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DERBY DAY RESERVATIONS Requests for Box Seats at Hawthorne July 12 Pouring In Fast and in Large Numbers. With the publishing of the complete list of Derby entries by the Chicago Business Mens Racing Association came a rush to the office for box reservations and by tonight every box will be spoken for. At the close of business last night seven season boxes had been sold and fifty-seven others sold for Derby day out of a total of 102. Business manager Essig immediately sent out a hurry call for help from John Irwin, chairman of the membership committee of j j the clubhouse. After a conference it was agreed that when the boxes were exhausted anyone taking out a club membership, which admits a person and lady every day, including Derby day, a concession would be made allowing members to invite four extra persons for that day, which would bring the number to that held by the boxes. Only the regular price of admission at the gate will be charged for these extra tickets. Joseph A. Murphy left last night for St. Louis to address a meeting of the leading mediants at a dinner at Hotel Chase, and start the movement for the revival of racing in Missouri. He will return Wednesday night and will open his office at Hawthorne Thursday morning, when John Carey and Herman Conkling are expected. 4