untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-05


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MM DAILY SPECIAI, at All Newsstands TODAYS FREE CODES: Louisville Dunkirk-Might-Human-Level-Kersey Pimlico Buffalo-Human-Hedge-Launch-Lament Hot Dog! YESTERDAYS BIG BOOK SPECIAL: PaulMicou,.40-Won "Did you read what AL GERN had to say about this bird? DID YOU1 I tell you, you simply HAD to -ENOW SOMETHING to give this bird. Today WHAT A BEAR CAT 6-1 Shot at Churchill Downs And believe me, if you miss this one, you SIMPLY MISS the Greatest Opportunity oFiered you this week. NOW, SIR, go right now and get this SPECIAL, given EREE with the Daily Master Clocker , mailed, 2 weeks, ; 1 week, Address, 440 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, HL ft Fabian 2.30- Won was yesterdays Special. Broomster .90- Won Saturdays Special. Sunspero .90- Won Fridays Spocial: Georgia -..40- Won Wednesdays Special. Dont forget thsso Sheets are on sale every day, which means a wholo lot. NO BUNK. Dont fail to get todays .00 Special and 50c Sheet Eor sale at all newsstands and at office. City clients call. Mailed direct, .00 Special and 50c Sheet, .00 per week. Yesterdays LONG SHOT WON; on our 50c sheet; paid better than 3 to 1. NATIONAL O. K. RACING LETTER 111, 22 W. Quincy St. CHICAGO, ILL. V GREAT Opportunities ! for reliable bettors. I am handling investments to be placed away from Pimlico track for prominent horsemen. NEXT BIG COMMISSION HOESE GOES FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Terms: Winnings of 0.00 straight bet. Wire promptly after horse wins. My last commission horses were: NOVEMBER 4: PETTIBOCKER ..5.80- Won NOVEMBER 1: BIG BLAZE 5.20- Won OCTOBER 29: DUCKLING 8.20-2 Won H. A. JOHNSON SOOM 402, 1658 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY WALLINGFORD The Man Who Went From Rags to Riches on Information I AM NOW DOING AS MUCH FOR THOUSANDS OF OTHERS TWO BANK NOTE SPECIALS. S10 DAILY S25, ANY SIX DAYS Elected , WALLINGFORD FOR SUCCESS YESTERDAYS TWO BANK NOTE SPECIALS: Arbitration, 1.80- Won Phil McCann, 7.60- Won MONDAYS TWO BANK NOTE SPECIALS: STARBECK S34.60- Won WATCHFUL 2.30-52 Won SATURDAYS TWO BANK NOTE SPECIALS: WILD GOOSE 7.S0-S2 Won JOHN Q. KELLY , .40- Won FRIDAYS BANK NOTE WINNER Only One Sent Out: JOHNNY JEWELL 18.10-52 Won THURSDAYS BANK NOTE WINNER Only One Sent Out : LEXINGTON MAID 1.50- Won Only I know where this information comes from and I am so sure of this man giving winners that I make you this offer: All weekly clients must make ,000 profit this week or I will positively give you next rwEs No, I am not bluffing. I mean what I say. Try me. Thats fair enough. LET ME BUILD YOU UP FINANCIALLY IN A WEEK Mail or -wire 5 and positively your address and yonr promise not to speak about my horses in public. DICK WALLINGFORD 5 Cortlandt St.. Suite I4A New York City One Horse The Man. Who.. a Day 8olli5crj. r-PJzk, Produced Most 0 Daily iASkBML Winners YESTERDAYS RESULT: ARBITRATION 1.80- Won NOTICE SPECIAL OFFER Owing to the many requests for weekly service, I will make the special offer: 0 daily or 0 weekly. MONDAYS RESULT: SUNNY MAN .10- Won SATURDAYS RESULT: BIG BLAZE 5.30- Won FRIDAYS RESULT: LEATHERWOOD .90- Won THURSDAYS RESULT: MONDAYS RESULT: Watch Charm . . .6.40- Won Sandrae 0.10- Won Here is the opportunity to get in on information that has shown nhenomenal results for years. 1493914939?$ PHENOM 149391493914939 PHENOM 149391493914939 PHENOM 01493914939 They call me The Phenom on every race track in America, for my phenomenal results. I have always produced. I nm considered one of the best racing experts on the turf. If you knew what I see daily through my glasses, it would mean many dollars to you. Owing to my high standing on all principal race tracks it is impossible to give my identity to the racing public, as my reputation would be jeopardized. This is the first time I have ever offered my service to the public. My -connections also include information from owners, trainers and jockeys, who havo always been my best pals. Address all communications to THE PHENOM 799 Broadway, Room 223, New York City "BURKE" THE BOY WHO ICNOAVS OXE HOUSE DAILY TERMS 1 WEEK G DAYS .fllO.OO Again I Made Good ! YESTERDAYS PRIVATE SPECIAL SECOND DAY: Pettibocker, 5.80-, Won This ono was a maiden, never won a race, BUT I SAID GO THE LIMIT, YESTERDAY, AND SURE enough, Pettibocker stepped down in front and paid good odds. MONDAYS PRIVATE SPECIAL FIRST DAY: INSULATE 7.50- Won Two Days and two BIG WINNERS Pimlico is the place where I get the dough. Ten straight winnars expected. BEAT ANOTHER LONG SHOT TODAY Bo with mo today, SURE. Send a 0 money order at once; This is fcr six days service: Subscribe. Dont hesitate. Act immediately. I AM PERSONALLY ON THE GROUNDS And all my information is sent direct from tho track. No favorites handled. You all know. "BURKE." I have opsrated for over five years and have given more winners than ANY ONE of my competitors. SEND 0 for one weeks servico and make a flat play of 0 daily and you should easily win ,000 during the week. Wire, Western Union or Postal, or call at office. Send correct street address. E. J. BURKE Room 509, 23 Duane St., New York City Clifford S. Balle New York Office: 200 Broadway, Suite 214 New York City, N. Y. Chicago Office: 109 N. Dearborn St., Suite 606 Chicago, 111. YESTERDAY THE SIXTH ENTERPRISE LOST The details explaining the defeat of yesterdays horse are not known at this writing. Nevertheless this horse was sent out fit and ready for his best efforts. What happened after this horse left the barrier is naturally beyond our control. Attention is called to the fact that this office publishes losers as well as winners. Friday the Fifth Enterprise Johnny Jewell Jj5 1 So 1 0-j52 WON Wednesday the Fourth Enterprise Kumonin 81 Won Monday the Third Enterprise Lucky Play 5-1 Won Saturday the Second Enterprise Wracklane 15-1 Won Thursday the First Enterprise Rigel 8-1 Won The seventh "Balle Enterprise" goes today, Wednesday. Terms for this enterprise are twenty-five dollars 5.00, payable strictly in advance. A limited number of subscriptions will be accepted for this enterprise, as too much publicity ruins the best layed plans. Your subscription of twenty-five dollars 5.00 must be in as early as possible. Subscribers to this enterprise will be given a demonstration of the strength of "Balle Enter-prises." This office will be built upon a policy of honesty, secrecy and a square deal to all. Above all, there will be no misrepresentations. Only facts will be published. This policy will be adhered to at all times. The Monthly Form Book NOW ON SALE

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924110501/drf1924110501_14_2
Local Identifier: drf1924110501_14_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800