untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-09-24


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4 S , FRED DAVIS Tlio One Wlio Makes layers Become Players "With Winning Information TWO HORSES A DAY "THE BEST" OBTAINABLE A .00 Daily Horse and a .00 Paddock Special Both .00 and .00 Specials for Six Days 5.00 "Wire 525.00 and get In with, my winnins clientele. Address: FRED DAVIS Court Square, Suite 9 Brooklyn, N. Y- Yesterdays Special: TICK TOCK .. 15-1 WON Yesterdays Special: Young April . . 9-2 WON Stop the game of guessing. Let mc he your advisor and I will make you a winner, as I am doing for all my followers. I will prove to you that I, Little Fred Davis, am the peer In my line. - Mondays 05 Special: Mondays Special: John T. D 5-1 Won Escapader . . . ..30- Won Saturdays Special: Saturdays Special: Balance Sheet . . . .15-1 Won Kittie Jim . . . ..50- Won Fridays Special: Fridays Special: Exit 8.55- Won Briggs Buchanan ...5-1 Won Thursdays Special: Thursdays Special: Peddler ...7-1 Won Lady Marian 5.30- Won "Wednesdays S3 Special: "Wednesdays Special: Caledon 5.00- Won Broomster 5-1 Won TODAY LIMIT PRICE TODAY This is the safest investment ever created on any track. All clients are advised that all wires that I release come direct from my men at the various tracks. I do no handicapping or guessing. Your information comes from the best connections that exist. My .00 Special today should "WIN. This horse has heen kept under cover and connections are ready for a win. If you miss this one, you will regret it, as you will need an adding machine to count what this one should pay at Havre dc Grace today. My .00 Occasional should pay about 10 to 1 or better and this parlayed with my .00 Special will show TODAY 10-1 PARLAY TODAY Dont hesitate or let any one throw you off. If you have ever done business hefore with me, you can look me up and see what I have done at this track last meeting and be convinced I am no barker but a producer and past records will show and prove what I have done. TODAY-ANOTHER DOUBLE-TODAY IVirc your money by Western Union or Tostnl Telegraph to avoid delay. The above is my past performance and should be a good convincer and prove what will produce for my loyal followers in the future. Dont say, "Ill wait." You might as well stop your watch and "save time." That is exactly what you do if you dont take admntngi of this kind of BOXA FIDE information. KLEANUP SERVICE MONDAYS KLEANUP SERVICE: MARK MASTER 4.00- WON Filed In advance with this paper. No code was published yesterday, as the horse we intended to use appeared to be unsuited by track conditions. "Wc do not guess. WEDNESDAYS HORSE: P T RACE L LATONIA "Worth a good play; should be a real long price. THREE DAYS CODES, 0; SIX DAYS CODES, 5. Rush your order for our codes, to be sent by prepaid telegraph letter at once, as our Latonia Information should win almost every day of the meeting at big prices. As our regular clients have now all received their codes, no more telegrams will be sent out, but our daily one horse will appear in code in this paper, thus proving that everyone gets the same and, NO TELEGRAMS TO "WAIT FOR no telegrams to pay for. JUST LOOK AT THIS PAPER AND THEN LOOK AT CODE FOR THE DAY. Following were only horses I had since Latonia opened: First Day: Fifth Day: Victoire 1.40- Won My Valet 8.1 0- 2nd Second Day: Sixth Day: Flyatit 1.80- Won Lass o Mine ..6.20- Won Third Day: Seventh Day: Rondelle . . . . .6.40- Won Uncle Hugh . .3.80- Won Fourth Day: Eighth Day: Harry B 4.40- Won Mark Master . .4.00- Won Todays and tomorrows horses should again make all our subscribers happy. To protect our Latonia connections it is necessary that we change our codes daily. Codes will be rushed immediately, by prepaid telegraphic letter on receipt of subscription, 0 for three days codes, 5 for six days codes. "Wire your subscription to us now and we will wire our code to you. Plenty more prospective long ones coming. KLEANUP SERVICE 147 "WEST 41ST STREET . , NEW YORK CITY V if GLOBE SYNDICATE M0ET0N BUILDING, 538 S. DEARBORN STREET TO RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS 3IEN AND TURF SPECULATORS Wo are expanding our connections and, in accordance -with onr policy of always securing and distributing- the highest class information obtainable, we will augment our inducements to those whom we know to bo in a position to meet our requirements. Therefore we are increasing the membership of the GLOBE SYNDICATE. THE BEST IS NONE TOO GOOD To a limited number of responsible turf speculators wff offer a membership in our ORGANIZATION and all its consequent BENEFITS; viz. Turf information of such a nature that it is impossible for you to secure except at great expense. Also a service to our members that for obvious reasons we do not wish to explain in this advertisement. SERVICE! SERVICE! SERVICE! Our associates are at every recognized track, arranging tha successful consummation of tho SEN-SATIONS wo have from time to time. We have no weekly subscriptions, our service covers horses that wc know all about. GLOBE SYNDICATE does not attempt to pick winners. Just as our members must xrait for our advice, so must we wait for the advice of those whom we do business with. Our many years experience in supplying the needs of a high class clientele qualifies us to bo of real service to you. You will appreciate the feeling of SAFETY our information conveys. SAFETY! SAFETY! SAFETY! Now to those who have tha sound judgment and resources that an undertaking of this calibro requires, wo extend an invitation to communicate with us by telegraph or phone and an interview will io arranged to explain the quality of our service. All communications will enjoy the strictest confidence. Our references are the many satisfied members who have been with us since the inception of this ORGANIZATION. SPECIAL TODAY Prepared at Saratoga and shipped to Havro dc Grace especially to WIN this race. SHOULD PAY LIMIT. AVOODBINE We also have tho WORD on two horses that were shipped from New York to Toronto. Our information is: "WILL WIN FIRST TIME OUT. AT GOOD ODDS." Better get in on these. City Clients are invited to call in person. GLOBE SYNDICATE 538 S. DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. PHONES HARRISON 5522, 0979 Subscribe for Daily Racing Form Advertise in Daily Racing Form

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924092401/drf1924092401_13_3
Local Identifier: drf1924092401_13_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800