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" " j V - " Entries and Past Performances HAWTHORNE 1 - FRIDAY, AUGUST 22 jT WEATHER CLEAR; TRACK GOOD. j I j 82508 Knfiya. 1 102. .703 Tho figures tinder the heading "Rec." in 82280 Mason Towlc. 3.. 107X705 tha entries below show tho test tlmo of 82173 Praiseworthy, 2.. 107.. 700 each horso at the distnnco sinco January 1, 82222 Okeechobee, 4 ... 107.. 700 1922, no matter where it finished. In cases 82600 Kbony Belle, 11 where record was made on other than a fast BP 105 l:45m 107X700 or good track, abbreviations show track con- .. . ditions Third Race 3-4 Mile. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. " Track record: July 19, 19241:11 3 121. I 701C0 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1924. 82551 Tvinia, 10 . . .Ti 100 1:13 4 110X725 . 81730 IS FIRST NUMBER OF AUGUST. Jgg J1 0110X720 j Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. la 110 1:13and 4 105X715 SujcrIor mud runner. x Rood mud runner. 82113 iBcssie Leighton, :Jc Fiiir mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice 14 UP 101 1:13 4 105X715 allowance, b Blinkers. 77631 Eddie Jr., 5. .Hw 101 1:12 4 115.. 715 82475 1ut and Take The following abbreviations are used to designate no t.12 4 105 710 tracks at which time records shown in entries Wireless", G 115X710 4 JP 115 1:14 ere made: 81745 bMolincro. 7 ..Uv 110 1:14 C 110. .710 Aqueduct Aq Jefferson Par JP m 82i75 bLocust Leaves, 2 Aurora An Kenilworth Ka Ti 101 1:14 7 105X705 : Belmont Fark BP Kempton Park KP 77404 Voogcria" G ..Ti 104 1:14 5 110X705 Bins Bonnets BB King Edward Ki 75114 Akerknocker 1... 4 111. .700 Bcwla Bo Latonia La 78108 Dickie Dix, 3 Ti 112 1:15 4 115. .700 I Chun-hill Bowns CD laurel In 82415 Fcw Acre3, 9 Tc 110 1:14 C 110. .700 Columbus Co Lexington Xx 82551 Corto 11 ... .MH 104 1:14 4110X700 Conni.ught Park CP Maplo Heights HR , . Mile. Gonneiut Lako CL Marlboro Mb fourth e-4 R"a lph Thcat cr H cap. iBado Park DP Mobi. Mc Revom-hiro .. Do Mount Royal MR Tunc f0 J;f" "S-n m 194-1 19, Dcrral Do Omaha Om Track record: July -11-1-1. -Duffeiln D Pimlico Pm 82418 Sanola, 7 nw 100 1:11 3 11CX7;J Empire Em Racoland Rd 82418 Brunswick, 4..Ko 09 1:11 G 114X4. Fair trounds FG Reno Ko 74282 bSurf Rider, 5. .CD 115 1:11 5 1J2..740 j Fort J.ria FB Saratoga Sa 82506 Allcdcn, a ...Om 115 1:12 5 110X740 i Hamilton Hm Tanfcran Ta 82477 The Araucanian, G Havri do Grace HQ Thorncliffa Th Ti 109 1:11 5 109 X 740 Hawttorno Hw Tijuana Tl 82418 Quince Garden. 3 Hava-.a ,...Ht Toledo To La 10911:11 g JS?" Huntngton Hu Windsor...- Wt 82505 Kva Ackley, 1 Hw 103 1:13 3 101X735 Janmca Ja Woodbina .. Wo 80182 Paradcr, 2 .. .CD 100 1:13 G102X3o ,. , . . 82477 Moss Fox II., 8 First Race 5 c 1-2 Furlongs. Sa 10s 1:12 5 102. .735 Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Claiming. .,.. vi a th v,fl Fifth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. fTrark Track record- record. Julv July 15 u, U-4 194 105 l.uo,., 3 114. !9 pursc ,0O0. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Aug. 14, 1924 1:43 6-115. Ind. norseandrostPos. Wt. Rcc. A.Wt.nan 82289 Pacier, 4 Hw 118 1:07 107.. 721 81466 bAL STEBLER, 13 82349 Anna II.. 9 . .MH 104 1:05 102.. 720 Mil 9S 1:43 4 108X725 82349 Golden Lynn, 10 822942bFair Orient, 5.Ti 106 1:43 11 lllX71a Hw 107 1:07 109 X 720 82294 bBilly Watts, 2.Ti 112 1:44 5 111X715 82524 Try Again, 7 .Hw 110 1:07 115.. 715 82506 Round Robin, 7.Ja 108 1:4G 7 111.. 715 82504 Star Sweeper, 11 82601 bRoyal Duck, 9.Kc 111 1:44 7 "4X71o La 115 1:09 112.. 715 82354 Ellas O., 1 ....Ti 911:44 5 115.. .10 . 82289 Stav On, 12 ..Hw 111 1:07 112X715 82475 Lugs, 6 La 101 1:47 5 11X710 81622 Sorline M, 3 Hw 105 1:07 109715 82175 Gail Ford, 8 ..Co 107 1:45 4 111X710 82289 Ram Mengel, 5 Hw 112 1:09 117.. 710 82419 Wong Bok, 12IIw 111 1:45 3 103..10 82289 Kosman, 0 Hw 110 1:08 112X710 82351 bFreecuttcr, 3..HW 100 1:43 9 10GX70o 82289 Little Jimmy, 8 82420 Heavy Artillery, .....Hw 107 1:0S 107X 703 10 Do 102 1:44 5 111.. 00 82018 rhyllis Gentry 79628 Lady Longfellow, II, 1 Hw 104 1:09 107. .700 11 MH 103 l:46h 9 101X00 81253 Rocking M, 2 82420 Vanishing Boy, 4. Hw 1031 :0S 104. .700 La 104 1:48 4 111X00 82289 Winnie OWynn, gixth Racei Mile and 70 Yards. 13 107 . 110.. 00 purse 000 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Second Race 1 Mile, Track record: Aug. 14, 1924 1:43 6 1150 Purse ,000. 3-ycar-olds. Claiming. 82293 Guelph, 0 nw 114 1:43 G 10SX72o Track record: July 17, 1923 1:37 3 103. 82251 Coyne 11 . . .Hw 116 1: 45?. 6 103720 82415 DeviI Girl. 9 Hw 97 1:41 102 X 725 82598 Welcome, 9 ...La 90 1:43 3 822S0 Zillah. 10 ....Ti 98 1:41 102. 720 81896 Plus Ultra, 8 . .In 39 1:44 6 OOX-lo 82202 Battle Shot, 12 82419 Mary Ellen 0.10 10S 1.47 3 93X71o ........... Hw MH 106 1:39 102X715 82554 Whiff. 13 ..MH 94 1:40 107X715 82293 Victoire 2 ..llw 08 1.43 4 ; 715 82233 Paul M.cou, 5 Hw 107 1.44 o 103X71.. 81986 Babbling, 7 .Pm 103 1:42 102X715 G 82509 Soldier II., 7 .... 82478 Glanmore M, I La 102 1:44 4 111 1" v X 710 10 .Hw 102 1:41 107.. 7i5 82555 Hoy, 1 82478 Townscnd, 5 ..Hw 107 1:43 K7..710 82i05 Rctsinda, 3 ... 1 00 nn --2232 Furor. 8 Om 100 1:42 102.. 710 8247G Fretwell. 4 4 ja...w HAWTHORNE JOCKEY PERCENTAGES . From January 1, 1924, to August 10, 1924, inclusive. At or Mot Over Tcr Jockey. P.C. Wt. Mis. 1st. 2d. 3d. Jockey. P.C. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Dnbrinl E ... .27 100 11 S 2 0 Harrington, R 00 110 86 8 8 9 Bamett; n: :i52 l k ic 10 ir, nom, V oo 104 330 31 as 42 Garner M 20 109 220 43 37 38 Moore, V 09 100 11 1 0 0 llainsworth, C 20 98 5 1 1 1 Morris, L. 00 112 90 9 8 o Kennedy. G 20 100 10 2 1 0 Wayt, T 09 llo H 0 1 McDermott. L. 20 19- 444 91 72 77 Collins, A OS 110 2G0 22 3. 34 Pickens. A 20 103 207 42 33 29 Gerrity, J OS 94 214 18 J.0 36 Ahdemm, W. 19 101 53 10 4 5 Boganowski. W. 07 103 200 17 3o Wood, J 17 101 478 71 02 01 Gormley, J 07 100 lOu CO 19 2. I.lley W 16 113 114 IS 13 10 Piecarilh.. J 07 K. 30 2 5 - Moutgomcry, L. 16 100 1S5 20 22 16 Saucier, L 07 100 27 2 0 1 TT.Ii G 15 103 591 90 94 74 Lunsford, II 03 111 36 - - 3 ;ros; c 1". 105 1S3 29 29 21 McIIugh, R 03 100 88 5 7 0 Pool W 1-" 1IS 74 11 5 10 Murphy. F 03 109 35 2 3 4 Bingieton". J 14 107 35 5 4 4 Kederis, J. 03 106 91 5 11 S Stntts, II 13 Kit 378 50 50 40 Peternel, A 03 103 21 1 0 l Chalmers, J 12 100 315 39 44 43 Kocrner, T 04 110 23 1 1 0 Eaton J. 12 103 283 35 38 42 Schcffel, B 04 111 23 1 0 3 Fisher R 12 100 43 5 7 4 Sutton, G 03 104 67 2 7 5 Griffin S- 12 95 107 13 13 13 Barker, T 100 9 .0 1 0 i Rodriguez, A 12 117 130 IS 20 15 Burke. H. J Ill 32 0 2 4 1 smith J 12 108 313 30 37 40 Corcoran, E. . 107 8 0 1 1 Francesco, A. .11 102 221 24 31 28 Dreyer, J. 102 4 0 1 1 : Frank V U 104 317 37 41 50 Harrison, M 10- 3 0 0 0 Jones ! 11 97 410 45 56 50 Lcyland, J 102 37 0 3 4 iltinirv V 11 106 107 12 1 0 11 Merimee, F 102 23 C 3 I Pender jrass. A U 100 53 i 7 8 Miller. C. 103 2 0 0 0 infiT.. .u oo 123 13 7 13 ow, e. i 13 0 1 1 ell j ... .10 112 20 2 6 2 Sequin, E 114 12 0 0 0 Do vie It"".". 09 IDS 128 12 13 14 Trombley, A 110 11 0 0 1 Erickson,IC. 09 105 127 11 13 17 White. R. 100 6 0 0 0 1 4- Dflnr 5 1-2 Furlonprs. 2-year-olds. Claiming:. July 1G, 1924 iSt KAUb 1:05 2-5 y 114. Index Course Dist Time Tck Odds Wt St i Sir Fin Jockejs Started Order of Finish PACIER, ch. g. 2 107 By Paicines Bell Cow, by Cunard. Trainer, W. Perkins. Owner, W. Perkins. Breeder, J. S. Wiggins. 82289 Hthorno 51 f l:07fast 1G-5 110 2 1 3and 75 W Pool 10 Sam Mengel, Stay On, MargieK. 81851 Ilthorne 6i f l:07fast 2 113 2 2 U 1 W Pool 11 Boo Boo, BadLuck, HelenCarter ANNA H., b. f, 2 102 By Zeus Hopscotch, by Flint Rock. Trainer, F. Walker. Owner, J. G. McDonald. Breeder. G. H. Giles. 82349 Ilthorne 01 f l:07fast 4 112 S 8 101 9" A PiclTjns 12 GoldenLynn, TryAgain, BooBoo 182172 Ilthorne 51 f l:00good 10 101 4 3 4 2 W Bogski 7 Stay On, Little Jimmy, BadLuck 81769 M.Hghts 51 f l:0Gfast 8 104 3 1 1 1 P Moore 8 Juliarce, FlagLtant, T.ofTime 81554 M.Hglits 5-S 1:03 fast 61f 107 5 5 51 4i P Moore 12 Herbicr, Mandy, Probity 8i44l M.Hglits 51 f l:0good 12 107 9 7 1 7i T Surlak 9 Huey, Bobs Hope, Katie Dear ! 81368 M.Hglits 5-, l:00fast 17f 103 11 10 91 9s T Rurlak 12 M. M. Carr, C.Donan, T.theTime 81193 M.Hghts 6-8 l:00fast 31 108 7 6 5l G1 R Zcchini 13 Biskra, Tfs theTime. Wahkna i ! 79547 M.Hglits 1-2 4S!islop 7 109 4 4 31 45 R Zcchini 9 McCaddcu, Litticltose, Luui.Jack , GOLDEN LYNN, b. f. 2 109 By Golden Maxim Lady of Lynn, by Voter. Trainer, S. T. Baxter. Owner. S. T. Baxter. Breeder. T. M. Murphy. 82349 Hthorns CI f l:07fast 5 107 4 7 41 11 J Eaton 12 TryAgain, BooBoo, Acceleration 81422 Hthorno 5-S 1:01 good 7 115 4 5 4 4 N Barrett 8 Oil Burner, My Dream, Surprise : 81348 Hthorno 5-S l:04hvy 15 115 1 6 C P N Barrett 8 FirstLight, MargieK., Accelern 81206 Ilthorne 51 f l:0Cfast 20 112 10 9 1 C" N Barrett 10 For.ltelations, Riviera, OilBner . 