2nd Race [2nd Omaha, Daily Racing Form, 1924-06-10

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O-J DA Or 3-4 Mile. 4-year-oldn and upward. Claiming. Jnne 3, 1924 I Znd RACE 1:11 3-5 4 103. ALICE ATKIN. b. m, 6 107 By Jack Atkin— lady Clara, by Requital. " Trainer. T. E, Bucil. Owner, T. K. Bvell. Breeder. O. H. Chenault. 7 75097 Phoenix 5-S 1:0? fast 7 106 1* M Frey 7 EffieRandall. PokeyB.. BrolaRki 7 75642 Phoenix 5-8 1:0! good 13-r.f 108 4» M Frey 11 MissSprs. CstleCrowu, AltoNero " 75588 Phoenix 4i f 57%good 25 105 7*1 M Frey 9 Dc land. Dennis II.. Dan Arvi 7 SPINAWAY gr. g. 7 112 By Sweeper— Xanthene, by Grey Plume. Trainer. E. E. Sterrett. Owner, E. E. Sterrett. Bred in France by Mrs. H. B. Duryea. . JQQKA J-*.** todiivs ctl3.rt * ■ 79773 Omaha 11.41andfast H 104 5*1 H Zander 8 Encrinite, Pembroke, Pmpadour . 79693 Omaha 3-4 1:15 fast 61 115 5"J H Zander 9 Full Moon. Settee. Madrono .! 78845 Cilmhiia 51 f 1:10 fast 6 109 5-J H Zander 12 Clem Thei: en. Enos. Dixie Dick . 78655 Colmbus 51 f l:09-*.6good 9* 112 ll11 G Dyson 12 Arrowhead. Bojul, Bccoup . I8U4 Colmbus 51 f l:12%slow 7 112 Pulled up. W Mnders 9 Pepper Ten. Koma. Jago 73098 Columbs 3 4 1:14 fast 21-10 106 . 21 F Horn 4 Topnngo. Fire Cracker. Sis. Susie - 73030 Olumbs I 1 llflft 2 108 2s J Byrne I F. Cracker. M. Reig»I. Sis. Susie __ 72977 tolumba 61 f l:21*4fast 6 102 l1 F Horn 7 F. Cracker, C. o theRoost. Glenn ; HILLSDALE, br. g, 6 107 By Mont dOr — Lady Hillington, by Garry Herrmann. Trainer, F. B. Doyle. Owner Mrs. F. R. Doyle. Breeder. G. D. Widener. ■ 77883 Tijuana 41 f 55%fast 43 113 11 10 101 10" G Abel 12 MayBruen. Mart Bunch. DeLand ■ 17250 Tijuana 3-4 l:14%fast 5f 115 12 10 10= 10" H Flynn 12 St. Angelina. V. Monfry. Neg ■ -17160 Tijuana 3 4 1.14%fast 21 115 1 4 a* 12-! K Ericksn13 Gralian. NorfdHoney, Ves. Bells j 17036 Tijuana 3 4 l:14%fast 8 112 1PJ K Erieksnl.i Bedazzle. Dan Ilogan. Apricot 77000 Tijuana 5-S 1:01 fast 5f 113 P* It Doyle 10 Fur. Bill. Bill M Cloy, Clarkson , 7C825 Tijuana 6 f 1 :08%slow 9 113 4*-* R Doyle 11 DickTerpin, Clarkson, PlowStecl FONZA RAY, b. m. 5 107 By Prince Hermis — Lty*y Mils, by Campus. •" Trainer. G. P. Hurn. Owner. G. F. Hum. Bree f r. J. Odell. 