Pimlico, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-05

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Entries and Past Performances PI M LI CO WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 WEATHER CLEAR: TRACK FAST. 7C1C0 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1924. 85353 Ten Sixty ....CD 99 1:4754 4 10SV713 SI 123 IS THE FIRST INDEX OF OCTOBER. 85450 Bolphrizonia ..Hv 114 1:45VS 4 113X715 Racing starts at 1:45 p. m. Chicago time 12:45. J? gtta g 4 Superior mud runner. XGood mud runner. 85185 Flying Cloud . .Aq 105 G111X715 VFair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice 85320s Soggarth Aroonllw 104 1-AGV- 4 111x710 allowances, b Blinkers. 86253 Gold Rock ....Lu 104 1:48 3 10X710 First Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. !525f, Ro11 Cal1 Ur 05 1:45 C 111X710 Purse ,300. 2-year-olds 1 Claiming. 88 S-n ttT V "i"705 Track record: Oct. 15, 1910-1 :00-2-10o5 73 fo4? V"S 0 lN,U "if ? :4 3 107X705 Todays !ro!t -XIasueral0 100 1:405 5 111X700 Tnd. Horse Wt Reo A Wt llin SJ3J,l Ed Pendleton . .Ic 105 1:48 4 IOC. 700 84983 Ivory .. La 100 "o 14 103 725 81272 udduBle M HG 105 1:48 4 100700 83687 Tlonaslee BP 110 1:03 111.. 720 Fifth Race 1 1-4 Miles S, L ;;"G 113 112X715 Eighth Running Pimlico Autumn Handicap. 85370s Cathleen M Hoa- ,000 Added. 3-year-olds. hhan 31 . . .Em 103 1:0 101. .710 Track record: Nov 2 10 "-04V n- H-. 85284 Sea Kairy Wt 103 1:07 109x710 ,aL,a, ? 85473 Belie Wood ..Wi 99 1:07 101.. 710 2"S B?,G BLAZE .. .Lu 100 2:04 113X750 85473 Wavecrest M.CP 99 1:07 90X710 itl.l, Altaw?011 La 120 2:01 111x740 83795s Urbanna M..Sa 97 1:03 103.. 710 lliill AKa Khan . ..Ja 109 2:01 110X735 85032 Bother Sa 105 1:07 110x705 !7 ,e,JatrT,Norf,S Hm 125 2:08 101X730 85234 Betty Maloney.HG 95 1:00 112X705 85116 Ballot Brush 9SX725 85213 Lady Classen M suth c-l Mile and 70 Tards. Lu ll. 1:10 108. . CO Olenmore Pursi 85315 Little Fox MUG 115 l:llm iai..700 Purse ,000 All Age" Allowance IMS 5KlcsiBhMMf 112 1:0856 10370u Track Stui HG 95 1:09 93X7C0 85478: bReparation Pm 11G 1:42 5 lll7no 85318 Dress Goods ...Lu 109 1:09 110X700 85285s Ten Minutes ..Lu 108 1:43 4 111 745 85387s Blind Play ... .Lu 103 1:43 3 105!.745 Second c a t Race-2 n mr-i Miles. 85277 Miss Cerina ....Ja ICO 1:43 4 108745 Baltimore Steeplechase. 85235 Upsal Ja 115 1-4"V L d iot tjo Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. 85478 Prince of Umbria yo..,v 85389 San Dimas ....... .3 132.. 700 Pm 106 1:42 4 111. .740 85269 St. Lawrence ... 4 147X695 85416s Batbnnier Do 105 1:44 3 103 X 735 84989 Barleycorn 3 132XC95 85387 bSetting Sun ...Pm 10G 1:43 4 111x730 84443 Graylette 4 137.. 690 85447s Uloudland 2 95X7"5 85106 Flying Scotchman. 11 140.. 685 Mitrailleuse 0 140 Seventh Race 3-4 Mile. TT 4 Hotel Kcrnan Claiming Handicap. Third Race 3-4 Mile. Turse ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Purse ,300. Maidens. All ages. Allowances. Track record: May 0, 1924 1:10 6 116 Track record: May 0, 1924-1:10-C-116. 8531gl WinKfield Lu 93 1-13 5 10-X725 85341 Thunderbolt . . .Ja 100 l:15sy 3 115. .725 85414 Iatherwood .Bo 116 1:1 3 Il5x7 : 85341 Sun Altos Ja 110 1:13 3 115. .720 85353 Silk Tassel . . .BP 114 1-llii 4 109X710 85021 High Priestess Sa 108 1:15. 112.. 715 85414 Carlton .Aq 110 1 -13 3 10371T : 81201 Westwick 3 115.. 715 85388s Heeltaps Do 103 1:1 4 103X715 84536 Mungo UG 115 1:14 3 115.. 715 85339 Deputy De 102 1-11 3 106 715 78989 Composer Ja 102 1:16 3 115.. 710 85414s AVraitli Wo 97 l-pV 0 108X71 i : 84796 Salubria Lu 113 1:16 3 112.. 710 85375 Tester An 120 1-1 iv 715 75648 Dusk Bo 116 1:16 3 115.. 705 85107 VeIlfinder . . . Pm 105 1 :"l2 6 103X 715 85494 Carthage Aq 116 1:15 2 100.. 705 85032s Director Wl 10" 1-11 3 10 710 85124 Harry Baker .Lu 1081:15 2 100.. 700 85033 Deep Thought Ti 112 1:13 3 111X710 84226 Lord Valentine .. 2 100. .700 81046s Mainmast ....Pm 116 1:10 6 118X710 Pawgnll - 3 115 84783 Amcr Patriae.. Aq 105 1:12 4 99 X 705 i Fourth Race 1 1-16 Miles 85286 IJlue Moon Ja 13 1:12 3 105.. 705 Purse iirJtyeal1: Claiming. Jg -Jg g J:g "X703 ; Track record: May 10. 1022-l:44-3-107. ggj eJg "gj g J- 3 Ig;-- , 85271 Rigcl Ja 110 1:46 4 106 X 725 84153 Kaenza Sa 110 1:14 3 105 700 85389 Watch Charm Lu 100 1:47 3 102 X 720 85414 Leonard G. ..HG 108 1:13 3 93X700 t 1 ! i 1 1 : : : : i ; , 15T RAPF 5 1-2 Farlonss. 2-year-oldM. Fillies. Claiming. Oct. 15, lJIO lOl llnuL l:OG 2-5 2 10G. Index Course Dist Time Tck Odds Wt St i Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish IV0?rl1 f ? 103 By Sir John Johnson High Wind, by Master Robert. Trainer, A. L. Denny. Owner, E. J. Holland. Breeder. D, W. Scott. 84988 Laurel 3-4 l:llfast 24 103 4 1 Is li B BrningU Wuhu. Westovcr, Clear View ooi6 Laurel 3-4 l:14fast 49 112 8 3 8 10 P Walld 13 BettyMaloney. Bryndear, Subtle 83921 Latonia 3-4 l:14livy 17f 100 4 4 5s 5?J D Jones 11 Las.sOMino, L.Jimmy. H.Carter 8.5698 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 44 109 9 10 9 9 D McAufelO Flyatit, Abstract, Son of John B,-Grass 51 f 1:07 fast 3i 102 m K Ifglanil 6 MyDcstiny. Aurora. PersianMaid 840 u-.S Bl.Gras3 4J f 53fast 5 .107 3A H Long 8 Anuncemt, L.oMine, RosaGrt CLONASLEE, b. f, 2 111 By Orpiment Bullet Proof, by Wax Bullet. Do.ot5ra.lne, W" Al Burttscliell. Owner, S. Louis. Bred in England b7 J. S. Cape. IqoSI Sel,m?,ntJH l:l3fast 8-5 112 6 2 2i 43 U Wliams 9 Gad. DickWhittington. ZeroHour S m.i I YiG,flCa-St S5 110 2 1 11 1,0 R Wliams 8 DkWfgton, PdTaral, MrBilly S61"1,1 51 f MC l:0Crast 2J 110 1 1 1 1 R Wliams 9 MonnaVanna, Britldea. Denizen li ,rn Empiro 5-8 1:01 fast 6 109 2 2 2 23 R Pierce 9 OldBdy, W.C.Whitcird, Btlcn oJ52 mp!re l:00fast 50 109 5 6 7 7s J Maiben 11 Q-nsToken. FastMail. Kigoletto Itnil vZZ r Vzl3; ,"J 110 3 1 11 5J C "B 9 1!-Wfrey, Sumpr. W.C.Whited 81030 Empire 5J kw f l:0Sfast 1-2 115 1 1 lJ 1 F Collettl 3 BnaVista. -Ijnging. TarrayceC. FLIGHT. br. f . 2 112 By Sweep-Flying Star, by Star Shoot. ainer", W- lTlm.e; ,.?,mer: E- F mitney- Breeder. J. C. Carrick. f -?r ,Ur J4 ,1:!,l?00d ?l 103 3 u 9 3,2 B Brning ! Edinburgh, Edisto. Senor liHu 11:?!Ha8t 21-10 m 1 2 " Vi R Wliams 6 MargicK., CtSayXo, Sea Fairy 84799 Laure 1 l:llfast 33-10 109 6 2 2s 2i B Kenndy 6 MrgielC. W.Mrsh. Mddnsfwn Ri7..n ff?1. r?i ?ZWJult 23 110 1 4 J5 B KenndylO Oldllroadway. MargieK., Subtio II , S.Ca rM::mud 7 113 5 1 Is 21 E Scobio U Lithuania, .Seaman, Ampolac UM V?f?8t ,5 1 1 Vl 11 CallahnlO BelleWd. OldBMway, MargieK. 82283 Saratoga 3-4 i 1:L slow 10 104 IS 9 10 S B KenndylO Skit, Dugout. Mark Over ffYfm m H0TTLIHAN b 104 By Hourless-Duchess Kathleen, by John o Gaunt. J Nicholson- Owner. J. Nicholson. Breeder. Nursery Stud. frt! o-ir?Ler: , 61 f l:071,fast 20 104 12 10 8 3s F ThdykolS Pot Shot, Jibe. Hendrick 85336 Empire lm.Oy 1:46 fast 10 95 13 13 9s 9J C Kslandl.1 Kumouin. Confiuente, Sei Tide o?2 J Emplr0 5 f l:0Gfast 50 103 13 5 5U 4SJ H Richdsl7 Master Billy, Jibe, Toppanite rlii Jama!ca 5-8 1:01 fast 20 104 15 12 121 9J C Hooper 15 HoneyPot, Roval Girl, Polo Star Jamalca 6Jfl:06fast 13 114 9 6 61 6!JP Collettil2 Teton, LordVargrave, Carthago Hrli iaa.lCa-i ,5U VSI-,SaSt SO 1031 9 9 CJ 5S1 P Collettill Adinople. Wracklane, Goodwill 5?H 5e m.1 f MC 1:06fast 60 10415 15 15s 1C R Albiker 10 KathnCby, Travers, Bghtldca 83110 Belmt 51 f MC l:0Gfast CO 102 S 9 7- 9s R Albiker U Clonaslee, Mon.Vanna, Britldea SEAI!RY TCi,J ?, ,109 By Sea Kins Fairy Godmother, by Hippodrome. Trainer, J. W. Dayton. x Owner, J. W. Dayton. Breeder. W. Garth 8.84 Laurel 3-4 l:lffast 71 108 7 7 71 4! R Fisher S Sandrae, Gymkhana. Tangara 85215 Laurel 1 l:fast 11-5 110 4 4 3n 4-J J McTgue 0 F-ryFlight. MargieK., CtSayN. f ?127 Lauref 3-t J:;ast 33 101 3 G 3 2 O Brassa 9 Sanford, Gymkhana. DressGood Ulrl LlL E f ,1:.?fas B5l J" 2 G 9 7,2 T wson 10 CandyKid, Snowdrop, Arbitrate 2f w., in l J:.Ud 85 103 2 1 1 lJ T Wilson 8 Senor, White Wings, Forccastll. 