81032 Ilthorne 5-8 l:02slow 20 110 6 5 5 5 P Merimee 6 Tinuiuou. BitoHy. WnieOWn 1 I TRY AGAIN, b. c, 2 115 By Johren Guess Again, by All Gold. Trainer. A. Goldhlatt. Owner. M. ShapoffL Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 82504 Ilthorne 51 f 1:11 mud 41 115 4 1 l1 ll R Yelton 6 Pillager, Star Sweeper, Clique 82349 Ilthorne CI f l:07fast 31 110 C 2 l1 21 N Barrett 12 GoldenLynn, BooBoo, Accclertn 82171 Ilthorne 01 f 1:09 good 10 115 5 5 21 2s N Barrett 8 Balboa. Special, Up and At Em 81938 Hthorne 51 f 1:09 mud 13 115 8 8 8 S10 W Anson 8 Brilliant, Balboa, Idle Seth 81622 Hthorne 51 f 1:07 fast 33 1091 G 4 G1 6J1 N Barrett 10 MargieK., S.Mcngel, Federalist 79031 Churchill 41 f 53fast 3U 10S 11 12 10 12" F Merimeel2 DchOirl. Slinc, Patk Ssfield . 79381 Churchill 41 f 53fust 41 US 7 9 9 9s F MerimeelO Bolivar Bond, Special, Modesta 79258 Churchill 41 f 55good 24f 108 8 4 41 43J II Stutts 12 HtibbandPudd, B.Luck, C.Schnr . 77609 F.Grnds 1-2 48fast CO 114 10 11 11 11 W Lilley 11 Foxmrc. Channel, W.C.Whitehd 77313 P.Grnds 31 f 42 fast SO 118 11 11 U1 W Lilley 11 Sfudale, F.ltelations. Coufluciite . STAR SWEEPER, ch. c, 2 M 112 By Star Master Lady Sweep, by Sweep. Trainer, K. Spencc. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. Breeders, M. and B. B. Jcnes. 82504 Hthorne 51 f 1:11 mud 1 115 1 3 3 31 H Stutts G Try Again, Pillager, Clique 81979 Saratoga CI f l:09mud 30 112 2 2 41 31 II Stutts 1G WaxLady, Clmmpignol, Seaman l 80G47 Latonia 51 f l:07fast 3S 115 8 7 7 71 II Stutts 10 BnesKnolI. Barrage, Morchead 1 80516 Latonia 5-S 1:01 good 23 118 12 12 12 H T Murray 12 Shark. Brown Sugar, Hurry Inn 1 ; STAY ON, ch. c. 2 112 By Ormondalo or St. Rock Play Toy, by Star Shoot. Trainer, G. Walker. Owner, International Stable. Breeder. E. E. Marshall. 82289 Hthorne 51 f l:07fast 4 112 4 3 2and 2l W Lilley 10 Sam Mengel, Margie K., Clique e 82172 Hthorne 51 f l:09good 11-5 LU1 12 l1 Is W Lilley 7 Anna 11., Little Jimmy. B.Luck c 81622 Hthorne 51 f 1:07 fast 3 111 3 1 2 4 W Lilley 10 MargieK., S.Mengel, Federalist L 81494 Hthorne 51 f 1:03 fast 15 101 1 1 1 1 J Wood 11 Abstract, Sorline, Bolivar Bond 81381 Hthorne 51 f l:12hvy 8 106 3 4 31 41 P KIniry 7 Hurry Inn, Clique, Sam Mengel 1 81079 Hthorne 5-S l:00andfast 10 103 2 2 21 4i E Martin 7 LouisRubstn, Rundk, Surprise s 80980 Hthorno 5-S l:0Ghvy 8 103 1 4 4s 3" J Wood 7 Neat. Girl. Sorline. Miss Omond 1 80921 Hthorno 51 f l:12hvy 8 102 4 3 31 4" J Wood 7 Kosman, Karonga, Federalist j i i : . . . . l 1 1 e c L 1 s 1 SORLINE. ch. c. 2 fM 109 By Boots and Saddle Pearl G., by Handsel. Trainer. M. Shields. Owner, Henius and Earl. Breeder. T. M. Murphy. 81C22 Hthorne Gl f 1:07 fast 1S-5 105 10 9 Sl 8s W And snlO MargieK., S.Mengel, Federalist 81494 Hthorno 51 f 1:0S fast 8 102 3 4 3s A Rodueall Stay On, Abstract, l.olivar 15ond HUGO Hthorno 51 f l:07fast 4 103 5 7 4J N Barrettll IlorrBond, NeatGlrl, SamMcnecl 809SO Hthorne 5-S l:06hvy 1 1U7 3 3 3 2 D Jone3 7 Neat Girl. Stay On, Miss Omond 80904 Hthorne 5-S 1:02 mud 10 112 3 3 21 44 E Martin 8 Runolathe, Bol.llond, L.Rubstn 7998C Latonia 5-S 1:02 mud 29 110 4 3 4s G" II Loss 7 PasSeul, Itetelguese, Oe.Current 79759 Latonia 5-S l-.Otandhvy 21 103 6 1 1 2nk b Kenndy 9 Wtihn, UadLuek. C.T.Worthton 79GK1 Churchill 41 f 53andfast 2 108 4 3 33 2 I Parke 12 DchGl, ratkSsfd, IiscllCavo 79129 Churchill 41 f 51 mud 7 10S 9 5 O 2 II Long 11 MissJcnnie. MyDestiny. BadLuck 790G3 Churchill 1 f 54fast 15 10S 10 10 6 5" II Long 12 StarGirl, Capt.Schnler. BadLck SAM MENGEL, tr. c, 2 117 By Everest Ten Pin, by Jack Point. Trailer, J. H. Shea. Owner. J. T. Looney. Breeder. G. L. Kundle7. 82289 Hthorne 51 f l:07fast 6 107 1 2 1and 1 A FrancolO Stay On, Margie K., Clique 82018 Ilthorne 51 f l:10hvy 31 112 5 2 21 21 A Franco S Little Jimmy, Clique, Bad Luck 81892 Hthorne 51 f 1:DS fast 41 112 5 6 Gl 4 P Weiner 7 Little Jimmv. Oil Burner, Climie 8IC22 Hthorne 51 f 1:07 fast 7 114 8 6 3 2 F Weiner 10 MargieK., Federalist, Stay On 81494 Hthorno 51 f 1:03 fast 12 112 8 5 5 51 T ICoerncrll Stay On, Abstract, Sorline 81381 Hthorne 51 f l:124hvy 3 115 4 2 1 3 W Lilley 7 Hurry Inn, Clique, Stay On 811CC Hthorno 51 f l:07fast 41 122 9 8 CI 41 L McDottll BollvarBond, NcatGirl, Sorline 80397 Latonia 61 f 1:07 good 4 112 1 3 3s 31 W Fronk 7 Bankrupt. Lara o Mine, Wuhu 80253 Latonia 5-8 l:05fast 21f 114 1 4 5h 55 L Lyke 12 StarGirl, DntchCirl, F.DeCoursy 79893 Latonia 6-8 1:00 fast 15 107 7 8 8 81 E Pool 8 CupBrer, Superfnk, MyDestiny KOSMAN. b. c. 2 112 By Cataract Kathcrina B., by Frontcnac. Trainer. "W. Sims. Owner. Pueblo Stable. Breeder. R. C. Thatcher. 82289 Hthorne 51 f lK7fast 20 110 5 9 0 83 J Picrillo 10 Sam Mengel. Stay On, MargieK. 81892 Hthorne 51 f 1:0S fast 8 117 2 4 51 C1 F Horn 7 Little Jimmy, Oil Burner. Clique 81743 Hthorne 51 f 1:09 good 8 117 1 3 11 21 J Picrillo 9 BlackDinah, Clique. TliyllisGtry 81494 Hthorne 51 f 1:08 fast 8 112 5 7 S" 9" J Picrillo 11 Stay On, Abstract, Sorline 81122 Hthorne 61 f l:07fast 12 110 1 2 3 64J J Piccillo C Kittyrat, Annihilator, F.Victoria 80921 Hthorno 61 f l:12hvy 4 107 3 1 Is 1 J Piccirlo 7 Karonga, Federalist, Stay On S0752 Hthorne 5-8 1:00 fast 20 110 2 3 53 51 F Horn 8 DutchGirl. Geo.ltpsc, Rtck.Pccss LITTLE JIMMY, ch. c. 2 107 By Frizzle Ionia, by Martinet. Trainer. J. Xowenstei-. Owner, J. B. Michelsoi. Breeder, T. Piatt. 82289 Hthorno 51 f l:07fast 8 110 9 5 Ci 105 R Yelton 10 Sam Mengel, Stay On, MargieK. 82172 Hthorne 51 f l:09good 9-5 115 2 1 2i 3 It Yelton 7 Stay On, Anna II., Bad Luck 82018 Hthorne 51 f l:10hvy 11-5 107 2 1 1 ll R Yelton 8 Sam Mengel, Clique, Bad Luck 81892 Hthorne 5 f 1:08 fast 20 107 3 1 l1 Is R Yelton 7 Oil Burner, Clique, Sam Mengel 81743 Hthorne 51 f 1:09 good 8 10S1 3 2 5 51 W Pool 9 Black Dinah, Kosman, Clique 81494 Hthorne 51 f 1:0S fast 15 10S110 11 11 11" E Martin 11 Stay On, Abstract, Sorline 81381 Hthorne 51 f l:12hvy 10 107 1 5 6 5" E Martin 7 Hurry Inn, Cliqnc, Sam Mengel 79174 Churchill 41 f 55slop 4 112 2 7 8 8" M Garner 10 ScthsTrVe. StarGI, Fr. Vicfia 78943 Churchill 41 f 5G hvy 18-5 112 5 8 5s 64 L McDottl2 Fuo, Red Seth, Sam Mengel PHYLLIS GENTRY, ch. f, 2 M 107 By Tho Manager Daisy Piatt, by Marta Santa. Trainer. R. Bolton. Owner. M. J. Cooke. Breeder. L. A. Lyne. 82018 Hthorne 51 f l:10nvy 15 1051 1 6 8 8" W Anson 8 LittlcJimmy, SamMengcl, Clique 81851 Hthorne Ci f l:07fast G 112 5 6 81 9" G Ellis 11 Iacier, Boo Boo, Bad Luck 81743 Hthorne 51 f 1:09 good 20 101 2 1 21 4i W Anson 9 Black Dinah, Kosman. Clique 80979 Hthorno 5-S l:06Khvy 10 109 1 4 6 5" N Barrett C White Alley. Bad Luck. Glory 79789 Latonia 6-8 1:02 slow 23C 105 11 11 11 11" Ti Harvey 12 PcrsianMaid. Realize, Beu.Stone 79258 Churchill 41 f 55good 24f 10G 12 7 9i 8J H Long 12 Hr.hhandlndd. B.Luck, C.Schnr 79174 Churchill 41 f 55slop 49 1011 8 8 7 7" II Long 10 SethsTrse. StarGI. Fr. Vicfia ROCKING, blk. f, 2 M 104 By Star Master Rocking Chair, by Ogden. Trainer, L. Jones. Owner. Harned Bros. and Jones. Breeder, J. E. Madden. 31253 Hthorno Si f l:CGfast 15 1S31 G 8 6and 7" J Kederis 8 Rkldlrincs, Tilka, Annihilate 81031 Hthorne 5-S l:01slow 8 110 4 3 3J 3" J Kederis 7 RockldPnccss. Biviera, Hessna 7958C Churchill 41 f 53fast 29 104 4 4 4 4 W McCbe 0 Sweep Park, BearShot, M.Jennie 79302 Churchill 41 f 54 fast 29 103 5 4 4s 451 W Fronk 5 DrcssGoods, StarGirl, Ivory WINNIE OWYNN. hr. f, 2 110 By Dick FinneU Diamond Grain, by Fowling-pieco. Owner, Mrs. C. Lawrence. Breeder. T. Piatt. 82289 Hthorne 51 f l:07fast 10 105 2 4 C1 51 D Jones 10 Sara Mengel, Stay On, MargieK. 81743 Hthorne 51 f 1:09 good 7-10 104 9 6 Go 7" G Ellis 9 Black Dinah, Kosman, Clique 81G21 Hthorne 5-S 1:00 fast 7 115 4 1 1 Is YV Pool 13 MyDrcam, P.Laura, MissOmond 81348 Hthorno C-S l:04ihvy C 115 3 4 5and G15 M Garner 8 GoldnLynn, First Lt, MargieK. 8120C Hthorno 51 f l:0Sfast 7 1031 7 6 5 5i M Garner 10 For.RcIations, Riviera, OilBner 81032 Hthorne 5-8 l:02slow 4 110 1 4 4 3 M Garner C Tinamou, Bit o Honey. Bellell. 80730 Latonia 51 f l:0Gfast 12 115 8 3 3and 51 M Garner 12 ButySIave, Buttress, Dangerillo 2nd RACE 1 Iilib l-ycar"olds Claiming:. July 17, 1923 1:37 1-5 DEVIL GIRL, b. f, 3 1C2 By Spanish Prince II. Littlo Devil, by Ogden. Trainer, R. L. Rogers. Owner. H. L. Crain. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 82415 Hthorne 1 l:43slow 3 ICS 3 4 3 21 G Ellis 8 Colfin, Great Lady, Whiff 82290 Hthorne lm70y l:43fast 6 105 2 4 21 2 A Roduez 9 ExtraEdition, WongBok, Jimson 81852 Hthurne 1 1-1C l:46fast 4 93 6 3 4 3 S Griffin 8 Mary Ellen O., Citizen. Eelman 81586 Hthorne lm70y l:44fast 41 103 3 5 6 51 R Yelton 8 E.Ackley, Impossible, WngBok 81123 Hthorne 1 l:41J6fast 8 97 7 5 3 2o S Griffin 8 Lady Choco, Jimson. Glanmore 80C4G Latonia lm70y 1:41 fast 11 9S 10 9 91 8s R Wiamsl2 T. Competitor, J.IIager, L.Maid 80350 Latonia 1 1-1G l:4Smud 61 105 7 7 7i 8 B Harvey 8 AnnieLyie, FlorcnccW., ByeBye 80220 Latonia lm70y 1:41 fast 10 104 9 4 31 2 B Harvey 9 Slicker, Bugler, Cyprcme 79841 Latonia lm70y l:4afast 9 100 9 9 7 8" D Jones 10 Ballot Brush.Annie Lyle, Bugler 79533 Churchill 1 1-1G 1:52 hvy 2 99 1 4 6 6" G Ellis 0 Bugler, Ann M., Lady Jane 79134 Churchill 1 l:41mud 3-2 100 5 4 61 6" G Ellis 8 KgTut, Prtyroliticu, Niagara ZILLAH, b. f, 3 102 By Moss Fox Virginia W., by Solitaire II. Trainer. W. C. Wennt. Owner. W. C. WeantL Breeder. W. C. Weant. 