Fort Erie, Daily Racing Form, 1924-08-13

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FORT ERIE FORT ERIE, ONT, TUESDAY. AUGUST 12, 1924. 1 Mile. Third day. Niagara Racing Association. Second Summer Meeting of 7 days. Weather clear. Steward to represent Canadian Racing Associations, Francis Nelson. Steward of meeting, J. B. Campbell. Judges, W. Horace Lcrch and David S. Gillies. Starter, Harry Morrissey. Racing Secretary, J. B. Campbell. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 2:30 p. in.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in ii:trenthe?s following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. T -il Q A FIRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Aug. 12, 1920 1:05 4 110. Purse ,100. 2-year-AfJLOi: olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 75; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 5. Index Horses AWtPISt Vl xh Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 81857 TREVAN wn 108 12 I5 l6 l5 1 E Scobie A C Bostwick 185-100 80811 SUN LOS wb 102 10 5 3l 2 25 21 J Wallace W S Kilmer 280-100 81944VAIN ELLIE w 105 7 1 4 6i 4l 31 E Ambrso L P Phelps tl565-100 SZOTlPETITION w 95 2 3 2nk 3" 3"k 4s R Punshn E J Morrow 445-100 1944 TRIGGER w 102 8 9 81 5 51 51 H Church M Gorman 710-100 81748 OLAND w 102 11 6 6l 4l C1 6 T Wilson Seagram Stabla 5500-100 82071BENORION w 93 5 4 61 8" T 7" J Reed J" E Smallman 17255-100 81857 LYDIA DREW w 1011 6 7 7 91 9 81 E Renzettl M Grishman 11905-100 81G0SJMARIE VIRGINIA wb 105 4 11 10 7l 81 91 J Robcrt3 H Tullett t 82071 HOI POLLOI w 90 3 8 9nkll 10 10 J McTgue J G Fletche 800-100 81748 AGGIE wn 102 9 10 11 101 11 11 H Thomas P Swenko S130-100 tMuluel field. JSent out in entries as Miss Virginia. Time, 23, 49, 1:08. Track fast. mutuels paid Trevan, .70 straight, .35 place, .60 show; Sun Los, .45 place, .50 show; Vain Ellie, field, .60 show. Equivalent booking odds Trevan, 185 to ICO straight, Giy, to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Sun Los, 122 to 100 place, 75 to 100 show; Vain Ellie. field. 130 to 100 show. Winner B. c, by Trevisco Adrajosa, by Royal Flush III. trained by J. W. Hcaly; bred by Mr. J. II. Morris. Went to post at 2:32. At post 8 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. TREVAN at once sprinted into a long lead and won in a canter. SUN LOS was hard ridden all the way and could not improve his position. VAIN ELLIE lost ground while rounding the last turn, bnt finished gamely on the inside. PETITION raced forwardly all the way. OLAND showed speed. MARIE VIRGINIA and AGGIE began sluggishly. Scratched 82125 Prudy. 102. Overweights Vain Ellie. 3 pounds; Lydia Drew, 2. 8ff-fl QRT SECOND RACE 1 Mile. July 3, 1911 1:37 5 100. Purso ,100. 3-year-olds and JLOtP upward. Maidens. Claiming. Net valuo to winner 75; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 5. Index Horse3 AWtPISt ?4 Str Fin JockeyB Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 80946SBEDFORD W 3 103 4 4 1 1 1J 1 1 J Wallace E Trotter 335-100 S207GPOLTOVA wsn 3 103 3 7 5 2 2 2 2 H Thomas II S Hart 60-100 80946 GOLD ROCK w 3 108 1 1 3i 51! 