7th Race [7th Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1924-06-10

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*74li DA PIT a 1-R lMlle*. 3-year-oldn and upward. Claiming;. June 20. /Ill nAUL 1JU4 1:50 1-5 J. 105. ftUOTATION. b. f. 3 89 By Martinet— Cliff Top, by Clifford. Trainer. B. D. Williams. Owner. Williams Bros.. Breeders. Williams Bros. 79760 Latonia lm70y l:51%hvy 18-5 96 3 1 1* P R Wiams 7 Sea Court, Moorfield, War Prise r 79527 Churchill 1 l:41%hvy 9-5 97 1 1 2* 1" It Wianu 8 War Prize. Roldgold, Jack Frost 79036 Churchill 11-16 1:49 good 7-5 97 6 3 3" 3 D Jones 7 Tho Reaper. Muskeg, L. Jane 75436 Churchill 3-4 1 Vi%i asi 21 102 10 S 51 5*1 W Lancet 15 Bourbon Boy. Buck Pond Pest 75161 Latonia 61 f 1*8 fast 8-6 104 C • Ik 1* B Harvey 12 Blusie, GentleJulia. Mid Follies 74810 Latonia 1 f l:07ftfast 3 2 K 1 1 1* 1* I Parke 12 BonaVera, RollgWave PergyO 4J12A4 ljlnnia 6i f l:07*4fa«t 12 103 2 t V Jl T Brothers 12 C.GUmore. Q.CharmK, BGracJUe" ., r! B* " " le *• n re k il n t a rt "c S it h 1 ■ , * h ■ n a n ■■2 5"?% .lk- m 5 113 By Hessian-Bntb L.. by Dorante. -,«eiir™ner 5 ° wbitlow- Owner. F. A. Forsytbe. Breeder. F. A. Forsvthe. ll.«Z ",urrhni ***! aWftlBl 11-10 111 6 2 V V L Lyke 7 Dobson, Ballot Brush, Privilege l«»ll ,hu,rhin I l:41*4mud 4 107 6 3 2* 21 H Stutts 7 Newmarket. SeaOourt. Widgeon 2?*6: Chur«-hi» 3-4 1:13 good 19 113 10 9 7 6«1 L Lyke 11 Glyn. Filing On. Auntie May 2;?I? J"0"!3- 1 12 i33 fast 4 106 2 2 in U L McDott 10 Berlylxve, Sagamook. Kpalong J;»»3 ¥T-atona * M i:05fast 3 107 4 1 lb l» J Howard 12 Georgette. Kimpalong, R. Mary Z/,,* Vaton,a 1 1-8 l:53%fast 9-5 110 6 3 1» M Garner 8 BrotberlyLove. Bosh, Wild Lifa -o«oa Bt°n lll61:51*mul 22-5 I" 5 3 jajlH Garner 8 Everywoman, R.Crown. Baladin ,£J~Q Lex.C.Fr 1 1-16 l:47V6eood 1 116 2» C Mlberry 6 Col.Tenn. Tulaue. M. Prosperity FALLOT BRUSH, b. g. 3 103 By Ballot— Galloping Queen, by Ben Brush. ,«*i. Iner E C Frakes- Owner. R. C. Frakes. Breeder. J. L. Carrick. 79941 Seo todays chart. -o?H tt n,ia lm70y 1;4:i%fa8t 31-10 112 2 1 HUH Gray 10 AnnieLyle. Bugler. LondonSmok* -»Zll Chaichill 1 1-16 l:4fssf*VH 16 105 2 3 3 3» H Gray 7 Fancy Free, Dobson, Privilege .,2o lurchiIl 113J fast 8 107 4 2 4* t|H Gray 7 Logs, War Prize, Privilege i«r £*""*"! . .•i!1" Bood 1« 109 7 7 8* 7*1 H Gray 11 Glyn. Flting On, Auntie May iaot UrCl1 ! !-16 ] Vtfast 41 108 5 4 4« 4«i H Gray 6 Blanche Mac, Quesada, Dobson -Ao ?hu.rc,"» UXSgood 4 110 3 1 2» 2* K Gray 0 Dobson. Frankman. King Tut -??«!? isKt"n S-4 1 17 hvy 10 104 4 4 li 1* H Gray 6 Glyn, Bullet Proof, Exchange 7446.. Latonia 61 f 1:07 fast 33 108 8 9 9 7«1 L McD ott 9 Sanola, Seclusion. Midwestern PEQUOT, ch. c. 4 113 By Hilarious— Halesia. by Martinet. ■,o«i7rainer H- T Watt8 0wne. »• * Watts. Breeders. Williams Bros. -«£•!« 1-f.tonia lm70y l:42V,fast 32 105 7 6 5* 6" D Mergler 9 Firetoma. MissMeise. -Mah Jonr 4„?,2 Churchill 7-Sl:28Mihvy 6 111 6 4 41 4« O Ellis 7 Llewellyn. Ten Sixty. Modna nil« t-hurchill 1 1-16 PlOftslop 21 113 1 2 U H G Ellis 6 Quesada. BP. I.c-Mac, Kkl.vgton "2i Churchill l l:3y%good 13-5 110 16 5 5" S Griffin « AuntieMay. Mist.Mary. J.Mo-sher -J,oo Ch,urchlU 1 12 hvy | 108 7 6 3 1 S Griffin 8 Allie Ochs, Ruby, Kscarpolette .7936 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:51%hvy 8 115 4 1 V 1* F Thdykell Our Star. Servitor. Kent L. M00*FI?:LD. b. g, 3 ioi By Astronomer— Mirka. by Peter Quince. T««Ji™lner P Haye»- Owner, T. P. Hayes. Breeder. K. P. Shipp. 