2? m H J:Ht5?St. 1G5 111 7 5 21 1 T wiIson 1 1rincc Theo, Pictin, Span.Nama 8387 B.Bonnets 3-4 l:13fast 215 106 2 2 2s 2i F J Baker 4 Head Cover. Foolscap, Oland BELLE WOOD ch. f, 2 101 By Honeywood-Bells, by Leonid. Trainer. P. M. Burch. Ownjr. Nevada Stock Farm Stable. Breeder. Nevada Stock Farm. "i73 pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast 35 101 6 4 4s 42 L SchaeferlG A.Wdliffe, Wuhu, O.Hroadwar Laure 3-1 l:15silow 67-100 5 4 6S 8 L Schaefer 9 SeaSand, Lest.Doctor. MaryRose of ?i5 l??rZ ?"4 l:15fast 61 102 4 5 10 10" B BrninglO OldP.rdway, MargieK.. FyFlht lr-deG ce 5 f l:0"fast 10 102 2 2 1 In M LiebgdlO OldBdway, MgieK., FryFIight lnlsor 51 f l:06fast 5 109 1 2 2 2s P Walls 8 Toppanite, Ttovallf ,M. f-.iaTido !2555 md.S0r 51fl:07fast 17 98 2 6 8l Sl L Schaefefl2 LaWood, Ausrnar, Robt.MiwT .amVLn JilV02 llvy 10 18 3 4 7 7T P V.alls 7 N.oLove, Toppanite, Mad.BeacU 1111 Wrth "I I 1:07 fast 27-10 101 4 2 2 5i J Wallace 10 NoteoLov;?. Span.Name, Enuabla 81132 Windsor 5-8 l:01fast 10 1031 3 2 2h 2k D Mergler 12 Equable, Effort, Mit WAVECREST, ch. f. 2 M 90 By Pennant Golden Rod, by All Gold. . Trainer, J. W. Healy. Owner, H. P. Whitney. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. ?.5.H !mUco 2-1 1:1 fast S 105 9 9 Ss Gl j McTgueH! A.Wdliffe, Wuhu, O.Broadwar !4o3G ILdeG ce 3-4 1:13 fast 12 102 S 7 5 3ll R Wliamsll Sun Tess, Volante, Suburban IT.deGce 51 f l:0Smud 7 115 6 5 5s 5" J McTguel4 S.Sabrc, Sl.andEy, Out of Sight 2r,22 5-Bon ts 5i l:08fast 12-5 U2 8 4 4 5l J McTagt 8 Trigger, BenFranklin, BnaVista Si. Eorva1.. 51 f l:09slow 13-10 109 G 4 21 21 J McTagt 7 Goldlds, Trsfmer, BtohBght c4i C naught olfl:07fast 41 99 1 3 21 2- J McTgue 5 Note oLove, Ptectress. SeaFry llS. ZPFht 5i C l:sfast 3-5 1C9 7 6 54 3b F Sharpe 9 PrinceTheo. Petition. Sbrcttcli. oof2.? r e 5,l i:2.,fast 10 1X3 8 9 81 G: w Mllner 10 Pyroot. Pictin, Golden Poppy 8212u Ft.Erie 5-8 l:02fast 11-10 112 1 4 51 Gs E Scobie 0 Prudy, Pictin, Foolscap URBANNA, ch. f, 2 M 103 By Ultimus Marian Casey, by Star Ruby. Trainer, M. Hirsch. Owner, Salubria Stable. Breeder. W. B Miller Aqueduct o-S 59 slop 20 112 3 4 3 31 G Bond 17 B.Google. MarkOver. Urbanna 82106 Saratoga 51 f 1:07 fast 15 27 6 3 51 V G Bond 11 Pedagogue, GoidenSpire, Edisto BOTHER, h. f, 2 116 By Trap Rock Annoyance, hy Meddler. Trainer. W. Garth. Owner. R. Parr. Breeder. P. M. Walker S5032 Laurel 3-4 1:11 fast 3 106 5 4 3h 9" J Shanks 9 Edisto, A.Woodliffe. MargieK i,Z H-deGrc0 3"4 1:13 ast 26-5 98 5 4 5 51 R WliamsH SingleFoot, SatogaMaje, Chink 83225 Belmnt 3-4 SIC 1:14 fast 8 99 2 1 2s 2s R Wliams S Faddist, Edisto, Peanuts 82715 Saratoga 51 f 1:03 slop 3 104 2 2 2 41 J Shanks 8 Wax Lady, Gnome Girl Dugcut f faratoanda 51 f l:06fast 21 105 3 5 11 31 J Shanks 7 Pedagogue. GnomeGirl. Cup oT. 81932 Saratoga 51 f l:07good 4 104 2 1 Is H J Shanks 11 Dugout. Senor, Gnome Girl Z8,?"? pimlico !-2 48hvy 9-20 111 4 1 Is 1J C Lang 7 Bail Gee. Crumple. JohnF.KIver .8831 Pimlico 5-8 l:00fast 13-5 109 1 1 Is 1-k j Wallace 5 Gymkhana. Arbiration. Senalado BETTY MALONEY. b. f. 2 112 By Atheling II.-GladioIa. by Dark Ronald. Se9ul,n- Owner, Victoria Stable. Breeder. Nevada Stock Farm Stb 0-oi?rfDer,A Zurel 3-4 1:14fast 2G 110 6 6 4 7J E Dubriul 8 Sandrae. Gymkhana,. Tangara 85032 Laurel 3-4 1:14 fast 12 111 8 7 Sl VI E Dubriul 9 Edisto. A.Woodliffe, MargieK lf-r :l475fast H-5 112 3 1 11 11 B BrninglS Bryndear, Subtle, Spanish Naina of;?? -deS.ce .H.1:.ast .M 93 5 1 1 11 L, Lang 14 Sandrae. Oldllroadway, M.Finley oolSr ?;d C0 5X SVtast 4W 101 6 5 4nk4! B Brning 9 Westover, Sun Hope, narlan lzlJl. Ft-Erie 5 f l:Uhvy 11-5 100 2 2 2s 2 H Church 5 MarieDattner. SeaFairy. Knduit 108 Hamton 5-8 l:02hvy 11-10 106 1 1 1 Is P Walls 7 PrinceTheo. Myltiddy, LydiaDvr 811,9 Windsor 5-8 l:01fast 31 110 4 1 31 3 E Scobie 11 XoteoLove. CdonRge, MrHln LADY GLASSEN. b. f, 2 M 108 By Escoba Elizabeth D., by Charcot. Trainer, F. Harrington. Owner. F. Glassen. Breeder. J. H. Morris 85213 Laurel 51 f l:07fast 10 115 7 7 7 7 J Herman 8 Sl.andEasy. RinT.Tin MissGNt ?J2T ra?rl. 5iV11Hast 43 H 6 3 7J7iJ Herman 9 Sanford, Sea Fairy. Gymkhana f H-deGrce o-S l:01fast 3-2 116 3 1 21 4S1 B Brning 12 SuuPolly, S.andEasy. Midinetta 840 Saratoga 5-8 59fast 12 104 10 1 21 2 G BrninS22 Zuker, Volante. MIrador ?mP,re liJJ"? 12 112 2 2 2 2 R Carter 13 IlrownBetty. MonnaVnna. Freya 81200 Empire 5-8 l:03rast 50 114 5 6 5 5 R Carter 7 QueensToken. Blenrht. Kirkf LITTLE FOX. b. f, 2 M 104 By Zeus Allcharm, by Albert. Trainer. J. P. Fox. Owner, Mrs. P. J. Fox. Breeder. M. W. Williams. 85315 Laurel 3-4 l:17mud 13f 100 11 12 71 7J G Hudginsl4 RoseCIoud, Mensis, GrtMomcntS 84442 H.deGce 51 f l:0Smud 9if 115 12 8 8 8" J Mai:en 14 S.Sabre. Sl.andEy, Out of Sight 84104 H.deGrce 6-8 l:01fast GO 116 11 9 91 7" J McTagtl2 SunPolly, S.andEasy, Midinetta VIVANDIERE, br. f, 2 M 108 By Trap Rock Haversack, by Martinet. Trainer, R. Waldron. Owner. Xalana Farm Stable. Breeder. S. Ross. 84528 Jamaica 5-8 59 fast 50 115 13 12 14 ;4" A Sckgerl4 Plea.Memies, M.Martin. Lunino 8391 Aqueduct 5-S 5Sgood 50 HO 13 14 14 14" A SchgerU Primrose, Stanipdale, Thunderin" 83692 Belmt 5J f MC l:05fast 30 112 12 12 12s 12 A SchgerlS Uarbary, MthaMartin MvSloi 82888 Saratoga 5-S l:01slow 23 112 7 7 7s 9" A Schger 9 Miradcr. Star Ixre. Sun Tess OUT OF SIGHT, b. f, 2 M 93 By Theo. Cook-Hidden Star, bv Burgomaster. Trainer, A. S. Dodd. Owner. Mrs. A. S. Dodd. Breeder. E. F. Simms. 85411 Laurel 5-S l:01fast 31 115 1 2 2 G3 E Scobie 9 MissGreble, R.TinTin, RedHawk 8u213 Laurel ol f 1:07- fast 5S 113 4 3 51 6" J Maiben 8 Sl.andEasv. RinT.Tin MissGbls 84879 Laurel 3-4 l:15fast 42 10S 9 2 7and 91 J Dolin la Quiesct, MasterBlue GoldTrap 84673 Laurel 51 f 1:0S fast 30 HG 2 8 9 9" E Scobie 10 Midinette, SI. and Easy, Menthol 84442 H.deGce 51 f l:0Smud Plf 115 2 1 2- 3 E Scobie 14 SunSabre. Slow and Easy. Lyrea 84287 H.deGce 51 f l:07fast 6f 98 8 1 4s 7" D Fisher 14 Ampaloc. Harlan. Master Blue 841G8 H.deGce 51 f l:07fast 70 95 1 1 3-A10" D Fisher 10 BelleWd, OldBdway, MargieK. 83083 Timum Ab 5-S l:02good U 110 3 D Stirling 6 Seaman, Tr. Ahmed. The Creole DRESS GOODS, ch. f, 2 110 By Uncle Black Silk, by Ornament. Trainer, A Swenke. Owner, Mrs. A. Swenke. Breeder. C. Nuckols. 85318 Laurel 51 f 1:03 mud 18 105 5 4 4s 6" B Brning 0 Primrose, Aimadel. Chrysalis Iri Ure! 5i .114!f5aSt 11 106 2 5 GJ 63i H Callahn R Sandrae, Gymkhana, Tangara 85127 Laurel 3-4 l:14fast 24 104 5 2 ink 41 H Callahn 9 Sanford, Sea Fairy, Gymkhana 85073 Laurel 51 f l:0Gfast C5 97 6 10 101 10" H Callahnll Osprey, Comixa. Silk Tassel 84881 Laurel 51 f l:07fast 34 109 5 4 5 6" II Callahn 6 Swinging, Contract, Md atArms 84444 H.deGce 51 f 1:08 mud 91 109 3 3 3 32 F Sharpe 0 TpLhtly, AlexWdliffe Lucifer 81381 Hthorno 51 f l:12hvy S-5 109 2 3 61 6 A Franco 7 Hurry Inn, Clique, Sam Mengel 80752 Hthorne 5-31:00 fast 21 111 4 6 fit Gl K Eriukn 8 DutchGirl, Geo.Ifose, Rcck.PceiS 79302 Churchill 41 I 51 fast 1-2 115 1 2 21 lt E Pool 5 Star Girl. Ivory. Rocking "?nH RAPF 2 J.li?s Baltimore Stccileulinse. :;-yeur-oltl.s ami iiitwitnl, -!IU llnO I- Maidens. Alloivance.s. SAN DIMAS, ch. g, 3 M 132 By Friar Rock Blue Grass, by Hamburg. Trainer. G. Zeigler. Owner, H. S. Downs. Breeder. J. H. Rosseter. 85389 Laurel 1 1-16 l:19good 202 108 5 9 9s 9" E Barnes 10 W.Charm. Telescope, TheReaper l1. Emp ro Ah 3-4 l:09fast GO 99 5 9 111 10" J Dawson 14 Buck Pond, Cave Woman. Carol o1.2, Ernpi Ab "l 1:10 fast 20 94 8 9 71 15i s Herbertl" Keprisal Variation, Buck Pond ZZi A1ueluct 1 l:33fast 20 111 8 5 Gl G" J Maiben 11 Woodlake. Passport. B.Kuchanan 80792 Aqueduct 61 f l:13fast 13 110 7 8 8 8" C Turner 9 BokPond. Trop. Water, Passport 8241 Bowio 51 f l:08slow 42f 94 5 9 101 82 H Howardl2 Hidden Jewel, Frank G Apex 773G8 F.Grnds lm70y l:46fast G 100 2 3 31 12" B Breungl2 Telescope. WongBok. AmityCIm 76648 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12fast 20 106 3 5 5s 5J J Heupel 6 Rinky. Thodale, KgONeillll. ST fAWRENCE, hr. g. 4 M 147 By Rapid Water Metiie Bereaud. by Jean Bereaud Trainer. J. D. Donovan. Owner, W. V. Dwyer. Breeder. G. W. J. Bissell 85269 Empire lmTOy l:45fast GO 127 7 8 7s 7 R Mthews 8 Blue Hill, Skirmish, Bear Grass 21S2,8. Jama ca lmly l:Kfast 100 114 6 6 6 6s R Mthews G Ten Eycfc, Cyclops, PoloGround Aqueduct Ab 2 4:15fast 7 142 4 .2 2 " 2 B Kleeger 5 Hyhnhnm, F.Shman, Relentless 84153 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:llfast 13-3 134 4 2 2 2 B Kleeger 7 Relentless, Prickle, Ruine AqUeUCi Ab2;114 fast 85 132 4 1 lh !tl B Kleeger 5 C.Products. White Ash, Hornsea oHSl A",ueduct Ab 2 4:13 mud 1S-3 145 3 1 2s 3s B Kleeger 9 AlFresco, Hornsea. OrionsSwd fnSiS Ge,m?nt Ab 2 3:o6fast 3 134 1 4 3s 3 II AVliams S IrishDrm, OrionsSword, Jericho 80889 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:067andfast 11-5 131 2 2 X.rider.H Warns G Bethany, Canaque, Mercurius 80738 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:08fast 7 137 3 1 Is 2 H Willms 9 Canaque, Bar Gold. Prickle tDisqualified. BARLEYCORN, b. g, 3 M 132 By Light Brigade Five Aces, by Disguise. Trainer, T. Welsh. Owner, J. E. Widener. Breeder. J. C. Milam. 