untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-08


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rVl.Winley Sold at Newsstands. Price, .00. Again Winley Followers Cleaned Up We gave two horses. One was scratched and the other won. Theo Red, .70- Won SHORT, BUT A WINNER THURSDAYS CLEANUP: PEGASUS .40- Won BIGNONIA 8.50- Won "Wo give big-priced horses as well as small-priced horses. Ton all remember our record of last week. wym A Probable 10-1 Shot sandttmiandand -I VW rjr conncctions are very sure of this one, pSa V and all I ask you to do Is get my Dollar JtBt. IHjandr Sheet for today. We only give two horses. BRSkaMRtffk fjdI Free 5.00 Special goes today. Chicago JfiKanSlttfi players, call at our office and leave your JflSSandr MSfSr correct name and address. Those that al- ISjfSJa ready have their names in our office, call Room 416, Crilly Bldg. 35 South Dearborn St. Phone Dearborn 4908 Also for sale at ARCADE NEWSSTOKE, 74 "West Madison St. DETROIT, For Sale at the two leading Newsstands, Bagley Newsstand, comer Woodward and Monroe in front of monument; Dunns Newsstand, corner Michigan and Shelby Streets. ST. LOUIS For sale at Wn. Lasers, 711 Market St. , CLEVELAND For sale at O. C. Schroeders, 212 East Superior Ave. KANSAS CITT For sale at Eiseckers, corner Ninth and "Walnut Sts. OMAHA, NEB. For salo at Meyers Newsstand, 1411 Farnum St. Or send .00 for one week to C. Winley, 35 South Dearborn St., Suite 416, Chicago, 111. Telephono Dearborn 4908. MACK SMART Better Known as "Smarty" at All tha Tracks. ?10.00 A WEEK. TWO HOUSES DAILY. SIX GOOD PARLAYS. "SMABTY" DID IT AGAIN. PARLAY PAID OVER 20-1: Swinging 0.00- Won Meddling Mattie .$ 8.10- Won I told you in yesterdays message to be sure and get a good win bet on Swinging, as there was no chance of a mistake Was I right 1 Day after day, "Smarty" goes on as others drop off. Why? Because I know the horses I am advising are ready to win. NOTICE! NOTICE!! Telegram: I want all clients to play todays parlay win, place and show, as both horses should be good prices and there is always a possibility of being beaten a neck or nose. This would cost you too much in telegraph charges, so I will just send you tha name of both horses and follow the advice I am giving here. THURSDAYS "SMARTYS" PARLAY PAID 48-1: Sequel .... .5.70-52 Won Flying Cloud 3.20- Won WEDNESDAY "SMARTYS" PARLAY PAID 20-1: Huon Pine 0.40- Won Thunderbolt 0.20- Won Tuesday "Smarty" Just Missed: Pettibocker 5.80- Won Bench Manager .$ 5.70- 2nd MONDAY "SMARTYS" PARLAY PAID 15-1: Watchful .2.30- Won Sunny Man $ 7.10- Won REMEMBER, 0 FOR SIX GOOD PARLAYS This service has stood the acid test for months, so there is no reason to be skeptical. All horses sent out by name and not in code. Weekly subscriptions only will be accepted. Call at office, or wire money by telegraph. Horses will be released at 9:30 daily. . 106 Park Row. Room 211 . NEW YORK CITY

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924110801/drf1924110801_10_1
Local Identifier: drf1924110801_10_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800