Maryland Racing Today: Havre De Grace Throws Open Its Gates for Its Autumn Meeting, Daily Racing Form, 1924-09-24


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MARYLAND RACING TODAY " Havre de Grace Throws Open Its Gates for Its Autumn Meeting Twenty Named for 0,000 Added Eastern Shore Handicap, Opening Day Stake Attraction Prospects Exceedingly Bright HAVRE DE GRACE, Md., Sept. 23. The fall meeting of the Harfcrd Agricultural and Breeders Association, which opens tomorrow at Havre de Grace, promises to excell in importance any given at the Maryland course in recent years. There is plenty of high-class racing material at hand and, with the promise of bright, sunshiny days from the weather man, the meeting should be a rousing good one. During the ten days racing three 0,000 stakes, the Eastern Shore, Potomac and Havre de Grace Handicap, will be run. The Eastern Shore Handicap is offered as a feature for the opening days program and it has attracted a field of twenty, among them many of the best youngsters that have been rhown under colors this year. Single Fcot is top weight at 122 pounds and Lyrea is at the bottom of the list with 95 pounds. The former has an outside post position,., but he is a taquick beginner and should be out of trouble soon after the start. The card on the whole is a well-balanced one and the fields in the first four races-large. Track conditions are excellent, the light rains which fell last night being just what was needed to make the footing springy and fast. Racegoers will find many Improvements made to the plant since the spring meeting. Every building on the course has been painted and a new road built from the grandstand out to the highway. This new road will be used for motorists going toward Philadelphia, while the other road will be used for those going in the direction of Baltimore. In accordance with a rule adopted by the Maryland Racing Commission the starters assistants will dispense with the use of whips. James Milton and his crew are here and will officiate at the barrier at all the Maryland meetings this fall. Edward Burke, the general manager of the1 plant, has been here for a month arranging details for the opening and has everything in splendid shape for patrons of his club. The clubhouse, which is rated as one of the finest on a race course in this country has had the attention of the painters as well as the other buildings. ALL BOXES RESERVED. All of the boxes have been engaged by prominent society folk of Baltimore, Philadelphia and Washington. Among the New York stables on the grounds are the horses of Harry Payne Whitney, which are in charge of the head trainer of the establishment James Rowe. Edward F. Whitney, J. S. Cosden, Shelby Burch, Preston Burch, W. S. Kilmers big string in charge of J. P. Smith and J. I. Smith, E. Griffith, B. Harding, James Bean, R. T. Wilson, W. J. Salmon, Triple Springs Farm, Ed. B. McLean, A. C. Bostwick, A. H. Morris and S. Louis. August Belmont has made nominations in some of the stakes and it may be that Ladkin will be sent over to fill some of his engagements. W. Shout is already engaging his crew for the Miami meeting. Edward Brennan was at the course interesting horsemen in the stakes to be run at Pimlico this Fall. He will be at Havre de Grace tomorrow to receive entries for these stakes. E. S. Welter, starter Miltons chief assistant, will be at the course every morning, weather permitting, between S and 9 :30 to school horses. E. F. WHITNEYS YEARLINGS. W. Irvine reports that the ten yearlings he purchased for Edward F. Whitney at the Saratoga sales are doing well. They are at the Whitney Farm at Warrenton, Virginia. Young Harry Callahan will do the stables riding at the Maryland meetings this Fall. Several stables are still at Pimlico among them Robert Walden with nineteen of the A. H. Morris string, A. G. Weston with Thomas Clydes band, W. M. Midgley with three and E. Hall, J. H. Stotler and L. Campbell. Among the jockeys here are G Mangan, G. Walls, J. Maiben, I. Parke, D. Connelly, J. Williams, E. Smallwood, F. Sharpe, F. Wei-ner, L. Jenkins, W. Milner, L. Morris, H. Howard, B. Kennedy, S. Bullman, D. Stirling, C. Lang, B. Marinelli, J. McTaggart, E. Atkinson, N. Huff, T. Watts, J. Wallace, E. Scobie and E. Josiah. The apprentice riders include : M. Liebgold, H. Callahan, D. Fisher, D. Rose, R. McNamee, J. Shanks, R. Albiker, O. Brown, S. Lawrence, A. Vilmore, L. Schaf-fer, V. Stott, J. Leyland, G. Huntamer, R Williams, B. Breuning and J. Smallwood.

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Local Identifier: drf1924092401_1_3
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