4th Race [4th Omaha, Daily Racing Form, 1924-06-10

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c • j e • 1 I I ;1 n _ . t r ■ ■ s F. • ■ s e s e rl - r IS II lu j. , • r r M rf .s .j- „ .e _ 5S ,k _ il ■u 4-th RAPF 5 1_2-- tyyi* y- 3-year-olds. Claiming. May til, 1D24 COLLISION, b. f, 3 113 By Hand Grenade— Maid of Athens, by Borgia. Trainer, R. Neal. Owner* R, Neal. Breeder, R. Spreckels, 79692 Omaha 3-1 l:15rast 12 102 1* D FrogttelH Menage. Debtor. TU Seth 78439 Tijuana :.-4 1:15 fast 81 Mi 6 1 1» 3j G Ellis 7 Betty Allien Derby . oles Taxn 78348 Tijuana 5 S 1 :01*£fast 15 107 5 4 5i 65i J Smith 8 I.ady Tiptoe. Shifty, Miss Spears 78301 Tijuana 51 f 1:08 slow 43 04 6 7 7* 77J O Cooper I Lamtedt, A. U-ster. Boomerang 78111 Tijuana 11:46 good 40 93 8 8 61 6° G Cooper M Oe.-idta. Mizaana. MaryContry 78032 Tijuana 5-S 1:03. ihvy 8 99 6 6 6" 6*1 J Bers 12 Serena. Luekv Dollar. Vibrator 77642 Tijuana 5-S 1 :01*»,fast 62 103 6 8 8 S5 A Clavcr 8 MissNanfa. Boss Man. Convent 77023 Tijuana 3-4 l:14%fast 120f 105 9*1 G Mein 10 BossMan, VirginiaB., L.Thistle LEMON SETH. br. g. 3 107 By Seth— Lemon Girl, by Madstone. Trainer. C. B. Irwin. Owner, C. B. Irwin. Breeder. B. A. Jones. 79814 Omaha 5J t l:lo..livy S-5 M 4* J Gerrity 10 Aryanna. Haari Dale. Clip 78278 Tijuana 5-S 1 :04i hvy 14-5 113 111? ll P Martinz 9 Ms, Tayoltita. Expressive 78215 Tijuana 5-8 l:02%good 4 96 1 4 4 2=k M Frey 11 Bobby Allen. B. Meyers. GrnSprg 78075 Tijuana 5-8 1:03 slow 12 100 1 4 21 6*1 D Jones M Boomerang. Convent, Atoneiunt 78066 Tijuana 5-S LOlandf.ist 22 98 1 4 41 4*1 M Frey 7 RomlcMe. Mnic I.ox. Flax 77882 Tijuana 5-8 l:01%fast 10 101 4 5 6 5" W Molters 7 A. Lester. SpenShot. ombtistion 77731 Tijuana 5-8 l:02%mud 11 M 7 6 5*1 5*1 O Clark 12 Duty Boy. Bardalid. Sly Fox PRAISEWORTHY, b. g. 3 107 By Jack Atkin— Meritoriously, by Miller. Trainer. M. J. Hays. Owner, Emeryville Stable. Breeders. White and Rikes. 78350. Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast 11 109 7 7 7 5*1 J Maiben 7 Zillab, Josephine Newell. Settee 77863 Tijuana lm70y 1:45 fast 32 93 7 6 7 7»1 P Hum 7 ShsMeu.ory. Cypn-me. Taxation 77756 Tijuana 51 f lMlTsgood 46 107 13 10 71 7"l J Gerrity 13 A. lister. Fast I.ov. S -thsAIbi 77623 Tijuana 5-S 1:02 fast 83 M 8 8 S 5- J Gerrity H Taxation. Fast Boy. MiaaNaata 77468 Tijuana 51 f 1:08 fast M 107 6 6 7« 6* J Smith S Selhs Alibi. P.ardalid. Cvpreme 77380 Tijuana 51 f 1:07 fast 7f 108 11 11 11 11" ■ Legere 11 Lit. Thistle. Publi.-v, SethsAIibi 77273 Tijuana 51 f 1 :07 fast 29 104 7 7 6* 6*1 J Smith I Span. Rose. FastBoy. Pret.Mally 77162 Tijuana 51 f 1 :07 *4fast 61 107 5 6 6 5i J Smith I Hitrurnp. SethsAIibi. M.Vintura 7 7021 Tijuana 3 4 l:14%fast 18-5 98 1* P Hum 13 Maysville, Little Smile. Dalton EXPRESSIVE, ch. g, 3 M 104 By Manager Waite— Belle of Ashland, by Ornament. Trainer. W. G. Harvey. Owner, W. G. Harvey. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 78465 Tijuana 5-8 l:00%fa-»t 91 M 3 4 9 ! * L Creery 9 A Lester. Stone Hell. Wiki Jack 78395 Tijuana 5-S 1:02 fast 3-2 108 3 3 41 4*1 A Collins 11 Lucky Dollar. Vibrator, Debtor 78349 Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast 15 102 2 1 ll A FrancolO Brauiton. Eva Ackley. P.ardalid 78278 Tijuana 5-S 1 :04ihvy 5 112 2 4 3* 4| J Glass 9 Lmmoii Seth. Seba. Tayoltita 78208 Tijuana 5-S 1 :01*~ihvy 14-5 100 6 3 4* 3« D Jonea 9 Cadmus. Kilkare, Betty Ald.-n 78085 Tijuana 51 f l:0S*£fast Hf 107 5 8 9 Sr,i F Horn 10 Contrihul ion, P.ardalid. Seba 78071 Tijuana 41 f 54!4fast 125f 104 10 10 10 9- F Horn 10 Motor Cop. Bill M. C:oy, t Vdric KILKARE, ch. g. 3 M 104 By Paicines— Miss Behave, by Martinet. Traiaer. A. Turner. Owner. J. Singleton. Breeder. F. J. Ke.ley. 79692 Omaha 3-4 l:15-fast 51 1P 6" J SingeltonlO Collision. Menage. Debtor 78395 Tijuana 5-S 1:02 fast 33 -10 M 2 13* 73 J Wood 11 Lucky Dollar. Vibrator. Debtor 78278 Tijuana 5-S l:04,f.hvy 27-10 112 5 3 6 Su F J Baker 9 Lemon Seth. Seba. Tivoltila 78208 Tijuana 5S l:04%h y 3 104 4 11* 2* G Cooper 9 Cadmus, Expressive, BeltvAlden 78032 Tijuana f.-S 1 :03Vf,hvy 4 1 4 2 1 2 5i R Zuchinil2 Serena. Li:ckv Dollar, vibrator 76076 Tijuana 01 f 1:08 fast 21 107 10:* P Hurn 11 I.Biizzer. B. Shasta. MissNantur.i 75833 Tijuana 5-8 1 :03%slop 7-5 109 3*1 W Pool 8 L.Thistle. T.Competir. Boomerg 75445 Tanforan 5 8 l:02%slow — 109 5s* B KenndylO TheFalconer, Hellebore. Keaolani TIS SETH. ch. g. 3 M 104 By Seth— Tze-Lsi. by Voter. Trainer, B. F. McClain. Jr. Owner, Ak-Sar-Ben Stable. Breeder. B. A. Jones. 79961 See todays chart. 79914 Omaha lrn70y 1:50 mud 81 100 3" H Garner 7 T. Desert. J.Heffering. Swig- r 79692 Omaha ::- l:tf%faat S 111 4" H Garner N Collision, Menage, Debtor 71718 Hawthne 5-S l: 5%hvy M 115 6 6 6 P» E IVtzol.lt T Sarazen. Bran.leis. No I.idy 71113 Omaha 41 f 5l**.fast 21 112 5 5 5 P| ■ H Bnes • I rescetit. Clever Seth. Baleful 70896 Omaha 41 f 58*imud 51 114 4 4 31 21 E H Dries S.sFlower. Ma z Seth. A Chtnut 70801 Omaha 41 f 57femud 13 114 4 4 4 451 E H lines I S.sAk S.-Ben. Brdeis. S.sKler 68781 Havana 1-2 49 fast 6 Ml 9 9 9 9,T F Meiim.-e 9 Norseld. DixonsPriJe. Suzuki SPIREA. b. f. 3 107 Ey Irish Exile— Nebraska Lass, by Highland Lad. Trainer, A. Neal. Ow-:er. .T. Stephenson. Breeder. L. L. Allen. 