84989 Laurel Ab 2 4:01fas,t 17-10 130 1 2 Fell. L Cheyne 7 OnTndor, Trapstick, Warrentou 80741 Aqueduct 1 l:37fast 100 US 1 4 5 5" B Brning 6 Klondyke, Donnelly, South.Crosa .9095 Jamaica lm70y l:44fast 6 111 5 G 4s 4J B BrninglO Flax, Anne. Gay Ben Jamaica lm70r 1:45 fast 9-5 111 1 1 11 ll B Brning 4 Daudybsn. Fairlight, LordBacon 78746 Jamaica 3-4 1:13 fast 10 10S 8 5 4" 4s J Maiben 14 Escoba dOro. Jyntee. Despair 78555 II.deG co 3-4 1:14 fast 22f 100 9 4 li in W Marerl3 Julia M.. Flax. Humble 8309 Ilowlo 3-4 1:13 fast 16 108 11 10 7l 71 W Milner 13 Lieut.Farrell, AuntJane. Fehrah 80. Bowie lmTOy 1:49 good 7f 100 G 3 9 9 J Shanks 11 Anne, Aggtinglapa. WoodLady GRAYLETTE, br. f, 4 M 137 By Berrilldon Natalie Gray, by Sir Huoa or Garry FL Trainer, T. J. Harmon. Owner. P. F. Malone. Breeder. "W. Garth. 84443 H.deGce 2 4:16mud 120 137 7 G "6 C: N Harris S Links, TyecnTrisough. Lollipop gr, 82714 Saratoga Ab 2 4:29andslop 15 131 5 Pull.up. II AVliams 5 Byng, Vicairo, Adamant rj; 82469 Saratoga Ab 2 4:27good 4 137 3 3 2" 27 L Cheyne 5 Klzcar, Charlton. Stockmar RA. 8444 82107 Saratoga Ab 2 4:20fast 8 130 6 6 45 3" N Everett 7 Kock Bass, larlays, Rummel 81840 Saratoga Ab 2 4:2Sfast 10 132 3 5 3 3 N Everett 8 RorkcVDrift. Sea Name, ""cji 84 80793 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:llfast 15 131 4 6 S:! and30 A A"iamsl2 Connicbcrt, Hernard, J.Corfrotn 71 80297 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:15fast SO 137 3 3 21 421 A AViamsU Rock Bass, Soa Name. Abydos 701 79475 Belmont Ab 2 4:03 mud 30 135 3 G 53 5" A AViamslO SkyScperll., S.Ser t. St.Law ce 70 FLYING SCOTCHMAN, ch. g, 11 140 By Forfarshire Lcg-Bail, by Suspender. SO SQ MTrainer, W. OConnor. Owner, M. Graham. Bred in England by Lord Kesteyen. S L.R. It McDell 8 Chuckle JiinCoffro h, CrestHill 85 8510G Laurel Ab 2 3:59 fast 77 131 7 10 108 P Brady 12 OrionsSd, Bcvcrw k O iiTudor 85 84 75C Laurel Ab 2 4:03fast 91f 147 10 10 84C74 Laurel Ab 2 3:58fast 59 13G9 S 8" S9 P Brady 9 Vicairc, Boatman. Chuckle 81 84330 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:15fast 50 130 1 4 34 3" "VV Msters 5 Hyhnhnm, St.L rence, L ntlcss 84 84153 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:llfast 50 137 7 7 7 7 W Msters 7 Relentless, St. Lawrence, Prickle 84 84 83857 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:13 mud 25 147 1 7 7 7" C Ireland 9 Alfresco, Hornsea, St.Lawrence 83735 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:18fast 30 149 5 5 5" 5 G Smoot C Crest Hill, Decisive, Peccant 84 83389 Belmont Ab 2 3:55 fast 15 149 G 6 G 6" AV Collins 0 Crcstllill. Irish Dream. Peccant 84 MITRAILLEUSE, ch; h. C M 140 By Charrier Miss Gibbs, by Mexican. GC Owner, H. M. Adams. Breeder, H. M. Adams. First start. 85 84 83 0.J DA OCT .i-4 Mile. All Asrcs. Maidens. Allowances. May G, 1D24 83 3rd RALE 1:10 4-30110. 82 82 THUNDERBOLT, b. g, 3 M 115 By Trompe la Mort Sissie Ida, by Avington. Trainer, F. M. Bray. Owner, T. Monahan. Breeder. G. D. Widener. Ti 85341 Empire Ab 3-4 1:11 fast 4 11G 1 2 lt .! J CallahnlO RyFord, SeeltThrough, SunAltos 84059 Aqueduct Gl f l:20!,slop 15 117 3 1 Is 332 C Allen 7 TickTock, IfckyFord, PoloGr nd 81074 Empire Ab 3-4 l:10fast 60 116 1 3 101 108 E Barnes 19 PrinceLpold, Mungo, Secltrh gn 78915 Jamaica 3-1 l:15slow G 110 4 2 5 6" E Legere S Protocol, Hands Up, Lxit - 78789 Jamaica 55 f l:05fast 30 115 3 3 11 11" T MeTagtlS Honor, Samaritan Das. Desmond 78063 Jamaica 3-4 1:14 slop 20 10G 9 2 C3 Gi E Legere 9 Fredricktown, lmekPond Iathan j 73555 Belmont 5i f l:0Glfast 40 115 1 4 15 133 T McTagtl5 B.Cahill. Priccmakcr. Hourmore SUN ALTOS, b. g, 3 M 115 By Sun Eriar Los Altos, by Palo Alto. Trainer, F. M. Bray. Owner, Lilaco Stable. Breeder. AV. S. Kilrier. 85341 Empire Ab 3-4 1:11 fast 3i 116 3 1 21 4 .T II BurkelO IlyFord . Sceltllir gh.Th derbolt 79 13C Jamaica 3-4 1:12 fast 30 110 8 7 S3 S10 D Conn lly 9 Banter, Hullabaloo, Washington 78858 Jamaica 51 f l:06Vfast 3 117 1 1 2 43 D Connlly 8 Hounnorc, Sledge, Ilonflcur 78789 Jamaica 55 f l:05fast 7 115 2 1 41 5" D ConnUyl3 Honor, Samaritan. Dcs. Lesmond 8. 854 74655 Jamaica 5 f lfast 31 115 2 2 2" 3 C ICummer 0 Priccmakcr. I ab.an, Catalan g. 73555 Belmont 51 f l:06,fast 100 115 13 3 5 7 T Rice 15 B.Calnll, Pricemaker, Hourmore 8; HIGH PRIESTESS, ch. f. 3 M 112 By High Noon Empress, by Superman. J Trainor, W. E. Martin. Ownar, "W. E. Martin. Breeder, J. Butler. 85021 Empire 11:42 fast S-5 10S1 3 4 6 58i F Colletti 7 Confetti, Reliable. Gladys V. 82052 Saratoga 3-4 l:13good G 10S C 7 W Si T BrtherslS Redskin. Sledge. Lockerbie 81344 Empire Ab 3-4 l:09fast 30 104 5 4 G"k 6 W Milner 13 L.Audrey. BabyLane, Ex dRuler 71839 Empire 5-S 1:01 fast Si 112 S 7 Si 10" F Collettill Ducky, Variation. Postillion, K WESTWICK, b. c, 3 M 115 By Ultimus Madame Curie, by Radium. Si Trainer, H. Hughes. Owner", Sanford Stud Farm. Breeder, J. Sanford. Si 81201 Empire Ab 3-4 1:10 fast 10 109 13 S 91 Si J Giordosl7 Reprisal Variation, Buck Pond Si 80852 Aqueduct Gl f 1:19 fast S 110 11 G SI S8i A Francol? P.toPeep, Fir.Gold. BestLeloved g; 80369 Aqueduct 61 f l:19rast 12 110 10 7 4?. 4" E Barnes 17 Gov. Smith, Upsal. Gasper 8J 80229 Aqueduct f 1:1S fast 50 106 3 4 8 7" E Barnes 9 Blind Play. Shernian, Lanius 80044 Belmont 1 1:3S fast 50 106 4 9 103 9" E Barnes 11 AbuBenAhdem. PlghBoy. R land 81 MUNGO b c 3 M 115 By Riro aux Larmes Hibernia III., by Irish Xad M Trainer, B. L. Burch. Owner, J. A. Buchanan. jangle- r anfl g E. Madden. g K45?6 HdeGce 3-1 1:13 fast 27-5 115 3 2 3i 553 "B Brningll Sun Tcss, Volante, -Wavecrest gi 82593 Saratoga 1 1:43 hvy 31 102 2 G G 6" B Brning 0 AVampee, Bricc, Batsman 81074 Empire Ab 3-4 l:10fast 7 116 4 5 5 2and B Brning 19 PrceLpold. SeeltTh gh, Cone 1 - 72921 Saratoga 51 f lVisood 15 115 9 12 12l 12l S McLane 14 Stanwix. Iluon Pine. Bees COMPOSER, b. g. 3 M 115 By King James Mill Maid, by Fair Play. Trainer. M. Hirsch. Owner, S. H. Harris. Breeder, H. T. Oxnard. E 78989 Jamaica 3-4 l:llhvy 20 102 7 6 51 5J R Pierce 7 HighCommander, Protocol, Juno 78744 Jamaica 3-4 l:13fast 30 100 11 9 93 918 R Pierce 13 Comedy, Protocol, Warrcnton 78635 Jamaica 3-4 l:13fast 50 101 8 S 9 9" It Pierce 9 Malt. Deadlock, Uscoba dOro 75808 Bowie 3-4 1:16 mud 19-3f 95 11 11 101 85 R Pierce 13 Kirah, Despair, Spugs 72992 Saratoga 51 f l:05fast 50 115 10 9 81 S" G Babin 12 SunFlag, Bracadale, Bon.Omai g g SALUBRIA. b. f, 3 M 112 By Broomstick Sand Pocket, by Rock Sand. g Trainer, S. L. Burch. Owner, Salutria Stable. Breeder. C. T Grayson. S479G Laurel 3-4 l:14fast SI 113 5 S 9 11" E Barnes 14 Orpheus, Blue and Red, Mcnsis BUSK. b. g, 3 M 115 By Broomstick Capella, by All Gold. Trainer, 3. W. Healy. Owner, A. C. Bostwick. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 75G48 Bowie 51 f l:09slow 22 110 1 S lll 11" F Collettil2 Bess.Gersliel, FloBrown, Stevens ; 7i589 Bowie 3-4 1:14 fast 23 11G 2 8 10 10" E Kummerl2 Pepp, Catalan, Rinkey 8 75418 Pimlico 5i f l:0Sfast 81 109 8 G 5t 3 E KummerlS Frlight, DollyGaffney, Elsbeth i 8 75354 Pimlico SI f l:0.mud 46 107 14 11 13 11" E KummerH Ebony Belle, Our Star, Jackson 8 74702 Jamaica 51 f l:06andfast 12 107 7 7 7" 71 H Shillick 8 FirstL.Hding Parvenu, Mitan 74C26 Jamaica 5-S 1:00 fast 4 112 2 3 3i 4i F Colletti S EbyBelle. F.B.Walker, Fausto f CARTHAGE, ch. c, 2 M 100 By Archaic Rockwater, by Laureate or Clifford. Trainer. N. L. Byer. Owner, J. X. Price. Breeder, Sanford Stud Farm. 85494 See todays chart. . 