3 3 3 E Ambrss C L Whiting 2770-100 81859 REBUS wb 3 96 5 6 7"k 61 5s 5s 41 R Punshn J O Fair 3765-100 81858 WYCII ELM wa 4 105 2 2 4"fc 31 4U 4k 5 W McKht J M Ritchio 7950-100 81901 HENRY J. wn 3 110 7 8 61 7 6s 6 6 K Pngton Hamilton Stable 6385-100 81113 TENTMAKER w 3 105 6 5 8 8 7 7 7" E Renzctti J R Sabino 9183-100 817512SEVEN OAKS wb 3 104?. 8 3 2- 4"k 8 8 8 F J Baker C Robson 425-100 Time, 24, 48, 1:14, 1:39. Track fast. mutuels paid Bedford .70 straight, .10 place, .55 show; Poltova, .35 place, .45 show; Gold Rock, .75 show. Equivalent booking odds Bedford, 335 to 100 straight, 55 to 100 place, 774 to 100 show; Poltova, 17 to 100 place, 22 to 100 show; Gold Rock, 137 to 100 show. Winner Ch. g, by The Manager Lady Wells, by Dick Welles trained by E. Trotter; bred by Mr. R. Varwig. Went to post at 3:16. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. BEDFORD set a good pace from the start and easily won all the way. POLTOVA encountered some interference on the first turn, but raced into second place on the backstretch and held it gamely. GOLD ROCK was outrun, but finished well. SEVEN OAKS showed speed, but quit badly. Scratched Tarry, 103. Overweights Henry J., 5 pounds; Seven Oaks, 3. SffJ Q5 THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. Aug. 18, 19201:113107. Purse ,100. 3-year-olds. JLOO Claiming. Net valuo to winner 75; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir. Odds Strt 81860 OMBRAGE wn 110 8 2 21 21 23 lk K Pngton Don Valley Stablo 343-100 81752 PLAY ON wn 101 13 l1 l1 11 21 R Punshn C L Whiting 6410-100 81946 RACHEL POTTER w 106 5 4 3and 3 3 V II Thomas R E Vickerman 5473-100 82072 PHIL MAYERS w 108 6 10 101 Sl 41! 4J F J Baker E W Mooro 720-100 8194G SNOWDEN wb 112 9 12 91 5and 51 5s E Ambrse R Orr 985-100 81G98 ROUGH and READY w 112 2 11 4h 6 61 6 J Roberts S Polk T2793-100 81677 TOSCANELLI w 103 11 7 11s llllO1 71 T Wilson Seagram Stabla t 82072METSON wb 107 7 5 61 7k S"k 8"k J Wallace E Trotter 475-100 819462PEGGY O. w 110 10 1 8 4 71 9and E Scobie S Oddo 275-101 80951SHERBERTUS w 110 4 8 7"k 911 91 ltjh b Renzetti R McKeever 1225-100 819452ALL IN ALL wb 113 12 6 51 10 11s 11 E Kummer J A Harper 790-100 82072 SWING w 100 3 9 12 12 12 12 W Banks Mrs D J Bell t tMutuel field. Time, 23, 48. 1:14. Track fast. mutuels paid Ombrage, .90 straight, .95 place, .45 show; Play On, 9.90 place, 8.70 show; Rachel Potter, 6.70 show. Equivalent booking odds Ombrage. 345 to 100 straight. 197 to 100 place, 122 to 100 show; Play On, 4395 to 100 place, 1335 to 100 show; Rachel Potter, 735 to 100 show. Winner B. f, by Campfire Shadow, by Charles Edward trained by W. Weir; bred by Mrs. H. G. Herring. Went to post at 3:51. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. OMBRAGE began well and, following PLAY ON closely under restraint to the stretch, outstayed the latter in the final drive. PLAY ON set a fast pace, but tired slightly when challenged. RACHEL POTTER raced prominently all the way and finished well. PHIL MAYERS closed a big gap and finished fast. SNOWDEN finished well. Scratched 82072 Speyroyal, 9G; 81711Pablo, 110. Overweight Ombrage, 1 pound. DW FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Aug. 18, 19201:113107. Purso ,100. 3-year-olds AlO 4 and upward. Claiming. Not value to winner 75; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 82074EXALTED RULERw 3 104 6 3 3i 2 lk in j Wallace W A Woolman 2T71-100 82074J WRAITH w 6 109 5 4 4 l 31! 