78168 Tijuana lm70y 1 :47%fast 9-10 100 2 1 1* 3 P Hum 6 Martha L.. Dainty Lady. Flame UNI Tijuana lm70y 1 :47%hvy 13-5f 111 2 1 H 2« P Hurn 9 FullMn. TwveBells. Sum rSigh « 77987 Tijuana 1 1-16 1:51 mud 24f 100 2 2 3| 6 P Hum 8 Hemic; Sau. MtBunch. Dntyl/y , 77755 Tijuana 3-4 1:14%good 30f 108 8 8 9" 9*3 P Hum 10 .Stocking. M .Fryer. WW inner 77339 Tijuana 1 1 16 1 :48%fast 23 108 4 4 31 6* P Hurn 11 Miss Claire. Peiiwell. Madge F. • 77270 Tijuana 3-4 1:15 fast 17-10 115 2 S 6» 10*1 P Hum 13 Dia.Di.k, Vesp. Bells, MarseJohn - 77161 Tijuana lm70y 1:46 last 12 110 1 1 2» 2* P Hum 12 MadgeF., Mor. Castle. W. Willow J F. G. CORLEY. br. g. 8 115 By Jack Atkin— Eglantine, by Martinet. I Trainer. J. T. Johnson. Owner. J. T Johnson. Breeder. R. Warfield. j 79810 Omaha 51 f 1:09 hvy 12-5 113 5=1 C Gross » Slip. Smile, Virgo, Em. Williams , 79658 Omaha 51 f 1:07 fast 71 113 2 C Gross S MayBruen, CalgaryLad. T.Almr 78325 Tijuana 3-1 1 :14%slow 12-5f 110 14 14 81 6J J Matben 14 MayorHse, Flame, HyBurgne . • 78258 Tijuana 51 f 1:10 mud 21 112 8 6 4* 2« J Maiben 10 Norfd Honey. Coombs, S Bell I 78185 Tijuana 5 1-2 f 1 :08%good 61 120 12 8 5 21 J Maiben 13 Stone Bell. Lady Moore. Ailliro , 78118 Tijuana 5-8 l:02Vsfast 61 118 10 7 61 5| J Maiben 11 Settle. BlcheMeyers, Charmant I 78063 Tijuana 3-4 1:14%fast 20 114 14 8 71 3J J Maiben 14 Toombeola. Prin.Myrtle. J.Ftn , SEA WRACK, b. g, 4 Ml 112 By Wrack— Delft, by Burgomaster. Trainer, B. F. McClain. Owner. B. F. McClain. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 79663 Omaha 1 1-H", ] ♦gfast 16 102 5«J J Gormley 6 FairOricnt. Nebraskal-ad. Chivrj ; 77850 Jefferson 1116 1:50 fast 40 1"8 11 3 2 5*1 D Jones 14 West wood. Lit.Ammie, Tay.Hay 77781 Jefferson 1 1:42 fast 30 115 7 12 131 14» J Owens 15 Omnipotent, Servitor. Mr. Beck : i 77192 FGrnds 3-4 l:14*»,good 30 106 6 9 ll1 10" H Stutts 12 Arrowhead, Doughnut. Venizclos 76858 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14**fast 50 99 12 9 11 10*1 G Noel 14 Poppye. Arrowhead. Venizeios 76607 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13*4fast 30 95 12 12 12 11* G Noel 12 Good Time. Hysteria. Rhincgold 1 CLIP, br. g, 8 112 By Sain — Clip Hook, by Watercress. Trainer. F. C. Marmet. Owner, R. J. Marmet. Breeder. L. B. Comb? 79814 Omaha U f | Willi J 16 112 3 E PetzoldtlO Aryanna. HazelD.iIe, I.emo::Setli i 78501 Tijuana lniTOy 1:47 fast 7Jf 102 5 4 7 13" G Ellis 13 Col. Lit, Mary Doe, Mrs. Pat t 78416 Tijuana :"J f 1 :08*ifa?t 10 113 7 11 10* 6* H S Jonesll Chrome. Zinon. Sea Beach , 78354 Tijuana 51 f 1 :07*-ifast 13f 112 11 8 5s 5* H S Jonesll Preservator, PayOff. Bookworm 1 KIMBERLY, br. g. 10 112 By Ben Trovato— Africa, by Savile. Trainer. E. Stillman. Owner, E. Stillman. Breeder. O. H. Chenault. 