85016 Empire Ab 3-4 l:10fast 8 109 G 8 71 3s J McCoy lo Akbar, Canister, Wracklanc j 84785 Jamaica 51 f 1:07 fast 6 107 5 6 51 2" G W Crolll5 Swtgrass, Transfmcr, D.Goldie , ; 84 742 Jamaica 51 f l:07fast 2 110 1 5 4s 32 T W Doyle 9 Wracklanc, NewHope. Hendrick L 84G26 Jamaica 5J f l:06fast 10 109 5 5 31 3s J McCoy 12 Teton, LdVargrave, RoyalGirl 84152 Aqueduct 3-4 1:15 fast 50 115 5 12 101 14" J McCoy 14 Rastus. Akbar, Theo Red 84058 Aqueduct 5-S 1:00 slop 15 110 10 14 14 14" J McCoy 14 YoungApril, HalfPint, HootMon i G HARRY BAKER, br. c, 2 M 100 By Sunstar Bonavis. by Buckwheat. g Trainer, J. Boden. Owner. Triple Springs Farm Stable. Bred in England by L. Robinson. 85124 Empire Ab 3-4 l:09fast 30 118 2 9 81 7" F AVeiner 12 Irish Marine, Watts, Trsforme f 85062 Empiro Ab 3-4 l:10fast 15 118 9 9 81 7-1 F Weiner 9 Arno, Delhi Boy, Orageuse f 84796 Laurel 3-4 l:14fast 71 10S 10 9 10 7SS F AVeiner 14 Orpheus, Blue and Red, Mensis 3 80357 Dorval 5-S l:01sgood 50 102 6 5 5 4" II Hoivard 6: MnMagic, Traymore, SunHope . 78615 H.deGce 41 f 54fast 11 116 5 S 8 S" G Fields S TripLightly, BbaFre. JnF.Klr LORD VALENTINE, br. c, 2 M 106 By Honeywood Neva S., by Astronomer. 1 Trainer. P. Burch. Owner, Nevada Stock Farm. Stable. Breeder, Nevada Stock Farm. 84226 H.deGce 51 f 2:07fast 33-10 11G 5 G 41 53J B Brning 7 Forecaster, Major Finley, Clique e j PAWGRILL. b. c, 3 M 112 By Pawhuska Grisella, by Grey Leg. j Owner, R. L. Smith. Breeder, R. L. Smith. First Start. jii nnc 1 1-IC Miles. a-year-olds antl mitrard. Claiiuinandr. May 10, Sill hAUt 122 1:44 2-5 107. RIGEL, ch. c, 4 106 By Ballot Pictons Pride, by Picton. j Trainer. J. F. Richardson. Owner. J. F. Richardson. Breeders. Hildreth and Sinclair. j 85271 Empire lm70y l:42fast 31 115 4 3 3" 41 M Fator 7 Lucky Play, Feysun, Modo i 85168 Empiro lmTOy l:43fast 8 10S 2 1 l2 - M Fator 7 The Poet, Modo, Sleepy Head 85101 Empire Ab 3-4 l:09andfast 4 126 7 5 5s 51 J H Burke 8 BillyAVren, II.T. Waters, FlyBy y : 85019 Empire Ab 3-4 l:09fast 16-5 10S 3 5 G1 62 J H BurkelO DryMoon, BiliyWarren, Deputy y 84979 Empire Ab 3-4 l:0SVfast 30 111 5 5 51 45 AV Anrson 6 An.Mronell., Elvina, Swingalg g 4783 Jamaica 3-4 1:12 fast 41 112 5 G G G" J H Burke 6 BlueMoon, Quarantine, FinnLag g ; WATCH CHARM, ch. c. 3 102 By Spur Tamira, by Teter Fan. Trainer. R. McKeever. Ownr, R. McKcever. Breeder. J. Butler. 85389 Laurel 1 1-16 l:49good 7 113 G 4 4J 1! E RenzettilO Telescope, T.Reaper, Fr.Boy 85131 Laurel 1 1-16 l:47fast 5 106 1 1 2and 31 E Renzetti 7 S.sFlower. Tjandi, Frosty Boy y 84915 Laurel 1 l:42Vfast 8 10 3 1 22 31 E Renzetti 15 Jacques, Cordelier, Oakwood 84714 Laurel 3-4 l:14fast 30 1071 2 G Gand 5J E RenzettilS Capt.Costigan, Oakwood, Jkson m 84111 AVdbine 3-4 1:14 fast 23 112 4 2 31 23 E Renzettill Mercury, Atlantida, Dr.Corbett . 83751 B.Bonts 7-8 l:2S2gool 25.-5 103 3 1 2" 34 E Renzetti 8 Jacques, S. Josella, Miss Clarie 10 83637 B.Bonnets 1 l:llmud 9 107 1 3 4" 41 E Renzetti 5 Anne, Park Hill, Equity TEN SIXTY, ch. f, 4 108 By Trap Rock Princess Cog. by Caughnawaga. Trainer, W. G. Wilson. Owner, Mrs. B. McEachran. Breeder. H. P. Gardner. 85353 Laurel 1 1:43 slow 71 107 1 1 l1 3s J Parke 6 Sun Lady, Arana, Trip Lightly ly 85253 Laurel 1 1-1G l:47fast 13-10 107 1 1 1 12 L Lang 8 FancyFrce, GoldRock, Altissimo 10 85107 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 71 108 2 4 31 31 1 Parke 7 JoySmoke, S.Tassel, DrmMaker 84993 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 71f 10G 1 9 73 31 B Brningl4 AVraith, Scoop, Strut Miss Lizzie ie 84540 H.deGce lm70y 1:43 fast 17 101 3 1 lk 3 B Brning 7 Noel, Bonaparte, PrceofUmbria jo 84229 H.deGce 1 lKfast 21-5 105 2 4 4 41 J Maiben 6 Lunetta, Y.rrincess, Craigtliorne le 83116 IC worth lm70y 1:45 good 14 9S 1 1 21 2i L Schaefer 9 Misnary, N.Lghorne, Thomasie BELPHRIZONIA, b. f, 4 113 By Vulcain Belphoebe, by Orsini. Trairer. A. Swenke. Owner, A. Swenke. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 85450 Laurel 1 1-S l:54fast 37-10 105 1 3 2"k 21 I Parke fiueiph, Dnimbeat, Erica 85320 Laurel 1 1-16 1:48 mud 2 114 1 2 2 21 I Parke 5 Triumph, Sog.Aroon, SthBrceze ze 84351 H.deGce 1 1-16 1:50 mud 8 109 3 4 G 4si F Sharpe 6 Y. Princess, Fly. Cloud, Lunetta ta 84110 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 3 113 5 4 42 4" F Sharpe 7 Y. Princess, Calcutta, Minto II. i. 82990 Hthorne 1 1-4 2:04fast 12 111 G 3 7 7" R Hngton 7 PcessDorecn, Laveen, PceTiiTii Lii 82892 Hthorne 1 1-16 1:45 fast 16-5 114 5 5 31 3l L McDott 7 Miss Meise, Billy Star, Fretwell ell 82722 Hthorne 1 l:3Sfast 2 110 1 5 51 Gl H Stutts 7 Rkllcather, Pr.TiiTii, Q.Garden en 82675 Hthorne 1 1-1G l:47Hgood 1-2 112 3 1 l1 ll II Stutts 5 Billy Star, Plucky, Tip Toe Inn an CALCUTTA, ch. c. 4 106 By Colin Jamraa, by Delhi. Trainer. G. R. Allen. Owner. G. R. Allen. Breeder. G. Starr. 85076 Laurel 1 1-8 l:53fast 13-10 109 1 2 21 21 A Vllimot 5 Pr.llamlet, LtentlL, Thomine "e 84883 Laurel 1 1:39 fast 30 102 6 3 1" 5s B Brning 10 Rustic, Reparation, Cherry Pie le 84292 H.deGce 1 1-S l:53fast G 107 3 2 21 31 J AAallace 5 Aalador, RmanlSachelor, Pedler er 84110 H.deGce 1 1-1G l:4Cfast 29-5 110 1 2 2l 2 J AAallace 7 Y.Pcess, MintoIL, Bphrizonia a 83082 Timum Ab Gl " f l:23good 11 10G I J Gemont 5 CoralKeef, Racket, Capt.Cstigan 81666 Empire 1 l:39fast 16-3 110 E 5 5 41 AV Milner 5 Bl.IIawk, HighPre, Ceylonlre CRACK O DAWN, ch. g, 6 106 By The Manager Shuck H., by Jean Bereaud. Trainer, G. E. Phillips. Owner, J. McMillen. Breeder. W. C. Goodloe. 85202 Empiro lm70y l:43fast 6 116 3 4 4 41 J II Burke 4 Fraternityll., Swingalong, Upsal sal 85061 Empire lm70y l:44fast 10 113 1 1 1J 1U J H Burke 5 Elvina, Aulnad, Diogenes 84976 Empire 1 1-16 1:47 fast 38-5 112 3 2 3 5" F Colletti 6 Pathau, HighPrince, GoodXight ;ht 84451 AVdbine 1 1-1G l:50mud S3-10 110 1 1 21 31 R Costello 7 TanSon. GoldenCnp, AVrackhorn rn 84299 AVdbino 1 1-16 l:49fast 7 110 1 1 23 2 R Costello 7 Ceylon Prince, Quotation. Anne ie 84116 Wdbine 1 1-16 l:47fast 10 109 3 2 2 G2 R Costello 8 Poltova, CeylonPrince, Qtation on 77674 F.Grnds 1 1-1G l:48Vfast 8 104 4 5 G1 7" F Sharps 7 MissMeise. ItedArrow, ShamrocK CK 75283 Pimlico lm"0y 1:45 fast 5 116 G 3 5"t C3J G Fields Trajanus, Glentilt, BriUiar.cc FL gr, rj; RA. 8444 84 71 701 70 SO SQ 85 85 81 84 84 84 84 84 GC 85 84 83 83 82 82 Ti - j 8. 854 g. 8; J K Si Si Si g; 8J 81 M g g gi - E g g g ; 8 i 8 8 f , j ; L i G g f f 3 . 1 e j j j j i y : y g g ; y m . 10 ly 10 ie jo le ze ta II. i. Lii ell en Inn an "e Pie le er a sal ;ht rn ie on CK FLYING CLOUD, b. h, G 111 By Wrack Robinetta, by Fair Play. Trainer, E G. Shaffer. Owner. Pastime Stable. Breeder. J. T. Gwathmey. 85185 Laurel 1 1-S 1:53 fast 9-5 109 3 3 31 41 1 Parke 7 Pcellamlot. EdPendleton, Scoop 8J092 Lauio! 1 1-10 l:l6i:t: 5 107 4 3 45i P AValls 0 T.Minntes, Dr.OMara, O.Splierc 6 H.deGce lm70y l:44Vmud 4-5 107 3 2 23 2nl J AVallace 6 RoraanBhelor, Opporman, Pdlcr 84351 H.deGce 11-16 1:50 mud G-3 114 4 1 21 2nk J AAallace 6 Y.Pncess, Lunetta, Bphrizonia 84106 H.deGrcc 3-1 l:12andfast G 105 8 4 2k 32 J AATaliacell TimeExposure, Noel, Bonaparte 71579 Aqueudct 1 l:39.mud 2-5 127 3 2 23 21 E Sande 4 BetterLuck, Demijohn, Thimble 70984 Aqueduct 1 1-1G l:45fast 1-3 120 4 1 1 1 E Sando 4 PaulJoncs. Overtake, Devastatn 70880 Belmont 1 l:3Sfast 7-10 124 5 1 1" 141 L Fator 6 Episode, FirmFrieud, ComicSong G GARTH AROON. b. c, 4 111 By Bard of Hope Running Vine, by Transvaal. Trainer. P. Reuter. Owner. II. P. Stearns. Breeder, P. M. Walker. 85320 Laurel 1 1-16 IMS mud 11-5 112 4 4 3s 3" L Lang 5 Triumph, Belphrizon:a, S.Brecze 85253 Laurel 1 1-1G l:47fast 31 113 3 5 G3 Gi E Renzetti 8 TenSixty, FancyFree, Gold Rock 84994 Laurel 1 I-M :47fefpst 4 115 3 1 2 1 M Liebgd 9 BabyGiand, LittleClr, Suppliant 84843 Laurel lm70y l:44:ifast 1S-5 113 1 3 51 5 B Brning 6 Fancy Free, Scoop, Suppliant 717 Laurel 1 1-S l:53rast 9-5 111 3 1 1 l1 B Brning C BabyGrd, Edlendleton, LouisA. 84541 H.deGce 1 1-S 1:52 fast 22 107 G 1 2 2 M Liebgd S Guelph, Humboldt. Masterlland 84447 H.deGce 11:41 mud 13-5 111 5 2 21 31 M Liebgd 8 Sun Lady, Jolly, Gray Gables 84109 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:46fast 3! 113 2 2 21 2 M Liebgd 7 MterHand, Carlton, RoyalDuck GOLD ROCK, ch. c, 3 102 By Half Rock True Gold, by Goldcrest. Trainer, T. J. Donohue. Owner. C. L. Whiting. Breeder. C. L. AVhitins. 