Dust Flower Home First: Scores by Comfortable Margin in Principal Contest at Beulah Park, Columbus, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-05


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DUST FLOWER HOME FIRST Scores by Comfortable Margin in Principal Contest at Beulah Park, Columbus. COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov. 4. Although a field of nine paraded in the handicap which featured the card at Beulah Park this afternoon, it developed into a two-horse race. Under better riding today by jockey V. Swan-son, T. H. Bernhardts Dust Flower showed the way by a comfortable margin throughout Dr. Glenn moved up to the winner entering the stretch, then weakened slightly under his impost in the final test, but was much the best of the others. Barbara Palmer outstayed the others for third. Coming from far behind in the last quarter, Uncle Jay got up to earn the verdict in the last few strides of the opening dash. Virge and Malthus led by safe margins practically throughout in their respective races, which marked a double for C. E. Davidson. John Hoshor also had the speed of his opponents throughout the running of the concluding race and Bengore was never in trouble after going the first quarter of the third race. Glenn led Uncle Velo a merry chase to the stretch in the sixth but the latter had the most in reserve for the final test and won going away. It developed that Bemorecareful suffered a spread foot when he pulled up so lame after winning yesterday. T. "W. Whiteside, owner of Bengore, and his wife were victims of an automobile accident this morning. The former escaped injury but Mrs. Whiteside was badly cut about the face and head which required twenty-five stitches to close her wounds. She is in a Columbus hospital. Mr. Whitesides car was wrecked completely.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924110501/drf1924110501_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1924110501_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800