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1 ! " J " " Entries and Past Performances BLUE BONNETS TUESDAY, JUNE 10 — WEATHER CLEAR; TRACK PAST. t 1 t I i j I r i i | r . The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1928, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. I . 7«4M IS FIRST INDEX OF 1924. 79686 IS FIRST NUMBER OF JUNE. Racing starts at 3:00 p. m. Chicago time, 2:00. WSnperlor mud runner. XGoocI mticl runner. :[:Kair mud runner. M Maidens. *Appreutlcs allowance. bBlinkera. The following abbreviations are used to lesignate tracks at which time record? shown in entries were made : Aurora Au Jefferson Park JP Aqueduct Aq Kenilworth Ke Belmont Park BP Kempton Park KP Blue Bonnets BB King Edward Ki Bowie Bo Latonia La Churchill Downs CD Laurel Lu Columbus Co Lexington Lx Connaught Park CP Maple Heights MH Conneaut Lake CL Marlboro Mb Dade Park DP Mobile Mo Devonshire De Mount Royal MR Dorval Do Woodbine Wo Dufferin Du Omaha Om Empire Em Pimlico Pm Fair Grounds FG Reno Re Fort Erie FE Saratoga Sa Hamilton Hm Tanforai Ta Havre de Grace HG Thcrnclif f e Th Hawthorne Hw Tijuana ...--, Ti Havana Ht Toledo To Huntington Hu Windsor Wi Jamaica 7a First Rac« — 5-8 Mile. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Claiming. Track record: June 13, 1908— 59 and— 2— 108. Todays Ind. norse. Wt. Bee. A.Wt.Han 79706 Let Me Forget. CI* 92 1:01% 105.. 725 79848 Aggie CB 111 1:02% 107. .720 79594 Marie Dattner .. 112. .715 79601 Ambulance ...CP MS 1:03% 107.715 79601 Damar CB 107 1:04 112X715 79547 Moonbrook 112. .710 77708 Silent Lillian .... 112.. 700 78338 Miss Virginia ... 107.. 700 78779 Gold Crump 107. .700 Diomar 115 Asekket 112...!. Second Race— About 8 Miles. Members Steeplechase. Purse ,200. 4 year-olda and upward. Claiming. 78778 bThe Trout 7 149 X 7 10 79849 Chuckle 5 142.695 79741 Trevigcot 5 146. .890 79741 Rocking Horse .. 7 145.. 080 79796« Double Tip M.. 6 149.. 685 7984»* bFlyin* Frof „..,. 7 142X685 Third Race— 5-8 Mile. Purse ,000. 3 year-olds and upward. Maiden Jockeys. Claiming. Track record: June 13, 1908— 59%— 2— 108. ZtSfl AvPa MB 113 1:03% 5 109.725 79743* Lady Chooo Ja 100 1 :0 3 lOOX?*© J**™: li1*—? A., 100 1 :01 % 3 99 X 715 7ST74J- Ulnnestone j; 107x715 79853 bMyrtle Crown ... j 104.. 715 79903 Much Ado a qr/nc 79550 My Valet 4 mX7l5 79801 Four O Five S lift, ns 79800 Heavy Artillery . 5 HLIO .9554 Cordelier 7 iq. 7jq 7 « «• te?" S 109X710 2F tn" Ma» 3 102X710 79554 blhie de Moray.... 6 109x709 tS ..I*"? °n 8 107X705 2;iS Si"-!." 7 114X700 77433 Tan II llitv-7ivt 79708 Brass Tacks 5 107x700 79679 Remily 3 97. 700 Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile Purse ,000. I year-olds and Howard Claiming l ack record: Sept. I. 1915—1:12—5—105. 79903 l.IYtcr Piper ...HG 110 1 :JJ 10 109 7" t 79542* ILicket Wo 103 1 : 13 «• -. 4 1 10 X T» 79608 Black Baby ..KI* MS 1:12% 0 107 715 79746- bStoncwall Hv 107 1:13% £ 1119x715 70679 Nancy McKay .„ 113 1 uo;, 1 1*3x719 78616 Tliessaly BP MS 1:12% 4 105 71o 7S850 Myrtle Bilson .HG 89 1:14% 3 MXTM ™%® -1Hose BB m 1:14 5 MS. .705 77933 /an/ihar iM .KG 103 1:14V, | 97x705 79711 Don Juan CT MS 1:17% I MBX7S1 79854 Calaxius M ... ; ,yi -qq Worm wocjd 4 10" Fifth Race— 1 Mile. Monkliu Handicap. ,200 Added. . year olds and upward. Track record: June 7, 1111 1:87% -107. P1" Multikins Ti 107 1:1: g 105x750 79906- Golden Rule ..Co 102 1:39*, 4 lll7r 79905 Calcutta CD 11211:39% 4 93 740 79355 Shuffle Along BP 10711:37% 4 1-4x740 78S40 lVcbller Sa 112 1:39% « KM x 735 79647 bStone Jug Em 112 1:40% 5 99. .730 Sixth Race — 5 1-8 Furlongs. Outroinout Claiming Handicap. Purse ,000. I year elds and upward. Track record: June ., 1911 1:05% 4 111. 79450 Admirer I o 114 1 :cC,% 4 114x725 79795* Mercury Til 113 1:07 ti 108x720 79795- Tidings Th loo 1 05% 0 108 x715 79653 Ablaze J P 10311:06% 7 105x710 69653* Sunny Light | MS. .Mi 79474 Kings Bans mll, 107 1:06% 3 106700 Seventh Race— 1 1-8 Miles. Purse ,000. 4 ear-olds and upward. Claiming Track record: Sept. 14, 1910— 2:33%— 5— 105. 79493- bF ANNIE BEAN.. De 108 2:35 5 107X725 79854 Irish Pat Pm 105 2:35% 4 100. .715 79854* b.Utorney Muir Pm 110 2:36% 9 107X710 I2 Iink" K •» - 36% 4 107X705 79854 "The Clockmender. Ho 98 2:34% 5 97X705 „ 79490 Spartina m , ,% 4 100. .701