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ST. LOUIS SPORTSMEN MEET Hold Dinner Tonight to Discuss Ways of Reviving Horse Racing in Mound City. St Louis wants racing. There is said to be strong public sentiment for a revival of a sport that once was immensely popular in the Mound City. To that end a sportsmens meeting will be held at the Chase Hotel this evening to discuss ways and means of organizing an association to conduct running races in St. Louis. A decision of the supreme court recently rendered makes it possible to conduct racing successfuly under the present Missouri statutes without fear of embarrassment to officers or stockholders. Such well-known St. Louis men of affairs as W. Frank Carter, Rolla Wells, Murray Carle-ton, D. R. Calhoun, Judge Daniel G. Taylor, H. L Weaver, T. II. Clancy, Nat. W. Ewing, C. Norman Jones, W. T. Moore, L. Mar-quard Forster, Arnold Stifel and Andrew W. Johnson are on the invitation committee for this meeting tonight and a number of them will be among the speakers. The committee has invited Joseph A. Murphy to address the meeting and he will make a special trip from Chicago to accept the invitation.