untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-06-10


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"The Pink Sheet" Price: Ten Cents DAILY RACING GUIDE was primarily intended as a newspaper for the student of form and as such has fulfilled its mission to the "nth" degree. It is the first on the street with entries and it is first in handicapping. It gives one handicap-pers selections and thus far has led the country in selecting winners. An unbiased newspaper, tabulating the selections of the leading handicappers of the country, show DAILY RACING GUIDES handicapper leading the field. Have you bought a copy of DAILY RACING GUIDE? Here is a sample of the usual daily selections: "THE END OF A PERFECT DAY" REGREN PICKS SIX OUT OF SEVEN RACES AT FAIR LATONIA FRIDAY REGRENS SELECTIONS 1— Ballot Brush, Devil Girl, Glanmore. .BALLOT BRUSH WON 2 — Rockland Princess, Cordon Rouge, Black Deuce ROCKLAND PRINCESS WON 3 — Naughty Nisba, Royal Palm, Carpenter NAUGHTY NISBA WON 4 — Audacious, Bourbon Boy, Startle AUDACIOUS WON 5— Alice Blue Gown, Buster, Dustabout ALICE BLUE GOWN WON 6 — Bear Shot, Step Along, Ocean Current. . BEAR SHOT LOST 7_Make Up, Parader, Llewellyn MAKE UP WON SIX WINNERS-ONE LOSER REGRENS BEST FOR FRIDAY AT LATONIA Make Up WON AT BLUE BONNETS Flint WON AT BELMONT PARK Brainstorm WON AT OMAHA Sweeptona LOST AT DUFFERIN PARK Kellys Queen WON Fridays record— SIX WINNERS at Latonia, TWO WINNERS at Omaha, TWO WINNERS at Belmont Park, THREE WINNERS at Dufferin and ONE at Blue Bonnets. SEVEN second selections at all tracks WON. Five Parlays given and TWO WON.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924061001/drf1924061001_10_3
Local Identifier: drf1924061001_10_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800