85253 Laurel 1 1-16 l:17fast GS 104 7 2 2i 32 J McTgue 8 TenSixty, FancyFree, Altissimo 84395 ILdeGco 1 l:18andmud 1-2 110 1 1 l1 Is J McTagt ! Stevens, tjnele Dud, Dolomite 83702 B.Bonnets 1 l:43Vfgood 4 115 1 2 3 3i J McTagt 5 Poltova. Tidal AAavo, Pelf 83123 Cnaught 1 l:42slow 31 114 3 3 21 3i P Walls 8 Judge Fuller, TrigRer, Nivlag 82951 Cnnught 5b f l:0Gfast 46 102 4 G G1 62 J McTgue 8 AVraitli. Miss Domino. F.otTruce 82365 Ft.Erie 51 f UOgisIow 81 101 2 1 l"k 2" R Punshn 9 Bedford, Rachel Potter. Tali 82185 Ft.Erie 1 l:39Kfast 2S 103 1 3 C 3 E Ambrse 8 Bedford. Poltova, Rebus THE ROLL CALL, ch. g, 5 111 By Lough Foyle Beth Stanley, by Golden Maxim. Trainer. J. Bauer. Owner. Mrs. J. Bauer. Breeder. S. Ross. 85185 Laurel 11-8 1:53 fast 5 110 5 5 61 C J Shanxs 7 Pcellamlot. EdPendleton. Scoop 82417 Hthorne 1 1-16 1:43 slow 3 L5 3 3 48 4" D Jones 0 Giblon, R.AAingfd, CannonShot 82233 Hthorne 1 1-16 1:17 good 2 104 1 2 11 In Ellis 4 E.Clayton, BillyStar, R.AVgfield 81800 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:46fast 17-10 111 2 1 1 1 F Weiner 10 PIMicou. RkyMountain, Victre 81623 Hthorne 1 l:37fast 7 111 5 5 4and 48 W Lilley 7 Cannon Shot, Postillion, Blotter 81498 HthQrne 3-4 l:12fasf 20 104 5 6 5 51 G Ellis 5 Brnswk. J.S.lteardn, Pr.TiiTii 77409 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:334fast 10 108 11 12 lll 952 J Heupel 13 FlintStonc. SetiigSun, Dr.Clark 77366 F.Grnds lm70y 1:44 fast 41 10S 4 4 4 4 J Corcoran 4 Flint Stone, Revenge, Dr. Clark EAGER, br. c. 4 101 By Fair Play Ardent, by Broomstick. Trainer, G. W. Campbell. Owner, G. W. Foreman. Erceder. C. Clay. 75 Pimlico 3-4 l:12fast 11 110 1 2 2s 23 W Harvey 10 Dimmcsdale, Apex, Caligula 85414 Laurel 3-4 imfast 8 95 8 8 8 8" R Fisher 8 Leatherwd, Leonardo. . AVraith 85286 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 75 97 3 2 21 42 J McTgue 8 Carlton. Leatherwood. Wraith 83419 Mboro Ab 7-8 l:28slow 3-2 116 22 A Allen 5 SeaSand, StarCourt, ThePeruvn 78649 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:47fast 21 111 2 2 31 451 J McTagt 7 Normana. Seastake, Blue Streak 78311 Bowie lm70y l:4Sfast 11-10 107 4 5 5 4s F Colletti 5 Gol. Billows, Shamrk, Llewlyn 78229 Bowie lrc70y l:49mud 4-5 109 2 1 22 2i II Shiilick 5 GdenBillows, Rkltottiim. Znma 78179 Bowio 7-S 1:30 fast 6 103 1 1 l1 12 H Shillick C Despair, Sog.Aroon, Tend.Seth KING ONEILL II.. ch. c. 3 107 By Huon Duchess of Savoy, by Uncle. Trainer, L. Byer. Owner, J. L. Price. Breeder. H. P. Headley. S5476 Pimlico 1 1-8 1:52 fast 129 110 2 5 6 6" J McCoy C Rustic, Joy Smoke, Initiate 85306 Empire lm70y l:43Vandfast 15 1C5 4 3 3 35 J McCoy 4 Swingalong, Xo.Dive. Resolution 85204 Empire lm70y l:44fast 41 107 6 5 22 l2 C Hooper 11 HighPrince, Kellcrman, Pnrkllill 85122 Empiro lm70y l:44fast 7 107 8 6 31 7JJ T Burns 11 Cockney, Modo, High Prince 85019 Empire Ab 3-4 l:09fast 20 1071 7 10 5 51 T Burns 10 DryMoon, BiliyWarren, Deputy 84867 Jamaica 3-4 1:13 fast G 11G 7 4 42 3l C Allen 10 Reprisal. P. Casey, LadyAudrey 83579 Belmont 1 l:3Sfast 4 109 3 1 3 672 R AVliams 7 Cockney. Long Point, Feysun MASQUERADO, blk. h. 5 111 By Sea Sick Masquerade by Maintenon. Trainer, A. Cahill. Owner, J. McCambridge. Bred in France by Wickliffe Stud. 85374 Empiro lm"0y l:44fast 23 113 4 4 4 4" R Mthews 4 Cockney, CeylonPrince. Toftilla 85273 Empire Ab 3-4 1:08 fast 100 109 7 8 8 8" G AV Croll 8 MissAAMiisk. H.T.AAaters, Avisk 80266 Aqueduct 1 l:3Sfast 10 1041 7 4 3 41 T Burns 9 RedWingfd, .T.Julian. Rejection 79999 Belmont 1 l:37fast 40 107 7 7 7 G" T Burns 7 Missionary, Pricemaker, D.Care 79431 Belmont 1 l:37fast 50 10S 8 8 71 72 E Barnes 8 Serenader, rr.ofUinbria, Frigate 79177 Jamaica lmTOy l:42Vifast S 98 2 2 2and 3 J Callahn 4 RedAA"gfield. Missnary. H.Pnce 78859 Jamaica lm70y l:43fast 40 113 4 4 4 4" T Burns 4 Mad Play, Faenza, Thimble CD PENDLETON, b. g, 4 106 By Light Brigade Santa Susanna, by Top Gallant. Trainer. G. E. Ensor. Owner, R. G. Ensor Breeder. A. W. Young. 85387 Laurel lm70y l:41good 20 107 5 4 4 481 J Maiben 0 Bon.Omar. Pr.llamlet. Bl.Play 85185 Laurel 1 1-S 1:33 fast 20 101 2 2 11 21 L Lang 7 Princellaiulet. Scoop, FlysCloud 85075 Laurel 1 1-16 1:18 fast 4 113 4 6 G 541 M Liebgdlli RkB-m. Aice-Cman. D.of t.A"y 84843 Laurel lmTOy l:44fast 5 111 5 G 6 6" G Mangan 0 Fancy Free, Scoop, Suppliant 84717 Laurel 1 1-8 l:53fast 14 114 2 2 23 3l G Mangan 0 SogthArn. BabyGrand. IuisA. 84541 ILdeGce 1 1-S 1:52 fast 31 109 8 5 6 6" G Mangan 8 Guelph, SogtliAroon, Humboldt BUDDUGIE, br. g, 4 M 106 By Berrilldon Canny Miss, by Oi;den. Trainer. J. Arthur. Owner. J. Arthur. Breeder. W. Garth. 81272 AVindsor 1 3-16 2:01 fast 17 99 7 S S 822 L Lang 8 PllyLeighton. Yoshimi. Mar.Boy 81181 AVindsor 1 3-16 2:02fast 12 93 4 5 G4 6" L Lang 7 Toodles, Yorkist. Athlete 80859 Devshire lm70y 1:45 fast 9 109 6 4 52 551 A Abel 32 Trevieux, AsaJewell, Dustproof 80745 Devshire lm70y 1:43 fast 10 100 1 7 7 6 L Lang 7 Darnley. Gem. Doctor Jim 80704 Devshire 1 1-16 1:50 fast 7 103 2 4 31 34 A Abel 7 Tnkedge, Sperlative, Rsticator riL DA OCT 1 14 Miles. Iimlicn Antnmn Ilanilicap. 3-year-olls. Xov. Din HAUL a:04 ti-r, a 112. BIG BLAZE, b. c, 3 113 By Campfire Queen of the Hills, by Knight of the Thistle. Trainer, G. R. Tomnkins. Owner. Glen Riddle Farm. Breeder. R. H. McC. Potter. 85449 Laurel 1 1-4 2:01.181 12 106 1 2 21 1H I Parke 10 Aga Khan, Rustic. Sun Flag 85074 Laurel ll:3Sfast 27 110 6 5 3i 221 P AValls 7 AA.Cnseilor, Sun Flag, Initiate 84679 Laurel 1 l:3Sfast 4-5 109 2 4 4" 22 J Maiben 5 Initiate, Bonaparte, GoldenRuIe 84432 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:44slow 3 10S 5 3 31 l2 E Barnes 5 Zev, Stanwix, Priscilla Ruley 84216 Aqueduct 1 1-1G l:43fast 4-5 109 1 3 21 22 S ODnell 5 Diagram, Whetstone, Stanwix 82932 Saratoga 1 3-4 3:00good 7 lit 2 6 53 4" B Kenndy 7 Mr. Mutt, My Play, Aga Khan 82755 Saratoga 1 3-16 2:02mud 4 115 3 3 32 331 B Kenndy 5 Sarazen, Aga Khan. AVampee 82340 Saratoga 1 1:38 fast 4 106 3 3 32 1 B Kenndy 8 MyPlay. Lit.Cliief, AAilkes-barre 81984 Saratoga 3-4 l:13mud 8 108 G .7 71 G"l B Kenndy 9 Ind.Trail, Baffling, Reparation 78948 Pimlico 1 1-8 l:571slop 9f 126 2 9 91 8" C Ponce 15 Nel.Morse. Transmute, Mad Play ALTAWOOD, ch. c, 3 111 By Master Robert Crestwood Girl, by Transvaal. Trainer; G. H. Keece. Owner. C. B. Head, Breeder. C. B. Head. 84834 Latonia 1 1-4 2:0O5fast 39 120 8 6 3b 41 L McDott S Sarazen, Epinard. Mad Play 84284 Latonia 2 1-4 3:49 fast 2 111 3 3 1 l2 L McDott 4 My Play, Wild Life, Bob Tail 83642 Latonia 1 1-1G l:44good 10 108 8 7 42 4 D McAiffe 8 PcessDorn. Graeme. J.G.Denny 81317 Raceland 1 1-4 2:04fast 3 US 3 3 2 2 I Parke 3 Bob Tail, Black Gold 81089 Raceland 1 1-16 1:57 hvy 2-5 109 1 2 23 In I Parke 4 Bob Tail, J. C. Denny. Phidias 80390 Latonia 1 1-S l:50f,good 9 118 7 G 5l 5" AV Kelsay 7 Chilhowee. Giblon, IxrdMartin 79091 Churchill 1 1-4 2:05fast 19 126 19 7 5 41 L McDottl9 Bl. Gold, Chilhowee. Beau Butler 882S Lex gton 1 1-S l:514ifast Gl 12G 4 2 1and 1" L McDott 5 Beau Butler, Bob Tail. Giblon AGA KHAN, br. c. 3 110 By Omar Khayyam Lady Carnot, by Radium. Trainer. J. Fitzsimmons. Owner. Belair Stable. Breeder. Belair Stud. 85449 Laurel 1 1-4 2:01fast 71 106 3 6 51 21 J Maiben 10 Big Blaze. Rustic. Sun Flag 85251 Laurel 1 1-4 2:02fast 10 108 4 4 42 31 G Fields 6 Sarazen, Rustic, Sun Flag 85067 Latonia 1 3-4 2:54fast 41 126 3 3 3s 3" E Pool 6 Chilhowee, Mad Play, Flames 84827 Jamaica 1 1-4 2:014sfast 3-5 109 3 2 l1 Is E Barnes 4 rriscillaRuley, Horologe, Rialto 84580 Jamaica 1 1-8 l:49tast 41 109 2 4 44 41 E Barnes 0 Mad Play, Priscilla Ruley. Zev 83284 Belmont 1 5-S 2:4S7sslow 18-5 11G 6 6 21 11 J Maiben Transmute, Mr.Mutt, ApprehVn 82932 Saratoga 1 3-1 3:00Jgood G 116 3 3 3s 3" G Fields 7 Mr. Mutt, My Play, Big Blaze 82755 Saratoga 1 3-16 2:024imud S 112 5 2 2J 21 G Fields 5 Sarazen, Big Blaze, Wampee 82412 Saratoga 1 1-4 2:04fast 8 115 4 6 21 2 G Fields 8 SunFlag, Mr.Mutt, Spic andSpan 82015 Saratoga 1 l:412slow 2 122 6 3 2 21 G Fields 0 Wampee, PoloGrnd, NcllieKelly SENATOR NORRIS, br. c. 3 J01 By Cudsel Cypher Code, by Dis;ulse. Trainer. H. G. Bedwell. Owner, H. G. Bedwell. Breeder. H. G. Bedwell. 