2 2ll E Renzetti J W Dayton 320-100 81860 ELEMENTAL w 5 103 7 5 P 5 4 3" H Thomas G AV Foreman 603-100 82074 LION DOR wb 8 112 3 2 V V 3 4 J McTgrt Mrs A Heit 500-100 82074 VIOLA BURTONw 3 103 1 $ 6s 6 5 5 H Church Kenton Stabla 333-100 S1946 ADMIRER wb 4 103 4 7 7 7 6 6 E Ambrse Mrs T J Donohue 3760-100 81902 ABLAZE wb 7 1041 2 1 2M1! 7 7 F J Baker Rivcrdale Stable 6243-100 Time, 23, 47, 1:14. Track fast. mutuels paid Exalted Ruler, .75 straight, .95 place, .90 show; Wraith, .30 place, .10 show; Elemental, .80 show. Equivalent booking odds Exalted Ruler. 237 to 100 straight, 97 to 100 place, 45 to 100 show; Wraith, 115 to 100 place, 55 to 100 show; Elemental, 40 to 100 show. Winner Ch. f, by Superman Croix Rouge, by Sir Wilfred trained by T. R. Queen; bred by Mr. Henry T. Oxnard. Went to post at 4:31. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. EXALTED RULER followed the early leader closely under restraint and, taking the lend in the stretch, held it gamely to outfinisu WRAITH. The latter raced wide around the last turn, but was wearing the winner down at the end. ELEMENTAL was always outrun, but finished well. LION DOR made the early pace fast, but tired in the stretch drive. YIOLA BURTON was always outrun. So was ADMIRER. Scratched 81576 Mabel K., 103. Overweight Ablaze, 1 pounds. 891 fifi FIFTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. July 5, 1911 1:43 3 112. Toiawanda Handicap. OlOO Purso ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Not value to winner ,000; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 82075 FREDERICKTN WB 3 105 2 3 5 4nk 3 2 11 II Thomas H S Hart 13771-100 81863 2N. LANGHORNE w 3 102 3 5 31 31 l1 Ink 2 J Wallace H S Hart t 818G3LUNETTA w 7 110 4 1 VI 21 4nk 31 31 E Scobie A C Bostwick 335-100 820752REDSTONE wb 5 116 1 2 41 5 5 4 4nk t Wilson Seagram Stablo 180-100 8S075 SENATOR NRTS wb 3 114 5 4 2J lll 2h 5 5 H Church Kenton Stable 1S5-1O0 fCoupled as H. S. Hart entry. Time, 23, 47. 1:12, 1:38, 1:45. Track fast. mutuels paid H. S. Hart entry, .55 straight, .00 place; no show mutuels sold. Equivalent booking odds H. S. Hart entry, 377 to 100 straight, 300 to 100 place. Winner B. c, by Pennant Gentlewoman, by Sain trained by D. Boyle; bred by Short Grass Stud. Went to post at 5:08. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. FREDERICKTOWN, fast but inconsistent, lost ground in a wide swing around the first turn, but raced close up and, finishing fast, wore his stablemate down in a drive, to win drawing clear. NANCY LANGHORNE raced into the lead on the final tuin, but tired right at the end. LUNETTA set a fast pace briefly, but quit and ran far below her true form. REDSTONE ran poorly. SENATOR NORRIS raced to the front when nearing the far turn, with all the appearance of a winner, but tired and quit shortly afterward. Scratched S2075 Peddler, 110. SCI SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. July 5, 1911 1:43 3 112. Purse ,100. 3-year-olds Styt JLOO and upward. Foaled in Canada. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, ?25. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 82077s EL JESMAR wb 5 112 8 7 7 7 4s 21 lh R Punshn Mrs A E Alexandra 771-100 81859 BLOSSOMS w 4 103 6 4 l1 l1 11 1" 2 J Roberts Thorncliffe Stable 20S0-1O0 818593PELF w 4 97 4 2 4k 5nk 51 41 31 H Thomas Elliott StablD 1593-100 81898s H. OF PPHECYwsb 3 86 1 1 3 21 3k 3J 4s J Stevens F J Ryan 1453-100 81859 CHEECHAKO ws 5 94 5 5 5 6 61 6?1 5 J McTgue J C Fletcher 520-100 81804 AZRAEL w 8 111 3 8 8 8 8 8 61 K Pngton F Murphy 1410-100 82128 WEDG PRINCE wn 5 108 2 3 2h 3k 7l 71 71 F J Baker Mrs G H Abbott 805-109 81859 LEASIDE w 5 103 7 6 6 4h 2" fi 8 J Wallace J M MacKenzio 1410-100 Time, 24, 49, 1:14, 1:41, 1:48. Track fast. mutuels paid El Jesmar, .55 straight, .40 place, .75 show; Blossoms, .85 place, 0.35 show; Pelf, .60 show. Equivalent booking odds El Jesmar. 77 to 100 straight. 70 to 100 place, 37 to 100 show; Blossoms, 392 to 100 place, 417 to 100 show; Pelf, 130 to 100 show. Winner B. g, by Inferno Frou Frou, by Meddler trained by A. E. Alexandra; bred by Mr. J. C. Fletcher. Went to post at 5:44. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. EL JESMAR was outrnn early, but gained steadily in the last half mile and got up to win in the final strides. BLOSSOMS set a good pace and finished gamely, although tiring. FELF finished fast. HARP OF PROPHECY tired. WEDDING PRINCE quit. Scratched 82126 Hartelle, 105. CfeA SEVENTH RACE 1 3-16 Miles. Auj. 2. 1911 1:57 5 120. Purse ,100. 3-d 8P6 JL? vr year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner 75; second, 00; third, 00; fourth. 5. index norses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 818G2 POL. LEIGHTON w 3 99 7 1 3s 25 1 l1 1" T Wilson S Nuckola 293-100 81844GIUSEPPE wsb 4 107 5 4 5s 5 5 2J 2 J Roberts S Polk 430-100 81808 JOAQUINA wb 6 101 1 6 4l 44 4 3s 3U H Church P L Ciceri 145-100 81754 THE FENIAN wn 3 98 8 3 1 1" 2k 411k 41J h Thomas W Levy 12710-103 81407 W. TURNBOW w 9 103 9 5 81 8 8 6 5" R Punshn S McNeill 9290-100 82077 BLOSSOM HOUSE w 5 106 2 7 7 61 6 5 6l W McKht S Hesseline 1G33-100 81901 H. M. STEVENS wb 8 111 3 S Gl 7"k 7l 7s 7 J Francis O A Rozon 26S5-100 81946 TROMA w 6 103 4 2 2nk 31 3 8 8 J Wallace Mrs J L Brannon 2375-100 82076 HICKORY wb 5 112 C- 9 9 Pulled un E Scobie Hamilton Stablo 665-100 Time, 24, 49. 1:14, 1:40, 2:01. Track fast. mutuels paid Polly Leightou, .90 straight, .80 place, .90 show; Giuseppe, .30 place, .G3 show: Joaquina, .00 show. Equivalent booking odds roily Leighton. 295 to 100 straight, 110 to 100 place, 95 to 100 show; Giuseppe, 215 to 100 place, 132 to 100 show; Joaquina, 50 to 1C0 show. Winner Ch. f, by Wormleighton Pirate Polly, by Pirate of Penzance trained by F. Holman; bred by Mr. L. A. Lyne. Went to post at 6:19. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. POLLY LEIGHTON followed the early pacemaker closely until the latter began to tire, then wont to the front and held hur load gamely and outfinished GIUSEPPE. The latter gained steadily from a slow beginning and was wearing the winner down at the end. JOAQUINA raced close up ana made a game finish. THE FENIAN set a good pace, but tired. HICKORY was eased up. on the back-stretch. Scratched 82077 Old Faithful. 103; 81C03Lord Wrack, 101. Overweight Harry M. Stevens, 2 pounds.

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