74158 Omaha 5-8 1:04 mud 7 111 7 4 10* 10*3 E Barhamll Int. Capt. Tom. M:;ry Mallon 74124 Omaha 1 l:40*ifast 15 102 3 6 8* 8" H Zander 1 BonBox, Burgoyne, J.Cr.drwood I 74075 Omaha 3-4 1:14 fast 27 107 5 1 U 2 H Zander 12 Sty. Miss. I.W.Harper. Bepent 73805 Willows 6J f llVfefast 11 112 6« S Smith 7 Quinam. Welga. Mary Fuller 7S668 Willows 6 f l:23%fast 6 114 1-1 H Molters 7 Ykroad, W.C.Dooly. Royallrish 1 7S445 listings 61 f 1:J5 fast 10 110 Gi D Powell 7 N. Shore, PssRedbird. C. Frances 1 ALICE BYERS, ch. m. 6 M 107 By Deering— Ellaneer, by Electioneer. Trainer. J. Walker. Owner. J. Walker. Breeder. T. H. Jones. 79863 Omaha 5-1 f l:07%fast 18f 110 8T1 F Horn 12 F.Glorioeus, Cnoiihall, Fnandos s 74186 Omaha 11:46 mud 11 112 1 1 21 2*» ■ Taplin S Docod, Col. Tex, Chas.A. Byrne 73910 Omaha 5-8 l:06%hvy 5 115 3 6 41 43 W Varley 9 Paula. Volima. St. .lust 7:=C90 Omaha 5-8 1:01%fast 8-5 111 1 1 1» 21 E Barham 9 Jean Corey. Boerne Trinket 73541 Omaha 3-4 1:14 fast 5 115 2« E Barhaml2 G. Bryan. I. W. Harper, M.Iiuisc ; 71183 Omaha 5-8 1:01%fast 19 110 3 8 3* 3» W Varley II Flossie F., Fern Iaf. Firo 71112 Omaha 3 4 1:llandfast 30 110 4 3 3 4«3 W Varley 11 FuieMe. Mab.Kripp. S Stefano MISS SPEARS, ch. m. 6 102 By Proapero — Masker, by Plaudit or RequitaL Trainer, J. T. Strite. Owner, J. T. Strite. Breeder. S. A. Beckham. 79812 Omaha 3-4 l:15%hvy 16 99 2« O Clark U Full Moon, M. Contrary. T*pham l 79694 Omaha 3-4 1:15 fast 15 110 4s E Neal 10 W.Wner, B Heal. W.Mgomery r 78495 Tijuana 5-8 101%fast 50 111 3 8 71 5* E Neal 9 EittleLess, Dr.MeArtr. E.Uwn i 78393 Tijuana 3 4 1:14 fast Gl 110 2 5 5l 6T M Frey 7 Snow Cap, footers. Fay wood 78348 Tijuana 5-8 1:01 %fasi 23-5 107 3 5 4 3 M Frey 8 I.ady Tiptoe, Shifty, Betty Alden i 78325 Tijuana 3-4 l:14%slow 12-0f 103 6 4 4" 5* M Frey 14 MayorHse, Flame, IIyBurgne BOOKWORM, b. m. 0 102 By Von Tromp — Candlewick, by Candlemas. Trainer. J. Rose. Owner. C. H. James. Breeder. E. Cebrian. 78501 Tijuana lm70y 1:47 fast 12 103 2 1 11 5"J C Corbett 13 Col. Lit, Mary Doe. Mrs. Tat 78491 Tijuana 3-tl:14%fast 9f 102 3 5 21 21 K Hgland 14 Joxl Hope. Pay Off. Bridgette 78354 Tijuana 5Jfl:07Hfast 17 102 5 2 21 3l C Corbett 11 Preservator, PayOff, Miss Jane c FULL AGAIN, b. m. 8 105 By Harrigan— Betty Fuller, by McGee. Trainer, B. A. Moore. Owner, B. A. Moore. Breeder. B. A. Jones. 79961 See todays chart. 