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Of-. -l DA PC 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Allowances. Jane CMCI HAUL 25. 1921 1:3C 4 127. SUBURBAN, b. c, 3 M 110 By Vindex— Rural, by Moharib Trainer. J. A. Murphy. Owner, J. T. Ready. Breeder. F. W. Armstrong. 80369 Aqueduct 6Jfl:19%fast 12 U0 16 U 91 8" J Callahn 17 Gov. Smith, Upsal, Gasper 79895 Belmont 1 1:43 good 30 105 3 1 3* 3« J Callahn 9 Spyllead, P.Minister, P.Hamlet 79736 Belmont 1 l:38fast 100 98 6 7 8 8»1 H Richds S Plough Boy. Eaglet. Maclean 74514 Laurel 3-4 l:15%fast 29 100 10 10 8* 84 M Simon 14 La Drole, Without, Vehement 74416 laurel 3-4 l:13%fast 124 103 9 9 92 9TJ M Simon 10 Jimson, Suppliant, Rosa Yeta 74320 Laurel 51 f 1 :07%fast 13 115 8 8 8 82 E Ambrose 8 Modest. Suppliant, Jimson 73103 Saratoga 5fl:0G%fast 50 105 10 8 5" 8M Simon 11 Ormesvale, ISr Grass, R.andRye 72672 Saratoga 61 f l:06%fast 100 115 17 14 14s 14" M Simon 18 Klondyke, Sun Flag, Fly By 72551 Saratoga 5-S l:00?ifast 100 102 15 15 15 15" M Simon 15 Passport, B. and Red, R.andRye MOMS BOY, b. o, 3 M 110 By Troutbeck or Von Tromp — Mammy, by Sempronius J. Lowe. Owner, J. Lowe Breeder. E. Cebrian. 80369 Aquduct 61 f 1 :19%fast 7 110 11 Lost rider L Fator 17 Gov. Smith, Upsal, Gasper 79895 nniwnat 1 1:40 good 13 1061 9 9 81! 611 L Fator 9 Spyllead, P.Minister, Suburban 79691 B lmont 1 l:33%fast 15 115 12 9 91 6» F Smith 14 Pep to Peep. Ipsal, Long Point 75552 Chun hill 7-8 l:26%fast 10 112 8 4 5l 6« M Fator 14 C. Artist. K.ONll II., W.t.Wizd 75452 Churchill 1 1 :3944fast 6 114 9 6 62 62 J D Mneyl3 Dudley, Graeme. W. the Wizard 75371 Churchill 7-S lSnvy 6 115 4 6 42 6«1 E Scobie 11 Corinth. W.theWizard, TheRunt 1 DOLOMITE, b. g, 3 M 110 By Trap Rock — Limerick Lass, by Celt. Trainer, J. Fitzsimmons. Owner, Dosoris Stable. Breeder, H. W. Maxwell. 80369 Aquduct 61 f 1 :19*-ifast 15 113 7 3 61 6» G Fields 17 Gov. Smith, Upsal, Gasper 80044 Belmont 11:3S fast 25 10511 3 6»* 717 G Fields 11 AbiiBenAhdem, PlghBoy, Rland I 79855 Belmont 1 l:4U%good 4 112 5 3 31 23 J Maiben 14 Kit, Filomar, Gladys V. 79641 Belmont 11:40 fast 30 102 7 9 94 918 G Fields 11 TopSergt, D.Harum, Washgton 79223 Jamaica 3-4 LHftmud 10 115 8 3 3* 351 G Fields 9 Faenza, Magic Call, Louverne DESPERATE DESMOND, b. c, 3 M 110 By Trojan— Bella Desmond, by Desmond. Trainer, R. M. Odom. Owner, L. Rosenberg Breeder, W. C. de Gumoena. 78789 Jamaica 5i f 14S%Caat 8 115 10 5 54 31 C Kuirm.-13 Honor, Samaritan, Bonnie Omar 72525 Saratoga 51 f lOCrifast 15 115 9 7 7 612 A JohnsonlO Husky, Blind Play, Billy Todd LADY LONGRIDGE. br. f, 3 M 105 By Sweep— Lady Thistle, by Knight of the Thistle. Trainer. W. Perkins., Longridsre Stable. Breeder, Mrs. W. V. Thraves. 75088 Latonia I LilWivy 4 112 5 7 71 8*3 J D Mneyl2 SunSpot, DevilGirl, Phyl. Louise • 71933 LatCRte 3-4 1:13 fast 6 112 8 8 81 8«1 E Pool 11 NewGold, Dudley, Muldraugh 74687 Latonia 3-4 l:13%fast 3 112 6 6 6l 67 E Martin 12 P.Maloney, NewGold, N.McChord 1 74204 Latonia 51 f 1 :07%fast 31 115 2 5 3and 21 E Pool 12 Pearl Mesta. Medina. Waukulla 1 71712 Latonia 3-4 l:17rihvy 3 112 2 2 21 23 R Doyle 8 FreeUand, Phyl. Louise, Corinth HAZY DAWN. ch. f, 3 M 105 By Hurry On— Harbour Light, by Sundridge. Trainer, T. J. Healey. Owner. W. J. Salmon. Bred in England by E. C. Lindsey. 