Devonshire, Daily Racing Form, 1924-08-13

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DEVONSHIRE "WINDSOR, ONT., TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1924. Devonshire Tark 1 Mile. Third day. Western Racing Association. Second Summer Meeting of 7 days. Weather clear. Stewards and Judges, M. N. Macfarlan, presiding; P. J. Miles and J. P. Turner. Starter, Marshall Cassidy. Racing Secretary, M. N. Macfarlan. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 2:30 p. m.. W indicates whip, B blinkers, S spurs. Fig-nres iu parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of liorse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. QQ-f rrrr FIRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Aug. 27, 1921 1:05 2 115. Purse ,000. 3-year-OmJL 4 4 olds. Fillies. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 82121 SWEET NOTE wb 115 5 1 1 14 11 11 B Harvey T Nicholson 371-100 i 81611LADY MARIAN w 110 7 3 54 41 4 2 H Hay Tri-Stato Stable 150-100 i 81588BLACK ART w 110 3 a 2 2 2 3 L Lang Mrs G W Murphy 185-100 77368PHOEBE SNOW w 110 2 4 3b 3b 3b 4b D Mergler S N Holman 12O5-100 i 81731BETHIIEM STEEL w UO 6 5 4b 5b 51 5" M Liebgd W J Hayes 9G5-100 i 81468 DIG UP wb 115 16 6 C 6 6 G Mein S A Cowan 3130-100 i 72035 TOPI w 115 47 7777R McDott McCoy and Berthiaune 1725-100 i Time, 23, 47, 1:01, 1:07. Track fast; mutuels paid Sweet Note, 3.93 straight, .25 place, .90 show; Lady Marian, .40 place, .75 show; Black Art, .65 show. Equivalent booking odds Sweet Note, 597 to 100 straight. 162 J-S to 100 place, 45 to 100 show; Xadj Marian, 70 to 100 place, 37 to 100 show; Black Art, 32 to 100 show i i i i i i Winner Ch. f, by Colonel Vennle Floral Day, by Nasturtium trained by II. Smith; bred by Mr. J. B. Rcspess. Went to post at 2:39. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. SWEET NOTE, well ridden and beginning fast, raced into a good lead quickly, but was driving hard at the end to outstay LADY MARIAN. The latter was outrun for the first half, but came on the outside on the stretch turn and was going fastest at the finish. BLACK ART was much used in chasing the winner closely and tired. PHOEBE SNOW ran a good race. 891 78 SECOND RACE 1 Mile. Aug. 29..1921 1:38 3 107. Purs ,000. 3-year-olds and Orf JL 4 O upward. Canadian Foaled. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second,00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt and Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 81859BONA FIDE w G 109 1 1 21 21 Is l1 Is R McDott II B Larvey 1G5-100 82118 LADY HEART w 5 107 3 2 11 11 2 231 2J1 A Abel Mrs T II Smith 340-100 821182JUNE FLY w 7 107 4 3 4b 41 31 34 3" O Clark A J Sansono 165-100 74471 PLYMOUTH ROCKw 8 100 5 4 3 34 44 4 4 M Liebgd E J Meagher 1675-100 82118 CALEDON wb 3 102 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 F Lee W Young 875-100 Time, 24, 48, 1:14, 1:41. Track fast. mutuels paid Bona Fide, .30 straight, .35 place, .25 show; Lady neart, .45 place, .30 show; June Fly, .20 show. Equivalent booking djls Bona Fide, 105 to 100 straight, C7"y to 100 place, 12 to 100 show; Lady Heart. 72. to 100 placets 5 to 100 show; June Fly, 10 to 100 show. Winner B. g, by Doraute or Bwana Tumbo Destitute, by Inverness trained by H. B. Larvey; bred by Mr. C. McEachran. Went to post at 3:09. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow for all bnt CALEDON. Won easily; second and third driving. BONA FIDE, close up from the start, caught LADY HEART in the last turn and passed her easily, to win in a canter. LADY HEART set a fast pace, but was no match for the winner when challenged. JUNE FLY was sluggish in the early running, but finished well. PLYMOUTH ROCK ran a good race. CALEDON propped at the start. Scratched 82118 Sir Clarence, 92. OQ-d r7Q THIRD RACE 5-8 Mile. Oct. 4, 19161:003101. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. OJL 4 Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index norses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 81267 CLEG w 110 3 1 H 14 14 ll P Sharpe J S Tyreo 20C0-100 82064MY BIDDY w l05 9 7 61 61 51 21 D Mergler W M Cain 245-100 82064SBEZZEM wb 115 5 5 4 41 2 3b O Caldwell J Diggins 735-100 81541 CHIEF TIERNEY w 110 2 2 31 34 34 44 L Schaerer B Zieniewica tH75-100 81387 HEAD LINE w 118 7 4 51 6 6 51 J McCoy W J Alford 3560-100 82064 SENTIMENT w 113 1 3 21 21 71 6 R McDott II L Munson 900-100 81467 AUNT AGGIE w 110 6 6 8 81 81 7J B Harvey J Farrell Jr 260-100 82064 JINGLE w 110 4 3 71 71 4b 81 A Abel Mrs J P Mayberry 785-100 81493BUENA VISTA w 105 11 11 91 10 10 9b S Lrence Mrs A R Lawson t 82064 FREEMASON w 110 8 10 11 11 11 101 D Stirling T Nicholson 2345-100 81500 BAY DINGLE w 113 12 9 101 9 9 ll1 G Mein J C Waters 7S0-100 82064 BRYNDEAR w 113 10 12 12 12 12 12 T Bonham J W Pangla t fMutuel field. Time, 23, 48, 1:01. Track fast. mutuels paid Cleg, 3.20 straight, 7.40 place, 2.53 show; My Biddy, .10 place, .30 show; Bezzem, .55 show. Equivalent booking odds Cleg. 20GO to 100 straight, 770 to 100 place, 527 to 100 show; My Biddy, 155 to 100 place, 05 to 100 show; Bezzem, 127 to 100 show. Winner B. f, by Meridian Azyiade, by Cactus II. trained by R. F. Carman; bred by Mr. E. F. Carman. Went to post at 3:42. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. CLEG took the lead at once and. under a good ride, held sway all the way. MY BIDDY, away slowly, had to race on the outside all the way and made a fast finish. BEZZEM raced close up and finished gamely. SENTIMENT tired. CHIEF TIERNEY ran well. HEAD LINE and JINGLE were repeatedly interfered with. Scratched 81348 Delhi Girl, 110; 82060 Duckling, 105; 82064 Miss Checkers, 110; 81219 La Belle, 110; S0C89 Itobert Maxwell, 105; My Sweetie, 115. Overweight Sentiment, 3 pounds. Qft-J DA FOURTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Aug. 27, 1921 1:05 2 115. Purse ,000. 2-Od JLO" year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 81541 GLISTER w 106 3 2 11 11 2i 11 L Lans J E Madden 210-100 81806 TRAYMORE wb 115 7 3 21 24 lh 24 B Harvey M G Cundiff 163-100 82066 MY IDOL w 108 5 7 5b 3b 31 3b R McDott F Musanto 830-100 820665LENA WOOD w 106 6 1 4 4 4b 4 S Bullman J McMillen S15-100 81387 BOW BOWERS w 1011 14 3b 5b 5b 54 D Mergler H Neustetter 3385-100 81587 BRUNETH w 102 2 5 6b 7 6 G1 G Mein J C Waters SS0-103 82064CAPT. DONAN wb 105 4 6 76b77P Groos Tri-State Stable 990-100 Time, 22, 46, 59, 1:06. Track fast. mutuels paid Glister, straight, .70 place, .40 show; Traymore, .S0 place, .35 show; My Idol, .30 show. Equivalent booking odds Glister, 210 to 100 straight, 35 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Traymore, 40 to 100 place, 17 to 100 show; My Idol, 03 to 100 show. Winner B. f, by Sir Martin Bright Gold, by Golden Maxim trained by S. M. Henderson; bred by Mr. John B. Madden. Went to post at 4:16. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. GLISTER, under a skillful ride, was taken to the front at once and, setting a great pace, raced TRAYMORE into defeat and was drawing clear at the end. TRAYMORE raced on the outside of the winner all the way and managed to get his head in front in the stretch, but could not maintain his advantage. MY IDOL began slowly and closed a big gap. LENA WOOD ran well, but could never improve her position. BOW BOWERS showed speed briefly. Overweights My Idol, 2 pounds; Bow Bowers, 1; Bruneth, 5. QQ1 Q1 FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. July 5, 19241:114104. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and OSfiO JL upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 81469 FEHRAH w 3 99 6 6 14 U lb 1L Lang J Arthur 2421-100 82070 PREVIEUX wb 3 109 3 5 3b 54 4b 2b B Harvey W J Alford 1010-100 81945 "DOCTOR GLENN w 4 111 10 2 9l 9 51 3l M Liebgd W M Cain 220-100 81220 DR. MAYER w 3 104 8 9 Gl 61 71 44 R McDott II E Bilson 1680-100 81320 FIRST CALL wb 4 108 4 8 4b 4b 24 5 J McCoy G W Atkinson 555-100 81588TIMES UP w 3 100 2 3 31 81 8 64 D Mergler S N Holman 4215-100 82067 MEDLING SETH wb 3 HO 7 7 51 21 31 71 J A Mney Mrs F Farrar 2733-100 82067 LIEUT. FARRELL w 3 107 9 4 21 3b 6 84 G Mein J Farrell Jr 1640-100 81510JLITTLE CLAIRE w 4 108 1 1 71 71 9 94 F Sharpe C B Shafer 735-100 81503QUECREEK wb 6 106 5 10 10 10 10 10 G Htmer W J Wolfe 3315-100 Time. 23, 47, 1:13. Track fast. mutuels paid Fehrah, straight, .60 place, .80 show; Trevieux, 1.10 place, .25 show; Doctor Glenn. .10 slmw. Equivalent booking odds Fehrah, 242 to 100 straight, SO to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Frevieux, 455 to 100 pla.e, 162 to 100 show; Doctor Glenn, 55 to 100 show. Winier Br. f, by Flittergold Mint Drop, by Irish Lad trained by J. Arthur, bred by Himyar Stud. Wi-iit to post at 4:51. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the samfl. 1EHItAH. capably ridden, went to the front quickly and won all the way, but finished driving hard to withstand the rush of both PREVIEUX and DOCTOR GLENN. PREVIEUX raced close up aU the way and met with interference from FIRST CALL, but finished fast. DOCTOR GLENN raced on the outside and, closing a big gap, would have won in two more strides. FIRST CALL ran well to the stretch and tired slightly. LIEUTENANT FARRELL quit. QUECREEK ran a poor race. DR. MAYER finished fast. Scratched S2121 Hullo. 106: S1220 Anticipate. Ill; 81220 Bamra, 102; 81133 Nivlag, 99; 82067 Mary Maxim, 107; S1300 Hands Up, 104; 82070ISt. Martins, 101; S1590 Excuse Me, 114. Qf-fl QO SIXTH RACE 1 1-4 Miles. Aug. 6, 19212:04595. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and OmJLc upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00, Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 82070 DOCTOR JIM wb 7 100 4 4 54 54 4 H Is M Liebgd B E Chapman 257i-100 82069 TENDER. SETH w 4 102 3 2 11 lb 3b 2b 2 D Mergler S N Holman 790-100 82069TIPPO SAHIB w 9 107 5 5 4 4 lb 34 3 B Harvey J T West 2SO-100 81593 NIGHT RAIDER wb 6 103 G 3 21 21 24 41 41 F Lee J McMillen 1SO-100 82069 HILLMAN C. wb 5 98 7 6 61 61 61 6b 5 L Schaefer E W Moore 4335-100 81589 WAYWASSAMO w 4 105 2 1 3 31 5b 5b 6 J Ford J A Gibson 1263-100 82069 DENTARIA w 4 108 1 7 7 7 7 7 7 R McDott II L Munson 3220-100 Time, 24, 49, 1:14, 1:41, 2:06. Track fast. mutuels paid Doctor Jim, .15 straight, .33 place, .50 show; Tender Seth, .Y3 place, .75 show; Tippo Sahib, .70 show. Equivalent booking odds Doctor Jim, 257 to 100 straight, 67 to 100 place, 23 to 100 show; Tender Seth, 137 to 100 place, 37 to 100 show; Tippo Sahib, 35 to 100 show. Winner B. g, by Ogden Rock Merry, by Rock Sand trained by B. E. Chapman; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Went to post at 5:34. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. DOCTOR JIM was saved to the last turn, then joining the leaders and taking the lead in the stretch, won going away. TENDER SETH set a fast pace and, finishing gamely, outstayed TIPPO SAHIB. The latter got to the front on the outside when turning into the stretch, but lost a little ground. HILLMAN C. ran a good race. NIGHT RAIDER was lame when going to the post and raced closely with TENDER SETH. but the effort told on him. Scratched 82009 Miss Claire, 90; 815895Escarpolette, 104; 820C3,Miracle Man, 93. Overweights Waywassamo, 2 pounds; Dentaria, 3. QQ-g OQ SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Aug. 29, 1921 1:43 4 106. Purse ,000. OlJLoO 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 00; second, 90; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 82070 PRIMA DONNA w 4 98 2 4 3b 3b 31 3 lb L Schaefer Cassell Stable 58071-100 82070 FERGUSON w 5 105 3 2 21 2 2 21 21 J A Mney C II Trotter 210-100 81590YOSHIMI w 5 111110 8 7s 71 G4 8 31 T Bonham R V Haymaker 539-100 81592 TURBULENT wb 4 109 13 1 11 11 11 11 4 O Clark A Brent 350-100 81504 DUSTPROOF wb 4 99 9 10 8 8 S 5 51 L Lang W M Cain 800-100 81592 MARCELLA BOY w G 103 5 9 41 41 7 64 61 G Mein G W Atkinson 485-100 82070 MIDNT STORIES w 5 102 11 7 5 5 4 4b 7 M Liebgd Mrs J W Murphy 3090-100 82065 THORNHEDGE w G 106 Cll 61 61 5b 7 84 B Harvey J W Hubbell Jr 1320-100 81505 SUPERLATIVE wb 5 105 7 12 101 91 9 9 94 P Groos S N Holman t 82065 YOUNG ADAM w 8 102 4 6 91 10 10 10 10 H Hay T F Dovereux 8065-100 80703 HUEN w 6 102 1 3 12 ll1 ll3 11 11J J McCoy P L Putnam 51S0-100 82119SILVER MAIDEN w49785 U12 12 1212 D Fisher W Reeves f tMutuel field. Time, 23, 48, 1:14, 1:41, 1:44. Track fast. mutuels paid Prima Donna, 18.15 straight, 9.80 place, 5.35 show; Ferguson, .15 place, .20 show; Yoshimi, .00 show. Equivalent booking odds Prima Donna, 5S07 to 100 straight, 1890 to 100 place, 667 to 100 show; Ferguson, 107 to 100 place, 00 to 100 show; Yoshimi, 150 to 100 show, Winner Br. f, by Delhi Prism, by Trap Itock trained by F. E. Coleman; bred by Mr. Thomas Piatt. Went to post at 0:13. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won drviing; second and third the same. PRIMA DONNA, close up from the start, came fast in the stretch on the outside and, under a good ride, got up to win in the final stride. FERGUSON tired from chasing TURBULENT, but held second place long enough to outstay YOSHIMI. The latter was away slowly and closed a gap with a great burst of speed. TURBULENT set a good pace to the stretch and quit. MARCELLA BOY ran a good race. MIDNIGHT STORIES tired badly. THORNHEDGE began in a tangle. Scratched 820G5 Dcbadou, 09; S0749 Tantalus, 99; 81098 Our Birthday, 102; 7S227 Miles S., 99. Overweights Prima Donna, 1 pound; Yoshimi, 3; Thornhedge, 1; Superlative, 3. Additional charts on Pages 12, 14 and 10.

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