85478 Pimlico lmTOy l:43Vfast 12 106 11 5 53 31 B Brningll CherryPie, Reparation. P.Rnlev 85319 Laurel 3-4 l:13mud 7 109 4 3 4nk 55i G Fields 6 X.Hshore. Sh. Along. R.AVgfield 85217 Laurel 3-4 l:12andfast Ci 100 3 1 ll J Maiben 6 Will Land, Noel, Golden Rule 85128 Laurel 3-t l:13fast 2G 102 5 6 53 32 B Brning 6 AVill Land, Comixa. Goshawk 85033 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast 45 102 7 4 41 72 II Church 8 Goshawk. AVillLand, Broomster 84917 Laurel 2-4 l:12andfast 27 107 3 6 53 57 J Stevens 0 N.Hampshire. Comix.i. Brmster 82366 FtErle lm70y 1:44 slow SI 108 5 G 7 75 F J Baker 7 Hopeless, Redstone, Frdicktown 82188 Ft Erie 1 1-16 l:45andfast 9-3 114 4 2 5 5 H Church 5 Fdcktown, N.Lhorne, Lunetta BALLOT BRUSH, b. g. 3 98 By Ballot Galloping Queen, by Ben Brush. Trainer, A. L. Denny. Owner. E. J. Holland. Breeder. J. L. Carrick. 85410 Laurel lm70y l:44fast 33 112 3 5 4s 41 J Maiben C Bonaparte, JoySmoke, Batonnier 85150 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast 27 110 8 G 5n 51 B Brning S Osprey, Cherry Pie, Champlain 84950 Laurel lm70y 143fast 35 109 1 3 3" 4 C Lang 9 Initiate, JoySmoke, BonnieOmar 84591 H.deGce 1 l:38fast 6 111 2 4 5 542 C Lang 5 FloatingOn, Batsman, P.toPeep 84352 H.deGce 1 l:43andmud 7-10 112 3.1 ll ll C Lang 4 FloatingOn, Drumbeat, MchAdo 84035 Latonia 1 1:44 hvy 7-5 104 1112 ll G Ellis 0 Sayno, Lathrop, Laveen 83922 Latonia 1 1-10 l:4776hvy G 104 4 1 l1 l1 D Mergler 6 PryPolitician, Privilege, KgTut nil DA OCT 1 Mile and TO Yards. Glenmore 1nrse. All Ages. Allowances. bill HAUL Xov. y, i!: i:4L i-s no. REPARATION, ch. g, 5 111 By Trojan Humility, by Bryn Mawr. Trainer, M. Brady. Owner, J. E. Davis. Breeder, J. T. Gwathmey. 85478 Pimlico lm70y l:43Hifast 81 113 5 2 24 21 J Maiben 11 CherryPie, Sen.Norris, P.Ruley 84992 Laurel 1 1-16 l:46fast 3-2 114 3 6 6 G25 G Babin 0 T.Minntes, Dr.OMara. G. Sphere 84883 Laurel 1 1:3.1 fast 37-10 114 5 G 5! 2 J Maiben 10 Rustic, CherryPie, Ten Minutes 84077 Laurel 3-4 1:12 fast 71 11G G 11 121 11 G Lang 15 Shuf.Along, N.Hpshire. WillLd 84274 Aqueduct Gl f l:lSfast 31 115 5 5 G3 ll J Maiben 8 A.Marnell., Sunspero, H.T.AVrs 83737 AqueduQt 1 1-16 l:43fast 12 106 6 1 41 71 L Fator 11 SpotCash, CherryPie, AVhetstone 83444 Belmont 1 l:3Smud 1 120 3 1 ll 34 J Maiben 4 LittleChief, Fridayl3tli. N.Divo 83168 Belmt CI f MC l:lSfast G-5 113 2 3 2 11 J Maiben 5 NoseDive. Shuf.Along, B.AVarren TEN MINUTES, blk. c, 4 111 By Hourless Pampbyle, by Robert le Diable. Trainer, G. R. Tompkins. Owner. Glen Riddle Farm Stable. Bleeder. Xalapa Farm, 85285 Laurel 1 1-4 2:034fast 23-10 103 2 3 3 2i I Parke 3 Aalador, My Play 85109 Laurel 1 l:39fast 41 110 2 3 33 3l I Parke 7 Noel, Blind Play, K. Sol.s Seal 84992 Laurel 1 1-16 l:4Gifast 23-10 103 G 5 3s 11 I Parke 0 Dr.OMara, GnSphcre, FlgCloud 84883 Laurel 1 1:33 fast 18 103 1 5 65 4i J AAallacclO, Rustic, Reparation, Cherry Pie 80566 Aqueduct 1 1-S l:50Vslow 10 92 4 4 7l 7"! G Cooper 10 MadPIay, AgaKhan, D.Desmond 80403 Aqueduct 1 l:37fast 2 961 2 2 23 l2 J Callahn 0 R.AVingfd. Thundrep, Rejecfn 80045 Belmont 1 1-S l:49fast 16-5 93 9 G Go 6 G Cooper 9 Hephaistos, Brainstem, Horologe 79431 Belmont 1 l:37jtast 12 1081 3 5 52 41 C Ponce 8 Serenader, Pr.ofUmbria, Frigato !BI,1S.?LAYV1,VC"3 105 By rair Kay Blue Glass, by Prince Palatine, crralner, X. Feustel. Owner. A. Belmont. Breeder. Nursery Stud. 5r?o ure lm"y l:44andgood 13-10 109 2 2 2 Si B Kenndy 0 Bon.Omar. Ir.IIamlct, EdlHeton Brlna -aureJ lm0y l:43fast 4-5 103 B 3 3 1 B Kenndy 5 Bonaptc, JoySmokc, BnrbyBiish t"ilri t J ""e? 1 1:39fast 5 112 1 1 I 2i A Schger 7 Noel, Ten Minutes. K.Sol.sSeal o in atona 1 l:37fa?t 2 95 5 1 in 2t k Upland 5 Hopeless, BegnersLuek, Bedtd ! Aluotuct 1 l:3SsloR 41 117 3 3 2b 31 J Maiben 4 Keysun, Swingalong, Flames oAon ,1,ueduct 1 1M0 slop 13-20 116 1 1 l4 1J J Maiben 4 Cheek, Resolution, SunAudiencc iiZZn nt 11:37 fast 3 109 3 2 22 22 J Maiben C Swgalong, PloughBoy. DareSay SSoJO Belmont 1 l:33?ifast 13-5 110 3 3 2 2" J Maiben 4 BbaryBush, Diagram, DmMker MISCRINA- ch. f. 4 108 By Sir John Johnson Cerina, by Meddler. Trainer. X. Spence. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. Breeder. Mi Jones. Irll 9!urchm 1 l:3D fast 12-5 101 4 1 in H S Griffin 14 Snnayr, Alledcn. K. Gorin II. trlr ?hurcViU 3" l:12fast 14-5 108 2 2 2h 2h II Stutts 11 Blotter, Sunspero, Bob Caliill c oo atonia 34 l:llfast 14-5 111 3 3 31 4 H Stutts 5 Braedbane. ISrswick, Pin. reel atonia 1 l:36fast 17-10 107J 2 1 3 3J II Stutts 4 Dare Say, Honor. Just David et-H SI- aton!a 3-4 l:llfa5t 41 113 4 1 lt in H Stutts 7 Quince Garden, B. Pal, B.Mary aiOJo Latonia 3-4 l:10ifast 25 102 2 2 3and 3 P Grosser C A.BlueGown. Columbia, Crayon TTPSA" ? sl. 105 By Trompo la Mort Phenicia. by Troutbeck. Urainer, H. A. Creevy. Owner, H. A. Crecvy. Breeder, G. D. Widener. r mn!ro 1 l:43fast 10 11G 3 2 11 l2 F Colletti G Cockney, Resolution, Elvina f"r I-mpire lm70y l:43fast 23-5 110 2 3 31 31 P Colletti 4 Fratertyll.. Swalg. Crk oDn pTT Xamaica lm7y l:2fast 8 115 1 1 li 1J F Colletti 7 Despot, TenEyek, D.Whittington Jamai.c lm70y l:43.andfast 1-2 115 2 1 l3 l5 F Colletti 4 BillyTodd, MkOver, SmatterPop tllM "iamaca 3" l:13fast 8 118 9 C 52 4 II Thurber 9 Sanford, Courageous, Osage A1ueduct J f l:19mud 7 115 1 3 31 41 F Colletti 7 TheDelrell., KockyFd, T.Eyck -n?? Aqueduct Ci f l;19fast 13-5 110 3 2 2- 2 I, McAtee 17 Gov. Smith, Gasper. Westwick -no,,, , ,ont 1 1:S!75fast 5 113 6 4 41 2n Zi McAtee 14 Pep to Peep, Long Toint, Flames JJ10 Belmnt 3-4 MC 1:13 fast 10 114 14 7 SI 72 T McTagtlC Polycarp, Starbeck, Long Point PRINCE OF UMBRIA. b. c. 4 111 By Brown Prince II Umhria. by Superman. I Trainer. A. S. Woodliffe. Owner, P. K. Sims. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. FTirnl, lm70y 1;43V4fast 21 114 4 S 7a 9 C Lang 11 ClierryPie, Reparation, S.Xorris cn.no , ce lm,0y 1:43 fast 11-5 107 4 3 3 431 C Lang 7 Noel, Bonaparte. Ten Sixty qo22 Aueuci 1 l:37fast 5 120 5 5 4U 51 J H Burke G T.Minntes, R.Wgfield, Thdcp oJJ.Vn Alueduct ll:3Cfast G 1081 7 4 51 C3 J H Burke 7 Mad Hatter, Rialto, Dunlin -nilR Af,ueduct 1 us l.:50fast 5 108 10 1 11 9" J H Burkel2 Ilepliaistos, Sunsini, Dunlin -nioi 2 e.,mont 1 1:37 fast 19-5 115 3 1 l2 Is J II Burke i Brainstorm, StinPal, Transmute inni nt H:37Hfast 2 118 5 3 3 2J J II Burke S Serenader. Frigate, Ten Minutes p i ,Ja08 Lelmont 1 l:27fast 2 108 2 1 1 2" J II Burke 4 Little Celt, Nautical. Check BAT0:;nIEE, b. c. 3 105 By Cudgel Sou, by Hastings. Trainer, H. G. Bedwell. Owner, H. G. Bedwell. Breeder. J. X. L. Buss. 854 1G Laurel lm70y l:44fast 27 112 1 2 31 3 I rarke G Bonaparte, JoySmoke. BaltBrh iooo t-aurel 2-1 1:12rast S4 105 4 5 01 7" II Church S Osprey, Cherry Pic. Champlain ciiM" ,;aUr.. AALfast 79 107 8 8 7 714 J Stevens 8 Will Land, Batsman, BtlteloYed hlSGl 11am tor. 1 1-4 2:0Cslop 91 94 2 4 4 4i J Stevens 4 Halcinatn, SpotCh. G.Tliatcher vlr.Z "amton 11-16 1:48 hvy S 97 1 2 2t 21 J Stevens 4 Redstone. Horologe, Fdricktwu tliil iworth 7-S l:24fast 71 106 5 5 51 6JE Abrose C Bonnie Omar, Lilt, Deputy Slo,: i.wortft 1 l-l6 l:4SHfast 27-10 103 1 4 lt 1 E Abrose 5 Turnberry. PostHaste, Cgsman bl-a Windsor 1 1-S 1:51 fast 4 105 5 3 2U 3"t O Clark C Baby Grand. TVr.Rar. FancyFree SETTING SUN. ch. g. 4 ;il By Olambala Sunburst, by Banastar. Trainer. .G. E. Bryson. Owner, E. K. Bryson. Breeder. B. T. Wilson. f.rl J-aurel lm70 l:441igood 12 113 6 5 5" 5" L Morris C Bon.Omar. Pr.Hamlet, Bl.riay J-aure 3-4 l:12fast 41 1111 7 7 75 4 L Morris 8 Osprey. Cherry Pie, Champlain eii;2 aurel 1 1:39 fast 120 112110 10 10 10" L Morris 10 Rustic. Reparation, Cherry Pic ciVno ,raVr. l.l:3Sfast 34 110 3 5 5 5" J Leyland 5 Initiate, Big Blaze, Bonaparte clTn2 ll ,eZ ?6 TA. 1:ii!.,fast 57 103 2 55 4 J Leyland 5 Comixa. WillLand, ShuffleAlong Hn- J5,de?r,;e , V l:1214fast 83 110 11 8 81 7i J Leylandll TimeExposure. Noel, Fly.Cloud 111?,.