. 111x715 ! 77971 Neat Girl. 10 107x71.» 79631 »Bad Luck iMi, 1. 98x710 79681 Fireaway Ml. 4. 100. .710 ! j 79622 Partner Jewell, 9. 105.. 710 78672 Deeming M. 12. 108x710 79261 Bucko Ml. 3 98.. 705 | 79268 Persian Maid Ml, 6 108.. 705 • • 79631 Afternoon Tea Ml, 13 108. .i0a 79268 C. T. Worthington . Ml. 2 103. .700 79261 Karachi M. 5.. 113. 700 77669 Federalist M. 7 113.. 700 79062 Hun CouawujM, 8 103.. 700 1 78749 Agness Call Ml, 21 -.---. 114.. 0O 79686 Rocking M, 17. 110. .700 Seventh Race— 1 1-8 Kiles. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: June 20, 1014— 1:50%— 3— 105. 79636 Brotherly Love, 6 MH 104 1:51% 7 114X725 79687 Fancy Free, l.La 110 1:53% 5 117X720 79581 Sands of Pleasure. 5 CD 102 1:51% 11114x715 79636 War Prise, 2.MH 101 1:52% 8 114x715 r" 796322 bRaider. 9 Lx 112 1:51% 10 111x710 • 79529 bKamkin, 3 ....Ft; 111 1:53% 6 114. .710 I 79386 Jouett, 7 Ln 106 1:52 7 111X710 79632 Huonec 4 Lx 108 1:53% 6 114X705 79682s San Vicente M,8 3 107.. 700 0