82290 Hthorne lm70y l:45fast 8 103 8 8 8J 8" W Bogski 9 ExtraEdition, DevilGirl, WgBok 81307 Hthorne 1 3-16 2:00fast G 941 7 4 41! 4s S Holicko 7 Billy Watts, Hardman, Proceeds 81123 Hthorno 1 l:41fast 7 99 5 7 5and 5 A Roduez 8 Lady Choco, Devil Girl, Jimson 81033 Hthorne 1 1-i 2:09slow 10 89 1 2 41 5" V Moore 6 FlyingPrince, Huonec, Proceeds 8080C Ilthorne 3-4 l:13fast 13 106 10 10 9 9" A RoduezlO BarnDollar, Beaut.Addie, Elusive 78508 Tijuana 1 l:41Vfast 8-5 98 6 1 11 11 O Clark 10 Spear Shot, Debtor, Bardalid 78492 Tijuana 1 l:41fast 6-5 97 3 1 1J 1 O Clark 5 BlackShasta, Contusn, LleThIo 78390 Tijuana 3-4 1:13 fast 41-10 105 1 6 3 !J P J Bakerl2 Picnic, Mouxie. Salvo 78350 Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast 15 102 1 1 1 1 O Clark 7 Josne Newell, Settee.Dell Evans 78111 Tijuana 1 1:4G good 71 93 9 3 3 4JO Clark 10 Occidta. Mizanua, MaryContry 78075 Tijuana 5-8 1:03 slow 17 102 10 9 81 61 O Clark 10 Boomerang, Convent, Atonemnt 77925 Tijuana 51 f l:07fast 13 103 11 9 81 61 F J Eakerll Grayson. J.Roberts. F.ChurehilJ BATTLE SHOT. b. f. 3 102 By War Shot Countess Joan, by High Order. Trainer. G. W. Atkinson. Owner, Reminini Stable. Breeder. S. Christenson. 82202 Columbs lm70y l:47fast IS 93 3B1 IC Noe 4 BlucHiil, Ed.Pendlcton, GsMaid 82043 Columbs 61 f l:22fast 1G-5 102 31 O Atwell 3 Poland, Annie Lyle 81733 M.Hghts 3-4 1:12 good 11 97 8 7 31 21 A Yerrat 8 Jolly, Sea Sand, High Cost 81011 M.Hehts 3-4 l:llfast 37-5 97 5 G 6 5 IC Hgland 7 C.Spnsor, D.Flwer, R.andRedy 8155G M.Hghts 3-4 l:12andfast 7 93 8 S 8 5J K HglandlO John Q. Kelly, Theo, My Valet 81238 M.Hghts 1 1:39 good 23-10 10G 1 2 31 4 M Garrett C GrassMd, LadyMarn, F.Rowena 81150 M.Hghts 51 r 1:05 fast 8 99 4 6 41 4 L Momery 6 Ccntirar, B.ofElizbtn, Mcury 81000 M.Hghts 5 f l:v3iifast 14 94 4 6 4and 3J L Monfry 8 Centimeter, Topango, Mercury 79C80 M.Hglits 3-4 1.12fast 31 107 3 3 11 l1 R Costello 0 FairRowena, Crescent, Ker.Girl 793G2 M.Hgbtn 51 f l:o5slop 6 103 5 3 3 341 J McCoy 7 Finday, Sea Sand, Gordon Shaw 79152 M.Hghts 1 1:49 mud 7 103 4 2 2 V H Paden 7 Odd Seth, Dunoon, Fast Boy WHIFF, ch. f. 3 107 By Colonel Vennic Ethelda, by Ethelbert. Trainer, H. C. HcConnell. Owner. H. C. McConnell. Breeder. J. B. Resness. 82554 Hthorne 3-4 l:lShvy 8 103 7 7 4 4 L Momeryll DoubleT., FthfulGlrl. BrianKt 82415 Hthorno 1 l:43sIow 4 108 5 3 4 4" A Roduez 8 Colfin, Devil Girl, Great Lady 82290 Hthorne lmlOy l:45fast 10 10G 4 3 4 51 A Franco 9 ExtraEdition, DevilGirl, WgBok 82115 Hthorne lm70y 1:51 hvy 7 96 2 2 7 71 D Jones 7 Hoy, Yorick, Delsan 81855 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:45fast 10 91 3 4 5 G S Griffin 8 MgtWare, Pud, SoggarthAroon 81703 Hthorne 11-10 1:52 hvy 20 9G 2 1 21 2 S Griffin 8 Over Fire, SunMart, Doughorega 816G9 Hthqrne 3-4 l:16mud 7 104 4 6 6 551 J Wood 8 Clover Seth, Climax, Liege 81285 M.Hglits 1 l:2Sfast 18 94 2 5 6 6" IC Hgland G R.sBoyal, R.andBye, AnnieLyie 80G24 Devshire lm70y 1:50 hvy 9 101 2 1 ll 2 O Clark 8 Yoshimi. Yorkist, Bowsprit 80444 Omaha 1 l:43hvy 17-10 100 31 A Roduez G Praise, Lavinia, Feodor 80372 Omaha 61 f 1:07 fast 40 101 4 J Gerrity 8 Yalta, Probity, Rajah 80127 Omaha 3-4 l:14,hvy 71 103 3T1 P Ilurn 7 Worthman, Stroller, Clever Seth BABBLING, br. f. 3 102 By Sea King Linlrook, by Bowling Brook. Trainer, F. Walker. Owner. J. G. McDonald. Breeder. W. Garth. 8108G Hthorne 3-4 1:18 hvy G 10G 5 4 2 31 G Ellis 0 BtifulAddic, EuyBolle. DbleT. 81582 Hthorne 61 f l:2lfast 15 117 6 5 S 81 J Merimeell Enrico. Carpenter, Sq.MMastrs 81350 Hthorno 3-4 1:17 hvy 25 1051 7 6 7" T F Merimee 8 E.Ackley, .Mnskallonge, Guvnor 79238 M.Hghts 3-4 l:14Vfast 6f 104 8 2 21 In P Groos 11 Pr.Mally, Exchange, PearlBoots 79113 Map.Hts 1 l:43slow 4 100 5 1 1 21 W Martin 12 Star Red. Eau Gallic. Bojul 78788 Jamaica lm70y l:43fast 10 100 10 3 31 41 J CallahnlO Aladdin, Mom, Water Girl 78GG1 Jamaica 3-4 l:13slop 20 114 7 6 4l 5" G Wiams 9 MondayMning, Aladdin, Bcross 78013 Havana 1 1-15 l:47fast 6 97 6 3 3 31 J Eaton 7 BritishLiner, Diversity, Ferguson 77959 Havana 3-i l:15Vtmud G 92 5 5 6 6" J Eaton 0 Minus, Leona Dare. Ancestress GXANMORE, b. g. 3 M 107 By The Curragli Cola, by Combourg. 1 Trainer. M. Xowenstein. Owner. M. Xowenstein. Breeder, J. Sanford. 82478 Hthorne lm70y l:44fast 12 103 5 6 4 44 R Telton 8 Llcsc Kit, Impossible 1 i8217C Hthorne lm70y l:46andgood 20 106 4 4 4 4" R Yelton 5 Dobson, Over Fire, rollymara 81673 irthorne lm.Oy l:50?mud 10 1C3 1 5 C 510 R Yelton 5 Day of Peace. Attilia. Cyprcmc " 81123 Hthorno 1 l:41andfast 30 102 1 S 6" 41 R Yelton 8 Lady Choco, Devil Girl, Jimson , 80901 Hthorne 3-4 l:12Vfast 20 113 3 4 3 3" W Fronk 5 JtDavid. Starbeck, KstonoState : 80483 Latonia lm70y l:43fast 135 104 2 6 7 7" R Yelton 8 Provident. Krishna. SwiftWatcr ; 80419 Latonia lm70y 1:45 fast 125 110 3 0 9 10" R Yelton 10 Florence W.. Klaxon, Dye Bye ; TOWNSEND. cb. g. 3 107 By Tataud Enaraeline, by Masetto. Trainer, A. Dickey. Owner, Dickey and Tones. Breeder. W. C. Goodloe. 82478 Hthorne lm70y l:44fast 30 107 7 8 51 54 R McIIugh 8 Liege. Kit. Impossible 182290 irthorne lm"0y l:43fast 30 1C3 3 7 7 7" R McHugh 9 ExtraEdition. DcvilGirl, WgBok ; 81895 irthorne lm70y 1:45-Xfast 40 109 7 7 7 7" F Werner 7 Kit, Over Fire, Impossible iS1706 Hthorno lm70y 1:49 hvy 20 104 5 5 5 5" R McIIugh 5 IionaAtra, Dclsan. BlackGracklc , 81534 Hthorno 13-15 1:59 fast 25 1011 4 3 6 6" J "Wood C Tangerine. The Archer. OvcrFire , 81123 Hthorno 1 lMlandfast 30 107 8 8 8 8" R McIIugh 8 Lady Choco, Devil Girl, Jimson ; 1 80905 Hthorno 1 1:43 mud 15 93 1 4 5 5" R Mcllgh G Ulack Gracklc, Jimson. Kit 80028 Tanforan lmTOy 1:41 fast 94 5" C "Whham ! ShsMemry, M.llouse. L.Thistle 1 FUROR, ch. f. 3 102 By Wormlefchton Bessie Mooro, by Hastings, . Trainer. X. S. Fuller. Owner. C. B. Heath. Breeder. X. and.. Xvne. 82232 Hthorno 3-4 l:15good 20 103 5 12 111 11" D Jonea 13 A Aloxder, EboayCcllc. Kolanl . 81495 Hthorno 51 f l:OSandfa8t 20 1031 8 7 6 7" A Franco D Allie Oihs, Sun Mart, Spod3 81254 Hthorno 3-4 l:13fast 30 104 13 12 10" 11" J Garrity 13 AuntieMillin, AnnM., Impossible . 80307 Omaha 1 l:41fast 25 100 C5 J Gonnley C Lavinia, FlaxyMac, N.MKlnney . 80269 Omaha 51 f 1:09 slow 3 100 44 O Clark 9 Kilkarc, Collision, Expressive . 80202 Omaha 3-4 1:15 fast 10 100 4 J Gormley 7 Settee. Expressive, Collision 77924 Tijuana lm70y 1:47 fast 6 103 1 3 31 26 J Wood 11 Flycast, Canny Lady, Mizanna T781G Tijuana lm70y 1:47 fast 9 91 3 5 4" 4J K HglandlO FrankFogty, Romulus, "WWinnr 77735 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:52V4mud 8 tl 1 3 8s 9" K HglandlO Faycllc, Brian Kent, Fr.Kogarty 77090 Tijuana lm70y l:45fast 31 95 4 4 6 6" G Ellis 8 KcdLcgs. W.Montgcry, CLady j KUFIYA. cb. f, 3 102 By Polymelian Turban, by Hastings. Trainer. J. P. Bmitb. Owner. O. Yzquierdo. Breeder. Himyar Stad. 82508 Hthomc 1 1-16 l:52Vimud 7 102 5 3 3 3 A Rodgz 5 ChecrLtlcr, GtLady, "VYlingDun 82294 Hthorne 1 1-8 l:54fast 30 100 6 8 61 Cl A Roduez 8 FlygPrince, FrOrient, ndraan 82116 Hthorne lm70y l:31hvy 20 9Sl 5 7 5 5J R Yelton 8 The Archer, Chaplet, Richelieu 81616 Empire 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 30 103 8 7 74 510 J Kessner 10 Sc.Crow, H. Commander, Iverne 81416 Empire Ab 3-4 1:10 fast 100 100 10 9 9l 9l"R Pierce 13 FortFler, St.Valtine. VulnQn S0359 Dorval 3-4 1:14 good 30 105 8 7 6 G" M Garrett 8 KgsRsome Smagne nmidale 80222 Dorval 3-1 l:12fast 52 91 Lett at post. J Maclver 9 Lcatherwd, L.Antoine, Lounnua 77431 Havana 3-4 l:131andfast 3 101 G 7 Cs 64 J Callahan 7 Firctoma, Ancestress, Minus , MASON TOWXE, cb. g, 3 107 By Hourless Humanity, by Voter. Trainer, W. B. Finnegan. Owner, C. H. Knebelkamp. Breeder. B. Combs. 82290 Hthorne lm70y l:45fast 12 103 7 2 6 64 D Jones 9 ExtraEdition. DcvilGirl. WgBok 1 81940 Hthorne 51 f 1:11 mud 12 116 1 4 21 2 D Jones 5 Guvnor. Harold K.. May Bruen 81744 Hthorne 51 f l:0Sgood 12 111 3 3 4 4" B Scheffel 8 St. Angelina. HaroldK., Scamper 81254 Htliorno 3-4 l:13fast 20 113 5 10 ll 10" R Scheffell3 AuntieMillin. AnnM., Impossible 80556 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 32 105 10 11 S 8" E Corcornl2 MissMischief, L.Marian, Sh.Gold 80214 Latonia lmTOy 1:45 fast 12 102 4 2 6 53 D Jones 9 T.Cpetitor, BhBuck, LodyJanc 80076 Latonia 3-4 l:12good 61 103 5 2 31 4 G Ellis 11 Parody, T.Competitor, LMarian 79630 Churchill t-i l:13fast 4 113 8 9 91 84 J Corcorr.13 Nimrod. Volt, Elusive 70771 F.Grnds 3-4 l:136good 40 103 8 7 9l 9" J Heupel 10 Mercury, Centimeter, Julia M. PRAISEWORTHY, b. g, 3 107 By Jack Atkin Meritoriously, by Miller. Trainer, tl. J. Hays. Owner, Emeryville Stable. Breeders. White and Rikes. 