- ?nn,Fht lm,0y 1;447sfast 21 102 5 5 5 5 F Lee .VRedstone, LislenDearie. Delusive .3Jua Woodne x 1-S l:53mud 10 99 8 7 Cl 652 J Chlmers 8 Digit, Deep Thought, Spot Cash CLOUDLAND. b. c. 2 95 By Wrack-Fairy Bay, by Badium. Trainer, W. Garth. Owner, J. S. Cosden. Breeders, A. B. Hancock and E. F. Simms. vHl aure J J:J? fast 25 I" 4 5 4 32iJ Butwell 7 AmnFiag, SingleFoot, Almadel rI aurc 5J rl f 1:08 mua 5 114 3 G C 4 I Parke G Primrose, Almadel, Chrysalis 852T,0 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 21 112 3 4 3-t 1-t I Parke 4 Hurry Inn, Contract, Edisto Ilt -I i:ifa8V i I i 3 71 c IjanK 8 ""rry In. lletire- a"ie Field 2??S5 s-!k ,"5 , V ;mud t "i 6 5 51 5,i J E"twell C Beatrice, Senalado. Peanuts Swi 1 - i2faBti 1,1 9 9" 8iC LanB 29 MotherGsc. Stimulus. SgleFoot 2! .ni i1n s atp V?STd $ HX,S 4 41 41 C Lanfr 1- Patrice, Goldbeater, Star Lore k"or- 828o Belm nt 3-4 MC l:14,4slow 3 120 10 7 4" 2 C Lang 10 Goldbeater, Finland. Gold Stick 7th III nHUt RAPF 3-4 :uile Hotel Kcrnan Claiming Ilandienp. a-vear-oias l,,r aM and upnarcl. May , 1924 1:1U 4-5 G 11G. KED WINGFIELI I. ch. g, 5 102 By Superman-Off, by Orme. Trainer. A. Swenke. Owner. Mrs. A. Swenke. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 8.5319 Laurel 3-4 l:13mad 19 1001 6 6 31 31 B Brning G N.nshire, Shuf.Along, Heeltaps Hlk 1 J:ra"J Zl 5 5 54 5" H Ca"ahn C WillLand Senator NorrTs! Noe o.,r.- llthorne HtWn. 1 1:38 fast 7 111 4 G 8 7 R Hngton 8 Rknther. Alleden PrceTiiTil 824?4 ? VT M? JJ5 ? I 11 H Stutts 51J.vStar, EIClayton, TipToelnn 8oU H w! hnrnp i Vl r 111 SlO V, 4 III I 2. 2 2 w Fronk 0 Riblon- CaunonShot. TheRolICall lllll ?r I i ilr J ji-uf d 7 I i t 4, W Fronk 4 TheR.Call. E.Clnyton, BillyStar 81894 Hthorne 1 1-1G l:4aBfast 4 115 r 3 2 21 21 L McDott 4 EthelClayton, Bbculioy, Ptiiln LEA7t,wtI,pC1,-c!E:- 3y LiSflt Brigade-Derna, by Peter Quince. Trainer. J. P. o , Smith. Owner, B. Harding. Breeder. J. N. Camden. Vnre iVHasl 4 108 4 1 Is Is I Parke 8 Leonard G.. Wraith. Carlton 8o28G Laure 3-4 l:13fast 81 107 4 1 11 2nk P Walls 8 Carlton, Wraith, Eager liurp I 17 1 3 2th 3ii I Parke 8 SilkTassel. Carlton. ScotchBroom foQ 4w aVr. !"4 J:!f4iast 14-5 110 6 3 3J G Babin I4 Wraith, Scoop, Ten Sixty Iaaa- lr CC "4,1:?LfaSt, 4 111 7 5 3h 42 J Wallace 9 D.Maker, T.Exposre. Wlifinder 11-88 V-ll I WIA lll J WaI,ace Vcp toPoeI Everglade. Odd Seth i:? i?eG HdeGce ce 3-4 34 l;13fast 8 1121 6 1 l2 3" E Smwodl3 Caligula. Odd Seth, Everglade 8370o CBonnets 3-4 l:15good G-5 110 2 4 U 1 T Wilson 7 Odd Sell.. Anne Insulate SILTASSEL- ch.f- .4 109 By Superman White Silk, by Galloping Simon. Trainer. M. Hirscn. n Owner. J. B. Smith. Breeder. H. T. " Oxnard. 85353 Laurel 11:13 slow 51 113 2 2 4s 5 R Pieroe G Sun Lady, Vrana, Ten Sixty X6240 Laure 3-4 HWVtfast 8-3 106 1 1 i lh r Pierce 8 Lilt. Blue Moon, Heeltaps 8,181 Laurel 3-4 lJast 9-10 112 5 1 1M R Pierce 8 Carlton, Leatherv,d, ScotchBrm r24 I 3"4 1:132f5asf ""J? n 4 1 mk 21 G Babin 7 JoySmokc. T.Sixty. DrmMaker 850.3 Laure 51 f l:06ffast Gi 109 7 5 4s 31 E Legere 11 Osprey, Comixa. Appellate V51"1"1 ?1 VHSaSi o10 105 5 6 51 55 R Pie,ce 15 Shuf.Along, N.IIpshire. WillLd 84 lj,G Aqueduct 3-4 l:12fast 8-5 109 3 1 11 21 R Pierce G Dry Moon, Rival, Skyscraper 5.2A Aq1ueduct 1:13 slP 7 107 2 3 42 41 R Pierce 8 Broomster. Cocknev, Tester 8298 Belmont i-8 l:2n fast 8 113 3 2 2 32J R Pierce 8 Skyscraper RIel " Comle ?nnt. 811G3 Empire Ab 3-4 l:0Sfast 41 114 2 4 41 72 B Mrinelli 8 MissCameo. MtoWK? MissStaf CARLTON, br. g, 3 103 By Jim Gaffney Darling, by Martinet. Trainer, T. J, Healey. Ownjr. W. J. Salmon Breeder. A. B. Hancock. l-lli aUre! 2"! VSasi 41"10 108 C 4 4,i 45 J Maiben 8 Leatherwd, Leonardo., Wraith i 8o28G Laure 3-4 l:Hfast 6 106 7 G Gl Ink j Maiben S Leatherwood. Wraith. Eager 1 8;,181 Laurel 3-4 l:12Bfast 32 103 4 2 3i 2 J Maiben S SilkTasM, Leatherwd S Broom 85030 Laurel 3.-4 ItHVtfast 19 114 2 2 21 3i B Kenndyl.l I.Doctor, ctcost?gai, Crheisen laurel 3-4 l:14lifast 71 113 6 4 4 44 J Maiben 12 Blackstone, Jolly, Odd Seth 08 , ,3l:LtaS .o"6 107 4 6 64 6iJ Maiben 9 D.Maker, T.Bxposre. Wlifinder 84400 H.deCce 1 1-16 l:52mnd 42-5 107 2 3 41 G J Maiben G Scoop, Craigthorne Biff Ban" i 84289 ILdeGce lm70y 1:44 fast 8 1041 4 3 3 4 B Mrinelli 0 Noel, Brice, Sunmagne ilEELTAPS. ch. f, 4 108 By Ultimus-Queen of the Water, by Waterboy. Trainer. W. Irvine. Owner. E. F. Whitney. Breeder. W. B. Miller. ?J;S?8 rLaUrc! 51 f l:07sood 37-10 109 G 4 41 31 P Walls C Comixa, BillOFlynn Chrrsalis 85319 Laure 3-4 l:13mud 10 103 5 4 5 41 J Leyland C N.Hshore, SI nSld u1. 3- ?jf C 106 5 3 42 41 R Wliams 8 Silk Tassel, Lilt. B ue Moon 1 84399 ILdeGce 5 f l:0S9mud 8 109 1 1 1 2 B Kenndy 8 Swingalong. BestBeloved Marln ! IY;V- e?Ce 5if,VaSt 100 G 1 l2 42 H Callahnll Swingalong! WLano BBeloved 8113;, W indsor 3-4 l:12fast SI 107 1 2 5 61 E Scobie 7 Dot, Bicheart Sween Bv 80898 FortErie 51 f l:08mud 6 106 1 2 1" l1 E Scobie 4 NeWnpE saTko PostHaste1 0816 S nam t,n IV1,2, 145 113 1 3 3" 4"E Scobie 6Jay Smovl Sarko Cano 80259 Dorval 3-4 l:llfast 2 103 1 3 2 32 E Scobie 8 Bigheart, Coral Reef, Deputy ; BEPTJTT, b. g. 3 10?,. By Ambassador IV. Blue Ballot, by Ballot. Trainer. G. Phillips, Owner. J. McMillen. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 85339 Empire Ab 3-4 l:0Sfast 7 100 1 1 2 Ifn G W Croll 9 S.IIatch, Cliesterbrk Skvscnner 85236 Emp re Ab 3-4 1:09 fast G 111 5 5 5 3 C Allen 5 SunAudnce, l?Warren BUsfm 85101 Empire Ab 3-4 l:09fast 6 118 Left at post. H Thomas 8 BillyWrcn, hJt Waters FlvBv S??l? m,Pre Ab 34 l:fa8t 10 93 4 7 41 3J G Cooper 10 DryMoon. Billy Warren Po lycn 84174 AVdbine 3-4 l:13fast 14 9S S 6 6 6i J Judy 8 N.IIampe N Lanhe Bon tail d 52215 ? Cllf 3"4 l:12ltfast "28-5 107 4 N Foden G Missionarv. JovSmoke Polynesia 82990 Kworth 7-8 1:26 fast 71 100 4 3 Ci 61 O Clark 8 Bigheart WiULand, Polly J Wale tDisqualified. WRAITH, Dr. g. 6 108 - By Halamont The Spirit, by Yankee. Trainer, J. W. Dayton. Owner. J. W. Dayton. Breeder. N. Macfarlane. I 85414 Laurel 3-1 l:13fast S 106 5 3- 31 S L Schaefer 8 Leatherwd. LeonardG Carlton 8528G Laurel 3-4 l:13fat S 107 8 7 3 3i R Fisher S Carlton LatCwood,- Eager 85107 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 13 116 5 5 G2 6 T Wilson 7 JoySmoke, SilkTassel Tenllxlv 84993 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast Si 107 2 2 1 l2 R Fisher 14 Scoop, TcnSixty, StrutMisslS 847GO Laurel 3-4 l:13fast IS 113 5 5 32 321 T Wil-on G TimeExpre? Ca igul: Weill !ir 84449 AVdl.ine 3-4 l:14fcmud 13-10 110 4 1 2 3 P AValls 7 Am.Patriae Merc ry Roy Dick 83704 B.Bonnets 3-4 l:llgood 5 106 2 4 2 2s F J Baker G Capt.IIey. N.IIampre G Sphere 83350 Dorval 3-4 l:13slow 37-10 102 6 4 2 2s T Wilson C N.IIpshire, WarMar? MissDMno 82951 Cnaught 5 f l:06fast 21-5 106 3 3 l2 l L AVilson S Miss Domino, F.Suce. Ablaze TESTER, b.c. 8 112 By Peter Pan-First Flight, by Thrush. Trainer. S. C. Hildreth. Owner. Rancocas Stable. Breeder. H. P. Whitnev. 85375 Empire Ab 3-4 l:0S?jfast 6 119 3 2 5 5 J II Burke 5 Avisack, Elvina. II. T Waters 84028 Aqueduct 3-4 1:12 fast 3-3 126 1 1 1 li L Fator r, Cvclops. Rigel SamaHtnn 83797 Aqueduct 3-4 1:13 slop 18-5 ICG 4 1 11 3 L Fator 8 Brooms or, Cocknev Silk Tassel 831G8 Belmt Ci f MC l:lSfast 6 109 4 2 31 510 M Fator 5 Reparatn, NoseDive Shuf loiig 8305G Belmont 3-4 MC l:llfa8t 4 117 1 7 6 6 M Fator S Swingalong. Fluvanna IndiVnT?l 82285 Saratoga 3-4 l:13slow 15 120 5 1 4i M Fator 14 Baffling, DinnaCaref Reiiira?n 79045 Jamaica 3-4 l:ll?ilast 41 128 4 5 41 4 L McAtee G Lridkin Lanius, Miss JSiar WELLFINDER. ch. p. 6 103 By Broomstick Wonder, by Disguise. Trainer. R. I. Miller. Owner. Mrs. R. I. Miller. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 85107 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 17 102 1 2 41 5 J Smwod 7 JoySmoke, SilkTassel. TenSixtv 84993 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast IS 114 5 G 5i 82 E Legere 14 Wraith, Scoop, Ten Sixty 84800 Laurel lm70y l:44fast 9 104 1 2 41 5" J Smwod 0 Guelph, Scoop, Rock Pocket 1 847G0 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 1S-5 114 3 3 4i 41 L Lang G TimeExpure, Caligula Wraith 84593 H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast SI 113 2 1 42 3- L Lang 9 D.Maker, T.Exposure Lthdwd 84288 H.deGce 3-4 l:13Hfast 5 117 2 4 51 5 J Smwodl3 Caligula, OddSeth, Loatherwod 82840 Saratoga 1 l:7imud 12 106 3 2 3l 4 L McAtee 4 Moourakcr, Banter Don-ts DIEECTOR, b. g, 3 102 By Sweep Queen Mali, by Peter Pan. Trainer, J. W. McKanght. Owner, E. J. Morrow. Broedor. S. H. Harris. 