79909 Omaha 51 f liUPtmu.l lOf MM 81 ■ Neal 11 MissKm.G.. Ask Jessie. BlueVan 78502 Tijuana 1 l:41%fast 60f 95 6 11 11 7 • K Hglandll Faber. Stone Bell. Miss Fryer 78326 Tijuar.a 5-8 1:01 good 75 93 7 7 7* 7Ti G Cooper 10 Joe Tag. Furious Bill, Atlianna 78174 Tijuana 51fl:07%fast M 9« 8 9 10- J LVr- 11 Kamst.-.lt. fettaftc, .M.ibelRule 78100 Tijuana 3-4 l:17Smud l| 102 6 1 1*1 ll T Wilson 6 Pntag.-iief . Ch. Master, Re.lMan 78085 Tijuana 51 f LOSSfast 57f 99 7 7 5 C*i T Wilson 10 Contribution. Bardalid. Seba 78032 Tijuana 5-S 1 :03,s.hvy 15f 104 18 7 i!J T Wilson 12 Selena. Lu.ky Dollar. Vibrator RUNPLY, ch. g, 3 107 By Runnymede — Nanna, by Puryear D. Trainer, H. E. Calwell. Owner. H. E. Cahvell. Breeder. A. B. Spreckels. 79811 omaha 3-4 116 h.y 16 100 C"* M Connrs S Tubby A., Meiia-e. Bronston 7«328 Tijuana 3-4 I :13%good 28 95 5 6 6 6:i I Cooper 7MollieR.. Little Beach. Trusty 78122 Tijuana 51 f 1 MRfaat 63 105 6 5 i| 4 1 E Fatnt S Contribution. Stroller. A. Lester 78075 Tijuana 5-S 1.03 slow 33f 104 6 7 71 4- . Cooper 10 Boomerang. Convent. Atonemnt 77623 Tijuana 5-S 1:02 fast 24 M 7 5 61 Sl B Fator 8 Taxation. Fast Boy. MissNanfa 77249 Tiju-.na 5-S 1:02 fast ISf M 7 4 |i j» ■ Fator 12 Speedball. Dell Kvans. Bardalid 77179 Tijuana M l.W%fa1 150 Mi 5 6 CI 6!i J Maib n S Bus.K.-at.in. Niagara. Freebooter CAP AND GOWN. ch. f. 3 M 93 By Seth— Miss Parks, by Albula. Trainor, E. Robb. Owner. E. Eobb. Breeder. W. J. Grist. 79692 Omaha MLMlfllt 71 IXl 9- H Hist. n 10 Collision, Menage. Debtor QUAVER, br. g. 3 107 By Iron Cross II.— Mood, by Martinet. Trainer. R. D. Williams. Owner. Williams Bros.. Breeders. Williams Bros. 79909 Oaaha H t rttfcomd 5 107 CJ J Heupel 11 MissLmt; . Ask Jessie. BlueVan 78799 L..xgton 1 1-16 l:4S*tfast 7 M 6 5 P 6" D Jones 8 Muskeg. Inni.-eBley. TheCompr 78667 Lexgton 3-4 l:!S%t— rl 93 97 S 8 10« 1J-* 1 Jones H Kit lroxell. Minus. SnowMaideu 7390C LaKton Htl-M hvy 24 103 4 4 4 4-1 Parke 4 BlaekGold. Wortlinoie. B Agnes 70662 I.atonia 5 1 :03"ihvy 15 lJ4 5 3 3* 5» T Brothers S Lit. Clair. K-venti.ie. Battlelteut 70471 Churchill 5-S l:0.1«4fast 23 103 I 1 1* 1 T Kro.herslO Quinham. Everglade, Asapb 70314 Chur.-hill 41 f K%hVy 51 110 I 1 3 4«l T Broth rslO Musk. g. Bark, Arahis 69936 Chunhill 41 f 55 mud 53 10 9 8 8 8* J Corcorn 9 Welcome, Bat. Bent, Frosty Boy First start t ~r the following: FAIR TRIAL, b. c. 3 99 By Trial by Jurv— Mint dOr. bv Mint Trainer, J. A. Dennis. Owner, J. A. Dennis. Breeder, J. A. Dennis, HONEY BOY. br. c. 3 M 104 By Walter Johnson— Miss Honey, by Wool Soap. Trainer, C. S. Williams. Owner, C. S. Williams. Breeder, C. S. Williams.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924061001/drf1924061001_9_3
Local Identifier: drf1924061001_9_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800