82478 Hthorne lm70y l:44fast 20 103 8 7 G1 G" A Prgrass 8 Liege, Kit. Impossible 81207 Hthorne lm70y l:45fast 30 101 6 G G 6 A Pendgs 6 Coyne, Flower Shop, Over Fire 80954 Htliorno 3-4 1:17 mud 30 107 9 9 98 9" A PendsslO Shining Gold, Climax, Liege F0336 Omaha 3-4 1:15 hvy 39 107 G: A Pendgs 7 Golden Cup, Grandest, Menage K0005 Omaha 51 f 1:0S fast 14 107 71 O Clark 11 Quaver, Collision, Kilkare 78350 Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast 11 109 7 7 7 54 J Maiben 7 Zillali, Josephine Newell, Settee 77863 Tijuana lm70y 1:45 fast 32 93 7 6 7 74 P Hum 7 ShsMeinory, Cyprcme, Taxation OKEECHOBEE, ch. g, 3 107 By Great Britain Otsiketa, by Ornus. Trainer. J. Dreyer. Owner. J. Droyer. Breeder. G. M. Hendrio. 82232 Hthorne 3-4 l:15good 30 113 G 7 8 78 II J Burkel3 A.Alexder, EhonyBelle. Kolanl 79878 Dufferln 7-8 l:32fast 12-5 114 G4 N Foden 7 Danc.Fl. Beth. Steel, Bluemdalc 79777 Durrin 61 f 1:24 good G 107 Fell. N Foden 8 PrettyMly. KirkDs, AunUane 79701 Thncliffe 3-4 1:14 fast 41 102 4 4 31! 34 J Dreyer 9 Marie Maxim, Carajo, Pandine EBONY BELLE, blk. f, 3 107 By Dick Finnell Chestnut Bell, by Pirate of Poi zanca. Trainer. A. Swenke. Owner. A. Swenke. Breeders. J. D. Carr and Bro. 82G00 Seo todays chart. 82554 Hthorne 3-4 l:18hvy 21 ICG 6 8 81 57 "W Fronk 11 DoubieT., FthfulGirL BrianKt 82232 Hthorne 3-4 l:15good G 103 7 3 21 2 W Fronk 13 A.Alexder. Kcaolani, M. Corps 82022 Hthorne 51 f l:llhvy 9-5 101 7 4 3 31 O Kllis 7 Medina, Corto, Scamper 81980 Hthorne 3-4 1:18 hvy 41 111 1 6 3l 2 W Fronl" 0 BtifulAddie, Babbling, DoubieT. 81893 Hthorno 3-4 l:13fast 12 108 2 6 8l 9" "V Fronk 11 Guvnor. TrucAmeriean. GtLady 81609 Hthorne 3-4 l:16mud 7 111 2 4 41 4si J Chalers 8 Clever Seth, Qimax. Liege 81463 Hthorno 3-4 l:13ifast 12 112 4 4 5 5" W Lilley 7 Bona Vera. Evcrgldc, ExaEdn 81120 Hthorno 3-4 l:13fast 20 117 8 6 61 71 A Collins 11 Simply, TopMorng, HvyArty 79538 Belmont 1 l:41Vmud 10 105 6 12 ll1 11" L McAtee 14 Apology, Bclcross, Gladys V. 79013 Jamaica 3-4 1:13 faut 10 109 6 5 6 8" L McAtee 11 BuckPond, Dscoba dOro, Comedy 3"4 IVIiIc" 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. July ID, 1924 3rd RACE IAVINIA. br. f , 4 110 By Jim Gaffney Sweetheart Sue, by Peter Quince. Trainer, G. Arvin. Owner. R. L. Baker. Breeder. W. S. Threikeld. 82551 Hthorne 3-4 l:18Vandhvy 15-5 105 7 6 4l 34 D Jones 9 KerryGirl, MayBuddy. HaroldK. 82350 Hthorno 3-4 1:13 fast 12 107 11 8 7H 7 D Jones 11 BodyGuard, Cloughjn Soldicrll. 81704 Hthorne 51 f 1:11 hvy 12 106 3 Fell. G Ellis 8 HiddcnJewel, Guvnor, Kventide 81625 Hthorne 3-4 l:12fast 25 110 7 8 8 8" F Weiner 12 Betsinda, Coyne, Kindred 80444 Omaha 1 l:43hvy S3-10 101 23 F "Weiner 0 Praise, Whiff, Keodor 80372 Omaha 51 f 1:07 fast 15 108 65 F Weiner 8 Yalta, Probity. Rajah 60307 Omaha 1 l:41fast 61 107 l1 F Weiner C Fl.Mae, N.MKinncy. W.TakcAll 80201 Omaha 51 f 1:09 fast 4-5 104 Is F Weiner 8 PayOff, Aryanna, Dairyman 80099 Omaha 3-4 l:165shvy 3-2 103 55J O Clark 8 MissEmmaG.. FulIMoon. SeaMint 79913 Omaha 3-4 l:16Vmud 4 98 4i O Clark 9 Whippet, TubbyA., N.McKinncy 78281 Tijuana 3-4 l:15hvy 23-10 103 5 3 51 5 D Jones 9 Brazos, Lamstedt, Snow Cap RED LEGS, ch. g, 6 110 By Rock View Starcadia. by Star Shoot. Trainer, M. C. Keefe. Owner, Vernon Stable. Breeder. T. Piatt. 80026 Tanforan lm70y 1:44 fast 118 41 F Weiner 9 ShsMemry, M.Housc, L.Thistle 79979 Tanforan FC UlVandtast 115 2l F Weiner 8 BlMcCIoy, Amackassin, Grayson 79882 Tanforan 5-8 1:00 fast 112 6s L Mills 6 Coeur deLion. B.McCloy, Kunclar 78099 Tijuana lm70y 1:49 mud 9 111 5 2 2n 3 M Frey 7 Worthman, Lit.IIope, Capt.Clr 78080 Tijuana 1 1-8 l:55slow 51 105 4 2 Gl M Frey 6 Tikeh. Lady Lillian, Wylie 78039 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:47hvy 6 104 1 3 3s 3!i M Frey 8 Princo K., Haleakala. Cruzern 77908 Tijuana 1 1-8 1:55 fast 51 113 5 1 ll U M Frey 9 DernrSou, Chippendale, G.Bryan 77836 Tijuana 1 1-S l:54fast 3 102 2 1 Il 1 M Frey 0 DcrnicrSou, Piedra, LocstLeaves 77737 Tijuana 1 1-S l:5Gandmud 3 105 3 4 ol 5,T B Kenndy C Wylie, Wedding Prince, Zing 77690 Tijuana lm70y l:45fast 9-10 113 1 1 1 Is E Barnes 8 W.Mgomery, Can.Lady, Sea Way 77625 Tijuana lm70y l:45fast 11 107 5 2 13 2 E Barnas 7 FairOrient. PcterPierson, Salvo SUirNY DBCROW, br. f. 4 105 By Black Toney Acheron, by Rapid Water. Trainer. J. Lowenstein. Owner. J. Xowenstein. Bred by estate of O. I. Steifel. 82350 Hthorne 3-4 1:13 fast 7 109 7 7 G4 6 W Pool 11 BodyGuard, Cloughjn Soldierll. 81853 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:46fast 41 111 4 1 31 3S1 M Garner 8 Tlu dHonr, JackFrost, Delsan 81462 Hthorne J 1-16 1:47 fast 7 106 7 5 51 Gl W BogskilO Sakah, Jimson, Elias O. 81258 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:46fast 12 1011 G 5 C 101 W BogsHlO Pud, Kaulla, Haman 80180 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast G7-10 110 5 3 3 4 B Harvey 12 Pleasure, Pyx, Flower Shop 79581 Churchill 7-S 1:27 fast 14 10S 3 4 in 15 I Parke 9 Longboat, Bob, Jupiter 79298 Churchill 3-4 l:12fast 44 105 15 15 15 13" II Gray 15 Jakienay, RoyalPalm, Longboat 77849 Jelferson 1 1-16 l:43fast 12 103 4 6 G1 4 I Parke 8 Our Star. Juno. Three Square 77001 F.Grnds 1 1-8 1:55 fast 8 106 6 2 2and 341 Ii McDottll Bendita. Kimpalong, Attorney BESSIE LEIGHTON. ch. f. 4 105 By Worxnleighton Bessie Moore, by Hasting. Trainer. H. Roseacher. Owner. H. Roseacber. Breeder. L. A. Lyne. 82113 Hthorne 3-4 l:18hvy 23 110 9 6 6 61 D Jones 10 Climax, Harold K.. Scths Alibi 81745 Hthorno lm70y l:45good 7 106 2 5 6 1 7" J Gormley 9 Freectcr, Proceeds, ChecrLder 81581 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:46fast 15 101 4 3 4l 651 J Gormley 8 T.Foreigner, Fantoche, F.Orient 81257 Hthorno lm70y l:46fast 7 101 7 6 5 751 J Gormley 9 Tower, A.Alexander, TheRcaper 81124 Hthorno lm70y l:44fast 20 100 9 5 81 10 J GormleylO Huonec, Tud, T. dHonncur 80809 Hthorne 3-4 l:12fast 50 99 5 9 9 9" D Jones 9 Fifty-Fifty, TenSixty, Brunswk 80195 Aqueduct 1 1:40 fast 15 102 17 15 12 13" J Shanks 18 IlighComder, Jnebar, PoorSport 79701 Belmont 61 f l:19fast 30 102 13 13 18"18 R Pierco 19 Lally, Passport. Muskallonge 79176 Ja:naica 3-4 l:13andfast 25 105 14 14 9 81 E Beach 14 IdleThoughts. RosaYeta. Daydue 79015 Jamaica 3-4 l:13andfast 50 1 02 3 C 5 5 E Beach J4 Belcross, Ege, DanBolling 77580 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:51 mud 31 100 2 E Gs 6 D Mergler 7 Gcn.Cadorna, EddieJr.. BeelFoot 77276 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12fast 20 111 11 11 11 11" C Ponce 11 Simplicity, MidntFollies. JouJou EDDIE JR., ch. g, 4 115 By Short Grass Miss Present, by Tho Tartar. Trainer. W. Cavwood. Owner, W. Caywood. Breeder.- Short Grass Stud. 77031 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:49god 8 108 2 3 11 V J Chalmrs 8 St. Michael, Water Girl, Mom 1 77580 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:51 mud 5 107 3 3 3 21 J Chalmra 7 Gen.Cadorna, Keel Foot, Lierre 77450 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:50mud 20 107 3 2 21 2l J Chalmrs 9 FeigncdZl, OurBirthday, Lubeck ; 77347 F.Grnd3 1 1-16 l:49V6good 15 110 5 5 61 7" J II Burkell Normal, Majority. Royal Charlie 77234 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 fast 15 1051 4 5 4t 5 II Zander 13 S.Frdman. Col. Winn. T.Officlal 1 72736 Aurora 3-4 l:16slow 13-5 107 4 3 31 1 E Petzoldt 9 JoeCampbell. Casey, SanStefano PUT AND TAKE, blk. f, 4 105 By Dick Welles Old Woman, by Yankee. Trainer, J. M. Brown. Owner, X. J. Brown. Breeder. Harry Montgomery, 82475 Hthorno 3-4 l:13fast 25 115 8 9 8 7 A Tmbleyl2 Lugs, May Buddy, Glentilt 81746 Hthorne 51 f 1:08 good i2 111 1 6 61 7" T Koerner 9 LesterDoctor, Lugs, Argumental 1 81495 Hthorne 51 f l:0SV6fast 30 112 1 2 4 5 T Koerner 9 Allio Ochs, Sun Mart, Spods 74257 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 8f 110 6 8 81 8" W Bogskil2 Martha Fallon, Finday, Modna V2438 Aurora Ab 5-8 58fast 10 1011 3 5 41 5T R Doyle 6 Tuscola, Recruit, Great Lady 72290 Hawlhne 3-4 1:14 fast 6 93 3 6 31 3J1 G Sutton 9 P. G. Brown. Froth. Great Lady 72123 Hawthne 3-4 l:14fast 5 105 4 3 31 31 E Petzoldt 6 Giuseppe, Larcimiont, Marcel 72056 Hawthne 51 f l:06fast 15 105 5 5 51 3s R Hartonl2 First Call. Great Lady. Froth WIRELESS, ch. g, 6 115 By Uncle Round the World, by Lackford. Trainer, H. Cavanaugh. Owner, Mrs. W. J. Potter. Breeder. W. B. Miller. 81167 Hthorno 3-4 l:llfast 10 110 10 9 8l 881 J Wood 14 Humble, Crescent, AuntieMillin 76188 Jefferson 11-16 1:54 hvy 12 106 3 8 8i0 S" F Lee 9 Lord Wrack,, Trooper, Dbfnder 76031 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:51 good 5 106 3 2 3l 55 I Parke 11 Pete Foy, Torsida, lianokin 75900 Jefferson 51 f 1:13 hvy 3-2 105 4 1 ll l1 E Martin 9 Reel Foot. Royal Maid, Silence 75816 Jefferson 1 l:45Vslow 7 106 2 2 2 2 W Fronk 8 Super, Tan Son, Dunmfounder 75749 Jefferson 3-4 l:19J4mud 10 108 4 5 6l 7 H Zander 10 SmartGuy, Dumbfnder, P.Micou 73469 Wheeling 1 1:17 slop 13-10 113 1 J P Ryan 0 TactlessIL, SeaMime. Can.Lady 73392 Wheeling 1 1:49 hvy 5 113 2b J P Ryan 6 Dalrose, Sea Mime, Dewitt 73340 Wheeling 1 1:47 sIod 8 112 51 T Wayt 8 Filten, Horeb, Kendall MOLINERO, b. g, 6 110 By Tim Payne Cloudlight, by Bright Phoebus. Trainer, J. Lowe. Owner, A. J. Molera. Breeder, A. J. Molero. 