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HARVEY AMES EABLE BUILDING BE O AD WAY AT 62D STBEET NEW YORK CIT9 YESTERDAYS "HARVEY TRANSACTION" TEN MINUTES, 11-5, WON TEN MINUTES was yesterdays "Harvey Transaction" and the only horse advised. Attention is drawn to the fact that TEN MINUTES finished sixth in his last race and had not won in eleven previous starts. Just another reason why "Harvey Transactions" enjoy the popularity they do and why so many confine their turf operations exclusively to same. Since last Monday six "Harvey Transactions" were advised, which means six horses in all, with the result that the six WON. WAR MASK, 11-5, WON BANNER BEARER, 5-, WON DAZZLER, 2.90-, WON BONTAUD, - WON BLOWING BUBBLES, .20-, WON TEN MINUTES, 11-5, WON A 50 investment on each of the six "Harvey Transactions" shows a profit, after deduction of cost of the information, of over I ,800 j v Since results speak for themselves, no further comment is necessary. Several "Harvey Transactions" now in preparation awaiting favorable starting conditions. One will start TODAY Subscription, 00, for each "Harvey Transaction" must be telegraphed promptly as all "Harvey Transactions" are limited to territory. Subscriptions without street address are ignored. The outlook for continued success, we are assured, could not be better. TELEPHONES— CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 "Bud" Edwards ONE H0BSE DAILY. .00 DAILY; 0 FOB 6 DAYS. AX0THER BIG WEEK OF WINNING INFORMATION Look at the winners and prices — Saturdays Winner: Krishna 2.90- Won Fridays Winner. Who Knows Me.1.10- Won Thursdays Winner. Lady Astor . ...7.00- Won Wednesdays Winner: New Gold 2.1 0- Won Tuesdays *Wtg* Marionte 2.80-$ 11.80-S2 2nd Mondays Wire: Prty Plitn 2.50-.30- 3rd Week before lasts big winners: KING TUT S 8.00- WON SWAY 3.10- WON BEST PAL ?32.60- WON And as long as they stay at Latonia I expect to keep right en putting them, across. What I say can be copied, but my winners cannot be duplicated. MAN ALIVE! Today it will do your heart and pocket good to have plenty riding on "BTJDS" BIO HORSE TODAY. Any one can enjoy prosperity by simply having a certain amount on my horse one only each day. Some of my big people have won over ,000 a day during the past week. TERMS: Now, 0 for one week. Make haste; subscribe immediately or you may be forced to pay 00 a week for this same information within a few days. Wire via Postal or Western Union. You are entitled to action when following me. Horse must always do its best or you get information FREE until you hit a live one. AN ADVANCE SUPER SPECIAL WILL START WEDNESDAY. Will be on the order of BEST PAL, 2.60, won. And it wont miss, either. Subscribe now. Get it. H. EDWARDS 158 Fulton St., 3rd Floor, New York City. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM - BOBBY ALLEN ONLY ONE HORSE DALLY .00 DALLY 0.00 WEEKLY Yesterdays .00 Star Money Horse: Bobbie Shea . . .1.00- Won Yesterdays .00 Occasional was WITHDRAWN .and all my .00 Occasional clients also received Bobbie Shea, as I take care of all followers in a big way. Saturdays .00 Occasional: Little Visitor ....20- Won Saturdays .00 Star Money Horse: Annie Lyle .00- Won Other winners the past wteek: Phidias .50- Won Lady Astor .. ..7.00- Won Revenue Agent ...10- Won Bob Cahill . . . .4.10- Won The kind that make the layers weep. REVENUE AGENT ?. .40- WON PHIDIAS .70-12 AVON BETELGEUSE 85.60-I2 "WON If you can stand prosperity, then get todays biff money horse. TERMS— .00. Wire or call. Some of My Long Shot Winners: POLLY LEIGHTON S.40- WON" WRANGLER 0.70- WON SUNNY DUCROW 9.50- WON LLEWELLYN «.»0- WON BIG .00 OCCASIONAL GOES AT KENTUCKY TODAY. This one should pay at least 7 to 1 and win ia a canter. TERMS: . One weeks service 6 racing days, 0. Bargain offer: 5 for daily Occasional and Stay horses for one week. Subscriptions may start any time. BOBBY ALLEN 23 Duane St., Room 605 New York City Subscribe for Daily Racing Form