79935 See todays chart. -o-ci! !atonia ■ * l:13%slow 6 109 G 8 8 8" L McDott 8 DustyMiy, P. Politician, Phidias ioi»H ;iatoni?- Im70y l:51%hvy 41-5 104 5 5 5 3* C Grannn 7 Qrotation. S.-a Court. War Prize -noo« hurchill 1 1:48 hvy 11-6 107 1 2 2* l* L McDott 7 P.Politician. AnnieLyle. Phidias Hti» CUrc]?!11 3-4 1:16 hvy 12 109 1 2 P 1* B Kenndy 8 Sandalwood. Double T.. Mex.TM lirl, f,hu.rchlU H:43%slop 30 104 5 7 7 7" B Kenndy 8 WarPrize. I oflTsure. PrimeK. lelai „ mhus 5-8 1:05 faat 13 110 8*1 J Majestic 10 IncleAbe. Bigwig. Judge ■lPkmo 78486 Colmbus 51fl:12%hvy 7 103 4 F SerembalO Nan. McKay. FastBoy. AuntJane 00 5JL5*: br4,mU5 108 By Pataud— Rusty Coat. by Eth-lbert. -oca. ?Iner 0wner A- W. Jackson. Breeder. J. D. Neet. 4o.o ;;Uonia lm7»y l:42%faat 10 101 ! 7 G 5*3 J Pevic 9 Piretc.ma. Miss.Mc-i a, Mali Jong ion«o "h11 1 1-1S 1 :50%rriud 61 107 5 5 5* 4" N J P.nes I Intried. Dobson. Stump Jr. ~---l Churchill ll:33«4fast 91 108 6 2 2* 21 R W hams S Lugs, Breechloader. Roldggold -??? hurchill 11-16 1:47 fast 6 111 5 6 5 4*1 D Jones 9 Elias ., Halu. Randel LZtll * hurchill 1 1-8 1:54 fast 7 108 6 2 1 1* W Lancet 9 Bobbie Shea. Randel. Kimpalong l-ill C5?urchiu I 316 2:00 fast 4 109 4 3 3» 13 J Pevic 7 MissMeise. ParisMaid. RhlUN Z*.*. VhurchlU 1 U4 2:07 s,ow 8"5 n* 2 2 2* 2* M Garner 7 Lord Wrack. Randel, Haiti 75162 Latonia 13-16 1:59 fast 27-10 110 5 1 1» 1 M Garner ID Golden Billows. Pumps, Halu fttny|:B0. b. c, 3 106 By Royal II.— Lillian Shaw, by Fair Play. Trainer. L. H. Sewell. Owner. F. Weiland. Breeder. J. B. Respess. 79941 Seo todays chart. 3noi» Charchin I l"8 P53Vifast 5 107 3 6 G 4*1 E Pool 0 Offspring. AmityClm. Firetoma Jo,,, £hurrhlU ll:38%good 3 109 5 6 4* 4» D Hum 7 KingTut, PostDispatch. M.Mary o««, hurchill 7-8 1:30 slop 14-5 110 16 3* 3*1 M Garner 7 MissMiscbief, AnnieLyle. T.Ruiit ,,,,?„ V hurch,u 7-8 1:25%slow 18 10712 4 6* 6* F Colletti 15 Bourbon Boy. Giblon. J.G.Deaaw ,ZI,« raon J 1"!6 l:«%fast 41 93J 4 1 2* 2* B Brening 5 Barracuda. Isosceles. T.cPIPnenr IJI-Z F.Grnds 1 PlOandgood 41 107 4 2 2* 2* H Stutts 7 In rictus, Leonard J., Waukulla iliiH **-Grnda lm70y 1 :48%hvy 6 99 1 2 2 2* D Mergler 8 Anne. SethsFlower. AinityClaiin 7736* l-.Grnds lm70y l:455ifast 9-5 112 1 2 1* 1* I Parke 12 Troutwick. TheFenian. GladysV. MK" ,5?D ch J; 4 1X1 By Jim Gaf f ney— Mymer, by My Boy II. iner Grater- Owner. W. Grater. Breeder. J. S. Mullins. l-ilna ,o,o« -atonia * 1: 2 s»» 33 111 6 4 3« 41 B Harvey « Jupiter. Kseirpolte. FlowerShop 7.1309 HI. Grass lm70y 1 : 42% fast 57 1121 8" E Martin 10 Friz. British Liner. Opulent "; ■ l«rass lm70y 1 :43Vfefast 84 108 5J I! Harvey 9 Fos.Enibry, Tulane. ZackTerrell. 4. o2 Grass 51 f l:10%slow 7 110 1 B Harvey 9 FirstBlush. MrtlmMoore. Carter 7Z949 LX.Fair t 3-4 1:15 slow 18 108 4«1 W Meehan 7 Um, Hazel W.. II. Momenta

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924061001/drf1924061001_4_3
Local Identifier: drf1924061001_4_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800