81745 Hthorno lm70y l:45.good 10 111 8 8 8 8 J Wood 9 Freectcr, Proceeds. ChecrLder r S1583 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:47fast 30 106 2 3 41 C A Franco 6 nardmn, Slandr, LocustLeaves j 80987 Raceland 1 1-16 l:49fast 26 107 3 6 G" G" W Kelsay 7 Repeater, Stump Jr., Runquol 180248 Latonia 1 1-16 l:43andfast 107f 105 G 8 G 10" F Thdykell Jotiett, Mistress Mary, Gem 179756 Latonia 3-4 l:16Vihvy 72 103 5 4 4 5" F Hstings 0 Marionette, Ten Sixty, Bswick ! 77218 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:49andfast 20 107 6 5 9 l 8" H Zanuer 12 B. fr.Home. Secrcty, Jakollerger 76862 F.Grnds 1 1-15 l:4Sfast 50 104 2 6 61 6 H Farlandll Tgling. Dr.Whitchurst, Neddam i 76607 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13andfast 60 1011 2 11 11 10" J Chalmcrsl2 GoodTime. Hysteria, Khinegold XOCUST LEAVES, ch. m, 7 105 By Jack Atkln Cream, by Electioneer. Trainer. W. B. Finnecan. Owner, W. F. Knebelkamp. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 82175 Hthorne 1 3-16 2:03 good G 102 1 2 5l 5" D Jones 7 Gail Ford, Slanderer, Ramkln i 81796 Hthorne 1 3-16 2:00 fast 8 106 2 1 1 45i A Franco 8 Fair Orient, Gail Ford, Itamkin i .81583 Hthorno 1 1-16 l:47fast 6 1021 5 4 3 3 F Corcorn 6 Hardman, Slanderer, Courtship 81211 Hthorno 1 1-8 l:5Gandfast 18-5 108 4 2 4 6" D Jones 7 Peter J., Cheer Leader, Silence 3 80957 Hthorne 1 1-8 2:01mud 7 101 1 2 3l 6" D Jones C MissClaire, FlyingPrince, Silence j 80865 Hthorno lm70y l:45fast 11-5 101 7 2 11 21 D Jones 7 Bonfire, Simpleton. Liege 80755 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:47fast 5 106 4 4 G 7 D Jones 10 Jim Daisy, Huonec, Bonfire 78352 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:47fast 23-10 104 6 5 El 5" D Jones C Worthn, MankinlL, N.McKey r 77830 Tijuana 1 1-8 l:54?faat 4 106 6 3 3" 41 E Fator 0 Red Legs. Dernier Sou, Piedra 1 1 " , : ; ; ; , , ; 1 . . . . . j , 1 1 ; 1 1 r j ! i i 3 j r VOOGERIA, br. m. 5 110 By Voorhees Egeria, by Top Gallant. i Trainer. A. F. Dayton. Owner, A. F. Dayton. Breeder. A. B. Spreckels. 77404 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:47fast 30 103 6 6 6 6" J Smith 0 VanPa trick. Virginius. By Watts 77362 Tijuana 1 1-8 li3Ufast 14 103 2 4 6 5" J Smith 5 Dorius, BlarneyStone, Mar. Boy 77253 Tijuana lm70y 1:44 fast 100 104 7 9 9 9" J Smith 9 Valor. Van Patrick. Quecrcek i 77075 Tijuana lm70y l:45good 14f 104 3 6 8" J Smith 8 Great Luck, Valor, Sagamook 76982 Tijuana 3-4 l:124rast 121 104 7i J Smith 7 JackBaticr, SpdEagle, LordAllett 76205 Tijuana 11-16 1:46 fast 90 104 G" J Smith 0 Wynncwood. T.Buttous. LEffare 75548 Tanforan 1 1-16 l:45fast 107 41 J Smith 4 Sagamook, Reap, The Hottentot AKEEJXNOCKER, b. g, 4 111 By Fitz-Grafton Happiness, by Hapsburg. Trainor, H. Horron. Owner, H. Herron. Breeder, E. Rucker. 75114 Huntington 1 1:51 hvy 47-10 103 Bolted. W Bogskl 7 Blazonry, AVcinland, Necnah 74987 Huntington 3-4 l:14fast 2S 103 21 F Horn 10 Lucky Pearl. Ncenah, Dissolut 74913 Hunton 51 f l:0Sslow 15 111 5Ji W Dunson 7 Merry Mars, Bess L., Primus 74831 Hunton 3-4 l:14fast 11 101 4 W Martin 5 Kennmare, The Girl, Athlete 74383 Akron El f l:09fast 10 101 4J W Taylor $ TheChamhern, Riiosta. VirgleK. 74300 Akron 5-8 l:02andfast 28 113 610 W Dunson 9 Razon. Spinning, UTwnty-ThTco 74021 N.Kton Ab 3-4 1:20 slow 41 111 33 W Dunsn 4 RoyalMaid, Blue Dale, Floralia DICKIE DIX, b. g, 4 115 By Flotsam III. Patsy Carol, by Islington. Trainer. G. L. Falraqnist. Owner. G. L. Palmquist. Breeder. J. Spencer. 78108 Tijuana 11-4 2:12 mud 4 99 6 4 4 41 G Abel 0 Wed. Prince, GailFord. W.Winr 78003 Tijuana 11-16 1:51 mud 24f 107 2 4 4 31 C Ralls 11 March Lad, MaryJ. Baker, Louis 77931 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 23 105 5 5 4and 45 C Corbett 7 Dan Hogan, Piedra. Daintylidy 77795 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:49fast 69 106 4 o 45 1 C Corbett 7 Gold Bryan. Piedra. The Wit 77423 Tijuana lm70y l:46fast llf 110 7 7 61 63 W Moltera 8 Madge F.. Furor. Priuce Direct 77274 Tijuana 11-8 1:55 Tast 51 101 8 6 5 6G Abel 10 Fayelle, Missouri lioy. Sea Way 77163 Tijuana 1 1-8 l:55Tast 35 99 7 6 61 63 G Ellis 8 TbeLanib, PrinccDirect; Breeze FEW ACRES, b. g, 6 110 By Marathon Chilla. by Alvescot. Trainor, J. Wangen. Owner, J. Wangen. Breeders. Van Dusen and Schmidt. 82415 Hthorne 1 l:43slow 25 126 6 i 8 S E Owen 8 Colfln, Devil Girl, Great Lady 80406 Omaha 51 f 1:09 good 284 110 93 M Lines 12 Virgo, Foul Weather, Faithful 80235 Omaha 5-S l:10mud 32 107 G M Lines 8 BrownDick. Spinaway, C.Kmptor 79908 Omaha 51 f l:llmud 54 115 10" M Lines 10 R.Royal, Rngeorge, St.AngclIna 72919 Lex.C.Fr 3-4 l:Handjjood 3 113 ll J Winans 7 BonBox, E.Princcss, Ctiereagh 72856 Lex.C.Fr 3-4 1:14 fast 12 103 El J Winans 7 Lt.Coloncl. M. Prosperity. Phenol 72578 Columbs 51 I 1:15 hvy 103 9T1 S Banks 10 Mary G., Machiavelll, Amanda 72421 Map.Hta 1 1-15 l:52mud 5 102 4 2 21 3i S Banks S Smart Guy, Ragazza. Pembroke 72173 Map.Kts lm70y l:43fast 8 109 7 2 2 21 S Banks 11 Ashland, D.ofWngton. M.Clairo 72007 Map.Hta lmTOy l:44good 11 103 2 6 41 4 K Ericksn 8 Arravan. Wal. Hall. Lt. Perkina CORTO, b. I, 4 110 By Theo Cook Largo, by Sempronius. Trainer, F. A. Sbarkey. Owner, Derby Stablt . Breeder. Xalapa Farm. 82551 Hthorno 3-4 l:18hvy 10 110 8 9 8 8" K Ericksn 9 KerryGirl, May Buddy, Lavinia 82232 Hthorne 3-4 l:15good 15 115 4 6 10l 10" K Ecksonl.1 A.Alexder, Eboiiyllclle. Kolanl 82022 Hthorno 51 f l:llhvy G 1071 4 2 2 2 F Horn 7 Medina. Ebony Belle, Scamper 81704 Hthorne 51 f 1:11 hvy 20 111 8 7 7 6" L Saucier 8 HiddenJewel. Guvnor, Eventide 81495 Hthorno 51 f l-.OSAfast 12 106 6 7l 6 A Roduez 9 Allie Ochs, Sun Mart. Spods 81167 Hthorne 3-4 l:llfast 12 105 14 14 14 13" J Garrity 14 Humble, Crescent, AuntieMillin 81006 Hthorne 3-4 l:16slow 41 103 7 6 61 4" F Horn 8 H.Artiliery, PetcrJ.. A.Alexder 80922 Hthorno 3-4 l:lShvy 10 101 1 4 3 2 F Horn 10 P.oot Black. Peter J.. Hoy 79623 M.Hghts 51 f 1:10 hvy 61 108 2 4 3 31 R Costello 9 Diff. Eyes, Beckna. John Joseph AV DA PC 3-4 Mile. Randolph Theater Handicap. 3-year-olds and upward rill llHUu July li, 1924 1:11 2-5 3 121. SANOLA. b. f. 3 . 116 Ty Sain Anola. by Sempronius. Trainer. L. Jones. Owner. Harncd Bros. and JoneO.. -Breeder. G. J. Long. 82418 Hthorne 3-4 l:13slow 4 111 5 5 31 Ink w Fronk 10 Tho Runt. Maricnettc, Bnswick 82060 Hthome 3-4 1:17 hvy 11-5 115 3 3 3 3 W Fronk 4 TheRunt, QceGarden, S.Bradley 81854 Hthorne 3-4 1:13 fast 18-5 112 5 4 o 11 W Fronk 5 Brunswk, TheRunt, QceGardeai 81584 Hthorne 3-4 l:llfast 13-5 106 3 2 1 H G Ellis 5 PindrPcei, M.Cerina, JudgePrr! 81536 Hthorno 3-4 1:13 fast U-o 106 1 1 1 1 W Fronk 5 M.FoxII.. QceGarden, JellV.D. 81383 Hthorne 3-4 l:l6hvy 2 105 5 1 11 P W Fronk 5 Doc Horn, Graeme. Starbeck 81209 Hthorno 3-4 l:12andfast 18-5 101 1 1 1 11 G Ellis 0 MossFoxII., Blotter. Pdar Tecl 81081 Hthorne 3-4 1:12 fast 21 107 1 1 21 3 W Fronk 8 JtDavid. SsieBdlcv. KsRsom 80903 Hthorne 51 f l:06mud 9-5 100 4 2 1 l1 G Ellis 7 Dr.Hkman, LyFox, KgsRsom. 80750 Hthorne 61 f 1:06 fast 4 101 2 4 3l B W Fronk 7 DocIIorn, JustDavid. Sn.Bradley 80518 Latonia 3-4 l:llgood 8 871 7 5 4 4 E OBrien 10 Pin.Pccl, Bdalbane, K.ONeillL 80456 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 81 101 2 6 5 5 J Wood 12 GriteWarc. Brdalbane, Energy 80285 Latonia 3-4 l:101rast 15 97 5 5 31 2" R Wiams 6 Alchemy. Magic Wand, BatterUp BRUNSWICK, b. g, 6 114 By Frizzle Country Fraud, by Deceiver. Trainer, J. Lowenstein. Owner, Cincinnati Stable. Breeder. L. A. Lyne. 82418 Hthorne 3-4 l:13slow 4 116 7 1 U 41 W Pool 10 Sanola, The Runt. Marionette 82174 Hthorne 51 f 1:08 good 14-5 120 2 3 31 11 W Pool 5 PindarPeei. TheRunt, K.Ransom 81854 Hthorne 3-4 1:13 fast 6 115 4 1 1 21 W Pool 5 Sanola, TheRunt, QuinccGarden 81498 Hthorne 3-4 l:12fast 16-5 112 2 2 1 1 M Garner 5 J.S.Reardn. Pr.TiiTii. Marionte 81465 Hthorne 3-4 l:13fast 13-5 115 3 1 l1 ll M Garner 8 E.Ackly, L.Marcia. Fifty-Fifty 80809 Hthorne 3-4 l:12vsfast v-5 116 4 1 1 3 E Martin 9 Fifty-Fifty, Ten Sixty, Betsinda 80453 Latonia 3-4 l:12Vfast 3 115 2 1 11 Ink M Garner 12 RanidDay, Sandalwood, LastOne 80216 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast G 118 2 6 6 5i L McDottll B.Bearcr, Mionctte. NghtyNba 80141 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 15 112 3 2 Ink n M Garner 12 Easter Bells. Inquisition, Tycoon 79756 Latonia 3-4 l:16andhvy 39-5 112 3 2 24 3 B Harvey 6 Marionette, Ten Sixty, Pompous SURF RIDER, b. g, 5 112 By Superman Sea Spray, by Star Shoot. Traier, K. Spence. Owner. Andley Farm Stable. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 74282 Latonia 1 l:38fast 18-5 119 4 2 4" 4 M Garner 6 Dr.Makcr, Audacious. GdeDame 74207 Latonia 1 1-16 1:44 fast 4 110 11 5 7and 9" E Scobie 11 InMercoriam, Actuary. Hopeless 73627 Bolmont 1 1-16 1:44 fast 10 112 1 2 21 2 E Scobie 3 Kg Solomons Seal, ThuuderclaJ 70596 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast 5 110 9 4 41 21 H LunsfdlO M.Winsor, L.Madcap, Swtbeart 70515 Churchill 1 1-4 2:03fast 51 110 5 4 21 2 H Lunsfd 9 Cher. Tree, Bonllomme, BestPal ALLEDEN, b. g, 5 110 By Goldic Dakota Girl, by Electioneer. Trainer, J, Hizar. Owner, E, E. Major. Breeder. 1. J. Harmcn. 82506 Hthorne 3-4 l:15mud 16-5 122 6 2 11 1 C Gross 8 BrotherJohn. Evglade, RdRol-n 82352 Hthorne 3-4 l:llfast 10 107 8 6 31 31 A Pickens 7 Quinecddn, Dr.nickmn, Sakah 81010 Hthorne lm70y l:49slow 7 106 3 3 6l 6" R Doyle 7 Virginius, Billv Siar, Wong Bok 80956 Hthorne 3-4 l:15mud 41 110 4 4 31 3T R Doyle G Marionette, J.S.Rdon. R.Mtain 80863 Hthorne 3-4 l:12Vandfast 8 112 5 4 5 57J F Weiner 5 BctterLuck, Postillion. M.FoxII. 80443 Omaha 51 f l:07hvy 9-10 115 In O CJark 1 Go Foin, My Daddy. Ellas O. 80373 Omaha 3-4 1:12 fast 27-10 115 2nk R ifjyle 7 LadyGorham, MyDaddy, Dbtful 80270 Omaha 51 f l:07slow 9-5 116 Ink o Clark 7 Rajah, Korbly, Specdball 80059 Omaha 3-4 l:15mud 19-10 110 1 J Heupel 6 Rajah. Spcedball. Dernier Sou 79730 Omaha 3-4 l:12fast 18-5 115 1J J Heupel 7 T.ot.Ming, Q.Cerine, AlHfoot 74080 Omaha 3-4 l:12fast 28 112 7 7 4J 3l N J Brnes 9 Hon. George. Faber. B. Monkey THE ARAUCANIAN, br. h. 5 109 By Dodge Hcop Skirt, by Sunstar. Trainer. G. Arvin. Owner. R. X. Baker. Breeder. A. K. Macomber. 82477 Hthorno 51 f 1:07 fast 10 106 4 4 5 5 R Doyle 0 Dr.Hickman, M.FoxII., T.Runt 82418 Hthorno 3-4 l:13slow 6 1C9 8 6 61 671 R HngtonlO Sanola, The Runt, Marionette 79771 Omaha 3-4 1:12 fast 4-5 117 31 F Weiner 6 Abadane, Sec.Thoughts. GoFoin 78506 Tijuana 1 1-16 1:45 fast 2 113 1 1 1 2 E Fator 6 Lit.Chief, Cher.Tree. Pr.TiiTii 78305 Tijuana 3-4 1:12 slow 3-5 107 3 1 1 ll E Fator 6 P. Wale. C.deLion, MyReverie 78087 Tijuana 3-4 l:llfast 33-10 109 1 1 1 1 E Barnes 6 Sunnyland, L. Chief, PauIaShay 78035 Tijuana 3-4 l:12hvy 9-10 118 1 2 2 1 B Barnes 5 Goldfield, Chiva, Paula Shay 77865 Tijuana 3-4 1:13 fast 11-10 113 1 1 1 ll J Wood 0 D.Corbett, W.neather, Doubtful 77691 Tijuana 3-4 l:12fa3t 8-5 115 1 1 1 2n A Johnson 6 C.deLion. T.Falconer. Cap.Glover QUINCE GARDEN, ch. g. 5 108 By Peter Quinco Miss Gardner, by Masetto. Trainer, G. Arvin. Owner, R. X. Baker. Breeders, Speith, Phillips and Jack son. 82418 Hthorne 3-4 l:13slow 6 105 3 4 5l 51 R Doyle 10 Sanola, The Runt, Marionette 82352 Hthorne 3-4 l:llfast 7-5 108 2 2 21 11 N Barrett 7 Dr. Hickman. Alleden, Sakah 82060 Hthorne 3-4 1:17 hvy 41 105 2 2 21 2 W Bogskl 4 TheRunt, Sanola, SksieBradley 81854 Hthorne 3-4 1:13 fast 41 109 3 3 4 41 G Mein 5 Sanola, Brunswick, The Runt 81671 Hthorne 61 f l:21mud 11-5 110 1 2 2 2 L McDott 3 The Runt. John S. Reardon 81536 Hthorne 3-4 1:13 fast 16-5 108 4 2 2 3l F Weiner 5 Sanola, MossFoxII., JcwcllV.D. 77601 Tijuana 1 l:39fast 6 106 4 1 ll If G Mein 9 Sunnyland, Vanlatrick, BeFrank 77512 Tijuana 1 1:39 rast 8 108 3 1 1 21 G Mein 4 Sleiveeonard. Lilt. Mokihana 77440 Tijuana 61 I l:03fast 26 113 10 8 81 9 D ConnIlyl2 Better Luck, Dominique. Lilt 77272 Tijuana 3-4 1:12 fast 8 113 1 Pulled up.H Barnes 5 Lilt, Bill OFlynn, Better Luck 77097 Tijuana 3-4 1:12 fast 11-10 113 2 2 2f l" G Mein 9 BctterLuck, B.ofEIIzan. Slcond 77002 Tijuana 3-4 l:llfast 4 105 21 C Ralls 6 Osprey, Lilt. Belle of Elixtown 76717 Tijuana 3-4 1:12 fast 7 103 3S1 FJ Fator 5 Osprey, Abadane. Lilt EVA ACKLEY, ch. f, 3 101 By Ballot Polly D., by Delhi. Trainer. B. John. Owner, J. W. Marchbank. Breeder. T. Piatt. 82505 Hthorne 3-4 l:15mud 8 103 6 5 41 4J G Ellis 7 GoFoin, BillOFlynn. Clw-nplain 81586 Hthorne lm"0y l:44Mfast 31 116 7 3 2 11 A Franco 8 Impossible. WongBok, Pollyma 81465 Hthorno 3-4 l:13Vfast 7 103 "5 3 2 21 A Fcesco 8 Brnswk. L.Marcia, Fifty-Fifty 81350 Hthorne 3-4 1:17 hvy 4 102 5 3 11 14 G Ellis 8 Muskallonge, Guvnor, Climax 81210 Hthorno 3-4 l:13faBt 6 109 6 6 4 3 J Smith 10 Betsinda. Day ofPcace, Poppyo 80028 Tanforan 1 1-16 l:46fast 106 3 E Fator 7 Lizette, Mclachrino, Haleakala 79515 Tanforan 5-S l:02sfast 102 l5 F Weiner 9 HuskyVan, BellcBd, Mayllpton 79212 Tanforan 51 f l-.OSandfast 102 24 G Abel 6 Brandeis. Electra IsabIeGeorge PARADER, cb. g, 6 103 By Whisk Broom II. Pageant, by Delhi. Trainer, X. Cabn. Owner, T. J. Pcndergast. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 80182 Latonia lm70y 1:43 fast 5 117 4 7 61 5 H LunsfdlO W.Star, MissMeise, P.Politician 80082 Latonia lm.Oy l:13good 22 112 6 4 51 5. II Lunsfd 8 Best Pal, Make Up. Welcome 79847 Latonia lm70y 1:42 fast 12-5 110 7 6 7 7" L McDott 9 MakcUp, Llewellyn. PrincTiiTii 79384 Churchill 1 1-16 l:45fast 3 106 6 3 31 3 II Stutts 7 Startle, Rinkey, Best Pal 79087 Churchill 7-8 l:25fast 18-5 117 6 6 51 11 II Lunsfd 8 Pr.TiiTii, Sympathy, R.Mntain 79040 Churchill 7-8 l:25good 33 112 3 5 4 BJH LunsM 11 Startle. Dazzler. Brilliant Cast 72954 Saratoga 3-4 l:llfast 30 120 9 9 9l 8" D ConnHylO LastStraw. Biglieart, ByGuard 70016 Churchill 1 1-16 l:45andrast U 107 5 5 6 74 D Connlly 7 Startle. BlckServant. L.Madcap 69663 Lexgton 1 1-4 2:04Vfast 33-10 1081 1 4 2 2n D Connlly 4 Best Pal. LidyMadcap. Cuacolet MOSS FOX EC., blk. g, 5 102 By Moss Fox Bachelors Blend, by Tredennis. Trainer. W. C. Weant. Owner. W. C. Weant. Breeder. W. C. Wean. 82477 Hthorno 51 f 1:07 fast 7 105 5 6 2h 2 W Bogskl 6 Dr.IIickmn, TheRunt. MissCina 82418 Hthorne 3-4 l:13slow 5 102 2 7 8l 8" R Yelton 10 Sanola, TheRunt, Marionette 82234 Hthorne 3-4 l:13good 41 115 1 3 21 2 W Bogski 9 Blotter, LesterDoctor, K.Ransom 81536 Hthorne 3-4 1:13 fast 8 1011 3 6 31 2n W Bogski 5 Sanola, QceGarden, JewellV.D. 81209 Hthorne 3-4 l:12fast 25 95 3 4 6 21 S Holicko 6 Sanola. Blotter. Pindar Peel 81080 Hthorne 3-4 l:12fast 15 110 6 5 5 4 S Holecko 9 Miss Cerina, Blotter. Starbeck 81035 Hthorne 3-4 l:14slow 8 97 2 5 5 5" A Roduez 5 PdarPeel. Eth.Cy ton. J.S.Rdon 80863 Hthorne 3-4 l:12Vfast 10 99 2 6 4 34 A Roduez 5 Bet.Luck, Postillion, Polly Wale 80753 Hthorne 3-4 l:12itfast 60 95 1 5 61 5 J Kederis 0 JudgePryor, Bet.Luck, L.Granite 80373 Omaha 3-4 1:12 fast 71 104 64 O Clark 7 Lady Gorham, Alleden, MyDaddy 76165 Tijuana 1 1:40 fast 10 101 FelL P Hurn 8 Billy Star. All Over, W.Ileather 76014 Tijuana 51 f 1:07 fast 14 102 2nk E Legere 7 T.Dtator, B.Bgage, B.ofElton El- D A PC 1 and 70 Yards. 3-ycar-old.s and upward. Claiming Olll nMUC Aug. 14, 1024 1:43 3-5 G 115. AX STEBXER, b. g, 4 108 By Golden Maxim Xily Mac, by Plaudit. ! Trainer. C. R. Anderson. Owner, C. C. Wright. Breeder. T. M. Murphy, 81466 Hthorne 1 1-8 l:5Shvy 18-5 111 6 5 3 11 W Pool 11 Kamkin. The Reaper, Proceeds 81382 Hthorno lm70y 1:51 hvy 41 112 6 5 41 3 A Pickens 9 TenSixty, FthfulGirl, JkFrost 80958 Hthorne lraiOy 1:50 mud 5 103 4 3 440 44 D Jones 5 Qucsada, Huonec, Marcclla Boy 79305JM.Hshts 1 3-16 2:04 slop 41 109 3 6 6 6" H Zander 7 Fannie Bean, Kent L., Rupee 79283 M.Hghts lm70y l:43fast 20 107 3 6 6 6 H Zander 0 Dorius, Murray, Jack Fairman 79154 M.Hghts 11-16 1:56 mud 9-5 1071 2 2 2l Ink h Zander 8 Ashland, She Devil. Eye Bright 77976 Jefferson 1 1-8 l:59mud 8 107 4 Pulled up.H Zander 9 LdWrack, Dumbfounder, KentL. 77937 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:51hvy 15 110 6 6 1 1 H Zander 13 El Jesmar, Smarty, Water Girl FAIR ORLENT. ch. g, 11 111 By Fair Play Orienta, by Henry of Navarro. Trainer, G. Arvin. Owner, R. X. Baker. Breeder. R. X. Belmont. 82294 Hthorne 1 1-8 l:54fast 11-5 115 ! 5 3 2 N Barrett 8 FlygPrince, Hdman, BillyWts 81796 Hthorne 1 3-16 2:00 fast 3 116 8 5 4 1 L McDott 8 GailFord, Ramkin. LocstLeaves 81703 Hthorne 11-16 1:52 hvy 41 111 7 7 7" 7" W Anson 8 Over Fire, Whiff, Sun Mart 81581 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:46fast 4 111 8 7 6 34 F Weiner 8 ThcForeigncr, Fantoche. Chaplet 80204 Omaha 1 1-16 l:48Jfast 41 111 3 E Fator 6 LadyLillian. Virginius. TenCan 79772 Omaha 1 1-8 l:53fast 3-2 103 14 J Heupel 4 L. Lillian, Neb.Lad, W.TakeAU 79663 Omaha 1 1-16 l:48fast 16-5 103 11 J Heupel 6 Nebraska Lad, Chiva, Decod 78504 Tijuana lm70y. l:44fast 6 107 7 7 54 3 E Fator 7 DernierSou, Littlenopc, Brazos 78357 Tijuana lm70y l:44fast 6 113 7 7 64 64 E Fator 7 Kauila, Dernier Sou, Snow Cap j- . . BILLY WATTS, br. g, 5 111 By Trap Bock La Becolte. by Headier. Trainer, E. E. Watson. Owner. E. E. Watson. Breeder. K. D. Alexander. 