78617 HdeCce lmTOy 1 :45Vsfast 7-5f 107 2 4 31 3" B MrincllilO Broomfield, Sunsiot, Ebb Tide 78556 H.deGce lm"0y 1:44 fast 64 871 5 3 42 44 S Wliams 6 Nautical, MintoIL, Wilkes-Bre , 78527 H.deGce 3-4 l:16Vandslop 104 100 7 6 51 a4i J Wallace 7 Sunayr, Y. Princess, BlueMoon 7 2468 Saratoga 5-8 59%good 30 114 10 19 19 19" E Bell 19 Salacia, MissWhisk, Pris. Ruley «.9544 Pimlico 1-2 47%fast 7 115 9 8 82 811 J Butwell 9 Relentless, T. Water, No Lady K9448 H.deGco 1-2 48 fast 67 110 12 12 10l 10» E Bell 14 Remnant, Helen Cook, SunnySal 1 69267 H.deGce 1-2 4SVLfast 61 116 Wheeled. J Butwell 13 Remnant. Suuny Light, NoLady PHILOSOPHER, b. g, 5 M 115 By Fairy King— Preluka, by Polymelus. Trainer. J. H. Lewis. Owner. J. E. Widener. Bred in England by Sir E. Hulton. 79638 Belmont Ab 2 3:53 fast 7 13C 10 9 10 1039 W Jones 12 NotMuch, AutumnBells, Damask ! 79388 Belmont Ab 2 MMMaflt 6 136 C 1 21 3t8£C Jones 7 Bullscje. Rock Bas , Bar Gold ■ 75035 I-aurel 2 4:12 mud 6 M 2 1 2»° 21 C Jones 4 Minata. Dandy, Courteous 74899 Laurel 1 l:44,.tslop 21-10 113 5 3 62 6° L McAtee I ScotchBrin, Macduff, Redhrnnd 1 74777 Laurel 1 1:41 fast 5 114 3 1 2** 3s G Babin 6 Simoon, Scotch Broom, Macduff 73528 Belmont 1 LVifast 41 1161 4 4 4s 411 E Sande 5 Fitzgibhon, RosaYeta. fea-W«U IMJI l-imlico 2 lt%Caat 15 137 6 1 l1 l4 C Jones 9 Chuckle, Treviscot, BwcU 1110 111 1 66057 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:50%mud 4 110 7 3 31 32 G W arIl 7 Supcargo, Thellotntot, Cuelph 1 65757 Jamaica lmTOy l:44 ifa3t 20 106 6 5 6 6" G W Carll 0 Brmflax, Story Teller, Prelude ; tDisqualified. MCON DREAM, b. f, 3 M 105 By Olambala— Mary Sellars, by Uncommon. Trainer, J. C. Williams. Owner. F. Williams. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 78fi!»3 Jamaica 51 f IM%am 10 IIS 3 8 74 7" J Mooney S Pris. Ruley, D.Gaffney, Radincy I 78»t»7 Un. Hunts 1-4 l:t2*4xaa 30 MS 8 10 103 103 J D Mneyll Forest Flower. Cue-Kack, 74991 Impire 5 f 1CS mud 10 M 12 12 12" ?2=° B Mthewsl3 RoyalMiss W. Chirm Lit. Thistle [ 74767 lama] a o-S 100 11" 7 8 S S21 F Herndez s M. Cameo. MaiieMarlin, Ix:ind.i I 74192 Aquedu-t oS 59iifast 100 101 10 11 llill15 B M thews 12 Deputy, The Reaper. Belcross RIMPLE, br. f, 3 M 105 By Adular — Dimples, by Robert lo Diable. Bred in England by Sir R. T. Herman-Hodge. Trainer. J. Wilson. Owner, Marrone Stable. 80264 Aqueduct 61 f 1 :19%fast W3 97L17 P3 141 142» B Brning IS Reprisal, Muskillonge. IdleThts 5 78858 Jamaica 51 f L:Nfcfaat 60 112 7 7 6l 616 B Carter 8 Hourmore, Sledge, Uoafleur LOUVERNE, b. c, 3 M 110 By Rabelais — Glorita, by Ajax. Trainer. H. Hughes. Owner, Sanford Stud Farm Stable. Bred in Franco by J. Sanford. • 79310 Belmnt 8-4 MC 1:13 fast 12 114 13 8 61 6*i J Maiben 16 Polycarp. Mattock, Long Point t 79223 Jamaica 3-4 l:H!6mud 7 115 5 7 41 4" J Maiben 9 Faenza, Magic Call, Dolomite