Latest Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-05

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Latest Workouts 292 LOUISVILLE, Ky., Nov. 4 Todays training gallops here included the following: CHURCHILL DOWNS. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 288- Alexdcr Moore37 279-Miss Rosedale 36 286- Annihilator ...37 2S0-Parody 37 29l-Bradleys Tney37 278-Protectress 38 " 284-Boy Fm Home37 2S2-Sayno 35 208-BroTvnie 37 i 289-Selim iao" 287- Bargain Day 3754 290-Six Pence 37 278- Country Pnccss37 2SS-Supremus 38 289- Last One 36 208-Seclusion 30 291-Mainspring ...37 290-Thc Badger ..30 288- MeVicker 37 285-TIieo Fay 37 258- Mah Jong 30 279-Whizon 3G Half Mile. 289- Benedict Vow. .48 2S9-Lndy Jane 5114 Cassie Ann ..51 278-NimrmI 52 2S2-Orayon 49 274-OId Top .51 259- Kastcr Bells ..49 291-Pyroot 48" 2S5-EIector 48 285-Bamkin AOVi 288- Fair Vision ..50 54 286-Sister Flo ... 50 284- Lady Trilby ..51 287-Vallette 50 Five -Eighths Mile. 254- Amir 1:03 2S3-Karachi 1:01 289- Captain Hal 1:04 279-LiIy M. ... 1-02 270-DoubIe T. ...1:05 2S7-Lucky Drift 1:05 2:9-Dangcrillo ..1:07 2S9-Maximaneh ..1:06 JSO-DcIectable ..1:04 290-Waterflag ..1:04 Threo-Quarters Mile. 255- BIushing Maidl:1844 2S6-Mon Tcre ...1:20 291-Bob Cabin ..1:15 2S8-Pete t. Seribcl:15 204-Chccr Leader. 1:17 290-Purity 1-17 291-Deadlock 1:15 288-Besistance ..1:101s 257- Fiio 1:21 290-Beputation ..1:11 291-Forerunner . .1:20 " 290-Require 1:16 288- F. Canadian 1:18 253-Bural Boute 1:18 28-Fairy Master 1:17 2S4-B. K. Clark 1:17V. 258- Johnny JeweIU:13 273-Surf Rider ..1-17 2G9-Lady Finnell 1:17 2S9-Sir Peter . 1-1 289- Leontes 1:19 2S4-T. Competitorl:17 Sovcn-Eighths Mile. 2S7-Lass oMine 1:28 2S0-Waukulla ...1:30 29-1. Politician. 1:33 One Mile. 291-Bcst Tat ....1:44 2S6-.Lady Huon. . .1:4514 256- Chaplet 1:48 2S9-Misi Meise . .1:43 2S0-Geo. Kuffau 1:43 2SS-Quoin 1:40 274-Harry B. ...1:40 2S6-Pricemaker ..1:40 280-Hoy 1:48 288-Star Sweeper 1:46 254- Loretta Brks 1:12 2S4-Valley Light 1:45V Pyroot and Elector showed good speed together. Captain Hal was merely cantering. Pricemaker did a splendid work. Lass o Mine galloped impressively. . Sir Peter moved very nicely. Reputation did a good trial handily. DOUGLAS PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Quarters Mile. 257- riedra 1:21 2SS-Bosa nawkinsl:20 250-Ponjola 1:13 2S7-Wrangler 1:17 One Mile. 255- Arabian 1:48 279-Mayor Carrel. 1:44 259- Eclman 1:444 2S7-St. Martins. . .1:45 BALTIMORE, Md., Nov. 4. Todays training gallops at Pimlico included the following: riMLICO. Weather clear ; track fast Threa-Eishtlis Mile. 287-Amor Patriae. .35 2S7-Bedstono 37 277-Bother 37 2S7-Scotch Broom .33 279- Cloudland 37 Upsal 36 252- Dry Moon ....36 Half Mile. 287-Big Blaze 50 286-Soldier True ..50 2S9-Lilt .51 289-Sea Fairy ....49 274- Prince Til Tii 49 281-Soggth Aroon 51 22i-Pennon 50 2S1-Triumph 49 2S5-Quotation ......49 Five-Eighths Mile. 279-Broomficld ..1:02 277-Mary Agnes .1:04 287-Batonnier ...1:03 279-Over All ....1:01 2S9-Dr. Hickman. 1:03 2S4-Sun Sabre ..1:03 276- Edinburgh ...1:05 286-Sun Hope ...1:03 275- Gray Gabies 1:03 2S9-Sun Polly ..1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 255- Aga Khan ...1:15 289-Miss Cerina ..1:1414 285- Bontaud 1:10 2S3-Miss Whisk .1:13 291-FIax l:in 287-Xight March 1:17 253- Gilda Gray ..1:17 211-Bomany 1:13 277- .T. F. KIeaver.l:20 2S3-Ten Minutes 1:18 223-Lieut. Farrelll:lS 285-Vrana 1:18 Ona Mile. 291-BIue Warblerl:43 291-Mother Goosel:44 277-Cockney ....1:434 287-Madenstown 1:49 274- Calcutta 1:48 291-PIotigb Boy .1:43 287-Drumbeat ...1:43 272-Stimulus ....1:44 275- For. Flower .1:46 291-SwJnging ....1:44 256- Gladys V. ..1:46 274-Waiupee .-...1:42- Mile and a Half; 291-Altawood .-..2:40 Wampee showed a good trial. Calcutta ran well. , . . Marsdale has his speed. Stimulus ran well. Drumbeat bore out on tho turns. Altawood ran well, rated under ah even pace. Cockney was under restraint. Mother Goose and Swinging- ran well together. Batonnier and Gray Gables worked fast together.

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Local Identifier: drf1924110501_16_10
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