82294 Hthorne 1 1-8 l:54fast 18-5 114 7 6 6 4 G Ellis 8 FlygPrince. FrOrient, XTdman 82115 Hthorne lmTOy 1:51 hvy 7 111 7 4 41 IJ G Ellis 7 Hoy, Yorick, Delsan 81499 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:47fast 7 107 2 Fell J Gormlcy 9 Wcstwd, M.Clairc, RonndRobin 81426 Hthorne 1 1-8 1:54 fast 10 101 6 5 3" 3 J Gormley 7 FlowcrShop, Wcstwood, TenCan 81307 Hthorne 1 3-16 2:00fast 11-10 103 6 2 Ik 1 F Weiner 7 Hardman, Proceeds, Zillah 81084 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:47fast 8 111 9 7 G 5 F Weiner 9 Haman. Hoy. Haleakala 80802 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:46fast C 108 3 7 6 BJ G Ellis 9 Bench Manager, Coyne, naman 80028 Tanroran 1 1-16 l:46fast 116 5 It McDert 7 Lizcttc, Mclachrino. EvaAckley BOUND ROBIN, b. g, 7 111 By Olamhala Mauvlette, by Mexican. I Trainer, W. Caywood. Owner. J. P. Welsh. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 82506 Hthorne 3-4 l:1555mud 8 108 1 3 3 4 G Ellis 8 Allcden. Brother John, Eorgl:idc 81942 Hthorne 51 f l:10mud 12 126 5 C 41 54 W Bogski 9 niddonJewcl. rollymara, Finday 81499 HUiorne 1 1-16 l:47fast 7 112 6 2 3l 35 W Bogski 9 Wcstwood, Miss Claire, Coyne 81423 Hthorne 51 f 1:07 good 12 116 5 3 2 1 W Bogsklll PetcrBrown, BeauflAddie, Scql 81255 Hthorne 3-4 1:13 fast 8 126 6 6 91 5iW BogskllO AVhalebonc. Licrre. Diomed 80751 Hthorno 3-4 l:14fast 6 120 3 6 5k 5J W Bogskill Arrowhd, T.othMg, Simplicity 803G2 Dorval 1 1-16 1:48 good 33 108 3 4 31 3 W Bogski 7 OrayGables, OddSeth, FrtyBoj 80223 Dorval 3-4 l:12fast 13 110 2 6 6 6!S F Lee 7 Racket, New Beauty, Jacques 80053 B.Bonnets 1 l:40fast 19 102 4 2 2 61 F Lee 7 Guelpli, Lky Antoine, Cragsman "ROYAL DUCK, br. g, 7 114 By Royal Realm Duckshot, by Gallinule. Trainer, A. Swenke. Owner, Mrs. A. Swenke. Breeder. G. D. Widener. 82G01 See todays chart. 82354 Hthorne 1 1-16 1:48 fast 31 111 6 5 4 73 W Fronk 9 Elias O., Clcntilt, Slanderer 81083 Hthorno lm70y 1:46 fast 13-5 114 2 6 7 6si H Stutts 7 Paul Micou, Chaplet, Yorick 81008 Hthorne 1 l:43slow 12 114 6 7 7 72 J Gerrity 8 Dernier Sau, Jimson, Taul Micou h052G Aqueduct 1 1-16 1:48 slop 7 112 8 9 9 9 L McAtee 9 Fridayl3th, Woodlake, Supcrbm 804G4 Aqueduct 11:40 fast 10 112 12 12 12 7" B. McNee 12 Aladdin, War Mask. Bear Grass 79859 Belmont 11-8 1:53 good 13-5 113 10 3 35 3JL McAtee 1G Negociateur, MdBclle, Supbum 79738 Belmont 1 1:40 fast 15 109 8 7 4" 5i J Kapel 12 Aladdin, Lily M., Insulate "! 78573 H.deGco 1 3-16 2:00good 5 115 2 2 3 l1 L McAtee 7 Guclph, Freczy Sncezy, Hickory ELIAS O., ch. g, 5 115 By Sbort Grass Mary Powell, by Star Shoot. Trainer. W. C. Weant. Owner. W. C. Weant. Breeder. Shcrt Grass Stud. 82354 Hthorne 1 1-16 1:4S fast 4 111 2 2 21 P B. Doyle 9 Glentilt, Slanderer, Eelman 81853 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:4654fast 41 111 7 5 51 5 G Mein 8 T.dIIonr, JkFrost, SyDucrow 814G2 Hthorne 11-16 1:47 fast 4 106 4 4 4 3 W Fronk 10 Sakah, Jimson, Ann M. 81312 Hthorno lm70y l:44fast 8 104 1 8 6 3 W Bogskill FlowerSbop, Huoncc, Jk Frost 81084 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:47rast 8 106 4 6 7 V A Boduez 0 Haman, Hoy, Haleakala 81036 Hthorne lm70y 1:48 slow 3 111 4 4 41 31 A Boduez 7 Westwood, Donghoregnn, Ambka 80862 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:16fast 8 108 1 6 4 41 A Boduez 9 Bench Manager, Coyne, Haman 80754 Hthorno lm70y l:4Jfast 20 111 6 6 C 6 W Bogski 8 Darius, Prince Tii Tii, Lily M. LUGS, b. g. a 11G By Bulse Princess Thorpe, by Woolsthorpe. Trainer, A. Goldblatt. Owner, M. J. Cooke. breeder. J. W. Parrish. 82475 Hthorne 3-4 l:13fast 5 120 4 3 21 r N Barrett 12 May Buddy, Glentilt, Harold K. 82350 Hthorne 3-4 1:13 fast 10 113 8 9 9 9" J Bell 11 BodyGuard, Cloughjn Soldierll. 8174G Hthorne 51 f 1:0S good 31 116 3 4 3and 2 W Pool 9 I.esterDtor, Argumtal, MlieR. 81538 Hthorne 3-4 l:13fast 8 118 5 2 2 85W Lilley 11 Betsinda, Humble, AuntieMillin 81255 Hthorne 3-4 1:13 fast 12 125 2 7 8l 51 L Morris 10 Whalebone, Lierre, Diomed 81170 Hthorne 3-4 l:13fast 6 110 9 10 9 Ss2 N Barrett 11 Pollymra. TenSixty Muskallnge 808G1 Hthorno 3-4 l:llfasc 6 120 2 3 31 3 H J Burke 7 T.othMorning, Hunter. Humble 80751 Hthorno 3-4 l:llfast 6 120 2 10 10- 952 H J Burkell Arrowhd, T.othMg, Simplicity . GAIL FORD, b. g, 4 111 By Brummel Ethel May, by McGee. Trainer. C. O. Reed. Owner. H. C. Keisel. Breeder. C. W. Moore. 82175 Hthorno 1 3-16 2:03 good 3 107 3 1 1 1 J Wood 7 Slanderer, Ramkin, MissouriBoy 81943 Hthorne 1 1-8 1:58 mud 6 106 5 5 6 5" J Wood G Huonec, War Winner, Proceeds 81796 Hthorne 1 3-16 2:00 fast 8 111 1 2 21 2 G Elils 8 FrOrient, Ramkin, LoctI.eavcs 81G2G Hthorne 1 1-8 l:52fast 21 106 2 6 6and 5" G Ellis 10 Yorick. Flying Prince, Poppye 814GG Hthorno 1 1-8 l:5Shvy 5 106 3 9 4 55 G Ellis 11 Al Steblcr, Ramkin, The Reaper 81257 Hthorne lmiOy l:46fast 18-3 106 3 7 4and 61 G EUig 9 Iower, A. Alexander, ThcReapcr 81120 Hthorne 3-4 l:13fast 20 120 7 9 9 l 81 J Bell 11 Simply, TopMorng, HvyArfj 8002G Tanforan lm70y 1:44 fast 109 8" W Molters 9 ShsMemry, M.nouse. L.Tbistlc 7889G Tanforn lm70y 1:47 fast 112 1 W Molters S U. Warren, MarionNortb, Louis WONG BOK, b. g, 3 108 By Atheling II. Ida, by Peep oDay. Trainer. L. F. Marshall. Owner. J. J. Ahearn. Bleeder. Nevada Stock Farm. 82419 Hthorne 1 1-S l:56slow 41 103 5 2 2s 2s A Franco G MaryEUenO., Hoy, Belle Amie 82290 Hthorne lm70y l:45fast 17-10 109 6 5 5l 31 G Ellis 9 ExtraEdition, DevilGirl. Jimson 81586 Hthorno lmTOy l:44fast 6 111 8 4 4 31 J Wood 8 E.Ackley, Impossible, Iollyma 81463 Hthorne 3-4 l:13fast 7 111 6 6 4 4l J Wood 7 Bona Vera, Everglde, ExaEdn 81256 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:46fast G 103 6 5 6 6i G Ellis 7 Attilia, Billy Star, KkyMonntn 81010 Hthorne lm70y l:49slow 7 101 5 6 4 3J J Wood 7 Virginius. Billy Star, Quesada 80810 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:47fast 6-5 104 4 3 2 2 G Ellis G TenCan. FlyingPrincc, AllieOchs 77368 F.Grnds lm70y l:46fast B 97 4 4 21 21 D Jones 12 Telescope, AmityClm, B.Mager 77259 F.Grnds lm70y l:45fast 7 103 7 2 "3l 3 J Heupel 11 Telescope, Anne. Seths Flower FREECUTTER. b. g, 0 106 By Free lance Cutter, by Gotham. . Trainer. H. McConnell. Owner. H. C. McConnell. breeder. G. J. Lonu. 82351 Hthorne 3-4 l:13Vfast 15 115 8 6 6 4 A Francol.t Max Brick, Coyne, Finday 81745 Hthorne lmOy l:45good 31 111 5 1 ll U A Franco 9 Procds, ChrLeader, MyEllenO. 81423 Hthorno 61 f 1:07 good 10 116 8 8 9l 83 B. Doyle 11 RdRobin, PfrBrs, BcautlAde 81199 M.Hghts 11:39 fast 4 104 5 4 3 31 B Z echini 7 MyVallet, Lonanna, Mar. Moore 80706 Devshiro 3-4 l:137ifast 71 105 8 7 41 l2 O Clark 10 Sextant. Dr. Glenn, QueenEsther 80441 Omaha 5-8 1:02 hvy 11 107 7 A Boduezll NanMcKney. Col.Hbg. P.Ella 80407 Omaha 3-4 1:1 1 good 6 104 ln A Rodgz 9 Settee, E.Williams, M.Denunzio 80340 Omaha lm70y l:46Uhvy 3 315 El P Hum 7 WarWinner. BrianKcnt. TisSetb HEAVY ARTILLERY, b. c. 5 HI By Light Brigade Heliosis, by Star Shoot. Trainer. C. R. Richards. Owner, J. Kolb. Breeder. T. N. Camden. 82420 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:49slow 12 101 6 8 8 R Yelton 8 Huonec, Virginius, Yorick 82294 Hthorne 1 1-8 l:54fast 30 113 3 1 2 51 W Fronk 8 FlygPrince, FrOrient, Hdman 82059 Hthorne 51 f 1:11 hvy 12 113 5 5 5 51 W Pool 5 BootBlack, HidenJcwel, Finday .82023 Hthorne 51 f l:llhvy 8 111 4 6 5 5J W Fronk 8 Power, St. Angelina, Piedmont 81942 Hthorne 51 f l:10mud 8 126 1 9 9 9" F Weiner 9 HiddenJewel. Pollyniara, Finday 81G72 Hthorne 1 1-16 1:52 mud 8 111 2 4 5" 5" A Franco G MissClre, MgtWarc. T.dIPnr 81499 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:47lifast 12 107 1 3 5 5 G Ellis 9 Westwd, M.Claire. Roundltobin 81385 Hthorne 3-4 1:13 hvy 1S-5 115 1 2 3l 711 E Martn 8 Verbena. Hidden Jewel, Sequel LADY LONGFELLOW, b. m, 9 101 By Zeus Olivia Miekle, by Ornus. Trainer, J. MeDermid. Owner, B. L. Heavilin. Breeder, Williams and Radford. 79G28 M.Hghts lm70y 1:46 slow 7 103 4 6 6 4s J Petrecca 8 Capt. Adams, Sportiboy, Puzzle 79322 M.Hghts 3-4 l:llfast 43 102 3 4 31 6i W Martin 9 Rachel D., Gay Boy II., Dalton C2559 Latonia 1 1-4 2:06fast 6 96 3 6 6 6i W Pool 7 iadiia, The Wit. Alex Jr. t:2041 Churchill 1 1-4 2:07good 7 105 1 3 3 31 J Owens G Countess, W.sLast. Chin.Walsh 61790 Churchill 1 1-4 2:C7 fast 9 103 6 7 l 51 G Breung 7 L.Lillian, W.sLast. Pir.McGee G1G59 Iexton 1 1-4 2:lCmud 6 100 S 6 3l l" II E Jones G Bond, Countess, Pimlico C1550 Lexton 1 1-16 l:50?thvy 27 103 6 8 8 811 L MeDott 8 Merchant. EscarDolette, Pimlico VANISHING BOY, blk. g, 4 111 By Smoke House The Widow Moon, by Stalwart, Trainer, G. Henze. Owner. F. Henze. Breeder. R. P. Marshall. 82420 Hthorn 1 1-16 l:49slow 23 104 5 6 7s 7 G Ellis 8 Huonec, Virginius, Yorick 82062 Hthorne 51 f l:llhvy 7 106 4 6 5 5 B Yelton 7 M. Mischief, PrBrown MyBuddy 82019 Hthorne 3-4 l:lShvy 12 115 6 3 2 P G Ellis 7 May Buddy, Muskallonge, Ralco 81746 Hthorne 51 f 1:08 good 20 116 7 8 8 8" II Lsford i I.esterDoctor, l.ugs, Argumental 81625 Hthorne 3-4 l:12fast 60 110 12 12 12 12 J McNolsl2 Betsinda, Coyne, Kindred 81382 Hthorne lmiOy 1:51 bvy 30 107 8 8 81 9" J Gormley 9 TenSixty, FtbfulGirl, AlStebler C4-U DA PC 1 Bllle anil TO Yards. -year-olds and upward. Claiming. Dill HAUL Aug. 14, 1:4 C-5 G 115. GUELPH, b. g, 8 108 By Sardanapale Padone II., by Ajax. Trainer, G. R. Bryson. Owner. E. K. Bryson. Bred in France by J. Sanford. 