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I COL I TOM SLOCUM This is my second advertisement to appear in this publication since offering1 my services to the public for the first time in my long career in Kentucky. Those who lived up to their agreements have not regretted it. Wishing also to announce only 25 per cent, lived up to theirs. My terms in the future will be: WINNINGS OF A FIVE DOLLAR PLAY WIEED DAY AFTER RACE as new subscribers find it hard to remit on my good -priced winners, under tha impression success will not continue. When you are connected with a responsible well-known turfite, and producing, why not live up to terms and continue ? I wire one horse a day, never more, after the scratches are posted in racing secretarys office at 9 a. m. Gen-tlemea, you cant equal my offer nor deal with any better posted horseman. Rush name and address. Wire me as follows: LAT0NIA RACE TRACK, COVINGTON, EY. Positively no mail. I DISTINCTIVE SEEVICE Kentucky Turf Bureau 1350 BROADWAY NEW Y0EK CITY 0 FOR SIX WIEES OR FOR ONE DAY Continuing Our Unbroken Record c of a Winner a Day at I.atonia The Runt . . .60- Won I MAKING C WINN KKS IN 6 DAYS From the sam. smart operators that i wired us Saturdays wire at Latonia • | SAN YICENTE .00- WON MAKE UP 0.10- WON [ DISTY MARY 3.60- WON IHSTY MARY 7.30- WON CLAKENCK 2.20- WON Special Rate -BALANCE OF LATO-NIA MEETING 24 racing days fifty dollars 0.00. c i Subscribe at once for winning turf r advice. v 00 * PER WEEK NET PE0FTT Easily made with small capital by operating the t STAR SYSTEM. Averages about two plays daily every play is te WIN ONLY — on the nose. Small payment down — balance from w.n-ings. Write STAR SYSTEM 82 Union Square, Room 602 NEW YORK CITY C GARS WEEKLY 35 CENTS— NEW ISSUE OUT TODAYS FREE CODE: c LAT 0NIA — Vermont - Boy - House - Wat J s f e s 0 r ! P p S CHAS. RAYMOND COMMISSIONER 16.00 DAILY— 0.00 WEEKLY ANOTHER WINNING WEEK Yesterdays Only Horse: Moorfield .70- Won and the fourth straight winning week is started, 1. Bear in mind, my friends, I ONLY GIVE ONE E HORSE A DAY. This is not a SYSTEM or selec-. tion, but real TRACK INFORMATION, on one horse .e a day. GET 00 THIS WEEK Start with a 0 bill on each of my horses every day and hit the HIGH AVERAGE. There is no need to spend hundreds of dollars for information. My terms are as low as they come. Terms: Daily— 6 Days, 0 Wire W. U. or Postal without delay as the terri-• tory covered by this paper is practically filled and d I urge you to subscribe for a week or more to be sure that you are not shut out. Here are my past three weeks winners: Saturdays Commission Special: GOSHAWK ....2.90- Won J BALLOT BRUSH $ 8 20-S2 WON ANNIE JORDAN 0 40-52 WON k ROCKLAND PRINCESS 4.80, $ 9.40-S2 Second CLARENCE 2.20- WON J MARIE MAXIM $ 9.25- WON » WEEK OF MAY 26: WINDING THROUGH 2.80- WON M0DNA Ran Third SUNNY DUCROW 9 50 WON PRINCESS D0REEN 2.60- WON * WEEK MAY 19: PRIVILEGE $ 9.90*2 WON HUBB AND PUDD 4.60-82 WON * OPULENT .90*2 WON SWAY 1.80- WON Four to five winners every week. Not perfect, but t as good as can be bought at any price. LATONIA SECRET LONG SHOT TODAY. A hcree that can negotiate the slippery going at i Latonia. In fact, a wonder horse that few, if any. can give a chance. That is what you get today. And i the price, why I EXPECT 15 TO 1 TODAY. And you will take your hat off to me for this , one. Rush request at once. Send correct street * address to ROOM 338, 206 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY r , j , ! 1 BOBBY ALLEN ONLY ONE HORSE DAILY .00 DAILY — 0.00 WEEKLY YESTERDAYS OCCASIONAL: Polly Leighton .8.40- Won I This one was given to replace my withdrawn i horse yesterday. MY RECORD PAST 9 DAYS: Rockland Princess .20- Won Ocean Current 4.30-- 2nd Rkld Prs 8.40-.40- 2nd I Just necked out Wrangler 0.70- Won Chas. J. Crgme 1.60- Won , Beau Nash 7.95- Won I Sunny Ducrow. .9.50- Won I Llewellyn . . • • . 6.90- Won I Abstract 2.20- Wql 0 to And this is just what my big Kentucky .00 ! Occasional should pay today. Mr. Player, dont let stop you from obtaining this big winner. 0 PAYS FOR ONE WEEKS SERVICE H Six Racing Days Remember, I am personally at the scene of action. STAR MONEY HORSE GOES TODAY Remember, this kind does not go every day and I advise all Bobby Allen followers that have won on my one horse daily .00 Occasionals to get my | big Star Money Horse today. TERMS— ; call at office or wire. BOBBY ALLEN 23 Duane St., Room 605 New York City c I i | [ c i r v E. C. WALKER CLOCKER Elmont, Long Island, N. Y. YOU CAN HAVE MY SERVICES AS A CLOCKER I am clocking horses every morning at Belmont Park race track for a number of New York turf followers and have been so successful that I am going to give my service* to a few more people located away from the track. ONE HORSE A DAY— THE BEST WORK OF THE DAY My message tells you how to play and track condition. No business by mail — use telegTaph company. MONDAY I WIRED: Negociateur 5-1 Won SATURDAY I WIRED: Belphrizona 6-1 Won FRIDAY I WIRED: Negociateur 7-1 Won THURSDAY I WIRED: Hidalgo 7-2 Won You probably have never had the opportunity of connecting with a clocker of my standing before and if you will noto that I am sending out winners ovcry day, why not start to win now and dont wait until I am filled up with my quota and cannot accept any more players? SEND YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AT ONCE TERMS — DAILY EDWARD C. WALKEER Opposite Belmont Park Race Track Sandstrom 11, Elmont, Long Island, N. Y. t C "IF IN NEED OF INFORMATION, WRITE OR WIRE WHEELER" Am on the ground; well connected. Terms: Winnings of 0, to be 7 to 5 or better. Wire for code. General Delivery, Latonia, Ky., or wire Latonia Race Track. W. M. WHEELER 8 v c Our weekly Parlay Page is worth while. Buy " copy from your dealer or send for 4 weeks. a GALLOPS. 219 S. Dearborn St., Chicago P 1. E .e no d J k J » * * t i i , * r I i I , I I I ! H | HARVEY AMES EABLE BUILDING BBOADWAY AT MB STBEET KEW YOBK CITT Yesterdays "Harvey Transaction" INDIAN TRAIL, 8-5, WON The following, addressed to followers of "Harvey Transactions" by Mr. Ames, who returned to the New York office Sunday, should prove of interest: My Friends: Upon my return to New York, which was for the ex- press purpose of knowing the reason why Fridays and Satur- days "Harvey Transaction" failed, I concluded arrangements for the "Harvey Transactions" of this week, with the result that the first, yesterday, INDIAN TRAIL, won easily, de-i feating the heavily backed favorite, MACLEAN. Unfortunately nine horses were withdrawn in the race, but the result would have been identical had they all started, in view of the weight arrangement. In the last start of IN-J DIAN TRAIL, where he finished third, beaten seven lengths, my personal investment was 5,000 to win, but the start, owing to rail position where he had to pull up, spoiled all chances. Yesterday, ten minutes before post time, 2,500 was wagered by three persons throughout the country on this horse, and it is interesting to note how the odds went up on INDIAN TRAIL, while MACLEAN, with Sande up, practically backed off the board by the public at Belmont Park and the outsider, INFINITE, closing at 5 to 1 after having been ten. FAN the smart money went on MACLEAN, while the right money, as the race showed, was placed away from the track, and, owing to the lateness of the hour, made return commissions to Belmont Park impossible on INDIAN TRAIL. Win or lose, every "Harvey Transaction" is more than well meant and plenty of money is behind same, endeavor- ing to make it a success. I address you as friends, since it is only friends who make this service possible and a success, and friends alone believe in you and under any conditions. There is something in life besides the monetary side. I am referring to the confidence which people in general re pose in this service and in myself, and for which I am grate-I ful and wish to express my appreciation. The popularity of this service is shown in the fact that twenty-three followers of "Harvey Transactions," at present in Europe, availed themselves of INDIAN TRAIL yesterday through European representatives in London, Paris and Berlin, respectively. Very truly yours, t/,:,: HARVEY AMES. Subscription, 00, for today, or 00 for today and tomorrow, should be in this office no later than one oclock this afternoon* Those telegraphing subscription later must call this .office over the telephone before two—thirty, New York time. As in the case of INDIAN TRAIL yesterday, no attention is to be paid to last performance of TODAYS "Harvey Transaction." TELEPHONES—CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 8 v 0.00 ONE WINNER— SIX WINNERS, 00.00 John B. Trainor 1452 Broadway Telephone, Bryant 3513 New York City Who gave this one yesterday! THE RUNT .60- WON YEBY SPECIAL — 15.00 for one winner. This special offer Is for new clients only. I want to get in touch with responsible sportsmen who will work with me on the level. I only handle live horses and any of them may lose, but I have a very high percentage record on winners. WHEN YOU JET MY WIRE, YOU HAVE A FIT HORSE AND ONE THAT IS RUNNING FOB THE PI BSE. Telegraph or mail your subscription at once and LET ME PROVE IT My record speaks for itself. 70 WINNERS IN THE LAST 88 DAYS Where can you do better! Fourteen years in the racing field, four months at this address and not ever connected with any other office or with any other service enterprise. Becent record: June 9: June 3: The Runt .60- Won Clarence 2.20- Won June 7: June 2: Late scratch; withdrawn Sligo .90- Won account of conditions Mav 3,: June e: Nimrod 4.00- Won Ballot Brush . . ..20- Won ■ May so: June s: Elm .25- Won Won Ma, 29: Sandalwood ...2.60- _ . June 4: The Runt .70- Won Passport 7-1,2 1-2-1 2nd Wednesday, May 28: EXODU6 1.90- WON Delajs pay no dividends. Beat the game with winners and telegraph subscription at once. | — -J " a P ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM; Subscribe for Dally Racing Form