79867 Omaha lmTOy l:46%fast 23-10 107 4 ■ Zander 9 Quinine, Ella Wood, John Arbor • 79770 Omaha 1 1:41 fast 13 104 2* H Zander 10 Praise. Ella Wood, Yermak 78444 Tijuana 1 1-8 l:55 4fast 479 107 11 12 121 10J E Neal 14 MarthaL.. Col.Dit, GreenSpring j 77924 Tijuana lm70y 1:47 fast 19 lOf 106 11 11 11 10" ■ Neal 11 Flye.ist. Furor. Canny Lady 77831 Tijuana 1 1-16 1 :49%fast 19f 106 13 13 13 !!» J Wood 13 Cavaldrll. Encrinite. Insurce e 76640 Cul.City 3 4 1:16 good — 115 - 1" E T Moore S Canvasback, Fred. Fear, SilkSox • t6583 Cul.City 1 l:43*4good — 111 715 E T Moore 7 Orleans Girl. Tutt. My Laddie INNOVATION, b. m, 11 110 By Hilarious — Common Sue. by The Commoner. Trainer. R. Snicer. Owner, Spicer Bros. Breeders. Williams Bros. and Holland 1 79732 Omaha 51 f l:07fast 32 113 8J B Spicer 12 Quota, Miriam Wood, Perch 74189 Omaha 1 1-16 l:54%mud 47 109 I 6 61 711 J Carroll 9 Pembroke. Jay Mac. Gen. Byng I 74128 Om.ha 1 1 :40%fast 17 112 1 9 8» 851 J Carroll 9 Torsida. Masviile. W.VoiuStcp I 73961 Onaha 51 f 1:10 slow 19 116 1 4 51 4« R Spicer J» F.G.Corley. Tmbeola. Malzaveua ;1 71182 Omaha I 8 LOlVsfast 7 113 3 6 5i 2 R Spicer 11 EthellL. Missllebert, MeldyMan n 71077 Omaha 51 f 1:07% fast 12 113 4 5 51 PJ R Spicer 9 Mar. Thorpe. MaeSeth. M.Hebert VELVET, ch. pi, 10 107 By Transvaal — Fair Allen, by Dandie D.nmont. Trainer. W. Gargan. Owner, W. Gargan. Breeder. Hinde and Baker. 79728 Omaha 51 f 1 :08*4fast » 110 5i G Sutton 9 Pay Off. Sea Beach. Ispham _ 76804 Cul.City 5-S l:0l7tfast — 113 2J C McCrlue 9 Mr Kruter, Uncupll., D.deGoise 76731 Cul.City 3-4 l:ir.%good — 108 G" H Hay .Dairyman. D.dcGuise, Virgie K. 76674 Cul.City 41 f 56 good — 1C6 9= H Hay 11 I.adySmall, Oldlted. HelenMajor . 76642 Cul City 41 f 55%good — 114 4"! J Kellum 8 Do Admit, Due de Guise, Kinetic 76122 Pho. nix 41 f 54 fast 9 105 79i G Sutton 11 Annabelle. Old Bed, The Vamp 7G081 Phoenix 3-4 1:14andfast 12 1C6 Gi G Sutton 9 Three X.. Pat Carter, Dragoon BOREAS, br. g. 9 112 By Zeus— Yuletree. by Hastings. Trainer, C. Joces. Owner, C. Jones. Breeder. E. Renshaw. 74011 Omaha ll:40%fast 19 107 10 10 91 9» H Zander 12 J. C in pbell, Srn. Alex, Hal Wright t 71187 Omaha lm"0y 1 :4!rifast 8 116 8 7 41 33 F Horn 9 Byrne, Uegreso. Dancing Star 71117 Omaha lm70y 1:« fast 41 115 1 6 61 31 ■ ODonn110 linccrest. Ilopover. DaiicimrStar 70874 Omaha 1 1:45 good 2 110 7 3 51 5» I ODonnl 9 Texas Chief, Hopover, Kazan 70807 Omaha 1 l:50Vandmud 13 104 6 6 6 6" J ODonnl ■ Ch. Hollers. WterDant, Korblr r FLOATER, b. g, 9 M 112 By Flotsam — Orsino, by Onrieto. Trainer, J. H. Stockdalo. Owner, J. H. Stockdale. Bred in England by W. Allison. 79732 Omaha 51 f l:07%fast 13f 115 11= J Clevgrl2 Quota, Miriam Wood, Penh

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924061001/drf1924061001_9_1
Local Identifier: drf1924061001_9_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800