82293 Hthorne lmTOy l:43fast 13-5 115 2 2 ll l1 L Morris 9 Victoire, RkyMntain, PIMicou 82117 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:53hvy 12 116 5 5 6 4 L Morris G Doubtful, Dorius, Soggth Aroon 81800 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:46fast 10 111 3 9 10 9J L Morris 10 ThoRICall, PIMicou, IfyMtin 81670 Hthorno 1 1:42 mud 8 110 5 5 5 6" L Morris 5 Jev.ellV.D.. PrineeTiiTii, KgTut 80192 Dorval 1 1-16 l:45fast 6 105 2 3 31 3T J Leyland G Redstone, Lunetta," Bucado 80053 B.Bonnet3 1 l:40fast 14 103 1 4 3 1J F Stevens 7 LkyAntoine, Cragsman, Tjanus 79853 B.Bonts 1 l:42fast 9-10 112 1 1 l1 Is H Howard G Jacques, Good Night, Pcrmarco 79600 Connght 1 1-16 1:48 fast 9-10 107 3 2 2i 2J H Howard 6 Roundltobin, Vitamin, Vennie COYNE, br. g, 6 103 By Dick Finnell Alice Baird. by Woolsthorpe. Trainer, L. Jones. Owner, Harned Bros.. Breeder, R. H. Anderson. 82351 Hthorne 3-4 l:13Vfast 6 117 3 2 3 21 W Fronk 13 Max Brick, Finday. Freecuttcr 82235 Hthorne lm70y l:41good 12-5 111 1 1 3 3 W Fronk 5 Sagamook, Liege, Kit 81625 Hthorne 3-4 l:12fast 31 115 3 2 21 2s G Ellis 12 Betsinda, Kindred, Newmarket 81499 Hthorno 1 1-16 l:47andfast 41 112 3 1 ll 4 W Fronk 9 Westwd, M.Claire, Roundltobin 81426 Hthorne 1 1-8 1:54 fast 4 101 1 1 7 7 J Kederis 7 FlrShop, Wcstwood, BillyWatts 81207 Hthorne lm70y l:45fast 8-5 116 2 1 Is l3 G Ellis 6 Flower Shop, OverFirc. Cypreme 81084 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:47fast 8-5 106 1 2 41 6T D Jones 9 Haman, Hoy. Haleakala 808G2 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:46fast H-5 109 2 2 21 2 W Fronk 9 BenthManagcr, Haman, EliasO. 80751 Hthorno 3-4 l:14Ssfast 16-5 120 8 6 71 41 J Kederis 11 Arrowhd, T.othMg, Simplicity WELCOME, ch. c. 3 91 By Atwell Stella Moberly, by Woolsthorpe. Trainer. H. Oots. Owner, H. Oots. Breeder, T. Piatt. 82598 Seo todays chart. 80284 Latonia lmiOy l:42andfast 7 96 3 4 41 4"! S Griffin 7 LadyAstor, MissMeise, MakeTJp 80082 Latonia lm70y l:43good 7 96 S 3 3 3l S Griffin S Best Pal, Make Up, Ladv Astor 79470 Churchill 1 l:30hvy 61 95 4 3 3 2 S Griffin G Dustabout, Privilege. New Gold 78751 Lcxgton 3-4 l:13fast 31 100 .8 5 1 1 S Griffin 8 Glyn, Polynesia, Exchange 78G40 Lexgton 3-4 1:14 good 12-5 94 4 4 21 1 S Griffin 8 Finday, AuntieMillin. PauIMicu 76386 Jefferson 3-4 1:15 good 31 93 5 1 1 ll F Lee 10 Bigwig. M.Fortune. Businessliko 71790 Hawthne 5-8 59 fast 4 109 2 4 4 41 L MeDott 8 Sarah Elizabeth, Glide, No Lady PLUS ULTRA, br. g, 6 99 By Von Tromp Dally, by Giganteum. Trainer, J. Lowe. Owner, J. Lowe. Breeder. E. Cebrian. 81896 Hthorno 11-8 1:54 fast 10 116 4 7 8 82 F Horn 9 Sakah, RockyMountain, Quesada 81800 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:46fast 7 111 1 4 6 101 L McDottlO ThcRlCall, PIMicou. RyMtin . 81585 Hthorno lm70y l:44fast 8 116 2 5 4b 31 J Wood 8 Fifty-Fifty, T nSixty, RkBtm 8153U Hthome 1 1-16 l:46fast 12 109 3 1 1 31 F Weiner 10 Flower Shop, Kauila, Dorius 81170 Hthorno 3-4 l:13H,fast 20 115 2 9 8 92 J Wood 11 Pollymra, TenSixty Muskallnge 81010 Hthorne lm70y 1:49V4sIqw 6 107 2 4 7 7" L MeDott 7 Virginius, Billy Star, Wong Bok 80923 Hthorne 3-4 l:15hvy 12 108 5 6 61 5" H Stutts 11 Figh.Cook, H.Jewel, Broth.John MARY ELLEN O.. h. f. 3 88 By Golden Maxim Green Dawn, by Greenan. Trainer, E. J. OConnell. Owner. W. F. Knebelkamp. Breeder. T. M. Murphy. 82419 Hthorne 1 1-8 l:56slow 4 98 1 1 1 1J D Jones 6 Wong Bok, noy, Belle Amie 82117 Hthorno 1 1-16 l:53hvy 31 95 6 4 4l 5Ji D Jones 0 Doubtful, Dorius, Soggth Aroon 81990 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:51andhvy 10 97 2 2 2 21 D Jones 7 OverFire, MgaretWarc, B.Amie 81852 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:46fast 12 93 1 1 1 1J L Momory 8 Citizen, Deril Girl, Eelman 81745 Hthorno lm70y l:43good 25 108 4 4 31 4 B Scheffel 9 Freecter, Iroceeds, ChcerLder 81385 Hthorne 3-4 1:18 hvy 30 104 7 7 7 6" E Corcorn 8 Verbena, Hidden Jewel, Sequel 1 80250 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 19f 105 8 8 I2 6 J Corcornl2 New Gold, Volt, Miss Mischief : 78021 Tijuana lm70y l:49mud 10 104 5 7 65 6i F Horn 8 Contusion, QnCathnc. Lit.Thtle 77882 Tijuana 5-8 l:01fast 82 105 7 7 7 73 F Horn 7 A.Lcster. SpearShot. Combustion : VICTOIRE, ch. f, 4 99 By Uncle America, by Voter. Trainer. G. Arvin. Owner. R. L. Baker. Bleeder. T. C. McDowell. 1 82293 Hthorne lm70y l:43fast 41 93 5 4 2 2l D Jones 9 Guelph, Rky Mntain, PIMicou ; 820G3 Hthorne 1 1-15 l:52hvy 21 102 6 4 41 4 A Franco 6 Sog.Aroon, Doubtful. BelleAmie 81941 Hthorno 11-16 1:50 mud 15 102 1 3 4 41 A Franco 4 PceTiiTii. JcwellV.D., Fretwell 1 81800 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:46fast 15 106 5 3 3 41 R Doyle 10 ThcRlCall, PIMicou, RyMtin 81537 Hthorne 1 1-8 l:31fast 25 105 9 9 10 101 F Weiner 10 Graeme, Postillion, Bourbon Boy : 81080 Hthorno 3-4 l:12andfast 15 10G 9 9 9 9" F Weiner a Miss Cerina, Blotter, Starbeck 783G0 Tijuana 2 3:24 fast 8 90 9 7 7" 7" K Hgland 9, CherryTree, LyAstor : 783G0 Tijuana 2 3:21 fast 8 90 9 7 7" 7" K Hgland 9 Lit.Chief, Cher.Tree, LadyAstor , 78114 Tijuana 1 1-16 1:51 good 37-10 104 3 3 3 3S1 T Wilson 4 Wildllther. Msdale, BulletPrf PAUL MICOU. b. g, 5 103 By Theo. Cook Miss Micou, by Aureus. Trainer, S. T. Baxter. Owner. S. T. Baxter, Breeder. J. D. Stark. i 82293 Hthorne lm70y l:43fast 8 107 4 3 4 4U J Gormley 9 Guelph, Victoire, RkyMountain 1 82021 Hthorne 3-4 1:17 hvy 41 108 2 7 7 6" G Ellis 7 Kindred, CleTcr Seth, Merrimac 81800 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:46fast 20 106 6 5 41 2s J Eaton 10 TheltlCall. RyMountn. Victre 81083 Hthorne lm70y 1:46 fast 31 109 1 2 11 l1 J Piccirlo 7 Chaplet, Yorick, Allie Ochs ! 81008 Hthorne 1 l:45slow 12 111 3 2 21 3J1 J Piccirlo 8 Dernier Sou, Jimson, Kit 80923 Hthorno 3-4 l:15hvy 12 112 6 5 9 8l" J Piccirloll Figh.Cook, H.Jewel. Broth.John 79443 M.Ughts 3-4 l:llfast 33-10 115 5 5 3h 3 W Taylor 8 Lady Hose, Tab.dHneur, MyVt 79111 Map.Hts 7-8 l:28slow 81 111 8 3 2 3s J Eaton 10 R. on Time, Jewell V. D., JouJou J SOLDIER n., blk. g, 4 108 By Bard of Hope Lantaaa, by Dr. Leggo. j Trainer, F. Sullivan. Owner, W. Russell. Breeder. K. N. Gilpin. 82509 Hthorno 1 l:43mud 8-5 112 4 3 3 l1 K Ericksn 5 Richelieu, Pud, St. Angelina 82350 Hthorne 3-4 1:13 fast 41 113 C 5 41 3 K Ericksnll BodyGd, Cloughjn, TrueAmerti 79085 Tanforan FC 1:11 fast HI 1 F Weiner 8 Star of Eeve, Brandeis, Kaber 79003 Tanforan 3-4 l:lSVsfast 116 4T F Watrous 5 CoeurdeUon, Ponjola, PtodeOro 78933 Tanforan FC l:12Vfcfast H6 9" F Watrousll Brimstone, ChcrkeeLee, Ponjola 75408 Tanforan 3-4 1:15 mud lit 2 F Watrous 4 TenButtons, Cofficld,, 75326 Tanforan 3-4 l:13fast 116 11 F Watrous 7 Runviso, JackBauer, SdEagle 74719 Stamfrd lm70y l:45fast 7-10 116 1 F WTatrous 5 Vennie. Wild Cat. Tribune HOY. h. g. 4 in By Wrack Anyday. by Loeokatchee. Trainer, M. Shapoff. Owner, M. Shapoff. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 82555 Hthorno 1 1-8 l:50hvy 11-5 114 1 4 81 2 H Stutts 6 B.Amie, FlygPrince, Virginius 82479 Hthorne 11-16 1:46 fast 10 112 3 S 4 1 H Stutts 7 Dorius, Kauila. Margaret Ware 82419 Hthorno 1 1-8 l:56slow 7 11R 3 6 6 3 N Barrett G MaryEUenO., WongBok, B.Amie 82115 Hthorne lm70y 1:51 hvy 8 116 6 S 1 1 N Barrett 7 Yorick, Delsan, Billy Watts 82063 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:52hvy 12 113 5 6 6 5 N Barrett 6 Sog.Aroon, Doubtful. BelleAmle- 8185G Hthorno 1 1-16 1:47 fast 12 108 4 7 6 52 G Ellis 7 BchManagcr, Westwod, Yorick BETSINDA. b. m, 7 106 By Roekton Winning Witch, by Broomstick. Trainer. J. N. McFadden. Owner. J. V. McFadden. Breeder. J. Sanford. 82505 Hthorne 3-4 l:15mud 7 115 4 4 5 5J E Dubruil 7 GoFoin, BillOFlynn. Champlaia 81989 Hthorno 1 f 1:11 hvy 41 106 7 5 S 2 E Dubriul 7 LenaMcella, Finday, BonaVera 81797 Hthorne 3-4 l:12fast 2 108 3 2 2 E Duluil 6 J.Pryor, BrnDoIlar, Whalebone- 81625 Hthorne 3-4 l:12fast 6 110 10 4 ll 1 E Dubiull2 Coyne, Kindred. Newmarket 81538 Hthorne 3-4 l:13fast 6 108 8 7 71 l E Dbreuilll Humble, AtieMillin, JnyJewell 81385 Hthorne 3-4 1:18 hvy 18-5 110 4 6 6 451 E Dbreul 8 Verbena, Hidden Jewel, Sequel FRETWELL, ch. g, 3 98 By Atwell Mary Orr. by Orimar. Trainer. M. Lowenstein Owntr. M. Lowenstein. Breeder, E. F. Prichard. 8247G Hthorno 3-4 l:13V4fast 16-5 115 4 4 4 4 Jl Yelton 7 Lady Fox. Mnldraugh, Climax 81941 Hthorne 11-16 1:50 mud 8-5 991 2 - 4 31 3T1 R Yelton 4 PrceTiiTii, JewellV.D., Victoire 81623 Hthorno 1 l:37fast 20 101 6 6 6 5" R Yelton 7 Cannon Shot, Postillion, Blotter 78900 Churchill 1 l:40mud 26 107 8 9 9 95 R Yelton 9 King Gorin II., Dudley. Dazzler 78773 Lexgton 3-4 1:13 fast 77 109 9 6 6 6 R Yelton 10 Dudley, Infinite, Corinth 75249 Latonia 3-4 l:13slow 7 106 5 6 6" 6" L MeDott 7 Rnt.Creek. C.Gilir.ore, Chilhowee 75031 Latonia 1 l:42imud 10 103 3 1 1 It J Pevlc 3 Altawood. Dobson, Valley Light 74897 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 21 113 4 2 3and 41 J D Mneyl ColonelGilmore, Rambler, Dobson tDead Heat