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I I j j i I I j ;J: ,1 tr * J * J c * I J I T * 1 I J S J , j I I j » ■; | | . 1 t 1 1 i • I 1 , 1 t 3 j D 3 t f • . 1 - • | I | 1 , J 1. e , t , 8 • 10 , fl , ■ 10 " 10 i; n i0 / — - ; •t d YOUNGSTOWN ENTRIES The figures under tlio heading "Rec." .n the entries below show the best time of eseh horse nt the distance since Jannnry 1, 1922, no matter where it finished. In case whero record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviatious show track conditions. 76160 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1921. 79686 IS FIRST ifUMlJER OF JUNE. Racing starts nt 2:15 p. m. Chicago time, 2:15. ©Superior mud runner. XGood mud runner. sMair mini rnnnrr. M Maidens. "Apprentice allowance, hi! linkers. The following abbreviations nre nsed to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made: Aqueduct Aq Jefferson Park. TP Aurora An Kenilworth Ke Belmont Park BP Kempton Park KP Blue Bonnets BB King Edward Ki Bowie Bo Latonia La Churchill Downs CD Laurel Lu Columbia Co Lexington Lx Connanght Park CP Maple Heights MH Conncau t Lake CL Marlboro Mb Dade Park DP Mobile Mo Devonshire De Mcunt Royal MR Dorral Do Omaha Om Bufferin Du Pimlico Pm Empire Em Reno Re Fair Grounds FG Saratoga Sa Fort Erie FE Tanforan Ta Hamilton Hm TTrrnclif fe Th HavTd do Grace HO Tijnana Tl Hawthorne Hw Toledo To Havana H» Windier Wl Huntington Ha Woodbine We Jamaica Ja First Race — About 5-8 Mile. Purse C0. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Todays Ind. norse. Wt i:-c A.Wt.Han. 83625» Vibrate C 103.. 725 83138 I.a Drolle ."* 97. 720 80166 bApple Jack II S 108*715 83414 Machavelli 6 108x715 83073 Warrior 4 1 33 X 715 79506 bLrnora P 7 111X715 79813 Spnmng 5 106.710 83385 Virge 10 103x710 ••.8384 bObstinate • Mt..fM 79561 bCover Up 6 10 ...705 E0131 Helen Lucas ■ 106x705 89103 Clearfield 8 10S..1W 80103 Ilena 4 106.. 703 19374 Cheeron M .1 104.. 700 79816 Queen of the Spa. 8 106. .700 Second Rac ! — About 5-8 Mile. Pnrse 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. 03072 bBabylonian 7 103X725 73336 Itofrair. I 108.. 723 803851 Flip 6 111. .715 77876 "ay Allen I 113.. 715 78385 Big Son 6 103.. 715 76434 Coax Me 6 111.. 710 83072 .Ta-nuelia ■ 106. .710 75329 British Isles 6 103.. 705 78561 Bine Dale 4 108. .705 71556 bBashful 5 111.. 700 83418 Anita K 4 100x700 89024 Doctor Tubbs I 103x700 76031 Judge Price 10 108X700 83134 Loyalty M 7 103. .700 74132 Banyan 10 106x700 Th:rd Race — 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 8f387 bPeter Pierson 4 108X725 80138 »Rock Conit 3 93. .720 79870 Fly Lady 3 101.. 715 8C387* Jacobean Co 112 1:23% 6 115*715 E0110 Chile 4 113x715 80418 •K-langer 4 108x710 8C389 bJohn Jr 11 115X710 80023 Bob Baker 8 1150710 80169 bMonsorn 6 115X710 80034 Conichon 8 115 x 705 79668 blndian Chant 11 115X700 E0387 »Dan Hogan 4 111x703 79487 Mike Morrissey M 3 103.. 700 Fourth Race— About 5-8 Mile. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 79972 BILL BLACK-WELL 7 108X725 80166 »My Friend Pat .. 6 108X715 80171 Stella Maris 4 10-"?X715 7967C1 bCock o the Roost 7 103X715 79970 Sweet Cookie 4 111. 715 80390 Sister Susie 11 111X715 80170 Bessie Hope I 102X710 80390 Somerby 3 104X710 80170* *!■■■■ White ... 3 102x710 80170 Seths Dream 3 102.. 71U E01S4 bIJoyd Gto-ge 8 113.. 705 80029 The Coyote 4 111. .705 80169 Miss Caltha 7 111.. 705 79783 Miss Margaret ... 3 101.. 705 79667 Kendall 4 113.. 700 Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. G. M. Kelvey Purse. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. E0389 The Plainsman. La 107 1:15% 4 107. .725 80021 Pony Express ..llv 113 1:13% 4 107. .720 79035 Soldier II Ke 109 1:11% 4 109x715 80416 The Bictator . . ..Ta 92 1:12% B 112.. 715 79872 Superanna Hv 103 1:12% 3 104. .715 80390 bTopango Hv 101 l:13Ms 4 107. .710 80172ibCrystal Ford...BP 125 l:12ys 8 109*705 80021 Lady Trilby M 3 95. .709 Sixth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Pur« 00. 4 -year-olds and upward. Claiming. 80389* Glenn CP 107 1:47% 8 106X725 80172J Amelia S. ...Hv 104 1:44% 4 99x720 80172 Over Step 5 105.. 715 8:«31 Little Hope ...La 107 1:44% 4 103x710 603S6 Bristow MH 105 1:45% 6 101x705 79445 bZack TerreU .MH 96 1:44% 5 109. .705 80031 bPiedra Ti 106 1 :44 % 9 101 X 700 Seventh Race — 1 1-4 Miles. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 80417 •Tomahoi La 105 2:06% 5 97X725 80391 Puzzle CD 107 2:09 6 108*720 80172 Dustman 3 103x715 80109 Mosie M 4 103X710 80137 *bLa Kross Bo 103 2:15%m 8 109x705 80133 duces 10 99X700 * .