85082 L.Braneh Ci f 1:24 fast 3-2 113 3 C Frost C DocGaicty, Gol.Flois, GoodTImeJ 84999 I,.Branch 7-S i:30fast 31 103 2 C Frost 9 DoctoiGlenn. Exit, Comedy X4 7G7 Dfferin Ci f l:25fast 7-5 113 3 N Foden C Ombrage, Doc.GIenn, M.Domlno S4G43 Dfferin CI f 1:27 good 11-5 111 Zl R McCran G Golden Floss, Cliloris, Arendal 84235 Wdbine 3-11:14 fast 1-2 10S 1 1 1 l1 L Lang 0 MissDomino, McKfnna, LdyRosc 83.r34 L.Branch Gl f 1:23 good C-5 103 I2 T Burns 5 GoldenFloss. Ombrage, Dcntarin 833G5 L.Brch 7-S l:C3slow 3-2 104 6 A Abel 5 Curland, BlossomUse, Ombragc 83115 K worth 3-4 l:13good 43-10 102 5 3 31 2 T Burns 7 Kiw-y, Bijrlioart. Polly A ale 82899 IC worth 3-4 l:12,fast 13-10 110 5 2 ! 23 L Lang 5 Sdyllatch. VlaBurton, StagcU h 82G83 Windsor 3-4 1:11 andfast 18-5 102 6 3 1 l1 L Lang 8 Exd ltuler. Irinmph, O-vooa K2510 Windsor Si r 1:00 fast 2 103 4 1 Is 1 LLang 9 Polynesia, S dy Hatch U Tn sen 82422 Devshire 31 f 1:0G fast 0-5 107 3 1 31 2 G Mangan 5 Erica. Polynesia, Odd hcth 820G7 Devshire 3-4 l:12good 7 100 3 1 1 Si F Lee 11 Wildrakc, MayLoyd, Lieut nm. S1542 K worth 3-4 1:13 fast 21 103 8 3 7 72 P Groos S Hennidale. Polynesia Ombragc 8135G IC worth 3-1 l:12fast " 7 101 6 1 2s 2l J Chlmcrsll Speedy Girl, Glyn, lolly ale DEEP THOUGHT, br. c, 3 111 By Transvaal Footstool, by Chilton. Trainer. H. McDaniel. Owner. J. K. L. Boss. Breeders. Morris and Walden. 85033 Laurel 3-1 l:12fast GO ICS 1 G 7 51 P Walls 8 Goshawk AVdlLand Broomster 84883 Laurel 1 1:30 fast SS 108 2 8 7 7 P Walls 10 Rustic, Reparation, Cherry P e 84297 AVdbino 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 7-5 107 4 3 41 61 P Walls 9 N.Lhorne. NJIpsliirc. F cKtown 83351 Dorval 1 l:43slow 11-10 107 3 S 5 5" P Walls 5 Sweep By, Washington. Trevan 80573 Hamton 1 1-S l:55Vmud 16-5 102 5 4 4 43 J AVallace 7 Spot Cash. Sen. Norris. Calcutta 80093 B.Bonnets 1 1-8 l:r.5slow 2 10S4 1 V 41 E Scobie 7 SpotCash, ForestLore. Opperman 79355 Woodne 1 1-S l:55mud 31 103 b 4 3 21 E Scoblo 8 Digit, S. Cash. New Hampshire 79273 Woodne 1 1-15 l:46fast 1-10 109 2 1 Is 1 E Scobie G GdenRnle, RlVisitor. Redstone 7914G Woodne lm70j- l:45slow 1 103 4 2 l1 Walls G Opperman, FlyingFur, Sett gSun MAINMAST, ch. h. G 118 By Superman Masthead, by Hastings. Trainer. W. Irvine. Owner. E. F. Whitnej. Breeder. H. T. Oxcaru. 8104G Windsor 3-4 l:12fast 12-3 US 3 3 31 3 E Scobie 9 Joy Smoke, Lilt. Bigheart 80760 FortErie 3-4 l:13fast 3 119 2 3 21 2nt E Scobie 6 Sarko, Lilt, Shuffle Along 80435 Ham ton 3-4 l:12fast 11-5 118 1 3 3s 2i B Scobie 8 ShuffleAlong, Sarko. ColdenRuIe 80190 Dorval 3-4 l:llfast 11-10 117 1 3 2h 2s E Scobio 4 Shuf.Along. S.M.L zie. N.H shire 79311 Woodne 3-4 1:13 fast 1-4 US 2 2 2 li E Scobie 7 Skyscraper. Suppliant, Atlantida AMOB PATRIAE, br. g. 4 93 By Colin Masque, by Disgutie. Breeders, S. Boss and E. Dainger- Trainer, W. Hoag. Owner, Joaquin Stable. field. 84783 Jamaica 3-4 1:12 fast 2 107 4 4 5 57 C Hooper C RlucMoon, Quarantine, FInnLag S4G29 Jamaica 3-4 l:llfast 7 103 4 2 2 2 G Hooper 4 Rival, Dry Moon, Honflenr 84449 Wdbine 3-4 l:14andmud 6 103 1 2 1 1 C Hooper 7 Mercury. Wraith, Royal Dick 82G38 Windsor 51 f l:0flfast 7 107 3 3 G 6 O Willis G Will Land. Sweep By. Lathrop 82424 Devshire 3-4 1:11 fast 13 105 7 1 1$ 61 O Willis 8 Best Love. Deputy, Ten Sixty 82122 Devshire 3-4 l:llrast 12 112 3 1 2 5" O Willis 7 Bigheart. Fight Cook. B.Bcarer S1949 Hamton 3-4 l:13mud 10 1141 5 5 5 5" J D Mney 5 Flag of Truce, Lilt, Sh ffleAlong BLUE MOON. br. f. 3 105 By Sweep Lady Vulcain, by Vulcaln. Trainer. J. Fitzsiramons. Owner. H. W. Maxwell. Breeder. H. W. MaxwelL 8528G Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 2 114 5 5 7 81 I Parke 8 Carlton. Leathcrwood. Wraith 85249 Laurel 3-1 l:13fast 3 105 2 2 2t 3s I Parke 8 Silk Tassel, Lilt Heeltaps 84783 Jamaica 3-4 1:12 fast 3 103 1 1 ll l1 J Callahn G Quarantine, FinnLag. Pedagogue 84525 Jamaica 3-4 1:13 fast 13-5 124 3 3 4 41 G Fields 4 Skyscraper. Swope Dry Moon 84430 Jamaica 3-4 l:13slow 5 114 3 2 ! J G Fields 5 McAuliffe. T.Delw rell. M rgm 84340 Aqueduct 3-4 l:12fast. 3 112 5 1 l1 ll G Fields 7 Zukcr. Qurantine, Thundering 81214 Aqueduct 3-4 l:12fast G 112 4 2 11 2 G Fields 9 Thundering, Whiskalong, Zuker BEDSTONE, ch. g. 5 99 By Decision Aunt Maud, by Yorkshire Lad. Trainer. W. II. Bringloe. Owner. Seagram Stable. Bred in England by B. Wilmot. S5252 Laurel 1 1-S l:52fast 4 105 4 3 5 5 R Pierce 5 PrceHlet, Drumb t. L tenantll. 85033 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast 34 107 3 8 8 S18 I Parke 8 Goshawk, WiHLand, Broomster 84 883 Laurel 11:39 fast 65 107 7 9 9 912 T Wilson 10 Rustic, Reparation, Cherry Pie f.4297 Wdbino 1 1-1G l:48fast 12 111 1 1 8s 85 T Wilson 9 N.Lhorne, N.Hnslurc. Fxktown 84114 Wdbine 1 1-4 2:01fast 15 103 1 9 9" 8T T Wilson 10 ncination, H ologe, K.Sol.Seal R3G35 B.Bonnets 1 1-4 2:10mud 17-10 109 2 1 l1! ll T Wilson 4 Planet, Fdericktown, Opperman 832H0 Doral 1 1-S l:5SKmud 21-10 103 2 2 l1 1 T Wilson 4 Opperman, F.ofTruce. Fred ck n 82906 Cnaught 1 1:39 fast 7-10 109 1 1 11 21 T Wilson 4 Wilkes-Brrc, WarMan, Delusive 82514 Windsor 1 1-1G lUSrast 21-10 10S 1 1 1 2 T Wilson 5 Fdericktown. BestPal. Mis nary MACLEAN, b. c, 3 106 By Meelick Dona Hamilton, by Donald A. Trainer. M. Demarest Ownor. W. J. Howard. Breeder. G. L. Blackford. 84540 H.deGce lm70y 1:43 fast 13 104 2 5 5 51 J Shanks 7 Noel, Bonaparte, Ten Sixty 84399 ILdeGce 51 f l:0Smud 24 103 2 4 3 4 J Shanks 8 Swgalong, nltaps. B tBeloved 82014 Saratoga 7-S l:27slow 2 117 4 4 5 5$ J Callahn 7 Resolution, GypsyKing, Batsman 81490 Empire Ab 3-4 l:0Sfast 4 122 1 3 3 2 J Callahn 3 Bonaparte, n. T. Waters 81102 Empire Ab 3-4 l:0Sfast 10 122 5 4 5 43 J Maibcn 0 Bonaparte. H.T.Wters. Br nister 80739 Aqueduct 3-4 l:12fast 7 117 1 4 41 41 J Maiben 7 Lkyriay, H.T. Waters, Bonap e 80298 Aqueduct Ci f l:17tast S-5 109 3 3 3J 31 J Maiben 0 Missionary, Ind.Trail. Reparat n 79952 Belmnt 3-4 MC 1 :12good 11-10 120 1 3 1 21 E Sande 3 Indian Trail, Infinite AX BOYD. ch. g, 4 98 By Great Britain Bonetto. by Masetto. Trainer. F. Kraft. Owner, Ascot Stable. Breeder. J. S. Mullins. "85475 Pimlico 3-4 l:12fast 20 112 9 7 7and 61 L Fator 10 Dimmesdale. Eager, Apex 83442 Belmnt 3-4 MC 1:13 mud 50 111 9 10 10 9" A McL linll Caligula, Cano, King O Ncill II. 82169 Saratoga 1 l:12slop 12 111 9 8 9 9" L. Fator 9 Huon Pine, Aragon, Skirmish 71518 Aqueduct 7-S l:26slop 30 112 9 11 10 9" M Fator 12 List.Dearie. Bccdation, Zenlct 71338 Aqueduct 1 l:37sfast 30 107 6 G 6 6" M Fator 7 Flagsff, Playfellow, Battersea 70654 Belmnt 3-4 MC l:13slow 50 102 8 11 111 11" M Fator 12 S.andBoots. Hephaistos, Lally FAENZA. b. c 3 105 By McGee Stolen Moments, by Kingston. Trainer, J. H. Stotler. Ownor, J. H. Stotler. Breeder. C. "W. Moore. 84153 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:llfast 8 132 2 G G 6" A Cmpbell 7 Relentless, St.Lawrence, Trickle 82015 Saratoga 1 l:llslow 10 110 3 4 41 51 C Turner G Wampec, AgaKhan, PoloGround 80852 Aqueduct CI f 1:19 fast 12.115 8 7 GJ 61 C Turner 17 P.toPecp, Pir.Gold, BestBeloved 79390 Belmont 1 l:3Sfast S 114 3 10 10 1C1S C Turner 10 Bil. Warren, Klondyke, P.Rulcy 79223 Jamaica 3-4 l:14mud 4-5 115 1 1 ll 11 C Turner 9 Magic Call. Dolomite. Louverne 78948 Pimlico 1 1-S l:57Vslop 26 12G 10 13 12 12" G Babin 15 Nel.Morse, Transmute. Mad Play 78859 Jamaica lm70y l:43fast 7 100 3 2 2 2 J Mooney 4 Mad Play. Thimble, Masquerade LEONARD G., br. c. 3 93 By Sweep Highflown. by Peep o Day. Trainer. J. Arthur. Owner. J. Arthur. Breeder-. E. Bucker. 85414 Laurel 3-4 l:13andfast 7 95 1 2 2 2J L Lang 8 Leathcrwood. Wraith. Carlton 85286 Laurel 3-4 l:13ifast 93 98 2 3 5i 6ll L Lang 8 Carlton. Leatherwood, Wraith 84406 WMbinc 1 1-16 l:49hvy SC-10 108 3 4 4 4" A Abel 4 LongPoint, WarMan, C.Prince 84175 Wdbine 1 1-S l:47ffast 21-5 107 4 5 5 51 A Abel 5 Whtstick, Ombrage, Hermidale 8382G Thcliffe 3-1 1:13 fast 13 106 65i A Abel G FlagofTruce, Polynesia, Sarko 83718 Thcliffo 2-4 l:12fast 22 1051 C11 A Abel G Missionary, JoySmoke, Polynesia 83115 Kworth 3-4 l:13good 20 103 6 7 7 7" A Abel 7 Energy, Director. Bigheart 81270 Windsor 11-16 1:46 fast 12 103 6 5 5s 31 A Abel 8 Bonnie Omar. Bigheart. Peddler

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924110501/drf1924110501_7_2
Local Identifier: drf1924110501_7_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800